Never thought I’d be asking this question.

You miss every shot you don't take


Gretzky's wife Janet Jones.
I’m either going to try and get mine back, bc then I only have to beat out one guy, or just be done. Golf. Travel. Spoil myself.
Part of me still just wants to do my own thing and not go through all the courting/first date stuff, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it'd be nice to have someone to hang out with. I'm pretty good with being on my own - I still have a lot of kids stuff going on - but there is a lot about dating someone I enjoyed. That said, as much as I really cared for my ex-girlfriend, I sometimes wonder if the long distance was a bug or a feature.
A smarter man than I once said, "The divorce rate would drop by 80% if husbands and wives live around the corner from each other."
Ha...I totally get that. And even though I did believe we'd end up together, I was worried about how things would go at first if when/if we ever moved in together. I feel like I should say that she is really a great person, really sweet and was always great to be around, but I did wonder how everyday life would mesh.
you fellas still lamentin’?

play this at night, after the 4th drink

and remember:

every tear, like rain
drains a little bit
of that pain

til it’s gone gone gone
from you

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I’m still waiting for the lithium to kick in. I’ve increased to 1200mg and my blood work suggested I’m at a therapeutic level but he wanted me higher. It sucks not knowing what to expect different. The only drug I’ve taken that I literally felt a huge difference at one month which is exactly what everyone said was Wellbutrin. As the lithium has been increased my Wellbutrin is being decreased. I hope this works as I always thought the Wellbutrin stabilized me.

My family left for a summer vacation i planned. It’s kind of a kick in the balls but they deserve to go. Being invited to have dinner with my parents is a not so gentle reminder that I’m by myself. My desire to isolate is strong. I don’t really want to discuss all this with my friends. One can only process so many hours throughout the day. I bought a book about breaking the bipolar cycle. Similar to when my dad gave me a stack of books about adhd I can’t seem to concentrate enough to get through more than a few pages at a time. I sleep in about 2-3 hour increments and then wake up. Surprisingly I’m able to get through the day. I’m still working out, but my energy isn’t quite the same.

That’s it for now. I probably should post more here.
I’m still waiting for the lithium to kick in. I’ve increased to 1200mg and my blood work suggested I’m at a therapeutic level but he wanted me higher. It sucks not knowing what to expect different. The only drug I’ve taken that I literally felt a huge difference at one month which is exactly what everyone said was Wellbutrin. As the lithium has been increased my Wellbutrin is being decreased. I hope this works as I always thought the Wellbutrin stabilized me.

My family left for a summer vacation i planned. It’s kind of a kick in the balls but they deserve to go. Being invited to have dinner with my parents is a not so gentle reminder that I’m by myself. My desire to isolate is strong. I don’t really want to discuss all this with my friends. One can only process so many hours throughout the day. I bought a book about breaking the bipolar cycle. Similar to when my dad gave me a stack of books about adhd I can’t seem to concentrate enough to get through more than a few pages at a time. I sleep in about 2-3 hour increments and then wake up. Surprisingly I’m able to get through the day. I’m still working out, but my energy isn’t quite the same.

That’s it for now. I probably should post more here.
From what you’ve posted…I would be surprised if you suffer from manic-depression. Obviously I don’t know all the details and am in no way qualified to diagnose. Just my opinion from your posts and was really surprised they were going the lithium route. Good luck Eppy. You’ve got this
I’m still waiting for the lithium to kick in. I’ve increased to 1200mg and my blood work suggested I’m at a therapeutic level but he wanted me higher. It sucks not knowing what to expect different. The only drug I’ve taken that I literally felt a huge difference at one month which is exactly what everyone said was Wellbutrin. As the lithium has been increased my Wellbutrin is being decreased. I hope this works as I always thought the Wellbutrin stabilized me.

My family left for a summer vacation i planned. It’s kind of a kick in the balls but they deserve to go. Being invited to have dinner with my parents is a not so gentle reminder that I’m by myself. My desire to isolate is strong. I don’t really want to discuss all this with my friends. One can only process so many hours throughout the day. I bought a book about breaking the bipolar cycle. Similar to when my dad gave me a stack of books about adhd I can’t seem to concentrate enough to get through more than a few pages at a time. I sleep in about 2-3 hour increments and then wake up. Surprisingly I’m able to get through the day. I’m still working out, but my energy isn’t quite the same.

That’s it for now. I probably should post more here.
They are on vacation but you are still together. Use these days to be productive. Show a little change/progress when she gets back if you can. Even if it’s fake. Just words. Keep fighting
I’ll not sure the lithium has helped at all. It doesn’t really matter though because my blood work showed it was damaging my kidneys. So tonight I start a new drug, depacote. As time passes I begin to wonder if even this diagnosis is correct. Regardless I don’t feel great. Between staying at my brothers and helping out with the kids but not staying there I feel homeless.

I’ve been depressed before but this is a whole different level. Thankfully I’m not suicidal but things are just not great right now.
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I’ll not sure the lithium has helped at all. It doesn’t really matter though because my blood work showed it was damaging my kidneys. So tonight I start a new drug, depacote. As time passes I begin to wonder if even this diagnosis is correct. Regardless I don’t feel great. Between staying at my brothers and helping out with the kids but not staying there I feel homeless.

I’ve been depressed before but this is a whole different level. Thankfully I’m not suicidal but things are just not great right now.
Lean on your friends and family, Eppy. This is the time you need them. They'll be honored if you ask for help and support and it will bring you closer.

You've got my number. Day or night. Any time. Reach out if you need to.
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I’ll not sure the lithium has helped at all. It doesn’t really matter though because my blood work showed it was damaging my kidneys. So tonight I start a new drug, depacote. As time passes I begin to wonder if even this diagnosis is correct. Regardless I don’t feel great. Between staying at my brothers and helping out with the kids but not staying there I feel homeless.

I’ve been depressed before but this is a whole different level. Thankfully I’m not suicidal but things are just not great right now.
Thankfully you are not suicidal, that heals nothing, it only creates more wounds.

You know, the Aborigines Australians go on a walk about. The Native American has sweat lodges.. It's ok to be alone and use that time to focus the thoughts inward. Allows healing, forces growth. Life's about change.
I’ll not sure the lithium has helped at all. It doesn’t really matter though because my blood work showed it was damaging my kidneys. So tonight I start a new drug, depacote. As time passes I begin to wonder if even this diagnosis is correct. Regardless I don’t feel great. Between staying at my brothers and helping out with the kids but not staying there I feel homeless.

I’ve been depressed before but this is a whole different level. Thankfully I’m not suicidal but things are just not great right now.

I'm so sorry Eppy. I don't have any great pearls of wisdom, but know that we're pulling hard for you to get out the other side of this battle. And I guarantee it will get better with time. That's the only thing I'm confident about. You ever need an ear to vent out to with no judgment, I'm close by.
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I’ll not sure the lithium has helped at all. It doesn’t really matter though because my blood work showed it was damaging my kidneys. So tonight I start a new drug, depacote. As time passes I begin to wonder if even this diagnosis is correct. Regardless I don’t feel great. Between staying at my brothers and helping out with the kids but not staying there I feel homeless.

I’ve been depressed before but this is a whole different level. Thankfully I’m not suicidal but things are just not great right now.
Eppy nothing ever stays the same. Things will improve. Try to stay busy. Vent here
So, another update for you all. I’m sure you just couldn’t wait! I’ve met with two different attorneys to be prepared if needed and educate myself. I’ve made progress with my own therapist but I’ve found a psychiatrist on the north side that has really helped me a ton. Since I haven’t spent much time on the board of late I can’t recall everything I’ve shared. When I was 19 I finally was diagnosed with ADD which explained much. None of those meds have ever worked though. In fact they made me very jittery. I’ve also been on anti-depressants. Well this new doctor has finally decided many of my behaviors are consistent with a Bi-Polar diagnosis. So apparently the use of anti-depressants which I’ve been on for years can shift someone that’s bi-polar from depressed to manic. Obviously lately I’ve been quite depressed but historically speaking I’ve been like a roller coaster. So we decided to give lithium a shot and slowly lower my Wellbutrin which I’ve actually loved. I honestly couldn’t tell much but I wasn’t really at a therapeutic level yet. It didn’t matter though. When you take lithium you have to routinely check your blood work. It was clearly messing with my kidney numbers at a small dosage. So now I’m on depakote which is mostly used for epilepsy and I’ve seen a HUGE change. Look getting that diagnosis SUCKS but if it helps to finding the right med it’s more than worth it! You’ll have to trust me on that part.

So sorry for that long story, but I felt it was necessary. Until I started taking depakote I’ve only been willing to work on myself through therapy. I didn’t feel the energy or even willingness to suggest anything other than I had checked out on my marriage.

So I’ve also started to look for employment after 16 years of being a stay at home dad. It’s been an amazing job to be with my girls but in the next two years 2 of 3 will be im college. Regardless of reconciliation I have to figure a way of “filling my cup”. I’m working on that now.

I’ve realized though that to complete my recovery, and to continue to grow its best to be with those who have ever loved me the most. Thursday night my wife and I had a counseling session for the first time was more about us than just me. So tonight I’m taking my wife out for dinner. Nothing too fancy or cheap, just a casual dinner.

Sorry for the long post…In many ways this is like journaling for me.
So, another update for you all. I’m sure you just couldn’t wait! I’ve met with two different attorneys to be prepared if needed and educate myself. I’ve made progress with my own therapist but I’ve found a psychiatrist on the north side that has really helped me a ton. Since I haven’t spent much time on the board of late I can’t recall everything I’ve shared. When I was 19 I finally was diagnosed with ADD which explained much. None of those meds have ever worked though. In fact they made me very jittery. I’ve also been on anti-depressants. Well this new doctor has finally decided many of my behaviors are consistent with a Bi-Polar diagnosis. So apparently the use of anti-depressants which I’ve been on for years can shift someone that’s bi-polar from depressed to manic. Obviously lately I’ve been quite depressed but historically speaking I’ve been like a roller coaster. So we decided to give lithium a shot and slowly lower my Wellbutrin which I’ve actually loved. I honestly couldn’t tell much but I wasn’t really at a therapeutic level yet. It didn’t matter though. When you take lithium you have to routinely check your blood work. It was clearly messing with my kidney numbers at a small dosage. So now I’m on depakote which is mostly used for epilepsy and I’ve seen a HUGE change. Look getting that diagnosis SUCKS but if it helps to finding the right med it’s more than worth it! You’ll have to trust me on that part.

So sorry for that long story, but I felt it was necessary. Until I started taking depakote I’ve only been willing to work on myself through therapy. I didn’t feel the energy or even willingness to suggest anything other than I had checked out on my marriage.

So I’ve also started to look for employment after 16 years of being a stay at home dad. It’s been an amazing job to be with my girls but in the next two years 2 of 3 will be im college. Regardless of reconciliation I have to figure a way of “filling my cup”. I’m working on that now.

I’ve realized though that to complete my recovery, and to continue to grow its best to be with those who have ever loved me the most. Thursday night my wife and I had a counseling session for the first time was more about us than just me. So tonight I’m taking my wife out for dinner. Nothing too fancy or cheap, just a casual dinner.

Sorry for the long post…In many ways this is like journaling for me.
This is outstanding!!!! Stick with her and counseling!!! I’m literally on my way to my ex stoker’s bf’s house to pick up some of my shit she had in storage. It’s waiting for me in his front yard. I might be sleeping in the pokey tonight. Stay together….
This is outstanding!!!! Stick with her and counseling!!! I’m literally on my way to my ex stoker’s bf’s house to pick up some of my shit she had in storage. It’s waiting for me in his front yard. I might be sleeping in the pokey tonight. Stay together….
Stop by Lowes on the way and get some pre mixed Glyphosate for his yard.
This is outstanding!!!! Stick with her and counseling!!! I’m literally on my way to my ex stoker’s bf’s house to pick up some of my shit she had in storage. It’s waiting for me in his front yard. I might be sleeping in the pokey tonight. Stay together….
Don't be an idiot!
Grab your shit and leave.
This is outstanding!!!! Stick with her and counseling!!! I’m literally on my way to my ex stoker’s bf’s house to pick up some of my shit she had in storage. It’s waiting for me in his front yard. I might be sleeping in the pokey tonight. Stay together….
This is outstanding!!!! Stick with her and counseling!!! I’m literally on my way to my ex stoker’s bf’s house to pick up some of my shit she had in storage. It’s waiting for me in his front yard. I might be sleeping in the pokey tonight. Stay together….
I’m so sorry you’re living through this hellish situation. I want you to realize what you’ve said to me on this board has mattered. I never ignored your advice I was just never able to consider anything beyond what’s best for me. Now that I’m becoming “healthier” I can look back at this thread and see you’ve always been in my corner even if we’ve never met. I’m with you too and always happy to chat off board in the darkest of moments or for a good laugh.

Maybe I don’t come across as the most stable but sometimes we just need someone that’s willing to listen without judgement and allows one to be transparent and vulnerable.
I’m so sorry you’re living through this hellish situation. I want you to realize what you’ve said to me on this board has mattered. I never ignored your advice I was just never able to consider anything beyond what’s best for me. Now that I’m becoming “healthier” I can look back at this thread and see you’ve always been in my corner even if we’ve never met. I’m with you too and always happy to chat off board in the darkest of moments or for a good laugh.

Maybe I don’t come across as the most stable but sometimes we just need someone that’s willing to listen without judgement and allows one to be transparent and vulnerable.
Right back at ya!
So now I’m on depakote which is mostly used for epilepsy and I’ve seen a HUGE change. Look getting that diagnosis SUCKS but if it helps to finding the right med it’s more than worth it! You’ll have to trust me on that part.

Finding the right meds is huge. So much of medicine is trial and error, and especially so in mental health/psychiatry. Glad to hear you've found something that helps.
Yup. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without my Saturday morning therapy sessions at Total Wine & More. Gets me through the week with flying colors

My wife has chronic pain issues. Recently she bought some gummies online to see if they might help at all. I took one with her, looking for a buzz if nothing else. (We both gave up smoking over 20 years ago, back when we were in the job market and drug testing was a thing.) Reduced my enlarged prostate symptoms drastically.
My wife has chronic pain issues. Recently she bought some gummies online to see if they might help at all. I took one with her, looking for a buzz if nothing else. (We both gave up smoking over 20 years ago, back when we were in the job market and drug testing was a thing.) Reduced my enlarged prostate symptoms drastically.
I can tell she has a pain in the ass issue 😜
My wife has chronic pain issues. Recently she bought some gummies online to see if they might help at all. I took one with her, looking for a buzz if nothing else. (We both gave up smoking over 20 years ago, back when we were in the job market and drug testing was a thing.) Reduced my enlarged prostate symptoms drastically.
Get some of the Delta 8 gummies. Don't do the 500mg "pillows" just the 20-25mg chewables. Ya might want to cut one in half first then go from there. Pain will be gone.
So, another update for you all. I’m sure you just couldn’t wait! I’ve met with two different attorneys to be prepared if needed and educate myself. I’ve made progress with my own therapist but I’ve found a psychiatrist on the north side that has really helped me a ton. Since I haven’t spent much time on the board of late I can’t recall everything I’ve shared. When I was 19 I finally was diagnosed with ADD which explained much. None of those meds have ever worked though. In fact they made me very jittery. I’ve also been on anti-depressants. Well this new doctor has finally decided many of my behaviors are consistent with a Bi-Polar diagnosis. So apparently the use of anti-depressants which I’ve been on for years can shift someone that’s bi-polar from depressed to manic. Obviously lately I’ve been quite depressed but historically speaking I’ve been like a roller coaster. So we decided to give lithium a shot and slowly lower my Wellbutrin which I’ve actually loved. I honestly couldn’t tell much but I wasn’t really at a therapeutic level yet. It didn’t matter though. When you take lithium you have to routinely check your blood work. It was clearly messing with my kidney numbers at a small dosage. So now I’m on depakote which is mostly used for epilepsy and I’ve seen a HUGE change. Look getting that diagnosis SUCKS but if it helps to finding the right med it’s more than worth it! You’ll have to trust me on that part.

So sorry for that long story, but I felt it was necessary. Until I started taking depakote I’ve only been willing to work on myself through therapy. I didn’t feel the energy or even willingness to suggest anything other than I had checked out on my marriage.

So I’ve also started to look for employment after 16 years of being a stay at home dad. It’s been an amazing job to be with my girls but in the next two years 2 of 3 will be im college. Regardless of reconciliation I have to figure a way of “filling my cup”. I’m working on that now.

I’ve realized though that to complete my recovery, and to continue to grow its best to be with those who have ever loved me the most. Thursday night my wife and I had a counseling session for the first time was more about us than just me. So tonight I’m taking my wife out for dinner. Nothing too fancy or cheap, just a casual dinner.

Sorry for the long post…In many ways this is like journaling for me.
No matter what, you do what's best for you and your health. Period. Don't give up your own health for anything (except maybe the kids).
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