I lived in Ft. Lauderdale for three years. I miss s. Florida sometimes. I spend 6 weeks there each year.
I need to start spending 6 weeks somewhere up north where its cooler, Mid July-end of August. Somewhere not MAGA.
The connotations are in your head. You’re holding everyone to a standard that exists mainly in your head.

MAGA is a political slogan. There’s nothing inherently objectionable about it. Same with build back better.

You just don’t like the guy who uses it.
I'm sorry, but this is just about as wrong as anything ever posted here. If this were the months leading up to the 2016 election, you might have a point. Context and how the slogan has been co-opted in the time since matters. A lot.
I need to start spending 6 weeks somewhere up north where its cooler, Mid July-end of August. Somewhere not MAGA.

I try to avoid going outside more than 20 miles outside of ITP if at all possible. I’d love to spend 4 months each in S. Florida, AtlantA and NYC. But that’s not happening anytime soon if ever. The one thing I hated about S Florida was warm Christmas holidays.
Vancouver is wonderful.
I just spent 2 weeks at Glacier National Park, Waterton in Canada, Banff in Canada, and Cour d' Lane in Idaho.

It got into the 80s a few days, but mostly in the 70s and low humidity. It did get into the 50s at night.

It's a great area to spend the summer.
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I try to avoid going outside more than 20 miles outside of ITP if at all possible. I’d love to spend 4 months each in S. Florida, AtlantA and NYC. But that’s not happening anytime soon if ever. The one thing I hated about S Florida was warm Christmas holidays.
I am not retired yet so it's too soon to hatch an actual plan.

We have discussed looking for a summer home up north, but it seems like a hassle, and these days you can get long AirBnB stays and try out different places for what you'd spend on a 2nd home mortgage. The caveat being that you'd probably down the road sell the 2nd home for a profit.
I just spent 2 weeks at Glacier National Park, Waterton in Canada, Banff in Canada, and Cour d' Lane in Idaho.

It got into the 80s a few days, but mostly in the 70s and low humidity. It did get into the 50s at night.

It's a great area to spend the summer.

Sounds like a great trip.
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Who needs a link here? You guys throw around accusations of racism and anti-gay and all kinds of there untruths about Republicans with a 'link' to anything.

So, I'll say what I want like it's fact, just like you do. And I know you love links, but opinion pieces aren't facts.
You said "more" illegals voted than White Supremacists and I asked you to link to whatever conspiracy theorist you got that nonsense from.

First off you'd be really hard pressed to finding any "illegals" voting. And as we've already seen MAGA projects claims like "illegals" voting and othewr irregularities, but when we do some digging we see that often it is the GOP doing the cheating, double voting etc...

Second you claim that White Supremacists/Neo Nazis don't vote. Again you don't have a link because that would require you to actually dig deep and you'd be exposed...

Cursed mentioned "rural GA", and my examples deal with Middle TN, specifically Nashville and one of it's more exclusive suburbs, Franklin...

So back in Fall 2023 an actual White Supremacist was on the ballot for Mayor of Franklin. There were local and national stories on the subject, like the one below...

She ended up losing and got only 20% of the vote. But that means out of 16,000+ votes cast, she still got over 3,000 votes in Freaking Franklin. So obviously white supremacist supporters vote, and I think it's hilarious that you try and claim they don't...

But here's the kicker. This summer following the brazen display of electoral efforts to legitimize Neo-Nazi types, all of a sudden like minded individuals invaded Nashville this summer.

Two or three different hate groups went to the trouble to travel to TN, and you think they're not going to put out the effort to vote for candidates they approve of? And this is just a single metro area...
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You said "more" illegals voted than White Supremacists and I asked you to link to whatever conspiracy theorist you got that nonsense from.

First off you'd be really hard pressed to finding any "illegals" voting. And as we've already seen MAGA projects claims like "illegals" voting and othewr irregularities, but when we do some digging we see that often it is the GOP doing the cheating, double voting etc...

Second you claim that White Supremacists/Neo Nazis don't vote. Again you don't have a link because that would require you to actually dig deep and you'd be exposed...

Cursed mentioned "rural GA", and my examples deal with Middle TN, specifically Nashville and one of it's more exclusive suburbs, Franklin...

So back in Fall 2023 an actual White Supremacist was on the ballot for Mayor of Franklin. There were local and national stories on the subject, like the one below...

She ended up losing and got only 20% of the vote. But that means out of 16,000+ votes cast, she still got over 3,000 votes in Freaking Franklin. So obviously white supremacist supporters vote, and I think it's hilarious that you try and claim they don't...

But here's the kicker. This summer following the brazen display of electoral efforts to legitimize Neo-Nazi types, all of a sudden like minded individuals invaded Nashville this summer.

Two or three different hate groups went to the trouble to travel to TN, and you think they're not going to put out the effort to vote for candidates they approve of? And this is just a single metro area...

They are neo-nazis but are pretty liberal on most other issues so many are undecided.
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You said "more" illegals voted than White Supremacists and I asked you to link to whatever conspiracy theorist you got that nonsense from.

First off you'd be really hard pressed to finding any "illegals" voting. And as we've already seen MAGA projects claims like "illegals" voting and othewr irregularities, but when we do some digging we see that often it is the GOP doing the cheating, double voting etc...

Second you claim that White Supremacists/Neo Nazis don't vote. Again you don't have a link because that would require you to actually dig deep and you'd be exposed...

Cursed mentioned "rural GA", and my examples deal with Middle TN, specifically Nashville and one of it's more exclusive suburbs, Franklin...

So back in Fall 2023 an actual White Supremacist was on the ballot for Mayor of Franklin. There were local and national stories on the subject, like the one below...

She ended up losing and got only 20% of the vote. But that means out of 16,000+ votes cast, she still got over 3,000 votes in Freaking Franklin. So obviously white supremacist supporters vote, and I think it's hilarious that you try and claim they don't...

But here's the kicker. This summer following the brazen display of electoral efforts to legitimize Neo-Nazi types, all of a sudden like minded individuals invaded Nashville this summer.

Two or three different hate groups went to the trouble to travel to TN, and you think they're not going to put out the effort to vote for candidates they approve of? And this is just a single metro area...
Now how did I know you would respond with a bunch of links that don't prove anything other than there are assholes in the world?
With all due respect, that is idiotic.

Millions and millions of people will vote for Trump in November, whether he wins or not. Those people won’t have that reaction.

People in your orbit may have that reaction but outside of your bubble, a whole hell of a lot of people don’t.

Have a business friend who. asked me what it would take to put up a Trump sign in my yard.

He asked this knowing
I preferred keeping my politics to myself.

I responded, "Only if Ivanka personally plants the sign".

Learned to appreciate Ivanka for carrying The Apprentice show in my view. She was terrific.

Much to my chagrin wearing a face mask, or not wearing one, took on a political meaning during the epidemic. Given this simple inconveniemce, I asked myself whether politics had driven a wedge between us to such a degree that we would never aagain agree on finding solutions to our common problems.

Heck, by wearing a political symbol when on my daily stroll, I might become a victim of a drive by shooting.

Are we losing our minds?
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I'm sorry, but this is just about as wrong as anything ever posted here. If this were the months leading up to the 2016 election, you might have a point. Context and how the slogan has been co-opted in the time since matters. A lot.
Noted white nationalist Richard Spencer endorsed Biden/Harris in 2020.

Using your logic, that means build back better has been co-opted.

So if I see that slogan or someone with a Harris/Walz hat, I can safely assume they’re either racist or they’re just wearing that stuff to be dicks.

That’s essentially what you’re doing here.
Noted white nationalist Richard Spencer endorsed Biden/Harris in 2020.

Using your logic, that means build back better has been co-opted.

So if I see that slogan or someone with a Harris/Walz hat, I can safely assume they’re either racist or they’re just wearing that stuff to be dicks.

That’s essentially what you’re doing here.
That's not at all 'what I'm doing here.'

You really, really suck at logic.
One - I don't know how many people believe that vs wear MAGA hats.

Two - those aren't really two sides of the same coin. It's like saying hey I know you and your friends like basketball, but there are just as many people with dogs who eat cauliflower. I THINK you're going for the binary choice thing here, but single issue voting on abortion vs 'MAGA/F your feelings' isn't really an either/or thing.
I think you’re insane if you don’t think there are million of single issue voters on abortion. Like batshit crazy insane.

Again, you refuse to take accountability of people in your side so I bid you good day.
I don't claim to understand Hickory's posts.

Why are you replying to me?
in this particular instance, I replied to you because in tripping over the flow of posts, you inadvertently suggested you give out HJs and I thought it was too funny not to reply to.
I think you’re insane if you don’t think there are million of single issue voters on abortion. Like batshit crazy insane.

Again, you refuse to take accountability of people in your side so I bid you good day.
I do think there are a lot of single issue abortion issue voters and said as much in the post you replied to. Where are you getting the idea that I thought otherwise?
That’s a really weird argument to make. Because MAGA hats are ubiquitously offensive to a lot of people I should put a NAMBLA sign in my yard? What?

Prior to Trump, it was generally yard signs with a fraction of that having bumper stickers. And generally only during election season.

Now it's Trump flags, MAGA hats, huge offensive anti-biden flags on side of houses, wifi names that say "Trump won" etc. Being Trumpers is a livelihood.

Maybe you can consider this;

MAGA folks enjoy watching the triggered soyfolk reactions to 'offensive' messaging. A lot of memes everywhere provide a rich environment for soys to get their panties bunched.
A lot of support for PDJT comes from those who enjoy spectating the 'progressive' funny farm in action.
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Maybe you can consider this;

MAGA folks enjoy watching the triggered soyfolk reactions to 'offensive' messaging. A lot of memes everywhere provide a rich environment for soys to get their panties bunched.
A lot of support for PDJT comes from those who enjoy spectating the 'progressive' funny farm in action.

That’s kind of pathetic.

Maybe you can consider this;

MAGA folks enjoy watching the triggered soyfolk reactions to 'offensive' messaging. A lot of memes everywhere provide a rich environment for soys to get their panties bunched.
A lot of support for PDJT comes from those who enjoy spectating the 'progressive' funny farm in action.
Yeah...I think we're all making the same point. I'm just glad you and DANC are here to put @Hoopsdoc1978 and @mcmurtry66 in their place by calling MAGA out for what it is.
It most definitely is. And I think he's right. Most MAGA folks aren't voting on policy or any specific issue.

'Owning the libs' is all they care about. It's kind of sad in a way because a lot of times, they're voting against their own self interest without fully understanding it.

That’s what I don’t get. A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris. What pisses me off is seeing that 1% manipulate them by telling them things they want to hear to get them to vote against their interests.
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That’s what I don’t get. A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris. What pisses me off is seeing that 1% manipulate them by telling them things they want to hear to get them to vote against their interests.
Lmao. A huge majority of the left would be better off running from Dems like Harris and walz. Urban decay from failing policies, defunding cops in high crime areas where they live, now reducing their spending power with price increases. Dependence politics
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Lmao. A huge majority of the left would be better off running from Dems. Urban decay from failing policies, defunding cops in high crime areas where they live, now reducing their spending power with price increases. Dependence politics

Urban decay? Anecdotal, but I can tell you for sure the 6th largest metro in the U.S. is getting nicer by the day. Lol
Urban decay? Anecdotal, but I can tell you for sure the 6th largest metro in the U.S. is getting nicer but the day. Lol
Lol anecdotal I can tell you the most dangerous city in America has gone from 1 million residents to 280,000 under 75 years of Dem leadership. Cori bush and soro’s DA’s. How’d San Fran do? Baltimore? Memphis? On and on
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Then how do you feel about Harris lying so brazenly?
About the nationwide abortion ban? I'm not happy about it, but it's not totally unfounded. The Evangelicals definitely want a nationwide abortion ban and if every time it was on the ballot Republicans didn't get their asses kicked, they would most definitely try to collect on that pound of flesh.
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About the nationwide abortion ban? I'm not happy about it, but it's not totally unfounded. The Evangelicals definitely want a nationwide abortion ban and if every time it was on the ballot Republicans didn't get their asses kicked, they would most definitely try to collect on that pound of flesh.
Trump. Trump she assigned it to. She’s a liar.
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