You hear what you want to hear and given where you live it evidences your bubble. Cross the border throughout Appalachia etc. maga was about returning to a time where we produced. When manufacturing and production was here and you didn’t have to be a software engineer to afford the American dream. When life was easier. That’s what drew in the blue collar. Trump captured that. It’s a false bill of goods from trump but that’s what it is.
It's a false bill of goods and even if Trump actually believed it, the MAGA brand has been co-opted by the MAGA cult. You 100% know this. And talk about my 'bubble' all you want. You wouldn't wear a MAGA hat in most places you like to go. And you know why.

You're not stupid. I'll give you that much credit. But this is stupid thing to argue.

summer interns in the Trump administration

almost as white as Casper the friendly ghost

1 see 2 or 3 POC out of ~150

Black Interns would never be part of the Trump Administration because they are afraid of getting attacked for it. And everybody knows blacks voting for Republicans get attacked. They are called sell outs etc. One joke on Dave Chappelle's old show was when he asked black people if they voted for Ronald Reagan. One of them said, "I didn't know I could".
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With all due respect, that is idiotic.

Millions and millions of people will vote for Trump in November, whether he wins or not. Those people won’t have that reaction.

People in your orbit may have that reaction but outside of your bubble, a whole hell of a lot of people don’t.
It's a false bill of goods and even if Trump actually believed it, the MAGA brand has been co-opted by the MAGA cult. You 100% know this. And talk about my 'bubble' all you want. You wouldn't wear a MAGA hat in most places you like to go. And you know why.

You're not stupid. I'll give you that much credit. But this is stupid thing to argue.
It’s a slogan that means what I said.
With all due respect, that is idiotic.

Millions and millions of people will vote for Trump in November, whether he wins or not. Those people won’t have that reaction.

People in your orbit may have that reaction but outside of your bubble, a whole hell of a lot of people don’t.
First of all - millions and millions of people wouldn't wear MAGA gear. We're talking about a smaller subset of people. Yes, there are people who will vote for Trump who would never don that hat or 'let's go brandon' shirt.

At this point in the game, people who literally and figuratively wear that on the sleeve - or head - know exactly what they're doing.
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My wife has a MAGA hat. She wears it occasionally.

She doesn’t wear it because she wants to be a bitch. She wears it to show support for Trump.

Millions of people support Trump and are nowhere near the caricature of them you’ve created in your head.

I’ve never er seen a MAGA hat in person. True story.
It’s a slogan that means what I said.
I think you should stand behind this slogan and start wearing a MAGA hat. After all, it's good and righteous and all it means is to put America on solid footing again.

Wear it out to meet women. If you're on dating apps, wear it one of your pictures on your profile. Wear it to a St. Louis City FC game. Wear it on trips back to Bloomington. Wear it around your soccer buddies. Just wear it around town.
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I think you should stand behind this slogan and start wearing a MAGA hat. After all, it's good and righteous and all it means is to put America on solid footing again.

Wear it out to meet women. If you're on dating apps, wear it one of your pictures on your profile. Wear it to a St. Louis City FC game. Wear it on trips back to Bloomington. Wear it around your soccer buddies. Just wear it around town.
I would never wear any political merch. I don’t wear team jerseys either
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It's a false bill of goods and even if Trump actually believed it, the MAGA brand has been co-opted by the MAGA cult. You 100% know this. And talk about my 'bubble' all you want. You wouldn't wear a MAGA hat in most places you like to go. And you know why.

You're not stupid. I'll give you that much credit. But this is stupid thing to argue.
The only thing I’ve ever said to my wife about wearing that hat is that she may encounter a snowflake who would be offended by it.
I would never wear any political merch. I don’t wear team jerseys either
That's a dodge.

What do you think would happen if you actually did wear a MAGA hat in any of those scenarios I mentioned? And do you think that reaction you're thinking of is more or less common knowledge these days? Humor me here.
It's a false bill of goods and even if Trump actually believed it, the MAGA brand has been co-opted by the MAGA cult. You 100% know this. And talk about my 'bubble' all you want. You wouldn't wear a MAGA hat in most places you like to go. And you know why.

You're not stupid. I'll give you that much credit. But this is stupid thing to argue.
I got a question. Why can't we get more manufacturing in the U.S.? Are you saying we can't? The reason why I ask is because there are a lot of good people out there who are hard working and manufacturing is their ticket to living a decent life. We need more products with the, "Made In America" stamp on them.
I got a question. Why can't we get more manufacturing in the U.S.? Are you saying we can't? The reason why I ask is because there are a lot of good people out there who are hard working and manufacturing is their ticket to living a decent life. We need more products with the, "Made In America" stamp on them.
Many reasons but a few of the basics are that our regulations make production expensive and it’s hard to be competitive. You also have to remember the infrastructure is already in existence overseas. That capital expenditure is gone and would have to be infused again. Together that’s a lot to overcome.
That's a dodge.

What do you think would happen if you actually did wear a MAGA hat in any of those scenarios I mentioned? And do you think that reaction you're thinking of is more or less common knowledge these days? Humor me here.
That I’m political and support trump. No different than people wearing silence is violence or blm shirts are making a political statement
First of all - millions and millions of people wouldn't wear MAGA gear. We're talking about a smaller subset of people. Yes, there are people who will vote for Trump who would never don that hat or 'let's go brandon' shirt.

At this point in the game, people who literally and figuratively wear that on the sleeve - or head - know exactly what they're doing.
I’ll give you lets go brandon.

But people who are triggered by MAGA are triggered by Trump.
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Any chance I can search the board for you using "liberal" or "Democrat" as a pejorative?
You’ll find scores of examples where I criticize liberal and democrat policies and positions. I even criticize the mindset that produces bad education and social disorder. If you want to criticize a MAGA policy about energy, border security, crime, have at it. That is not a pejorative. That’s just disagreement.

I don’t expect agreement with MAGA, but those critics who reflexively take MAGA to destroying the county, racism, or whatever are full of it
I think you should stand behind this slogan and start wearing a MAGA hat. After all, it's good and righteous and all it means is to put America on solid footing again.

Wear it out to meet women. If you're on dating apps, wear it one of your pictures on your profile. Wear it to a St. Louis City FC game. Wear it on trips back to Bloomington. Wear it around your soccer buddies. Just wear it around town.
You have NMBLA

..yard signs and bumper stickers?

I see...
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I got a question. Why can't we get more manufacturing in the U.S.? Are you saying we can't? The reason why I ask is because there are a lot of good people out there who are hard working and manufacturing is their ticket to living a decent life. We need more products with the, "Made In America" stamp on them.
This is question diverges wildly from what we're talking about here. Short answer is that it's not impossible, but a lot of stuff currently made in the US is more expensive that stuff made overseas. It's not an easily solvable problem, in my opinion. Corporations make too much money to change and consumers actually don't really care. People still wear Nikes and carry iphones (myself included).
No, it actually proves mine. And perfectly I might add.

She’s not wearing the hat for the sole reason of being a bitch but there are snowflakes who will automatically assume she is.

No, it actually proves mine. And perfectly I might add.

She’s not wearing the hat for the sole reason of being a bitch but there are snowflakes who will automatically assume she is.

Did she buy one of those Trump-signed bibles?
You have NMBLA

..yard signs and bumper stickers?

I see...
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. And I’m not trying to be funny. If you’re making a point, I’m missing it.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. And I’m not trying to be funny. If you’re making a point, I’m missing it.
Your childish 'dare' to Murt to out himself by wearing MAGA gear works both ways....
Put up your signs, then talk..
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No, it actually proves mine. And perfectly I might add.

She’s not wearing the hat for the sole reason of being a bitch but there are snowflakes who will automatically assume she is.
I guess that’s the disconnect then. Personally, I wouldn’t leave the house wearing something divisive or that would pigeon hole me as something I’m not.

I don’t know, it just strikes me as odd that someone would knowingly wear something in public they think might offend someone and not really give a shit about it.

For what it’s worth, I think most people would rather not be offensive and avoid any potential drama altogether.
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Your childish 'dare' to Murt to out himself by wearing MAGA gear works both ways....
Put up your signs, then talk..

And using NMBLA isn’t childish? Do you have a swastika sign in your yard. That’s way closer to representing the Republican Party is than NIMBLA is to representing the Democratic Party.
Your childish 'dare' to Murt to out himself by wearing MAGA gear works both ways....
Put up your signs, then talk..
That’s a really weird argument to make. Because MAGA hats are ubiquitously offensive to a lot of people I should put a NAMBLA sign in my yard? What?
For some, that is true.

For others not so much given that kkk and other white supremacists groups sure have flocked to the MAGA banner.
How many KKK and White Supremacy Group members do you think there are in this country?

How many anti Jew and anti White people do you think there are in this Country?
Well, that's not really 'what Democrats think of MAGA.' It's more of what the MAGA cult has co-opted whatever the original intent of the phrase or slogan might've been.

It's arguable that MAGA as it relates to Trump was ever anything type of good or positive message to start. There is no question that it's divisive and combative by nature now.

And I'd also say all partisans don't do this type of thing. Having a Harris/Walz yard sign is worlds different than throwing a MAGA hat. One is supporting a ticket you're voting for. The other is doing the same, but adding in a fair amount of being a dick.

Prior to Trump, it was generally yard signs with a fraction of that having bumper stickers. And generally only during election season.

Now it's Trump flags, MAGA hats, huge offensive anti-biden flags on side of houses, wifi names that say "Trump won" etc. Being Trumpers is a livelihood.
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With all due respect, that is idiotic.

Millions and millions of people will vote for Trump in November, whether he wins or not. Those people won’t have that reaction.

People in your orbit may have that reaction but outside of your bubble, a whole hell of a lot of people don’t.

There are racists elements within the Democratic Party but it’s far from the entire movement like MAGA IS.

CAVEART: The MAGA movement is also a lot about LGBTQ issues.
The Republican Party is not about white power. The MAGA/Trump movement absolutely contains white power as an essential element.
And what does the Dem blm contain? You don’t think they pander to racist beliefs? You don’t think there’s racists in the party? Please.
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How many KKK and White Supremacy Group members do you think there are in this country?

How many anti Jew and anti White people do you think there are in this Country?
Probably more than there are trans and we discuss trans on here constantly.

Doesn't really matter how many, MAGA welcomes them with open arms (and I would bet there are a lot more than you apparently think).