Lol it is truly one of the few cringe things for me that is never do.

Just for the record, I 100% agree with you.

I haven't owned a jersey since 8th grade. Hell, I barely wore my practice jersey in high school and when I did, I normally had a long sleeve over it because it was so cold in the gym.
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It most definitely is. And I think he's right. Most MAGA folks aren't voting on policy or any specific issue.

'Owning the libs' is all they care about. It's kind of sad in a way because a lot of times, they're voting against their own self interest without fully understanding it.
Would not want to own any 'progressives '....too messy and self-indulgent..
Urban decay is issue except in the Midwest where manufacturing jobs left. Hell, it’s no a problem in Indy, minny or Louisville. Lol, you sound like my grandfather. Most cities are booming.

Moved to Indianapolis in 1970, Just in time to watch the city under Republican Mayor Richard Lugar begin the slow process of taking Indy from "Indy No Place" to a good place to live, work, be entertained, and attend college.

Lugar had the support of both business and politicians from both parties. Subsequent mayors from both parties have also received bipartisan support.

Just like other Midwest cities there has been a movement to surrounding counties to live with many still working mostly white collar jobs in the city. Heavy industry such as auto production has moved to smaller towns.

As to Harris or Trump or any president since 1970, just don't think they have made much of a difference in either the success or failures of my community.
Moved to Indianapolis in 1970, Just in time to watch the city under Republican Mayor Richard Lugar begin the slow process of taking Indy from "Indy No Place" to a good place to live, work, be entertained, and attend college.

Lugar had the support of both business and politicians from both parties. Subsequent mayors from both parties have also received bipartisan support.

Just like other Midwest cities there has been a movement to surrounding counties to live with many still working mostly white collar jobs in the city. Heavy industry such as auto production has moved to smaller towns.

I certainly won’t dispute any of that.

I’ll add that in town Atlanta is growing rapidly with black and white professionals and have had democratic mayors for decades.
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No. Most people think she is a doofus who thinks to highly of her beliefs. And I'd say the same about people in a Harris hat. I see Trump hats regularly in my town. Usually they are worn by older white males who enjoy being in your face.

I've been around since the Carter years. Never recall hats, shirts, and flags being a thing with previous presidents. But some seem to embrace it, especially the lower educated.
Yep, gotta stay vigilant, should one encounter one of us 'lowers'.
I can’t even with that guy. He’s the @DANC of the left. No introspection. No attempt to even try to understand the opposing viewpoint.

For me anyway, trying to understand opposing viewpoints in terms of Trump went away when he made fun the handicapped reporter and said the Charlottesville white supremest were good people. C
Yep, gotta stay vigilant, should one encounter one of us 'lowers'.

For a black female, she certainly is uppity. One of Trump’s traits I most admire is his humility.
Just imagine, Having a position of power. Like a Water cooler mod. With your eye on a certain Hawaiian gal, and she is now presenting at MAGA Rallies in front of the US National Guard. The next T test is surely going into the toilet. Her T level's though.....
Do feminine Cooler mods have a support group? Maybe at least get Pedicures together. They really need something. Poor Cheekless Chaps.
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Stop voting for progressives. Make America great again
Let’s gogogogo. Trump’s not done making America great. I’m new to this bandwagon and it might be short lived if Trump loses, so I’m going to enjoy it while it last.
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Miami lost population because of Covid.

No. Most people think she is a doofus who thinks to highly of her beliefs. And I'd say the same about people in a Harris hat. I see Trump hats regularly in my town. Usually they are worn by older white males who enjoy being in your face.

I've been around since the Carter years. Never recall hats, shirts, and flags being a thing with previous presidents. But some seem to embrace it, especially the lower educated.
In my sermon yesterday I said that I would die for my beliefs in who Jesus is and what He did on the Cross. I did not say I would kill anyone who didn't believe it. We can be civil towards each other even if we disagree with one another. But I do wonder what Americans hold in common? It used to be a belief in the Constitution. But I wonder today if many people would, if they could, do away with the Constitution.
In my sermon yesterday I said that I would die for my beliefs in who Jesus is and what He did on the Cross. I did not say I would kill anyone who didn't believe it. We can be civil towards each other even if we disagree with one another. But I do wonder what Americans hold in common? It used to be a belief in the Constitution. But I wonder today if many people would, if they could, do away with the Constitution.
You left the parishioners with a lot to think about. Great conversation piece for their Sunday.

One day I’m going to get to Carmel. Just to see it for myself. And I’m going to get to one of your masses
For me anyway, trying to understand opposing viewpoints in terms of Trump went away when he made fun the handicapped reporter and said the Charlottesville white supremest were good people. C

For a black female, she certainly is uppity. One of Trump’s traits I most admire is his humility.
The Charlottesville hoax has been disproven and posted about on here. Next?
What are you doing to stop the KKK in your own backyard and why would you live among them?
Honestly where I live I would generally say is less racist than Delaware County IN where I grew up. But the MAGA worshipers…. Whoa
In my sermon yesterday I said that I would die for my beliefs in who Jesus is and what He did on the Cross. I did not say I would kill anyone who didn't believe it. We can be civil towards each other even if we disagree with one another. But I do wonder what Americans hold in common? It used to be a belief in the Constitution. But I wonder today if many people would, if they could, do away with the Constitution.

Trump has dpecifically said we should ignore the Constitution.
That’s what I don’t get. A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris. What pisses me off is seeing that 1% manipulate them by telling them things they want to hear to get them to vote against their interests.a huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris” were Harris to be elected.

I certainly won’t dispute any of that.

I’ll add that in town Atlanta is growing rapidly with black and white professionals and have had democratic mayors for decades.
Buckhead says, “hold my beer.”

They’d like to divorce themselves from the rest of Atlanta.
That’s what I don’t get. A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris. What pisses me off is seeing that 1% manipulate them by telling them things they want to hear to get them to vote against their interests.
“A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris.”

Please list 5 to 10 things that would be in their interests and which they are thus voting against.

We’ve heard this before, and while there’s some lack of specifics, the thought seems to be that “they would get more ‘free’ stuff.”

I’d like to see some specifics.
You left the parishioners with a lot to think about. Great conversation piece for their Sunday.

One day I’m going to get to Carmel. Just to see it for myself. And I’m going to get to one of your masses
I don't live in Carmel. I live in Central PA around Harrisburg. Now that wasn't the main point of my message. I am doing a 4 part series on how the Bible is a miraculous book. I made this comment during minor point 3. "So What Is The Point".
Jesus said in John 14:9 Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Today, we are going to look at how The Messiah has God’s Attributes. He looks like His Father. The Messaih has God’s Attributes.

Probably the most important claim the Old Testament makes about Messiah is that He is truly God. These claims are made in the form of ascribing God’s traits to Messiah and describing Messiah as God’s Son.

I.One aspect of God’s Messiah is that He is eternal. The prophet Micah tells us in Micah 5:2 that the Messiah Himself is eternal when he, talking about Messiah, says, “...whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Compare this to the claim of eternality Jesus made in the New Testament in John 8:58. Paul describes many attributes of Jesus which indicate an eternal Messiah in Ephesians 1:3-14 and in Colossians 1:15-19.

II.Another aspect of the Messiah is that He is the true and only Son of God, being Himself God. The writers of Psalms and Proverbs make this link for us in Psalms 2:7 and Proverbs 30:4. In Luke 1:32, an angel of God is telling Mary that she is about to become the mother of Jesus and says to her, “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give to him the throne of his father, David.” In Matthew 3:17, God Himself speaks at the baptism of Jesus and says of Him, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” John 5:18 For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

The Old Testament gets even clearer about the fact that

III.Messiah is God, that God Himself will be the Messiah, that the name of the Messiah is Y-H-W-H. Read the description of Messiah in Isaiah 9:6. There we read of a Son who will be given to govern the world. Of the five names listed that the Messiah will be known by, note that one of them is Mighty God. The prophet Jeremiah is even more blatant about applying the name of God to the Messiah in Jeremiah 23:6. Of course, the question is, does the Bible apply God’s name to Jesus? Noting that the name Y-H-W-H is above any other name in authority, read what Paul wrote about Jesus in Philippians 2:9. There he writes that God gave Jesus “the name which is above every name.”

IV.What’s the Point? It’s a matter of trust We as sinners have to have someone who can take on our sin, pay the penalty for it. We have to have a Messiah who can save completely those who will come to Him The second stanza of A Mighty Fortress Is Our God makes the point.

Did we in our own strength confide,our striving would be losing,were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God's own choosing.You ask who that may be?Christ Jesus, it is he;Lord Sabaoth his name,
from age to age the same;and he must win the battle.ose who will come to Him. If you think about it we are not saved because we are on God’s side. We are saved because God the Son, the Messiah Savior is on our side. Don’t you see that the Bible is a miraculous book? For it clearly teaches the deity of the Messiah whose name is Jesus. Jesus’ name means, “God saves”. Benediction. Jewish scholars have little doubt about the deity of the Messiah, but many people have a hard time accepting that Jesus is God. John 1:1-3 speaks specifically about His deity.
I don't live in Carmel. I live in Central PA around Harrisburg. Now that wasn't the main point of my message. I am doing a 4 part series on how the Bible is a miraculous book. I made this comment during minor point 3. "So What Is The Point".
Jesus said in John 14:9 Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Today, we are going to look at how The Messiah has God’s Attributes. He looks like His Father. The Messaih has God’s Attributes.

Probably the most important claim the Old Testament makes about Messiah is that He is truly God. These claims are made in the form of ascribing God’s traits to Messiah and describing Messiah as God’s Son.

I.One aspect of God’s Messiah is that He is eternal. The prophet Micah tells us in Micah 5:2 that the Messiah Himself is eternal when he, talking about Messiah, says, “...whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Compare this to the claim of eternality Jesus made in the New Testament in John 8:58. Paul describes many attributes of Jesus which indicate an eternal Messiah in Ephesians 1:3-14 and in Colossians 1:15-19.

II.Another aspect of the Messiah is that He is the true and only Son of God, being Himself God. The writers of Psalms and Proverbs make this link for us in Psalms 2:7 and Proverbs 30:4. In Luke 1:32, an angel of God is telling Mary that she is about to become the mother of Jesus and says to her, “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give to him the throne of his father, David.” In Matthew 3:17, God Himself speaks at the baptism of Jesus and says of Him, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” John 5:18 For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

The Old Testament gets even clearer about the fact that

III.Messiah is God, that God Himself will be the Messiah, that the name of the Messiah is Y-H-W-H. Read the description of Messiah in Isaiah 9:6. There we read of a Son who will be given to govern the world. Of the five names listed that the Messiah will be known by, note that one of them is Mighty God. The prophet Jeremiah is even more blatant about applying the name of God to the Messiah in Jeremiah 23:6. Of course, the question is, does the Bible apply God’s name to Jesus? Noting that the name Y-H-W-H is above any other name in authority, read what Paul wrote about Jesus in Philippians 2:9. There he writes that God gave Jesus “the name which is above every name.”

IV.What’s the Point? It’s a matter of trust We as sinners have to have someone who can take on our sin, pay the penalty for it. We have to have a Messiah who can save completely those who will come to Him The second stanza of A Mighty Fortress Is Our God makes the point.

Did we in our own strength confide,our striving would be losing,were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God's own choosing.You ask who that may be?Christ Jesus, it is he;Lord Sabaoth his name,
from age to age the same;and he must win the battle.ose who will come to Him. If you think about it we are not saved because we are on God’s side. We are saved because God the Son, the Messiah Savior is on our side. Don’t you see that the Bible is a miraculous book? For it clearly teaches the deity of the Messiah whose name is Jesus. Jesus’ name means, “God saves”. Benediction. Jewish scholars have little doubt about the deity of the Messiah, but many people have a hard time accepting that Jesus is God. John 1:1-3 speaks specifically about His deity.
Excellent!! I could name at least half a dozen posters on here who would do well to drop whatever they’re doing and spend the next two years in the Bible. Get out of wherever they are. Get out of whatever they’re doing. And get. In. The Bible!
Buckhead says, “hold my beer.”

They’d like to divorce themselves from the rest of Atlanta.

Actually a small group because they don’t think they get their fair share of services for the taxes they pay. It failed. I live in Buckhead though I don’t claim it because I live on the so-called line between Buckhead and midtown just south of Piedmont hospital/Brookwood Hills. That group was mainly the north part of Buckhead like the Chastain Park area. That area is known to have bee infiltrated by more rural people that want to say they live in the city for some reason.
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That’s what I don’t get. A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris. What pisses me off is seeing that 1% manipulate them by telling them things they want to hear to get them to vote against their interests.

You can't seriously believe any of that.
“A huge majority of MAGA would be much better off with Harris.”

Please list 5 to 10 things that would be in their interests and which they are thus voting against.

We’ve heard this before, and while there’s some lack of specifics, the thought seems to be that “they would get more ‘free’ stuff.”

I’d like to see some specifics.

A shift in tax breaks from the upper class to the middle and lower class.

Medicare negotiation with big pharma.

Continuation of Obamacare.

Free school lunches and other school programs

Infrastructure and mass transit.

Support for unions

EV tech which will ultimately result in lower transportation costs

Climate change efforts so their heirs might have a planet to live on
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In my sermon yesterday I said that I would die for my beliefs in who Jesus is and what He did on the Cross. I did not say I would kill anyone who didn't believe it. We can be civil towards each other even if we disagree with one another. But I do wonder what Americans hold in common? It used to be a belief in the Constitution. But I wonder today if many people would, if they could, do away with the Constitution.
Our Pastor took Sabbatical and I was guest speaker two weeks ago.
I spoke to the issues of humanism and the interesting 'Live Your Best Life' secular social movement, its' damaging effect upon the practicioners...
Quite a rabbit hole, the 'progressive hive mind'.
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