Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

Wrong, as usual. Kamala is best case scenario for Republicans. She’s an absolute dumbass and wholly unlikable. This should be a blowout for Trump, barring anything nefarious happening (which is a long shot).
Dream on.
You are most everything wrong with this country at the moment. Absolute pu$$y stance.
Uh huh. There’s that MAGA attitude. You’re a very unimpressive keyboard warrior. You sound like a coward trying to act like what he imagines a tough guy is like and getting it wrong.
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I think the direction I'm leaning with all this is that if you believe, as I do, that neither president will usher in any major domestic policy changes, it becomes easier to vote based on other considerations. For me, it's foreign policy. For a guy like Ranger, apparently it's 1/6. For Aloha, it's a belief that Trump losing is for the long-term health of the party. I'm sure there are many other possible reasons.

Now, a lot of those reasons maybe seem far less compelling if you truly think this election will have major ramifications, if, for example, you think a Harris administration will result in a huge shift in policy toward "wokeness" or whatever. But I am not one who thinks that.
It’s all three of those, plus long—term health of the country and the fact that he is unfit for the office in character, temperament and mental fitness.
You don’t vote Trump and you are Aloha. Don’t be Aloha, he’s an emotional short guy or gal (likely gal).
Once again don’t talk about me. That’s what a cowardly little shit does. Talk to me. You know how to be a keyboard warrior, but a very unimpressive and unconvincing one.
Georgia legislature is trying to suppress the vote even more. They can not win fairly. They are allowing the counties to determine which votes are deemed, fairly canceling out many of the black voters.

Good news dog
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It saddened me to see his brother coming out against him. The Kennedy’s coming after RFK Jr., Mary Trump being a massive kunt.

Families airing dirty laundry and infighting because of politics is just heart breaking.
I really like rfk Jr a lot. I was checking out his instagram account. He’s a fcking mess. In addition to that voice he shakes like crazy. Crazy but very likable and fun guy
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It saddened me to see his brother coming out against him. The Kennedy’s coming after RFK Jr., Mary Trump being a massive kunt.

Families airing dirty laundry and infighting because of politics is just heart breaking.

Is that the brother that Laura Loomer, notorious internet troll, says it is even though he looks nothing like the actual pic of his brother?

Loomer wouldn't set up a fake narrative lie to get clicks from you would she? Nah. Loomer is the same chick who said that Casey Desantis faked her cancer for Ron's political benefit and never had it. Desantis lied about it. That Laura Loomer saying some dude with the same name as his brother is his brother?

Yeah, I'm not surprised people fall for her nonsense. It's what she does and makes a good living doing.
Is that the brother that Laura Loomer, notorious internet troll, says it is even though he looks nothing like the actual pic of his brother?

Loomer wouldn't set up a fake narrative lie to get clicks from you would she? Nah. Loomer is the same chick who said that Casey Desantis faked her cancer for Ron's political benefit and never had it. Desantis lied about it. That Laura Loomer saying some dude with the same name as his brother is his brother?

Yeah, I'm not surprised people fall for her nonsense. It's what she does and makes a good living doing.
You don’t have the facts on this one guy. It’s not some kind of internet hoax.

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You don’t have the facts on this one guy. It’s not some kind of internet hoax.

Even in Loomer's proof is a Facebook post from March 2023. Walz wasn't even a candidate until a month ago but she found some old post about him being chosen in March 23?

Yeah sure.

The Jeff Walz that she chose to be his brother is a DMB level Maga and conspiracy loon.

Only thing I agree with is his name is likely to be Jeff Walz. It being his brother of the same name coming from the sources it's coming from smells like dead fish.

It's just another hit piece that will get Loomer monetized clicks and attention. That's her MO.
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Even in Loomer's proof is a Facebook poster from March. Walz wasn't even a candidate until a month ago but she found some old post about him being chosen in March?

Yeah sure.

The Jeff Walz that she chose to be his brother is a DMB level Maga and conspiracy loon.

Only thing I agree with is his name is likely to be Jeff Walz. It being his brother of the same name coming from the sources it's coming from smells like dead fish.

It's just another hit piece that will get Loomer monetized clicks and attention. That's her MO.
So we’re clear. You’re denying the man making these FB posts is the brother of Tim Walz?


I’d like to get you on record because you are wrong.
You don’t have the facts on this one guy. It’s not some kind of internet hoax.

Here's from an article that lists his brother out on the right side of the pic.

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So we’re clear. You’re denying the man making these FB posts is the brother of Tim Walz?


I’d like to get you on record because you are wrong.

I don't know Walz's family nor do I have any pics....just saying believing anything that crazy attention whore Loomer puts out as the truth without better sourcing is most likely just a dumb made up narrative to get her attention and clicks.

If it turns out that he really is his brother...whatever. He's a crazy as f#$k kook whoever he is so I'm sure he's smart enough to see a decent lucrative gravy train to take advantage of.
I don't know Walz's family nor do I have any pics....just saying believing anything that crazy attention whore Loomer puts out as the truth without better sourcing is most likely just a dumb made up narrative to get her attention and clicks.

If it turns out that he really is his brother...whatever. He's a crazy as f#$k kook whoever he is so I'm sure he's smart enough to see a decent lucrative gravy train to take advantage of.
I’m believing Newsweek, New York Post and Yahoo News. You’re believing a lady with 400 Twitter followers.

Get serious joker.
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Dude. The guy in the right side of that pic is at least 20 years younger than Walz and looks nothing like him. The “Town and Country” article never cites him as his brother in that photo.

You are truly and seriously deranged .

I'm not constantly sucked in to an obvious internet community that knows how to get your attention and get your money Mr Obvious Daily Wire Subscriber.
I’m believing Newsweek, New York Post and Yahoo News. You’re believing a lady with 400 Twitter followers.

Get serious joker.


That article was listed as a common reply to all the right wing rock eaters jumping onto Loomer's obvious bait like she hoped for. I'm not aware of any picture proof that both sides have to verify that's his brother.

They have the same name is the only fact involved.

Lol of course you probably also subscribe to the Post.
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I'm not constantly sucked in to an obvious internet community that knows how to get your attention and get your money Mr Obvious Daily Wire Subscriber.

I’ve broken you. Hurling baseless accusation of being captured by media companies. If this your death rattle consider me disappointed.

I don’t subscribe to Daily Wire. You can believe I do if it makes you feel better. I do find Ben Shapiro very much the North Star for political Conservatives.
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I’ve broken you. Hurling baseless accusation of being captured by media companies. If this your death rattle consider me disappointed.

I don’t subscribe to Daily Wire. You can believe I do if it makes you feel better. I do find Ben Shapiro very much the North Star for political Conservatives.

Nah I don't really care especially since I don't know you other than a right wing wannabe influencer that mainly just parrots whatever is trending by the right wing mouths that are making a good living keeping their base pissed off.

My only advice to anyone who falls for their game is to understand their main incentive is to feed you what they think you want to hear so you give them money and attention. It's capitalism and people recognizing how to take advantage of this new world with a newer technology but, it's the same playbook as in the past.

Like Father Coughlin with the radio, Rush Limbaugh with the popularity of talk radio, etc.
Nah I don't really care especially since I don't know you other than a right wing wannabe influencer that mainly just parrots whatever is trending by the right wing mouths that are making a good living keeping their base pissed off.

My only advice to anyone who falls for their game is to understand their main incentive is to feed you what they think you want to hear so you give them money and attention. It's capitalism and people recognizing how to take advantage of this new world with a newer technology but, it's the same playbook as in the past.

Like Father Coughlin with the radio, Rush Limbaugh with the popularity of talk radio, etc.
“I believe you consume garbage, manipulative news”

Got it. Now we understand how you debase yourself when you don’t have the facts or the logic.
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Will they have the nearly 300 of his fellow Guardsmen that have nothing but positive things to say about him on as well? I see the MAGA guy is one of these guys. This is all a sad and despicable form of politics. MAGA culture is disgraceful.
Megyn Kelly is MAGA culture?

Their relationship is….. complicated to say the least.

Of course she’s pandering to MAGAs. Dollars are involved.
Where is this 300 figure you keep throwing around coming from? Did they all sign a letter or something or are you just going based off the number of people he worked with who haven’t publicly called him a coward?
Where is this 300 figure you keep throwing around coming from? Did they all sign a letter or something or are you just going based off the number of people he worked with who haven’t publicly called him a coward?
First, FU for calling him in a coward. The guy served 24 years and his record was excellent. You didn’t serve and I doubt you could have if you wanted to.

Second, it’s been in several articles that 2 to 3 hundred of his fellow Guardsman have publicly supported him, as a Guardsman, not politically, in various ways.
As well, what did you think of the Swift Boat and Purple Heart attacks on John Kerry? I hope you were as defensive of him as you are of Walz.
My criticism of Kerry was mostly that he wanted it both ways - war hero and ant-war protester. Some of the Swift Boat stuff was true, some was dubious, some was false.

Purple Hearts don’t require life threatening injuries. Any wound in combat, no matter how minor, qualify. His minor wounds qualified.
First, FU for calling him in a coward. The guy served 24 years and his record was excellent. You didn’t serve and I doubt you could have if you wanted to.

Second, it’s been in several articles that 2 to 3 hundred of his fellow Guardsman have publicly supported him, as a Guardsman, not politically, in various ways.
I have no idea what that “publicly support” means. Link?

200-300 seams like a lot of former guardsmen to go on record publicly supporting Walz.
My criticism of Kerry was mostly that he wanted it both ways - war hero and ant-war protester. Some of the Swift Boat stuff was true, some was dubious, some was false.
War hero and anti-war are in no way mutually exclusive. Ike and JFK for example.

It’s only Bush Sr. And John McCain that first taught you war hero’s should love war.