Fine. At the very least, can you agree that the original reporting about the girls being banned from the locker room was BS, and can you agree that it's outrageously irresponsible for people to be assuming this trans kid made some kind of "sexual" remark.
No, I'm saying it was ridiculous to immediately jump to "It must have been something sexual."“can you agree that it’s outrageously irresponsible for people to be assuming this trans kid made some kind of sexual remark”
You’re saying that it’s outrageous that we all didn’t automatically assume that the girl making the accusation was making it all up?
No, that’s not ridiculous at all. What other kind of inappropriate remark could a trans girl have made in aNo, I'm saying it was ridiculous to immediately jump to "It must have been something sexual."
Anything. Racial. Political. Personal. Who knows?No, that’s not ridiculous at all. What other kind of inappropriate remark could a trans girl have made in a
locker room that non trans girls would have taken offense to?
It pretty much HAD to be something sexual in nature.
What else could it have been?
You’re grasping at straws here I think, goat.Anything. Racial. Political. Personal. Who knows?
LOL at political. In a girl's high school lockerroom.Anything. Racial. Political. Personal. Who knows?
You think they don’t talk about politics in girls’ locker rooms? I’m sure not as often they talk about boys. But they do.LOL at political. In a girl's high school lockerroom.
"You all think Liz Truss is competent? Damn Tories, get with Labour!"![]()
It is ridiculous. You are transferring your own biases about trans kids onto a 14-year old. And in a thread where you criticized me for jumping ahead too fast.You’re grasping at straws here I think, goat.
We’re talking about a trans girl, who I presume has boy accessories, in the girls locker room.
You think she confessed to voting for Trump? Not watching the new gay rom com?
Come on, goat. It’s not ridiculous AT ALL to infer that the remark was sexual in nature.
You’re so full of shit, goat. 😂It is ridiculous. You are transferring your own biases about trans kids onto a 14-year old. And in a thread where you criticized me for jumping ahead too fast.
No, you're not. You were the one saying "At best we don't know" to my thoughts. But when it comes to your thoughts, it's not "best we don't know." It's obvious. There's no other explanation. Respectfully, you're full of shit if you don't see that.You’re so full of shit, goat. 😂
You’re the one saying it’s “obviously bullshit”.
I’m the one saying at best we don’t know. Which is objectively true.
Now, whose biases are being shown here?
Come on, man. You’re normally better than this.
I never said it was obvious that the girl made a sexual comment. You’re putting words in my mouth.No, you're not. You were the one saying "At best we don't know" to my thoughts. But when it comes to your thoughts, it's not "best we don't know." It's obvious. There's no other explanation. Respectfully, you're full of shit if you don't see that.
You said it couldn't be anything else. I don't know if you used the word "obvious," but you said it was obvious.I never said it was obvious that the girl made a sexual comment. You’re putting words in my mouth.
I said it wasn’t unreasonable to infer that based on the context, to your contention the people assuming that were being ridiculous.
Again, you’re the one saying the WHOLE THING is bullshit based on the word of the mother and the captain of the team; who didn’t even address what the girl was accused of.
I’m saying we really have no way of knowing for sure while you’re dismissing it out of hand.
Ah, those story problems
A train is traveling eastbound at 47 mph and another train is traveling northwest at 55 mph...
Those story problems certainly groomed me to be very anti-train.
No south of Indy but I’m aware of the 3 amigos running in Carmel. Apparently they have received an endorsement from Rokita.You in Carmel district?
A boy doesn't belong in the girl's locker room. There is no story if we follow that rule that existed a really long time. There is also a girl in North Carolina that isn't suffering from long term concussion syndrome from getting whacked in the head by a spiked volleyball from a biological male.I'm guessing you won't see any of the Murdoch outlets update their reporting, but apparently that story was complete BS. It was a local news story that was reported without being fact-checked (the reporter never even contacted the student in question to ask for their side of the story), and the truth is apparently that the trans student entered the locker room (as state law allows), and some of the team members had a problem with her, and she was asked to leave, which she did. There was no accusation of the trans student making any sort of inappropriate comment. It's especially telling that you all assumed it was some kind of sexual comment. Apparently, the trans student was the probative victim in all this.
The locker room was shut down to the entire team, not just the ones who complained, while the school investigated the incident.
WCAX Deletes Story About Transgender Student in Randolph
WCAX-TV has quietly erased from its website and social media accounts a September 28 news report about a transgender volleyball player at Randolph Union
Randolph community discusses high school controversy at public forum - VTDigger
“I just want you to remember that we’re children,” one student said, referring to her 14-year-old teammate. “It’s one child on the receiving end of all this hate. … This child didn’t do anything to anyone, especially you adults. I was there. She was where she was supposed to be.”
No, I don't think that topic gets brought up often at all in a high school girls locker room. And that isn't some gender thing, I don't recall politics ever being brought up in my high school boys locker room either.You think they don’t talk about politics in girls’ locker rooms? I’m sure not as often they talk about boys. But they do.
Playing devil's advocate here, and without knowing the details of the situation, but could this girl's injuries have happened if a girl had spiked it? I mean, coed PE has been around for a long time, and I'm sure volleyball was played. Hell, I had friends who took volleyball as an elective in college, and it was coed. Do we need to outlaw this?A boy doesn't belong in the girl's locker room. There is no story if we follow that rule that existed a really long time. There is also a girl in North Carolina that isn't suffering from long term concussion syndrome from getting whacked in the head by a spiked volleyball from a biological male.
The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour
Drag Queen Story Hour—in which performers in drag read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores—has become a cultural flashpoint. The political Right has denounced these performances as sexual transgressions against children, while the political Left has defended them as an
The tranny movement is just setting the stage to take the next slide down the slippery slope. They have been indicating their goals for decades.
Get the dress wearing boys out of girl spaces.
You have recent experience in a girls’ locker room?You think they don’t talk about politics in girls’ locker rooms? I’m sure not as often they talk about boys. But they do.
B.S. In all my time sneaking into girls' locker rooms, hiding in lockers, rummaging around in the vents and such, I've never once heard them talk about politics.You think they don’t talk about politics in girls’ locker rooms? I’m sure not as often they talk about boys. But they do.
Yea but, do you have any Band Camp stories you could share?B.S. In all my time sneaking into girls' locker rooms, hiding in lockers, rummaging around in the vents and such, I've never once heard them talk about politics.
Scenes from drag events hosted across the United States in bars, clubs, and outdoor festivals have been even more shocking and disturbing: in Miami, a man with enormous fake breasts and dollar bills stuffed into his G-string grabs the hand of a preschool-aged girl and struts her in front of the crowd; in Washington, D.C., a drag queen wearing leather and chains teaches a young child how to dance for cash tips; in Dallas, hulking male figures with makeup smeared across their faces strip down to undergarments, simulate a female orgasm, and perform lap dances on members of a roaring audience of adults and children. Newspaper headlines have also announced abuses: “Tucson High School Counselor Behind Teen Drag Show Arrested for Relationship with Minor”; “Houston Public Library Admits Registered Child Sex Offender Read to Kids in Drag Queen Storytime”; “Drag Queen Charged with 25 Counts of Felony Child Sexual Abuse Material Possession”; “Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader in Houston Exposed as Convicted Child Sex Offender”; “Drag Queen Story Hour Activist Arrested for Child Porn, Still Living with His Adopted Kids.”A boy doesn't belong in the girl's locker room. There is no story if we follow that rule that existed a really long time. There is also a girl in North Carolina that isn't suffering from long term concussion syndrome from getting whacked in the head by a spiked volleyball from a biological male.
The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour
Drag Queen Story Hour—in which performers in drag read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores—has become a cultural flashpoint. The political Right has denounced these performances as sexual transgressions against children, while the political Left has defended them as an
The tranny movement is just setting the stage to take the next slide down the slippery slope. They have been indicating their goals for decades.
Get the dress wearing boys out of girl spaces.
It is female blackface.Scenes from drag events hosted across the United States in bars, clubs, and outdoor festivals have been even more shocking and disturbing: in Miami, a man with enormous fake breasts and dollar bills stuffed into his G-string grabs the hand of a preschool-aged girl and struts her in front of the crowd; in Washington, D.C., a drag queen wearing leather and chains teaches a young child how to dance for cash tips; in Dallas, hulking male figures with makeup smeared across their faces strip down to undergarments, simulate a female orgasm, and perform lap dances on members of a roaring audience of adults and children. Newspaper headlines have also announced abuses: “Tucson High School Counselor Behind Teen Drag Show Arrested for Relationship with Minor”; “Houston Public Library Admits Registered Child Sex Offender Read to Kids in Drag Queen Storytime”; “Drag Queen Charged with 25 Counts of Felony Child Sexual Abuse Material Possession”; “Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader in Houston Exposed as Convicted Child Sex Offender”; “Drag Queen Story Hour Activist Arrested for Child Porn, Still Living with His Adopted Kids.”
Well, blackface was used at one point to mock black people. I don't see much mocking of females here--they just really wish they were females.It is female blackface.
Also, this idea that you can be what you want and into what you want is smashed up against the whole trans movement. Not a girly girl? Must be trans. A boy into fashion? Well cut your penis off and call yourself Sally. The two ideas are in conflict with each other.
A brave woman stands up against the infiltration of “progressive” ideology into psychotherapy
Meet Leslie Elliott, who's studying to get a degree in mental health counseling at Antioch University in Seattle, part of the Antioch University system that includes the famous Antioch College in
Yeah, because forcing people to give pledges in order to graduate is totally in line with academic freedom. (Eyeroll)Seems much ado about nothing. Probably should just change her name to Karen.
Then you clearly don't understand the purpose of psychotherapy, the importance of the bond between patient-therapist, and the need to keep those ideological biases out of the patient relationship.Seems much ado about nothing. Probably should just change her name to Karen.
And yet nothing in that article pertained to that.Then you clearly don't understand the purpose of psychotherapy, the importance of the bond between patient-therapist, and the need to keep those ideological biases out of the patient relationship.
The statement and the "woke" movement are power plays. You don't have to believe what I am forcing you to say, but you have to say it. That is the demoralizing power play that you push on the people. Totalitarians do that nonsense all the time.Social justice is a bastardization of Justice. Justice stands on its own and people understand what it means. Social justice has nothing to do with actual justice.
When you make it "social justice" you change the meaning and now it becomes whatever a specific group wants it to mean. It's used as a tool to hammer anyone that does not agree with them.
The same goes for "my truth". There is the truth. There is no your truth or my truth. When you change it to "my truth" it becomes whatever you want it to mean regardless of the facts. Example: biological men can get pregnant. Wrong! That may be "your truth" but it has no basis in science or reality. Your truth is wrong.
It's all part of the socialism push to redefine everything to the socialist's advantage. You can shove your social justice and your truth. It means nothing to me or any sane person.
Yes, it did. Here are FIVE specific places in the article and links found in the article that "pertained to that":And yet nothing in that article pertained to that.
But she found the teachings at Antioch opposed her beautiful ideal. Her professors and administrators viewed social justice as a critical lens through which Western society must be viewed to deconstruct cultural norms and values rooted in white supremacy, racism, and oppression of marginalized people. She believes this conceptualization of social justice is socially destructive and an anti-resilience philosophy.
3.The video below recounts a training designed to turn all mental-health counselors into social-justice advocates who turn all interactions involving therapy into issues about race. Counselors are also trained to place also people with gender issues onto a transitioning track, i.e., they’re trained in “affirmative therapy.”
Well, so much for pulling the kids out of horrible public schools and enrolling them in those virtuous private schools.