I’ve changed my mind.

I don’t think it a matter of sanity. It’s more like comfort. Trump is not a comfortable President. Harris would be fore many who need that.
My small community certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable with more illegal wanderers butting their way in. Policy decisions make me feel more uncomfortable than personalities. A POTUS who campaigned on bringing the feeling of joy (her party in charge 16 of last 20 years) isn’t going to unite our country without universally accepted joyful policies.
Not really. Two reasons. I think all but maybe one of them (maybe) 100 percent believed that it looked like a Russian interference operation because it did. They've said this after the fact, but no one wants to listen to them. Second reason is though I think the laptop should have been covered more than it was by the media (NY Post and Fox covered it), I honestly don't see how the laptop thing could have mattered. The Republicans have had the laptop for four years now and still found nothing on it that ties President Biden to anything criminal. Hunter is a drug addict and a sleazebag, but he wasn't running for President. Also, everyone already knew that.
The ONLY reason they signed that letter was to influence public opinion prior to the election.

They were afraid of the damage the story was doing to Biden.

Even if they genuinely believed the laptop was Russian disinformation, they had no evidence of that and therefore no reason to publicly say so.

Unless they were attempting to influence the election.

I’ve said it before but that letter arguably did more to influence the election than the Russians could ever have dreamed of doing.
The ONLY reason they signed that letter was to influence public opinion prior to the election.

They were afraid of the damage the story was doing to Biden.

Even if they genuinely believed the laptop was Russian disinformation, they had no evidence of that and therefore no reason to publicly say so.

Unless they were attempting to influence the election.

I’ve said it before but that letter arguably did more to influence the election than the Russians could ever have dreamed of doing.
So you’re a mind reader. None of them have said anything of the kind. These were serious people, Republican and Democrat.

I still would like to know what you think would have happened if reported on by more than the NYP, Fox News and social media. Four years later and they’ve found nothing criminal on Joe Biden from it. What could they have done in two weeks or so? This is a serious question. How, exactly, did it influence the election?
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The ONLY reason they signed that letter was to influence public opinion prior to the election.

They were afraid of the damage the story was doing to Biden.

Even if they genuinely believed the laptop was Russian disinformation, they had no evidence of that and therefore no reason to publicly say so.

Unless they were attempting to influence the election.

I’ve said it before but that letter arguably did more to influence the election than the Russians could ever have dreamed of doing.
Should Trump win it will be quite gratifying to see all 51 have their security clearance’s revoked. Quite satisfying.

Couldn’t happen to a better batch of pieces of shit.
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Should Trump win it will be quite gratifying to see all 51 have their security clearance’s revoked. Quite satisfying.

Couldn’t happen to a better batch of pieces of shit.
That would never happen. Trump shouldn't have a clearance because he's shown he doesn't give a shit about protecting national security information. In fact, he couldn't get a clearance now, but unfortunately, it comes with the job. If he happened to be elected I'd guarantee he'll get only the access he needs and they'll take all classified documents back from him after briefings. He can't be trusted with them. What a POS.
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What do you think of Haley and Vivec?
Vivec won’t ever win a republican primary.

I’d be fine with Haley but she probably wouldn’t do as good against Harris as Trump.

As I said in another thread. I think Republicans are screwed for a long time.
That would never happen. Trump shouldn't have a clearance because he's shown he doesn't give a shit about protecting national security information. In fact, he couldn't get a clearance now, but unfortunately, it comes with the job. If he happened to be elected I'd guarantee he'll get only the access he needs and they'll take all classified documents back from him after briefings. He can't be trusted with them. What a POS.
No way to ever prove it, but I think you’re very wrong.
That would never happen. Trump shouldn't have a clearance because he's shown he doesn't give a shit about protecting national security information. In fact, he couldn't get a clearance now, but unfortunately, it comes with the job. If he happened to be elected I'd guarantee he'll get only the access he needs and they'll take all classified documents back from him after briefings. He can't be trusted with them. What a POS.
Trump did it to John Brennan and he can do it to the other pieces of filth up to and including Dana Bash’s husband.
So you’re a mind reader. None of them have said anything of the kind. These were serious people, Republican and Democrat.
I don’t need to be a mind reader, as I explained. There was no physical evidence at all which linked the laptop to the Russians. The only thing they had AT ALL was a belief that it was something the Russians might do. Thats nothing at all. Certainly not a reason to sign a letter saying basically that “it’s Russian disinformation”. They had no way of knowing that.

Look, I’m not saying they shouldn’t have been allowed to do it. I’m just saying let’s see it for what it really was.

It was 51 Washington bureaucrats panicking because the story was damaging to the guy the wanted to win the election.

It was their way of influencing the election.
I still would like to know what you think would have happened if reported on by more than the NYP, Fox News and social media. Four years later and they’ve found nothing criminal on Joe Biden from it. What could they have done in two weeks or so? This is a serious question. How, exactly, did it influence the election?
That would never happen. Trump shouldn't have a clearance because he's shown he doesn't give a shit about protecting national security information. In fact, he couldn't get a clearance now, but unfortunately, it comes with the job. If he happened to be elected I'd guarantee he'll get only the access he needs and they'll take all classified documents back from him after briefings. He can't be trusted with them. What a POS.
Who is “they” by the way? Trump would be President and Commander in Chief. There is no “they” that should have authority to withhold or determine the manner in which Trump receives information.

Your view of the government is precisely the problem with the executive branch. A shadowy “they” who can undermine a president. It’s unAmerican horseshit. What is your malfunction, “patriot”?
Who is “they” by the way? Trump would be President and Commander in Chief. There is no “they” that should have authority to withhold or determine the manner in which Trump receives information.

Your view of the government is precisely the problem with the executive branch. A shadowy “they” who can undermine a president. It’s unAmerican horseshit. What is your malfunction, “patriot”?
His staff. Trump is not to be trusted with highly classified information. He can see it, but I guarantee they’ll keep close track of every document. He can’t protect classified information and he’s proven it. We can’t let him put human sources and methods in danger. He’s an untrustworthy POS.
His staff. Trump is not to be trusted with highly classified information. He can see it, but I guarantee they’ll keep close track of every document. He can’t protect classified information and he’s proven it. We can’t let him put human sources and methods in danger. He’s an untrustworthy POS.
Ah. I am confident Trump will bring in staff as to not undermine him.

Your suggestion reminds me of old Mark Milley. When he went on record saying he called up his Chinese counterpart and said “Don’t worry I’ll give you a heads up should Ol’ Donny get a little crazy”

People have been hung for less. I’m not saying Milley should be hung necessarily. But certainly we can all agree he should spend the rest of his days experiencing the world from the inside of a prison cell. Get him the one next to Fauci so they can engage in their ass play between the bars.
Ah. I am confident Trump will bring in staff as to not undermine him.

Your suggestion reminds me of old Mark Milley. When he went on record saying he called up his Chinese counterpart and said “Don’t worry I’ll give you a heads up should Ol’ Donny get a little crazy”

People have been hung for less. I’m not saying Milley should be hung necessarily. But certainly we can all agree he should spend the rest of his days experiencing the world from the inside of a prison cell. Get him the one next to Fauci so they can engage in their ass play between the bars.
It’s not undermining him. It’s actually following military procedures for classified information. We get briefed or read and then we’re done. The documents are collected and accounted for.

No, I don’t agree with you on Milley, and neither would any jury, military or civilian. What you’re missing from this is that Trump was the loose wire.
Wrong about what? Not a chance in the world he’d qualify for a security clearance for a government job now.
If he wins the election he will have access to everything and if anyone withholds info I’d think that’s a huge problem.
If he wins the election he will have access to everything and if anyone withholds info I’d think that’s a huge problem.
He’d get access but that puts sources and methods at risk, to include death. He’s not capable of protecting information like he should be.
He’d get access but that puts sources and methods at risk, to include death. He’s not capable of protecting information like he should be.
Maybe I misinterpreted your post. I thought you meant military, CIA, FBI and others would withhold information from Trump if he wins. That sounded like possible criminal offense to me. I didn’t think Alohas of the Military could decide the president couldn’t have sensitive information.
The ONLY reason they signed that letter was to influence public opinion prior to the election.

They were afraid of the damage the story was doing to Biden.

Even if they genuinely believed the laptop was Russian disinformation, they had no evidence of that and therefore no reason to publicly say so.

Unless they were attempting to influence the election.

I’ve said it before but that letter arguably did more to influence the election than the Russians could ever have dreamed of doing.
Aren't you also trying to influence the election?

Isn't dbm as well?
Every race would be close in a divided country.

World they voted for a sane person like Desantis? I don't know.
Very tight races, because both platforms were aligned with the countries core values yet just very slightly different would be a great thing for the USA.
The reason for such a tight race in the current environment, is totally different and terrible for the country. It will lead to civil war.
He’d get access but that puts sources and methods at risk, to include death. He’s not capable of protecting information like he should be.
Other than the first 4 years that he did it all perfectly. otherwise I would totally agree with you so we could bo0th be wrong.
Maybe I misinterpreted your post. I thought you meant military, CIA, FBI and others would withhold information from Trump if he wins. That sounded like possible criminal offense to me. I didn’t think Alohas of the Military could decide the president couldn’t have sensitive information.
No. He’d obviously have access. He wouldn’t if not President, but it comes with the job.
which resulted in at least one officer being killed, multiple others who killed themselves later,
Priceless propaganda. Is that you, is that you Joy Reid? Why are you not stomping the guts out of donald trump? ***full metal jacket credit
There is absolutely no way to know this. None! Election integrity is based on the good faith of those in charge, and frankly, the shenanigans of the Democrats in all their Trump nonsense has shown they do not operate in good faith. (Colorado, Vermont) The Democrats are in charge in Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. A handful people there who really believe in Trump must be stopped by any means necessary is all it takes.
There IS a way to KNOW it. It didn’t happen, genius. If there were ANY evidence or even hint of impropriety, Barr would’ve been all about that $hit. You guys are delusional. There is zero evidence. None. Nada. This has played out in literally dozens of trials and they all ended the same way. Barr has said repeatedly that there is no evidence to support that claim. The state officials of both parties, many of whom are Republicans who themselves voted for Trump and were singled out with praise at his rallies, certified the elections in those states. Trump, Meadows, and others are currently being prosecuted in Arizona state court. They will face the same in GA state court. In ALL of those states, there are members of BOTH parties that count and certify the votes and tallies. You believe things that simply aren’t based in or supported by facts. None of it. Get. A. Grip. He. Lost.
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He's definitely not comfortable and that's why I want him to lose. I honestly think he's mentally unstable. He cannot have access to our national intelligence information or have any say in the use of nuclear weapons. I know you guys dismiss these naysayers as malcontents or something, but I know a couple people personally that have been in meetings with him and both of them think he's a nut. We shouldn't be electing a nut.
You mean more national intelligence information than he already has? Like the Iran classified materials? The ones that the Saudis wanted to see so badly? The same Saudis that paid $2 BILLION to Kushner less than 2 months after Trump left office? With said documents.
He’s not just a nut. He’s a con man nut who’s beholden to Putin amd would sell anything to anybody. He’s all about himself and nobody but himself. But these geniuses can’t see what’s right in front of them.
So you’re a mind reader. None of them have said anything of the kind. These were serious people, Republican and Democrat.

I still would like to know what you think would have happened if reported on by more than the NYP, Fox News and social media. Four years later and they’ve found nothing criminal on Joe Biden from it. What could they have done in two weeks or so? This is a serious question. How, exactly, did it influence the election?
But they’ll ignore Comey saying Clinton was under investigation prior to 2016, even while Trump himself (and Paul Manafort) was under investigation as well. How much did that obviously influence that election?As well they should have been. But nobody here read any of Mueller’s report or that there was a ton of smoke (but they used encrypted apps) and that Trump did commit obstruction, but because of DoJ policy, they couldn’t charge him.
But they’ll ignore Comey saying Clinton was under investigation prior to 2016, even while Trump himself (and Paul Manafort) was under investigation as well. How much did that obviously influence that election?As well they should have been. But nobody here read any of Mueller’s report or that there was a ton of smoke (but they used encrypted apps) and that Trump did commit obstruction, but because of DoJ policy, they couldn’t charge him.
It’s obvious many posters never read the Mueller Report.
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