I’ve changed my mind.

That's an uncalled for and over the top post. There is zero evidence that he or his party had jack squat to do with either assassination attempt. The shooters were/are both nuts - as most shooters are.
It’s not uncalled for or over the top. For the past 8 years your party (Democrats) and the MSM has continually brainwashed the masses (and you) that Trump is Hitler, threat to Democracy, and blah blah blah. The predictable end result is a couple nuts believed it and tried to blow his head off. It’s not surprising at all.
It’s not uncalled for or over the top. For the past 8 years your party (Democrats) and the MSM has continually brainwashed the masses (and you) that Trump is Hitler, threat to Democracy, and blah blah blah. The predictable end result is a couple nuts believed it and tried to blow his head off. It’s not surprising at all.
Yes I had forgotten Hitler
the problem with your posts is you're demonstrating yourself to be just another closed-minded hyper partisan. blm riots were fomented by the left and predicated on a false narrative. biden has been inflammatory with his language as well. the incessant threat to democracy is inciteful. is trump guilty. of course. perpetuating the eating pets bs and all the rest is awful. it's racist, offensive, inciteful, and without basis. it's fearmongering at its worst.

but reasonable minds recognize fault rests with this iteration of both parties exacerbated and to a certain degree sensationalized by the media. to be hoosierdug in on one party while ignoring the patent faults of the other is just adding another hickory/dbm to the board.
I’m not ignoring patent faults at all, but to say they are equally bad and/or a threat to the very survival of this country is absurd. I’m not hyper partisan at all. You can believe or not believe my statement regarding my voting record, but it’s true. Only one party is beholden to a demagogue who lied in an effort to keep power, which resulted in at least one officer being killed, multiple others who killed themselves later, and he’s going to pardon the people responsible? And you will vote for that? There’s no equivalency. None.
Ffs, only one media pushed the big lie. Again, what does it tell you that 40 of his 44 cabinet members won’t endorse him. Dick and Liz Cheaney endorse Harris. There are enough Republicans in both chambers to stop any “radical” or “too progressive” things from passing, which is your concern. But at least Harris won’t dismantle the FBI. Or defund the Dept of Education. Or take away protections for LGBTQ people. Taking away rights is not ok. It’s un-American.
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That kid was a registered Republican and also had Biden’s name and plans to shoot either candidate. Trump held the outdoor event and……..
As for the grief the secret service is getting, this is the same SS that magically deleted their text messages after Jan6th. They are spread thin due to the amped up rhetoric that has been driven more by nut job party members like MTG, etc, But no more by anyone than DJT for going on 9 years now. It’s got to stop. People with AR’s at polling places based on a lie. If you believe that the election was legit, there’s no defending what happened as a result of the continued repeating of that lie. Watch Stop the Steal that’s a doc on HBO right now. Regardless of bias that you no doubt feel exists by the filmmaker or whomever, watch the interviews with Trump’s own longtime staffers. These are people that were with him from his nomination’s inception and longer.
There is a long history of both assassinations and attempts in this country (and around the world)l. The Democratic Party roundly condemned both of those events and has repeatedly said that there is no place for violence. Trump meanwhile made jokes about Paul Pelosi, an 80 year old man, being beaten with a hammer, THE DAY AFTER IT HAPPENED. But you characterizing (again) that Jan 6th as not even worth remembering or discussing. Why? If you believe some vast conspiracy regarding Nancy Pelosinour whatever, let’s hear it.
Balls have nothing to do with remembering (and prosecuting) the only non peaceful transfer of power in the 248 years this country has been in existence or being appalled that anyone would watch that and do nothing. Then, in the aftermath, after police officers have been beaten or lost fingers (again, based on a lie) say he would pardon all of those people responsible for that.
I don’t give a shit about January 6th. The point is you crackheads still talk about it and discard the fact your party is largely responsible for almost getting their rival candidate head blown off, twice, within the past 6 weeks. Your brain is fried.
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false equivalency is a buzz phrase devoid of meaing. the left rhetoric injured thousands of cops and cost billions of dollars to businesses and cities across america predicated on a false narrative. you want to add that to the equivalency? both sides are culpable
False equivalency and conspiracy theory = I’m wrong, but it’s a talking point the media taught me.
I’m not ignoring patent faults at all, but to say they are equally bad and/or a threat to the very survival of this country is absurd. I’m not hyper partisan at all. You can believe or not believe my statement regarding my voting record, but it’s true. Only one party is beholden to a demagogue who lied in an effort to keep power, which resulted in at least one officer being killed, multiple others who killed themselves later, and he’s going to pardon the people responsible? And you will vote for that? There’s no equivalency. None.
Ffs, only one media pushed the big lie. Again, what does it tell you that 40 of his 44 cabinet members won’t endorse him. Dick and Liz Cheaney endorse Harris. There are enough Republicans in both chambers to stop any “radical” or “too progressive” things from passing, which is your concern. But at least Harris won’t dismantle the FBI. Or defund the Dept of Education. Or take away protections for LGBTQ people. Taking away rights is not ok. It’s un-American.
i think you're missing the point of the bill maher assertion that trump will go away but trumpism will not. there's been a realignment in the parties, and in particular the republican party. the dick cheney rich old white guy warmongering old school republican party has had its base supplanted by the blue collar working class, many of whom left the dem party. so these people who don't endorse him are of no moment to me. for starters it was a peaceful time under trump, but more importantly their ideology is incongruent with trump and what i believe is now the base.

you came to this board on fire. i've never heard of you before. i promise you i think trump is awful on many fronts and a terrible choice for president. i'm not a cultist as you were so quick to label. not only with his rhetoric, his lies, but his ineptitude evidenced by his mishandling of covid. the only people i would vote for him over are radical progressives. no other candidate. but i dismiss this trump is an anomalous dictator who will go away and the party will return to its old ways. i think trump tapped into a part of the country that was dissatisfied with both parties and has now found a home with the republicans. working class americans. and the 40 cabinet members and others are represented in significant part by the old republican party. of course they don't support him. they're aloha
It’s not uncalled for or over the top. For the past 8 years your party (Democrats) and the MSM has continually brainwashed the masses (and you) that Trump is Hitler, threat to Democracy, and blah blah blah. The predictable end result is a couple nuts believed it and tried to blow his head off. It’s not surprising at all.
Brainwashed? You are seriously delusional. In the nearly 250 year history of this country, no sitting POTUS has ever blocked or tried to block the peaceful transfer of power. THAT is a threat to democracy and that is criminal and the person responsible should go to prison for it.
Please continue to ignore the violent rhetoric Trump says every single day. The same and more with what you claim comes from MSM. You ignore scores of people that worked for him and have testified under oath to his culpability and criminality in multiple different crimes. Staffers that have said that he watched the riots and was happy about. Refused to help the police by calling in national guard. Said that maybe they should hang Pence. Based on a lie.
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It’s not uncalled for or over the top. For the past 8 years your party (Democrats) and the MSM has continually brainwashed the masses (and you) that Trump is Hitler, threat to Democracy, and blah blah blah. The predictable end result is a couple nuts believed it and tried to blow his head off. It’s not surprising at all.
I don’t give a shit about January 6th. The point is you crackheads still talk about it and discard the fact your party is largely responsible for getting their rival candidate head blown off twice within the past 6 weeks. Your brain is fried.
If you don’t care that Trump was/is culpable for the lives lost and trying to stop the transfer of power (overthrow the government and remain in power) then we are done here.
Again, that kid was gonna shoot anybody. Trump. Biden. Whoever. And the party wasn’t “largely responsible for getting their rival candidate head blown off twice within the past 6 weeks”. He still has his head.
It’s unconscionable that you will totally and absolutely disregard Jan 6th. January 6th and his unwillingness to relinquish power is the biggest reason why people don’t just think he’s a threat to the survival of this country. They know it. Even Dick Cheaney knows it. Milley knows it. Scores of current and former national security personnel and appointees know it. But you, evidently do not.
It’s not uncalled for or over the top. For the past 8 years your party (Democrats) and the MSM has continually brainwashed the masses (and you) that Trump is Hitler, threat to Democracy, and blah blah blah. The predictable end result is a couple nuts believed it and tried to blow his head off. It’s not surprising at all.
VANCE, his fvcking running mate, called Trump “America’s Hitler.”
If you don’t care that Trump was/is culpable for the lives lost and trying to stop the transfer of power (overthrow the government and remain in power) then we are done here.
Again, that kid was gonna shoot anybody. Trump. Biden. Whoever. And the party wasn’t “largely responsible for getting their rival candidate head blown off twice within the past 6 weeks”. He still has his head.
It’s unconscionable that you will totally and absolutely disregard Jan 6th. January 6th and his unwillingness to relinquish power is the biggest reason why people don’t just think he’s a threat to the survival of this country. They know it. Even Dick Cheaney knows it. Milley knows it. Scores of current and former national security personnel and appointees know it. But you, evidently do not.
Dick cheney as in the warmongering self dealing dick cheney doesn’t like an isolationist? Shocker
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i think you're missing the point of the bill maher assertion that trump will go away but trumpism will not. there's been a realignment in the parties, and in particular the republican party. the dick cheney rich old white guy warmongering old school republican party has had its base supplanted by the blue collar working class, many of whom left the dem party. so these people who don't endorse him are of no moment to me. for starters it was a peaceful time under trump, but more importantly their ideology is incongruent with trump and what i believe is now the base.

you came to this board on fire. i've never heard of you before. i promise you i think trump is awful on many fronts and a terrible choice for president. i'm not a cultist as you were so quick to label. not only with his rhetoric, his lies, but his ineptitude evidenced by his mishandling of covid. the only people i would vote for him over are radical progressives. no other candidate. but i dismiss this trump is an anomalous dictator who will go away and the party will return to its old ways. i think trump tapped into a part of the country that was dissatisfied with both parties and has now found a home with the republicans. working class americans. and the 40 cabinet members and others are represented in significant part by the old republican party. of course they don't support him. they're aloha
Harris is hardly a radical progressive. Wall St is endorsing her. Her plan to give tax breaks to start ups? If you view things like child care for single mothers as “too progressive ” then I don’t know what to tell you. These are things that would be transformative (in a positive way) to the economy. I say all the time, the other side doesn’t need to be demonized, because I think most people truly do have more in common than they realize. The working class Americans think that a guy who gave enormous tax breaks to the super wealthy and racked up $5T in debt because of it in his 4 years, is on their side. That’s how upside down the logic is.
Harris is hardly a radical progressive. Wall St is endorsing her. Her plan to give tax breaks to start ups? If you view things like child care for single mothers as “too progressive ” then I don’t know what to tell you. These are things that would be transformative (in a positive way) to the economy. I say all the time, the other side doesn’t need to be demonized, because I think most people truly do have more in common than they realize. The working class Americans think that a guy who gave enormous tax breaks to the super wealthy and racked up $5T in debt because of it in his 4 years, is on their side. That’s how upside down the logic is.
Agreed how trump duped the working class is perplexing but Harris was the second most liberal senator this century per ucla. She supported defunding and bail projects. Engaged in rush to judgment bs declaring cops murderers. Is a race-baiting progressive. Her efforts to distance herself from her record is nothing more than politics. She’s San Fran calif politics
Brainwashed? You are seriously delusional. In the nearly 250 year history of this country, no sitting POTUS has ever blocked or tried to block the peaceful transfer of power. THAT is a threat to democracy and that is criminal and the person responsible should go to prison for it.
Please continue to ignore the violent rhetoric Trump says every single day. The same and more with what you claim comes from MSM. You ignore scores of people that worked for him and have testified under oath to his culpability and criminality in multiple different crimes. Staffers that have said that he watched the riots and was happy about. Refused to help the police by calling in national guard. Said that maybe they should hang Pence. Based on a lie.
This is why we need our version of The View Murt. I’m not sure a weekend boot camp trip to Auburn can fix Dug. You have your hands full with this one @mcmurtry66.
Agreed how trump duped the working class is perplexing but Harris was the second most liberal senator this century. She supported defunding and bail projects. Engaged in rush to judgment bs declaring cops murderers. Is a race-baiting progressive. Her efforts to distance herself from her record is nothing more than politics. She’s San Fran calif politics
She’s walked back her stance on fracking, but you believe she’s gonna continue to push radical, progressive ideas. And you call me dumb. Ffs.
VANCE, his fvcking running mate, called Trump “America’s Hitler.”
Speaking of Vance he’s done an excellent job. He’s very intelligent in comparison to the other 3
duds and is extremely good at staying on point in interviews with hostile journalist.

It’s been a very wise move for Trump’s campaign manger to send Vance to more hostile interviews and Trump to friendlier ones. Vance has also done a good job of cleaning up some of Trump’s terrible messaging.
No I will blame Republicans. We had a few much better choices than Trump back in May. The party chose the worst candidate option. That’s on the GOP.
Wait What GIF by Bounce

It’s still the GOPs fault if Harris is President and f#cks up?
Would they vote for a sane person like Desantis? You and I both know the MSM and Democrats would work just as hard as they do against Trump and demonize him the same as they do Trump. Hard to elect an existential threat to this country.
We don’t even have to imagine it. All it took was DeSantis appearing to be a formidable primary candidate for leftists and their corporate media surrogates to jump in with accusations of being fascistic and “even more dangerous than Trump”.

Good rule of thumb for Democrats. Every successive Republican nominee represents a greater existential threat than any nominee previous.
Who is their candidate, genius? You really do have trouble tying your shoes, don’t you?
How is it the GOPs fault if Harris is a terrible President for 4 years? If you want to argue people like you (Harris voters) are too dumb to have agency and it makes you not responsible for your votes, you might be right.

However, I was trying to treat you as an adult who has agency and is responsible for their own votes and actions.
We don’t even have to imagine it. All it took was DeSantis appearing to be a formidable primary candidate for leftists and their corporate media surrogates to jump in with accusations of being fascistic and “even more dangerous than Trump”.

Good rule of thumb for Democrats. Every successive Republican nominee represents a greater existential threat than any nominee previous.
bwahahahahaha. this is why i will ALWAYS be the leader and the coach. The Dream Team with a book club bwhahahahahaha. cray will make his ears touch just at the suggestion
First, I'll show Snarl my bitcoin wallet. Then I'm gonna go all Charlie Daniels on your ass and tell them you've been tearing Trump stickers off of cars and you actually voted for Obama. By the time I get through explaining that you've been sent to Auburn by the FBI to infiltrate the Hoosier chapter of MAGA, they'll be asking Brad what next week's book is and if he has an Amazon discount code.
I'm gonna go all Charlie Daniels on your ass and tell them you've been tearing Trump stickers off of cars and you actually voted for Obama. By the time I get through explaining that you've been sent to Auburn by the FBI to infiltrate the Hoosier chapter of MAGA, they'll be asking Brad what next week's book is and if he has an Amazon discount code.
I'LL BE COOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! My guys love stories like that
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Do you have Brad’s ear? He’s MIA. The rumor is he’s up on a mountain somewhere finding himself. Tell him to come down and the answer he’s been waiting for is………

Lift Off Moon GIF by Stakin
We had secure comms in place over a year ago as part of our contingency plan. This isn't our first bloodless coup. Not by a longshot.
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We had secure comms in place over a year ago as part of our contingency plan. This isn't our first bloodless coup. Not by a longshot.
@snarlcakes don't worry. everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. in this case for hooky it'll be the auburn classic car auction. he'll pull that little notebook out of his front pocket and forget why he was there. adn brad. please. two attractive servers and he'll post up and probably cover the catering: "havent had that much fun in years"
  • Haha
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@snarlcakes don't worry. everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. in this case for hooky it'll be the auburn classic car auction. he'll pull that little notebook out of his front pocket and forget why he was there. adn brad. please. two attractive servers and he'll post up and probably cover the catering: "havent had that much fun in years"
Little notebooks in front pockets can be deceiving

Falling Down GIF

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