I’ve changed my mind.

Maybe. But they're going to win. Hell, they actually played it beautifully. Installed the alternative candidate at the last possible second to avoid any chance of significant scrutiny. Just put a Not Trump t-shirt on someone and count the votes. It just happened to be Harris.

The Republicans are the ones that created this scenario.
They dumped Biden because the Republicans harped and harped on Biden's mental capability and he performed poorly in the debate.

Surprise, surprise, Trump and the Republican uber-race was not prepared to help old-man Trump to run against anyone other than old-man Biden. They just don't know how to do that.

Trump already sucked but now he still thinks he's running against Biden. It won't work. Trump still sucks and it is more apparent than ever when he uses the same useless tactics against Harris.
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While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

It's a helluva shame that Republican voters hitched their wagons to Donald Trump again. Had they nominated DeSantis or Haley, this race wouldn't even be all that competitive.
Well, we just assumed voters would want a person who can do the job. Don't blame Republicans if she's elected and the next 4 years.
I'm not sure I agree. If the Dems keep running the type like Kamala or Grandpa Joe, there is a chance they get smoked if Republicans go back to moderate, sensible politics.

But, I won't hold my breath.
"moderate" = Democrat Lite

Right back to giving in to every Democrat desire, only slightly less.
You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, dumba$$. Title 42 allowed for no asylum for anybody. Go read the Statue of Liberty. There SHOULD be a legal way for people to enter this country. Period. It’s how YOU are here. It’s how I am here.
lol. Great citation. The US drills more, pumps out more petroleum, than at any time in its history. Ffs. Why don’t you just post an article from Nazi’s explaining why Nazis aren’t bad. lol. That industry just continues to fvck over the American consumer while paying out dividends to its stockholders. Fvck off with that. What have their quarterly profits been over the past 3 years? You're an idiot. Truly. We can also apply this same $hit to food and the shrinking amounts of product they supply for the same or increased price that they charge. But again, let’s lay that at the feet of the current admin.

A string of accomplishments. lol. Multiple bankruptcies? Sexual assault? Convictions for fraud? Inciting the first invasion of the US capital since the Brits in 1812 based on the lie that he actually won the 2020 election? An unaccomplished moron? What? Because her daddy didn’t give her hundreds of millions of dollars? lol. You can’t make up how dumb you people are. Just awesome.
Plus, campaigning nonstop in 2016 on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act to "make it better" and then running away like a scared little rabbit when his first proposal got rejected in the Senate by 2-3 votes .

Wow. What an overrated wheeler/dealer Trump is. He panics like a baby on the first setback.
While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

It's a helluva shame that Republican voters hitched their wagons to Donald Trump again. Had they nominated DeSantis or Haley, this race wouldn't even be all that competitive.
I disagree. The presidential race would have been close with either DeSantis or Haley. In fact if Trump’s most ardent supporters had stayed home, they would have both lost.

I think the Republicans are screwed for a long time to come. Trump voters aren’t coming out for the old time Bush/Chaney/Romney party.
Lmao. And you call me dumb. Ffs, dip$hit. He has said on numerous occasions that he lost. He KNOWS and KNEW that he lost. His AG, literally every WH lawyer, and scores of staff told him that he lost. Bill Barr told him that his claims were (verbatim) “bull$hit”. More than once. Barr resigned his post, literally weeks before his term would end, because he knew that Trump was going to do what he ultimately did.
Voting for Trump is the definition of unamerican. He should be in jail and after he loses in November, he’ll be going there. Then maybe, just maybe, the GOP can move on to a sane candidate who isn’t the biggest snowflake, whinya$$, loser in the history of American politics.
Trump watched TV that day for hours. He knew what he instigated. It's unmistakable.
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Trump watched TV that day for hours. He knew what he instigated. It's unmistakable.
lol….every time you post this picture I laugh and think what a fa#%ot. I’m not trying to be a d#ck, but lighten up and let your balls drop. Being a dork your entire life shouldn’t be a goal.
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lol….every time you post this picture I laugh and think what a fa#%ot. I’m not trying to be a d#ck, but lighten up and let your balls drop. Being a dork your entire life shouldn’t be a goal.
Desperate !!!

What is your point?
As I recall, Trump had communication with some of the more interesting participants before Jan. 6.
Correct. Cassidy Hutchinson has more balls than half the GOP. She stood up to Meadows and told him it was a bad idea to go to the Willard Hotel the night of the 5th. I’d lay money that his testimony and phone records are an integral part of the Jan 6th case and his knowledge of coordination between those around Trump in the WH and groups like Oathkeepers and Proud Boys. That case deserved to be heard prior to Nov 5th.
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It's going to be interesting to see the post-Trump era play out. FWIW, I've been recognizing that we're in a political realignment for quite some time. I don't think Trump's election was the start of it, I think it was an effect of it.

It mirrors what has taken place in the UK. The Conservatives have effectively been split in two by ascendance of Nigel Farage and his UK Reform party. The Labour Party won a huge landslide in terms of seats (411 Labour, 121 Conservative, 72 LibDems). UK Reform only won 5 seats. But when you look at the aggregate votes cast for the parties:

Labour - 9.7M
Conservative - 6.8M
Reform - 4.1M
LibDem - 3.5M

Basically, Reform just kneecapped the Conservatives. They didn't win anything for themselves. They just made it impossible for the Conservatives to be competitive. And I think that was entirely their aim.

The issue of immigration is almost entirely the dividing line between them. They made other complaints than this (and rightly so...the last few years of Conservative government were a shitshow). Like UK Reform, MAGA holds a great deal of influence over the GOP in primaries -- but far less ability to *win* general elections. The best they can do is ensure their party (or, in the UK, their former party) loses -- which is nothing to sneeze at, really.
I think you draw a great analogy, but don't explicitly state the most important connection: Like Reform UK, MAGA is essentially a nativist movement, nothing more.
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Stoned. She's a pot head.
Have you listened to entire Trump speeches? Lol. You can’t make up the stupid $hit you believe.
That “pot head” beat the living hell out of Trump from the jump. Eating cats. Eating people’s pets. You guys are dumber than a rock. Truly. Or, more truthfully, you’re just victims of a cult.
lol….every time you post this picture I laugh and think what a fa#%ot. I’m not trying to be a d#ck, but lighten up and let your balls drop. Being a dork your entire life shouldn’t be a goal.
lol. Being appalled at what happened that day means you’re ghey? Lol. Unreal. Ok.
Police officers were beaten and sprayed with bear spray. An officer died. But everybody needs to lighten up about that? What in the actual fvck would you say if Biden or Hillary or whatever other dumba$$ dem would’ve done the same? You live in an alternate reality.
Correct. Cassidy Hutchinson has more balls than half the GOP. She stood up to Meadows and told him it was a bad idea to go to the Willard Hotel the night of the 5th. I’d lay money that his testimony and phone records are an integral part of the Jan 6th case and his knowledge of coordination between those around Trump in the WH and groups like Oathkeepers and Proud Boys. That case deserved to be heard prior to Nov 5th.
lol. Being appalled at what happened that day means you’re ghey? Lol. Unreal. Ok.
Police officers were beaten and sprayed with bear spray. An officer died. But everybody needs to lighten up about that? What in the actual fvck would you say if Biden or Hillary or whatever other dumba$$ dem would’ve done the same? You live in an alternate reality.
F#ck me sideways. You’re old enough to be up this late? Listen dick cheese you weird f#cks tried to blow Trumps head off twice in the past month. I’m not going to post a picture about it 4 days from now, let alone 4 years from now. You know why, because I have a set of balls. The alternate universe is posting about a riot 4 years ago and not giving a shit about your own party trying to blow the oppositions head off a week ago.
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F#ck me sideways. You’re old enough to be up this late? Listen dick cheese you weird f#cks tried to blow Trumps head off twice in the past month. I’m not going to post a picture about it 4 days from now, let alone 4 years from now. You know why, because I have a set of balls. The alternate universe is posting about a riot 4 years ago and not giving a shit about your own party trying to blow the oppositions head off a week ago.
Hoosierdung is quite an addition to the board. Like the worst of the radical left on roids
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Have you listened to entire Trump speeches? Lol. You can’t make up the stupid $hit you believe.
That “pot head” beat the living hell out of Trump from the jump. Eating cats. Eating people’s pets. You guys are dumber than a rock. Truly. Or, more truthfully, you’re just victims of a cult.
Who do you think you are? Hickory? He loves those "Oh yeah, well so is Trump" comebacks.
I disagree. The presidential race would have been close with either DeSantis or Haley. In fact if Trump’s most ardent supporters had stayed home, they would have both lost.

I think the Republicans are screwed for a long time to come. Trump voters aren’t coming out for the old time Bush/Chaney/Romney party.
Every race would be close in a divided country.

World they voted for a sane person like Desantis? I don't know.
You know even less about California politics than you know about HVAC and that's a hard thing to do.
Seriously? Are you saying Willie Brown didn’t purchase her career and she acquired it with her own native intelligence and ability?


Maybe you can explain why she not only dropped out of the 2020 race with no support, but she wasn’t even going to win the California primary.

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