I’ve changed my mind.

I want Harris to win now. It’s worth it, so I get to make fun of her and liberals for the next 4 years.

Plus, I want the freedom to just “be” 😳
Jesus she’s a clown. She says nothing. The same canned nonsense. Lost in the time shit. Good grief. Oprah would be better. Throw Oprah in the ring. Woman is a baller
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It’s not going to be a good 4 years. She’ll at least speed up Bitcoin adoption 😁
She’s just so incredibly bad. Clearly of avg intelligence winging it. Sounds wasted all the time. If the Dems were just going to circumvent and were bent on playing the dei game just pick Oprah. Oprah can talk to anyone. Can relate to anyone. But is colddddddddddd blooded. That’s a match for Putin and anyone else. There ain’t a person in the history of Guantanamo that has suffered like that stedman. No Ukrainian has endured torture like that stedman. And. She. Does. Not. Give. A. Fck.

That woman can talk. Is direct. Does not play games. And does not suffer fools. And we could dump that goofy ass walz. There’s zero chance Oprah would put up with him. Maybe we get Dr Phil in the mix. He knows the score. Obviously.

Once a year we get free cars or a trip.
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Jesus she’s a clown. She says nothing. The same canned nonsense. Lost in the time shit. Good grief. Oprah would be better. Throw Oprah in the ring. Woman is a baller
None of that will hurt her. I’m not into that touchy feely stuff, but I bet a lot of people, especially women, will like that.
None of that will hurt her. I’m not into that touchy feely stuff, but I bet a lot of people, especially women, will like that.
Hurt her isn’t the real point. This is the next leader of the free world. She talks about touchy feely stuff bc she can’t talk about the real stuff. She’s incapable. She’s another counterfeit. Like pretending Biden is “sharp as a razor.” She’s unfit. What are we doing.
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There is nothing better than a dive bar. Sitting in one in Groton, Connecticut. Submarines capital of the world
A lifetime ago when I handled BI claims in that region, the prevailing logic was "never ever go to trial in Groton."

LIke Pikeville, KY - insurance claims are the lottery. Though I suspect Groton was more work comp/disability stuff but the jury pool was......informed.
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A lifetime ago when I handled BI claims in that region, the prevailing logic was "never ever go to trial in Groton."

LIke Pikeville, KY - insurance claims are the lottery. Though I suspect Groton was more work comp/disability stuff but the jury pool was......informed.
After the little bit of Groton I saw last night I can believe it.
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A lifetime ago when I handled BI claims in that region, the prevailing logic was "never ever go to trial in Groton."

LIke Pikeville, KY - insurance claims are the lottery. Though I suspect Groton was more work comp/disability stuff but the jury pool was......informed.
Madison county. It’s got to be judges or juries.
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Jesus she’s a clown. She says nothing. The same canned nonsense. Lost in the time shit. Good grief. Oprah would be better. Throw Oprah in the ring. Woman is a baller

While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

It's a helluva shame that Republican voters hitched their wagons to Donald Trump again. Had they nominated DeSantis or Haley, this race wouldn't even be all that competitive.
While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

It's a helluva shame that Republican voters hitched their wagons to Donald Trump again. Had they nominated DeSantis or Haley, this race wouldn't even be all that competitive.
Could have even crowned the first female president.

The trolls win again.
While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

It's a helluva shame that Republican voters hitched their wagons to Donald Trump again. Had they nominated DeSantis or Haley, this race wouldn't even be all that competitive.
What’s even crazier is that a number of Republicans will follow him further down the rabbit hole if he loses. He won’t run again, but I don’t think he’ll go away either.
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While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

It's a helluva shame that Republican voters hitched their wagons to Donald Trump again. Had they nominated DeSantis or Haley, this race wouldn't even be all that competitive.
Desantis was my choice. Douche bag but competent. Haley was unremarkable in sc
I agree. I think we’re trending left

That's historically common when the weight of the bills coming due sets in. People just don't really internalize that interventionist policies are the source of the pain. So they're naturally drawn to politicians who promise more intervention to lift the standard of living -- that government just hasn't yet done enough to, for instance, reduce inequality. And this is why they're so dissatisfied.

How long did the Peronists and Kirchnerites keep winning elections in Argentina in the face of bad economic outcomes?
I agree. I think we’re trending left
The money is broken and people don't understand economics. They know something is wrong, but incorrectly believe government can fix it (aka Democrats).

Breaking Bad Train GIF
So is the government not going to fix it? What other entity has the power to "fix" it.

This is the wrong question to ask.

It's a matter of how much interventionist policies government either institutes or repeals. Trade barriers, regulations, taxes, subsidies, redistribution, etc. etc.

Government needs to get as much out of the way as it can. The more governments liberalize their economies, the more their societies thrive.
I think you're in for a rude awakening when Trump is gone. Republicans aren't going to run away with any Presidential races.

It's going to be interesting to see the post-Trump era play out. FWIW, I've been recognizing that we're in a political realignment for quite some time. I don't think Trump's election was the start of it, I think it was an effect of it.

It mirrors what has taken place in the UK. The Conservatives have effectively been split in two by ascendance of Nigel Farage and his UK Reform party. The Labour Party won a huge landslide in terms of seats (411 Labour, 121 Conservative, 72 LibDems). UK Reform only won 5 seats. But when you look at the aggregate votes cast for the parties:

Labour - 9.7M
Conservative - 6.8M
Reform - 4.1M
LibDem - 3.5M

Basically, Reform just kneecapped the Conservatives. They didn't win anything for themselves. They just made it impossible for the Conservatives to be competitive. And I think that was entirely their aim.

The issue of immigration is almost entirely the dividing line between them. They made other complaints than this (and rightly so...the last few years of Conservative government were a shitshow). Like UK Reform, MAGA holds a great deal of influence over the GOP in primaries -- but far less ability to *win* general elections. The best they can do is ensure their party (or, in the UK, their former party) loses -- which is nothing to sneeze at, really.
I agree. I think we’re trending left
The Republican party has been trending left, right along with everyone in the Dem party going even further left.

I do find it amazing that she talks about this stuff with Oprah like there's never been big opportunities before. Oprah has made hundreds of millions of dollars telling women how to lose weight and what to expect from their marriages, despite being overweight and single her entire life. If that's not a huge opportunity that was taken advantage of, I don't know what it is.
I think you're in for a rude awakening when Trump is gone. Republicans aren't going to run away with any Presidential races.

I'm not sure I agree. If the Dems keep running the type like Kamala or Grandpa Joe, there is a chance they get smoked if Republicans go back to moderate, sensible politics.

But, I won't hold my breath.
While she does have an uncanny knack for stringing together a bunch of words and phrases that amount to saying nothing, it's working for her....or at least doesn't seem to be hurting her.

Yeah. As much as we make fun of her rambling on like this, I don't think that it's hurting her at all. Most people aren't policy wonks. They just want to feel good about a candidate. Harris saying crap like this makes them feel good. Joyful, and all that. If this was a basketball game, we're looking at Harris playing the four corners and running out the clock. She doesn't need to score.

It's not her fault. She was simply the one standing in front of the chair when the music stopped. It's the Republican party's fault (or specifically, Trump voters' fault) that they're in a position to lose to this.
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