Hunter Laptop

Now that we know the laptop was real and Hunter’s laptop, should the 51 former officials, Biden and all others who said it was Russian disinformation be prosecuted for election interference?
They couched their language in saying it had "all the hallmarks" of Russian disinformation. Which offers them some plausible deniability but is also an indicator that they knew they were lying.
They couched their language in saying it had "all the hallmarks" of Russian disinformation. Which offers them some plausible deniability but is also an indicator that they knew they were lying.

As much horseshit that comes out of conservative propaganda, is it really that shocking that people's initial inclination is to think it just more bs?

read the story about the boy who cried wolf.
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Now that we know the laptop was real and Hunter’s laptop, should the 51 former officials, Biden and all others who said it was Russian disinformation be prosecuted for election interference?
No, they will simply fall back to the very specific wordsmithing. They very intentionally used the words "has all the earmarks/ hallmarks of Russian disinformation". They knew that a "certain", well identified, demographic would suck this story up but left themselves an out. They are pretty good at covering their tracks. weasels every one.
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No, they will simply fall back to the very specific wordsmithing. They very intentionally used the words "has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation". They knew that a "certain", well identified, demographic would suck this story up but left themselves an out. They are pretty good at covering their tracks. weasels every one.
sounds like you're trying to apply the trump strategy to other party.

Smashing idea there
They couched their language in saying it had "all the hallmarks" of Russian disinformation. Which offers them some plausible deniability but is also an indicator that they knew they were lying.
The “earmarks” dodge doesn’t fly. First it is itself a lie. Second nobody investigated to determine if it was a fact. One of the D.C. charges against Trump is a public fraud beef based on a never used statute. The same charge could be leveled against Blinken who spearheaded the letter.
Let's go after the Russian collusion hoaxers first.
You mean, the people who deny all the irrefutable evidence of frequent communication between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives, saying that there was "no collusion" when the finding was that the clear cozy relationship simply did not rise to the level of a criminal conspiracy?

I don't think you can really "go after" people for refusing to believe facts. That would take millions of jail cells.
Now that we know the laptop was real and Hunter’s laptop, should the 51 former officials, Biden and all others who said it was Russian disinformation be prosecuted for election interference?
It is more interference than paying a whore to shut up. Now I understand the issue of where Trump got the money to pay Daniels. It was through his business. I don't see a lot wrong in this unless it was a tax issue.
You mean, the people who deny all the irrefutable evidence of frequent communication between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives, saying that there was "no collusion" when the finding was that the clear cozy relationship simply did not rise to the level of a criminal conspiracy?

I don't think you can really "go after" people for refusing to believe facts. That would take millions of jail cells.
That was the biggest thing Barr did for Trump. Interpreting the Mueller report and minimizing it as he did. He knew the base wouldn’t pay attention to the details and the actual evidence, just listening to Trump’s total exoneration is all they ever really need. Then we get to hear for years the misinterpretations and witch-hunt accusations. Sigh
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It is more interference than paying a whore to shut up. Now I understand the issue of where Trump got the money to pay Daniels. It was through his business. I don't see a lot wrong in this unless it was a tax issue.
Of course you don’t, Pastor.
Russia did work for Trump in 2016 you guys seem to avoid that point. The US Senate did state no collusion with Russia by Trump campaign, but they met. Why does Russia want Trump in office? Why?
Technically it was said that collusion was not a legal term. didn't say anything about there being no collusion. That was a fallacy created by the spin doctors in conservative propaganda
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Of course you don’t, Pastor.
You don't agree that shushing the laptop was worse interference? There was a poll taken and something like 40% who voted for Biden said they would not have done so if the laptop story had been broken. My point was that paying off this woman did not have as much impact.
You don't agree that shushing the laptop was worse interference? There was a poll taken and something like 40% who voted for Biden said they would not have done so if the laptop story had been broken. My point was that paying off this woman did not have as much impact.
No way that 40% is even close to true. Why? Hunter wasn’t running for President in there is no evidence of Joe Biden criminality on the laptop. How would that work.
They couched their language in saying it had "all the hallmarks" of Russian disinformation. Which offers them some plausible deniability but is also an indicator that they knew they were lying.
Go back and listen to some of their interviews, though. Many - Clapper included - said that it was a Russian disinformation campaign.

It was clearly election interference, as defined today.
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He’s essentially correct. IIRC the framing of the questions was a problem, the sample size was small and the margin for error high. The poll isn’t particularly reliable, but it’s a mistake to excoriate VPM for citing it.
He didn't actually cite it he just referenced it, and either way, the result is laughable on its face. No one should take a number like that seriously, no matter where they read it.
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Should every bull shit artist that claimed Meuller said there was no russian collusion be charged as well?
I read that 60% of conservatives would have voted for Biden if they had worn their glasses on election day.

see, i can make stuff up too.
Yea, nothing wrong with paying off a prostitute to keep them quiet to help your election chances.

Nothing wrong with mislabeling it as a legal expense either.

Didn't realize religious people supported the use of prostitutes and falsifying business records. What other morals has the church given up in the name of politics?

How about grabbing random women by the pussy? Is that church approved?
Technically it was said that collusion was not a legal term. didn't say anything about there being no collusion. That was a fallacy created by the spin doctors in conservative propaganda
sounds like you're trying to apply the trump strategy to other party.

Smashing idea there
Technically it was said that collusion was not a legal term. didn't say anything about there being no collusion. That was a fallacy created by the spin doctors in conservative propaganda
Yea, nothing wrong with paying off a prostitute to keep them quiet to help your election chances.

Nothing wrong with mislabeling it as a legal expense either.

Didn't realize religious people supported the use of prostitutes and falsifying business records. What other morals has the church given up in the name of politics?

How about grabbing random women by the pussy? Is that church approved?

Should every bull shit artist that claimed Meuller said there was no russian collusion be charged as well?
As much horseshit that comes out of conservative propaganda, is it really that shocking that people's initial inclination is to think it just more bs?

read the story about the boy who cried wolf.
You ok??
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You don't agree that shushing the laptop was worse interference? There was a poll taken and something like 40% who voted for Biden said they would not have done so if the laptop story had been broken. My point was that paying off this woman did not have as much impact.
Really? I’d like to see that poll. I actually don’t believe too many people care a bit about what the SON of a presidential candidate does, especially if said som is not going to be in the administration. So yes, I think it’s much more impactful what the actual candidate does, not someone in their family. And paying off a woman to keep it from becoming public, while he was was home with a newborn? That seems pretty impactful to me. Not too many Trumpers though, since they don’t care what he does, they just make excuses.
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Really? I’d like to see that poll. I actually don’t believe too many people care a bit about what the SON of a presidential candidate does, especially if said som is not going to be in the administration. So yes, I think it’s much more impactful what the actual candidate does, not someone in their family. And paying off a woman to keep it from becoming public, while he was was home with a newborn? That seems pretty impactful to me. Not too many Trumpers though, since they don’t care what he does, they just make excuses.
Zeke, do you realize what is in the laptop? It is where we see that money is going to, "the big guy" from China. This isn't about Hunter's sexual perversions and drug use. You have the President getting money from a foreign government.
Zeke, do you realize what is in the laptop? It is where we see that money is going to, "the big guy" from China. This isn't about Hunter's sexual perversions and drug use. You have the President getting money from a foreign government.
And yet they have no proof of any connection to the "big guy". that is why the investigation fizzled out.

Hunter didn't run for president so no I don't care about his sexual perversions or drug use.

Trump's kids were actually in his administration. Do you care about their drug use? I'm guessing not. You care about Hunter's PAST issues because you're a hyper-partisan clinging onto any dirt you can find on the other side.
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Zeke, do you realize what is in the laptop? It is where we see that money is going to, "the big guy" from China. This isn't about Hunter's sexual perversions and drug use. You have the President getting money from a foreign government.
No, Van that’s not what you have. Do you realize that the Republicans have been investigating for years and have found nothing? Do you also realize that Trump and his family have quite likely been getting money from all kinds of foreign places, before, during, and after his presidency? Do you remember Jared’s two billion dollar reward for helping keep the ruler out of trouble for killing and dismantling a journalist?
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And yet they have no proof of any connection to the "big guy". that is why the investigation fizzled out.

Hunter didn't run for president so no I don't care about his sexual perversions or drug use.

Trump's kids were actually in his administration. Do you care about their drug use? I'm guessing not. You care about Hunter's PAST issues because you're a hyper-partisan clinging onto any dirt you can find on the other side.
No, Van that’s not what you have. Do you realize that the Republicans have been investigating for years and have found nothing? Do you also realize that Trump and his family have quite likely been getting money from all kinds of foreign places, before, during, and after his presidency? Do you remember Jared’s two billion dollar reward for helping keep the ruler out of trouble for killing and dismantling a journalist?
You guys are missing the obvious. 40% of a candidate's voters aren't abandoning him for any reason. It's a completely laughable number. Put into practice, and Trump 2020 wins NY, NJ, Oregon, Washington. Almost wins Hawaii and California. And that's just if Biden's 40% stay home. If some of them switch to Trump, then Trump runs the table, except for maybe DC.

It's an absurd idea.
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You guys are missing the obvious. 40% of a candidate's voters aren't abandoning him for any reason. It's a completely laughable number. Put into practice, and Trump 2020 wins NY, NJ, Oregon, Washington. Almost wins Hawaii and California. And that's just if Biden's 40% stay home. If some of them switch to Trump, then Trump runs the table, except for maybe DC.

It's an absurd idea.
I know it's an absurd idea. I was just responding to another of his absurd posts.
Jesus wept.
No it doesn't. Republicans have had access to that laptop and it's contents for years. All they have shown from it is Hunter's dick pics. Breaking News! He has one.

MTG probably has the enlarged copy of it on her bedroom wall.
He’s essentially correct. IIRC the framing of the questions was a problem, the sample size was small and the margin for error high. The poll isn’t particularly reliable, but it’s a mistake to excoriate VPM for citing it.
Not a chance in hell that stat is even close. I don’t see how it could possibly be even a fraction of a percent. Also he didn’t link anything to back it up. No way he can.
The whole notion is bizarre, that if a father/brother/son of somebody has problems, then that somebody is inherently tainted by it. Like... a curse upon your house! Game of Thrones is real!

I mean, sometimes I guess it is valid. Trump's Dad was apparently a racist dick and passed it on.

But unless some of Hunter Biden's wrongdoing is proven to involve his father, his prosecution really should not be getting the attention that it is getting.
You guys are missing the obvious. 40% of a candidate's voters aren't abandoning him for any reason. It's a completely laughable number. Put into practice, and Trump 2020 wins NY, NJ, Oregon, Washington. Almost wins Hawaii and California. And that's just if Biden's 40% stay home. If some of them switch to Trump, then Trump runs the table, except for maybe DC.

It's an absurd idea.
That’s exactly why I asked him to post the poll. Because it was absurd.

I'm assuming this is the poll VPM is talking about. If you Google "hunter Biden laptop poll" one of the first results was the full pdf of the poll. Either way as Goat has mentioned the math ain't mathing on the poll. However it stands to reason that there were votes out there that would have changed, but not to this degree.
That is all the news focused on. Rudy Guiliani had the laptop and talked about Biden's money coming from China.
If republicans found anything, they would be subpoenaing anyone they could and making public spectacle of it. They would also be blasting it out on fox news and Newsmax.

What purpose would republicans have to quietly close down the investigation and move on if they had all this evidence that you claim?

Do you think dems have compromising photos of the republicans to the point they are being blackmailed? Lmao. Maybe they found MTG's dick pic lmao
You don't agree that shushing the laptop was worse interference? There was a poll taken and something like 40% who voted for Biden said they would not have done so if the laptop story had been broken. My point was that paying off this woman did not have as much impact.
Nice transactional view of the issues, Pastor. Seems in line with your support of Trump.

I'm assuming this is the poll VPM is talking about. If you Google "hunter Biden laptop poll" one of the first results was the full pdf of the poll. Either way as Goat has mentioned the math ain't mathing on the poll. However it stands to reason that there were votes out there that would have changed, but not to this degree.
I remember that poll. We pointed out the same issue here, that to believe the poll meant to believe a significant number of Trump voters would have switched to Biden, which made zero sense. Obviously a bad poll.
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