Hunter Laptop

Zeke, do you realize what is in the laptop? It is where we see that money is going to, "the big guy" from China. This isn't about Hunter's sexual perversions and drug use. You have the President getting money from a foreign government.

No, they will simply fall back to the very specific wordsmithing. They very intentionally used the words "has all the earmarks/ hallmarks of Russian disinformation". They knew that a "certain", well identified, demographic would suck this story up but left themselves an out. They are pretty good at covering their tracks. weasels every one.
Did you people learn nothing from the arrest of Alexander Smirnov, after the Comer crew for the past year tried to make him out to be a reliable source with all the goods?

You know who ran the DOJ in the leadup to the 2020 election? You know who headed up the FBI that were extremely suspicious of the DF 1023 and claims made by Smirnov? It wasn't Democrats...

Now Danc is apparently incapable of grasping facts, maybe you two can do better...

Smirnov was a double agent, who both the Russians and the FBI found useful to spread misinformation to their respective counterparts. The FBI knew he was a double agent, but they found him useful in that capacity. But the circumstances surrounding the DF 1023 raised all kind of red flags...

Smirnov had an FBI handler, who he communicated with regularly. From 2017-2020 he spoke with his handler by phone a number of times, and the only time he referred to the Bidens was when he made a comment about how the ex-VP's son was on the board of a Ukranian Company. That's who Joe Biden was to him, the ex-VP,no longer in Govt...

But suddenly in spring 2020 out of nowhere Smirnov tells his handler that he has proof Biden was bribed by Burisma. Not only that, but he claims he was provided with that info at a meeting with Burisma officials in 2015... So let that sink in and understand why the FBI was highly suspicious...

In 2020 he is suddenly providing "bombshell info" that he supposedly discovered in 2015, and hasn't said a word about for the past 5 years? Now this man who never even mentioned Joe Biden by name for the past 3 years, is excitedly telling his handler that Biden is corrupt, was bribed and he has proof. Proof he apparently sat on and hid from the FBI for 5 years...

That's why the FBI kept telling Comer Pyle that they had serious doubts about the DF-1023. That is the primary reason a Grand Jury has indicted Smirnov on charges of among other things lying to the FBI.They didn't have proof to pressw charges in 2020, or maybe they were just giving him enough rope to hang himself. But they know of meetings he had with FSB teams and he has basically admitted that the whole DF-1023 was an FSB intelligence operation...

This post is long. I'll adress the problems with the laptop subsequently...
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Zeke, do you realize what is in the laptop? It is where we see that money is going to, "the big guy" from China. This isn't about Hunter's sexual perversions and drug use. You have the President getting money from a foreign government.
That is all the news focused on. Rudy Guiliani had the laptop and talked about Biden's money coming from China.
You see the problem is that Rudy has known about the laptop longer than you think. IIRC Mac Issac notified the FBI in Dec 2019 that someone who he believed to be Hunter (he's legally blind) had dropped off the laptop in March or April of that year.

But Rudy was told about the laptop in May 2019 by A Russian businessman who was one of the people Rudy tried to get info to prove Biden corruption from...

I'll summarize rather than quote verbatim from both the testimony Lev Parnas provided to the Senate Hearing in 2020, as well as the letter Parnas sent to Jim Comer last summer when the whole impeachment shitshow was forming in Comer's frenzied imagination...

At any rate, Lev recounted a meeting he and Rudy attended at a steakhouse in NYC around May 9, 2019. At the meeting Rudy introduced Lev to a man named Vitaly Pruss, who was a Russian/Ukrainian business man with ties to Burisma...

Pruss told them that earlier that year he had accompanied Hunter Biden on a trip to meet with the Minister of Khazakistan on business for Burisma. According to Pruss while Hunter was whacked out on booze and drugs FSB agents were able to hack into his hard drive.

The kicker was that Pruss told them that the FSB agents had discovered incriminating pictures of drugs and nudity, but had not been able to find anything related to corruption. According to Lev, Rudy was upset to hear there was nothing more incriminating on the drive, and said something like "I need more"...

There are lots of possibilities. The FSB lied to Pruss about what they found. Pruss lied to Rudy at the FSB's direction, the Russians actually planted info that appeared on the laptop once it showed up in Maryland. Or the Russians weren't lying, and it was at some point after the drive was dropped off that evidence of corruption magically appeared...

I very much doubt a legally blind person working in a repair shop was able to discover data on a hard drive that FSB agents missed. I've already detailed previously how Smirnov has admitted he was carrying out FSB directions when he tried to frame Biden. So we know that from 2019-20 the Russians went to a great deal of trouble to attempt to portray both Biden and Ukraine as corrupt.

We don't even know for sure that it was HB that dropped off the laptop. Mac Issac's vision is so poor that all he can recount is that the person claimed to be Hunter Biden.

But why would HB take a laptop full of incriminating data to a random repair shop, and then leave it there for an excessive amount of time? Esp if he knew that it contained incriminating evidence that could derail his dad's campaign? It's almost as if the person who dropped off the hard drive wanted it to be exposed. If Hunter didn't drop it off,then he wouldn't know to pick it up.

And strange how it managed to end up in Rudy's hot little hands when we know he was aware it existed and had expressed the desire to procure it.
Why wouldn’t he? $40,000 was about 23% of his pay as a senator. Every business client I’ve had where an in-house bookkeeper or accountant embezzled from them, the amount they stole wasn’t contingent on the materiality of the amount.
Haha. Because he didn’t make most of his money as a senator.
Trump sucked on LIV too, influence peddling is on both sides DAnC, denial of such just proves what most think about you, Blindly Partisan and only on an information feeback loop.
I realize you all want to make this about Trump, but he's got nothing to do with the Biden Crime Family.

Talk about being blindly partisan.....
Oh man, that’s different then. $40,000 doesn’t even put him in another tax bracket. Lol . Peanuts.
How much does he have to grift before it's a crime to you?

You all lost your minds over a legal $130,000 payment to a porn star. Biden gets 'loan' payments - or so it's booked - to avoid IRS taxes, and that's OK as long as it's 'only' $40,000?
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How much does he have to grift before it's a crime to you?

You all lost your minds over a legal $130,000 payment to a port star. Biden gets 'loan' payments - or so it's booked - to avoid IRS taxes, and that's OK as long as it's 'only' $40,000?
I did it say it wasn’t a crime, just that it’s stupid. But whether it’s 40,000 or 40 million, there’s no crime. Nice try.
Notice Zeke never defends him getting the $40k - she just doesn't think it's enough to worry about.

I've asked how much he would have to grift to matter to her. We'll see if she answers.
Stupid. How can you misinterpret so many things so often? You must be trying to do so.
Notice Zeke never defends him getting the $40k - she just doesn't think it's enough to worry about.

I've asked how much he would have to grift to matter to her. We'll see if she answers.
That’s cute you’re worried about grifters now, when the who,e Trump family has been grifting their whole lives. From Donnie’s multiple, bankruptcies, to fake charity, a fake college, Jared’s SA money, Ivanka’ patents from China …..on and on. No one grifts like those Trumps do.
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That’s cute you’re worried about grifters now, when the who,e Trump family has been grifting their whole lives. From Donnie’s multiple, bankruptcies, to fake charity, a fake college, Jared’s SA money, Ivanka’ patents from China …..on and on. No one grifts like those Trumps do.
The Trumps are small fry when it compared to the Bidens when it comes to grifting.
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Are you saying the Trumps are grifters?

Hell of a choice come November.
Depends how you define grifter, I guess.

From Merriam-Webster:




grifted; grifting; grifts
transitive verb
: to obtain (money or property) illicitly (as in a confidence game)
intransitive verb
: to acquire money or property illicitly
grift noun



il·lic·it (ˌ)i(l)-ˈli-sət

Synonyms of illicit
: not permitted : UNLAWFUL

I don't think Trump has obtained money illicitly (i.e. unlawfully). Some people don't like his business style, but I don't see what's illicit about it. He hasn't acquired money or property unlawfully.

Biden, on the other hand, has had money come in on undocumented loans. I'd say that qualifies as unlawful illicit, but that opinion is drawn along Party lines.
I’m setting at the double tree, in Tucson, right next to the airport.
Watching a + (think lgbtq+) I’ve never understood the + until tonight.
Anyway, the + is the ring leader, and 3 very Hispanic hotel employees, trying to remove a Costco fire pit from a cardboard box. That’s it. Get it out the box.
Did you know you can find directions to open a cardboard box, I did not…
Anyway. The 3 Hispanic guys nearly gave the + a Haitian neck tie ( car tire, around the neck, set on fire). Multiple times.
I wonder if the +’s are confused and become +’s or they become +’s and then confused.
I’ve seen a Dachshund open a box with less bullshit!
Depends how you define grifter, I guess.

From Merriam-Webster:




grifted; grifting; grifts
transitive verb
: to obtain (money or property) illicitly (as in a confidence game)
intransitive verb
: to acquire money or property illicitly
grift noun



il·lic·it (ˌ)i(l)-ˈli-sət

Synonyms of illicit
: not permitted : UNLAWFUL

I don't think Trump has obtained money illicitly (i.e. unlawfully). Some people don't like his business style, but I don't see what's illicit about it. He hasn't acquired money or property unlawfully.

Biden, on the other hand, has had money come in on undocumented loans. I'd say that qualifies as unlawful illicit, but that opinion is drawn along Party lines.
Trump U was a classic grift.
That was the biggest thing Barr did for Trump. Interpreting the Mueller report and minimizing it as he did. He knew the base wouldn’t pay attention to the details and the actual evidence, just listening to Trump’s total exoneration is all they ever really need. Then we get to hear for years the misinterpretations and witch-hunt accusations. Sigh
Danc just laughs at facts. Wish Tucker would drop fact on him just once since he’s not going to fight nor read.
Trump U was a classic grift.
I don't know that it's any more of a grift than all the gold recommendations by investors. Or Bitcoin (sorry, Snarl). There are a lot of legal schemes that could qualify.

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