Sadly, the MAGA savior is hardly invisible. And yes, religion has often been (and continues to be) grossly distorted and even bastardized to support other (usually political) agendas. Obviously that's horrible.That’s the beautiful thing about the all powerful invisible man in the sky. You can manipulate that shit to justify anything you want.
But here's the thing. I get it that you're a non-believer and obviously that's your right. Not sure why you feel compelled, though, to frequently take shots like this. It's very Bill Maher-esque, and kind of annoying.
A former colleague and one of my best friends is an atheist. We make jokes about our differences sometimes but respect each other's views. He doesn't tell me I'm stupid and naive because I believe in something I can't see and accept some things on faith. I don't tell him he's an arrogant asshole for insisting there's not a greater power when his (and all of our) limited intellectual capacity may simply be incapable of grasping it.