How government doesn’t work

I'm guessing that there is a bit of a defiance to right wing demands going on because this 'crisis' didn't happen two weeks ago, it's been going on and building for over a year.

I posted Pete identifying and working with the private sector from July on the bottlenecks. Right wing attack dogs started amplifying it during his paternity leave (which was smart gamesmanship on their part to be honest).

As far as adoption, I don't know the process so I'm not sure how it can be timed. Being a lifelong retail guy it would have been more convenient for the season to have been last spring as that's kind of the dead period but, I'm not sure how much power they had on timing.

I can already tell politically by his reaction is he'll appeal to parenthood, as he already supports both parents being able to take leave. He's political superpower is his calm, communication skills (he's really good at talking issues emotionally in a calm manner while not completely offending the other side with fiery insults and he can pretty easily evoke an emotion out of a key base with this, suburban women along with millennial voters so, I'm guessing that will be his tact.

Something to look for as he gets attacked on this.
Pete so far seems to be doubling-down on the benefits of parental leave rather than downplaying it and trying to defend how much he was working. May not be a bad strategy for his under-60 demographic.
I'm guessing that there is a bit of a defiance to right wing demands going on because this 'crisis' didn't happen two weeks ago, it's been going on and building for over a year.

I posted Pete identifying and working with the private sector from July on the bottlenecks. Right wing attack dogs started amplifying it during his paternity leave (which was smart gamesmanship on their part to be honest).

As far as adoption, I don't know the process so I'm not sure how it can be timed. Being a lifelong retail guy it would have been more convenient for the season to have been last spring as that's kind of the dead period but, I'm not sure how much power they had on timing.

I can already tell politically by his reaction is he'll appeal to parenthood, as he already supports both parents being able to take leave. He's political superpower is his calm, communication skills (he's really good at talking issues emotionally in a calm manner while not completely offending the other side with fiery insults and he can pretty easily evoke an emotion out of a key base with this, suburban women along with millennial voters so, I'm guessing that will be his tact.

Something to look for as he gets attacked on this.
You could be right or he could just be a far left politician with a sense of entitlement who is happy to have others pay for his vaca. I have no use for him.

Just work. Go to ****ing work. It is what you are paid to do.
Pete so far seems to be doubling-down on the benefits of parental leave rather than downplaying it and trying to defend how much he was working. May not be a bad strategy for his under-60 demographic.
Parental leave has been and is a key plank of the Biden/Democrat/Progressive platform. I think there's some merit to seeing the administration putting its money where its mouth is.

Of course, what you have going on with the righties is them winking and smirking about the gay angle. See @stollcpa if you don't believe me.
Pete so far seems to be doubling-down on the benefits of parental leave rather than downplaying it and trying to defend how much he was working. May not be a bad strategy for his under-60 demographic.
You might be on to something. I would argue under 40 not 60 tho.
Parental leave has been and is a key plank of the Biden/Democrat/Progressive platform. I think there's some merit to seeing the administration putting its money where its mouth is.

Of course, what you have going on with the righties is them winking and smirking about the gay angle. See @stollcpa if you don't believe me.
Except if they don't get it done, it just looks like another example of the elites playing by different rules.
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Parental leave has been and is a key plank of the Biden/Democrat/Progressive platform. I think there's some merit to seeing the administration putting its money where its mouth is.

Of course, what you have going on with the righties is them winking and smirking about the gay angle. See @stollcpa if you don't believe me.
Where did I smirk? I said he’s off with whatever his person is. We don’t identify the gender correctly we’re in trouble too.
I can be. So can you. That’s why I like you.
Imo Pete is a pos for drawing a $250k public salary and going on leave during a crisis after 8 months on the job. A total pos. Playing cute with gay inferences is uncool and detracts from that. You should stop stoll
Parental leave has been and is a key plank of the Biden/Democrat/Progressive platform. I think there's some merit to seeing the administration putting its money where its mouth is.

Of course, what you have going on with the righties is them winking and smirking about the gay angle. See @stollcpa if you don't believe me.
FMLA is fine. Saddling the bill on employers for life choices isn't
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Where did I smirk? I said he’s off with whatever his person is. We don’t identify the gender correctly we’re in trouble too.
This explains how someone as vile as Trump has as much support as he does. Likes attract.
Imo Pete is a pos for drawing a $250k public salary and going on leave during a crisis after 8 months on the job. A total pos. Playing cute with gay inferences is uncool and detracts from that. You should stop stoll
I hear you brother and I'm not arguing against your point.

I do think, from a political standpoint, he can frame it and bring in the conservative core into it about how important family is, raising a child is the most important thing along with some 'there is never a good time to take leave and focus on your family' as a stigma that needs to be done away with....blah blah blah.

It's kind of hard to argue against family and kids in general politically (which it's obvious the first place politicians go to for evoking a response, ie the Qanon phenomenon).
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Imo Pete is a pos for drawing a $250k public salary and going on leave during a crisis after 8 months on the job. A total pos. Playing cute with gay inferences is uncool and detracts from that. You should stop stoll
Probably should. Taking pictures holding a baby person on a hospital bed like they gave birth is a little too much. Especially when person should have had person ass on the job in this crisis.

Of course we shouldn’t expect any Biden administration person to be present in a crisis. You know, like our Vice President person on the border.
I hear you brother and I'm not arguing against your point.

I do think, from a political standpoint, he can frame it and bring in the conservative core into it about how important family is, raising a child is the most important thing along with some 'there is never a good time to take leave and focus on your family' as a stigma that needs to be done away with....blah blah blah.

It's kind of hard to argue against family and kids in general politically (which it's obvious the first place politicians go to for evoking a response, ie the Qanon phenomenon).
I'm all for FMLA. I think you should have to be at the job for a certain period of time first and I don't think it should be paid. Use vaca/sick time whatever but your life choice shouldn't be an employer responsibility.

Pete pulled this so fast that without looking I don't think he'd even be eligible for FMLA if he wasn't a Fed ee.
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I'm all for FMLA. I think you should have to be at the job for a certain period of time first and I don't think it should be paid. Use vaca/sick time whatever but your life choice shouldn't be an employer responsibility.
I sometimes wish this forum could just be a political gamesmanship forum because I find surfing the political ocean facinating.

Less 'how could you vote for that f#$kstick you dumbass' and more 'okay what's the endgame of that stance' and 'how will this person frame this'?

As a Pete guy, my first response was 'aw f#$k me, c'mon man really, this is such a dumb thing to get pulled into the shedder for. You seem to be a much better chess player than that'.

I thought his reaction was going to be 'I have been working, they are typically lying again, I'm a victim' but it's been doubling down on how important it is to be there for your child's first month, etc.

Then my dumbass realized, yeah this plays with suburbia as it pushes back on the whole conservative 'family values, non broken home' conservative value.

That's why he's a politician and I'm a loser on a political message board. Lol
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I sometimes wish this forum could just be a political gamesmanship forum because I find surfing the political ocean facinating.

Less 'how could you vote for that f#$kstick you dumbass' and more 'okay what's the endgame of that stance' and 'how will this person frame this'?

As a Pete guy, my first response was 'aw f#$k me, c'mon man really, this is such a dumb thing to get pulled into the shedder for. You seem to be a much better chess player than that'.

I thought his reaction was going to be 'I have been working, they are typically lying again, I'm a victim' but it's been doubling down on how important it is to be there for your child's first month, etc.

Then my dumbass realized, yeah this plays with suburbia as it pushes back on the whole conservative 'family values, non broken home' conservative value.

That's why he's a politician and I'm a loser on a political message board. Lol
You might be right. I think he just wanted to stay home. I think he got caught
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Pete pulled this so fast that without looking I don't think he'd even be eligible for FMLA if he wasn't a Fed ee.
We've already been over this. This isn't FMLA. Cabinet secretaries serve at the pleasure of the President. Any leave granted Pete, and the form that it comes in, is entirely up to Biden's discretion.
We've already been over this. This isn't FMLA. Cabinet secretaries serve at the pleasure of the President. Any leave granted Pete, and the form that it comes in, is entirely up to Biden's discretion.
I understand that but who gives a shit. It mirrors FEPLA or whatever it's called, which is paid. Same thing. Not once did I say it's FMLA. learn to read. I used fmla for illustrative purposes
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I sometimes wish this forum could just be a political gamesmanship forum because I find surfing the political ocean facinating.

Less 'how could you vote for that f#$kstick you dumbass' and more 'okay what's the endgame of that stance' and 'how will this person frame this'?

As a Pete guy, my first response was 'aw f#$k me, c'mon man really, this is such a dumb thing to get pulled into the shedder for. You seem to be a much better chess player than that'.

I thought his reaction was going to be 'I have been working, they are typically lying again, I'm a victim' but it's been doubling down on how important it is to be there for your child's first month, etc.

Then my dumbass realized, yeah this plays with suburbia as it pushes back on the whole conservative 'family values, non broken home' conservative value.

That's why he's a politician and I'm a loser on a political message board. Lol

The right play might have been: "You know, I have really good team/staff that have been all over this and this is what they've been doing . . ."
Good for Pete. Millenials and under will support his decision. I know from experience.
Probably should. Taking pictures holding a baby person on a hospital bed like they gave birth is a little too much. Especially when person should have had person ass on the job in this crisis.

Of course we shouldn’t expect any Biden administration person to be present in a crisis. You know, like our Vice President person on the border.
Doesn't Chasten have a job? Or is he a stay-at-home dad?
According to the article, presidential appointments don't get leave. Rather, Biden can allow Pete whatever family time he deems fit to allow him.
That makes sense then, since Joe has been MIA for most of his Presidency.

Hell, I doubt he knows Pete was even gone.
No, it's not below him. I used to think otherwise, but it can't be ignored. He'll go as low as he wants. He's unconstrained.
It gets tiresome. You persons get to determine what insults are okay here.
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It gets tiresome. You persons get to determine what insults are okay here.
I kindof wonder if we should, and if it's even possible to adopt a discord agreement like they have for congress.

No one is allowed to call anyone personal insults when speaking on the floor....helps keep the fiery rhetoric to the discussion.

I've gone full bore asshole several times in the past couple of weeks (where I'm just trying to offend the poster) and I've noticed that some even keeled posters are losing their shit lately (like COH telling TMP to suck his balls, which made me laugh admittingly).
I kindof wonder if we should, and if it's even possible to adopt a discord agreement like they have for congress.

No one is allowed to call anyone personal insults when speaking on the floor....helps keep the fiery rhetoric to the discussion.

I've gone full bore asshole several times in the past couple of weeks (where I'm just trying to offend the poster) and I've noticed that some even keeled posters are losing their shit lately (like COH telling TMP to suck his balls, which made me laugh admittingly).
Well we tried for a while but no moderator or even 3 moderators can be on here all the time to delete name calling and we shouldn't have to be if people would act like adults.
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Well we tried for a while but no moderator or even 3 moderators can be on here all the time to delete name calling and we shouldn't have to be if people would act like adults.

Oh, yeah? You Purdue-loving son-of-a-gun. . . .
Parental leave has been and is a key plank of the Biden/Democrat/Progressive platform. I think there's some merit to seeing the administration putting its money where its mouth is.

Of course, what you have going on with the righties is them winking and smirking about the gay angle. See @stollcpa if you don't believe me.
Paid parental leave is for those without huge responsibilities. Do you think Stoll could take parental leave during tax season? Do you think an ER doc in a rural area can take parental leave and have the ER short staffed? Boots takes paid leave during a huge transportation bottleneck yet he goes on a junket to Scotland for a climate “summit”. His priorities are messed up. He was mayor of a two-bit declining town and now he is secretary of transportation because he is a climate advocate. He has no clue about his job beyond talking about how complicated it is on TV.
You can’t hire and train drivers if nobody wants to be trained or drive. We’ve been diminishing the importance of long hours and work in favor of college and leisure for years. Maybe the chickens are coming home to roost. Instead of talking about diversity, inclusion, and equity in traditional elite and mostly white professions, we ought to be talking up blue collar work. I know several college educated males who work in the trades and labor intensive occupations and they love it.
Even though I somewhat agree, I can't help reading that post in this voice...

Parental leave has been and is a key plank of the Biden/Democrat/Progressive platform. I think there's some merit to seeing the administration putting its money where its mouth is.

Of course, what you have going on with the righties is them winking and smirking about the gay angle. See @stollcpa if you don't believe me.
Where is DANC with his witty "Bootyjudge" schtick?
I kindof wonder if we should, and if it's even possible to adopt a discord agreement like they have for congress.

No one is allowed to call anyone personal insults when speaking on the floor....helps keep the fiery rhetoric to the discussion.

I've gone full bore asshole several times in the past couple of weeks (where I'm just trying to offend the poster) and I've noticed that some even keeled posters are losing their shit lately (like COH telling TMP to suck his balls, which made me laugh admittingly).
I’ll sign on.

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