How do you deal with Islam?

Barbarians gonna barbarian.

I know, I know that the West has had it pounded into us to self flagellate about our perceived transgressions while pretending that every culture is "equal" while downplaying theirs (you can see that in this thread a few posts preceding yours...) but screw all that noise.

These cultures suck. Period. And while some (most?) of these people wouldn't be the raving lunatics they are if they weren't raised to be antisocial psychopaths, that isn't the case. They were and they are. So I care not a fig about whatever their perceived slights are going back to the Crusades (something that was a response to their attacks, but whatever, as I said "West Bad" exclaim the mouth breathers....)

No sympathy. I hope Israel drops a 500 pounder on everyone that participated.