How do you deal with Islam?

They can win the round though. Ignore the international community and destroy Hamas. Root and stem. That would include assassinating the fat rich guys in Qatar. Do what you have to do and then do your mea culpas later. Most of the Arab leaders don't care about the Palestinians anyway.
Right. With the way the news cycle works, Hamas would be a distant memory in 2 weeks, once it's destroyed.
I sure do. Is killing over 10,000 people a large number of people?
“Israel has killed over 10,000 innocent people”

This line requires you:

1) Believe the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry numbers

2) Pretend Hamas terrorists are innocent people (Israel estimates they have killed 3-4K combatants, but no one knows the real numbers)

3) Pretend that the 600+ rockets that have fallen in Gaza, evidence of Hamas bombings in Gaza, and evidence of Hamas shootings in Gaza are Israel’s fault. No one knows how many Palestinian civilians these have killed.

4) And also ignore the extent to which Hamas hides behind civilians and has built their terror infrastructure to ensure civilians are killed when they are.
So, if you insert the words "war casualties" in front of a stack of bodies, it makes it moral? It is moral to napalm children during a war? War always justifies killing and harming people: soldiers, civilians, both?

I seriously don’t understand how you don’t get the difference between the murder (and war crime) committed by Hamas terrorists deliberately targeting civilians and the unfortunate deaths of some civilians (not a war crime) when deliberately targeting those Hamas terrorists. The Hague understands it. I think just about everyone on this board understands it. You refuse to get it.

Every Palestinian, Hamas or human shield (also a war crime), is on Hamas. All of them.

You don’t think Hamas knew this would happen after murdering, raping, kidnapping, and atrocity raid into Israel? Of course they did. They knew civilians would be killed.
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I seriously don’t understand how you don’t get the difference between the murder (and war crime) committed by Hamas terrorists deliberately targeting civilians and the unfortunate deaths of some civilians (not a war crime) when deliberately targeting those Hamas terrorists. The Hague understands it. I think just about everyone on this board understands it. You refuse to get it.

Every Palestinian, Hamas or human shield (also a war crime), is on Hamas. All of them.

You don’t think Hamas knew this would happen after murdering, raping, kidnapping, and atrocity raid into Israel? Of course they did. They knew civilians would be killed.
I think they are both morally wrong: I'm not going to engage in moral gymnastics. Killing civilians is not ok. If you think Israel cares if they kill civilians or not and aren't on a revenge tour, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

How many civilians did the US kill during the Bin Laden raid? There are ways other than bombing to acquire or kill a wanted person. You are assuming that bombing has to occur or it is impossible to take the high ground.
After a revenge tour where they stacked 10,000+ bodies. Are those children sitting by the rubble Hamas?
Stop with this numbers. They’re provided by Hamas and cannot be trusted. They’re almost 100 percent certain to be inflated and they don’t say how many of them are the Hamas terrorists that Israel is targeting.
Stop with this numbers. They’re provided by Hamas and cannot be trusted. They’re almost 100 percent certain to be inflated and they don’t say how many of them are the Hamas terrorists that Israel is targeting.
Go over there and get a body count for us. The Israeli's always end up killing more people in the violence cycles.
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I think they are both morally wrong: I'm not going to engage in moral gymnastics. Killing civilians is not ok. If you think Israel cares if they kill civilians or not and aren't on a revenge tour, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

How many civilians did the US kill during the Bin Laden raid? There are ways other than bombing to acquire or kill a wanted person. You are assuming that bombing has to occur or it is impossible to take the high ground.
You can think whatever you want, but you’re legally wrong because they’re not morally equivalent.

We didn’t kill bin Laden with a bomb. We did it in a raid. We specifically did that to make sure it was him and to limit civilian casualties. Everyone in that compound was involved in hiding and helping him. I’d only regret the deaths of children there.
You can think whatever you want, but you’re legally wrong because they’re not morally equivalent.

We didn’t kill bin Laden with a bomb. We did it in a raid. We specifically did that to make sure it was him and to limit civilian casualties. Everyone in that compound was involved in hiding and helping him. I’d only regret the deaths of children there.
Agree to disagree. There is nothing worse than killing an innocent person.

Maybe taking the time to properly get your man without killing a bunch of civilians is the better course of action?
Go over there and get a body count for us. The Israeli's always end up killing more people in the violence cycles.
You’re the one taking Hamas’ propaganda numbers seriously. You go. They’d probably kill or kidnap and torture you without a second thought.
You are cherry picking. If you want to exclude any killing or harm that has ever come from Christianity, fine.

I'm cherry picking by looking at the number of terrorist attacks and deaths (many of which are Muslim on Muslim violence) during the past half century?

Humanity has progressed. Why hasn't Islam?
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I have repeatedly stated that I don't like Hamas. What other numbers are there?
There aren’t any coming from Hamas that can be trusted the way you’re blindly (and illogically) trusting them. Seriously, you can’t think they are accurate. Can you?
I'm cherry picking by looking at the number of terrorist attacks and deaths (many of which are Muslim on Muslim violence) during the past half century?

Humanity has progressed. Why hasn't Islam?
Lack of education, developed economy, and functioning democracy? I'd start with the 1A. Plenty of Muslims in America aren't a problem.
There aren’t any coming from Hamas that can be trusted the way you’re blindly (and illogically) trusting them. Seriously, you can’t think they are accurate. Can you?
"The figures provided by the Hamas-run administration in Gaza cannot be independently verified, but U.S. officials say the civilian toll is undoubtedly in the thousands."

"Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children. Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day," Guterres said. "More journalists have reportedly been killed over a four-week period than in any conflict in at least three decades. More United Nations aid workers have been killed than in any comparable period in the history of our organization."

At a Gaza cemetery on Monday, long-time grave digger Sadi Baraka told CBS News he used to bury two or three people per month. Since Oct. 7, he said the cemetery has received over 6,000 bodies, more than half of them children's.

"Netanyahu is acting like a tough guy by killing women and children," Baraka said. "Let him kill Hamas fighters — no one is stopping him from killing Hamas — but why is he massacring children and women?"

Baraka pointed at mass graves all around him, the biggest of which he said held 137 bodies, including 67 children and 40 women.

"Look at this massacre," he said. "They call us terrorists, but look at what they are doing. Isn't that terrorism? Where are the Arab nations? They see this and keep silent. Our only weapon is prayer. We have no weapons."

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"The figures provided by the Hamas-run administration in Gaza cannot be independently verified, but U.S. officials say the civilian toll is undoubtedly in the thousands."

"Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children. Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day," Guterres said. "More journalists have reportedly been killed over a four-week period than in any conflict in at least three decades. More United Nations aid workers have been killed than in any comparable period in the history of our organization."

At a Gaza cemetery on Monday, long-time grave digger Sadi Baraka told CBS News he used to bury two or three people per month. Since Oct. 7, he said the cemetery has received over 6,000 bodies, more than half of them children's.

"Netanyahu is acting like a tough guy by killing women and children," Baraka said. "Let him kill Hamas fighters — no one is stopping him from killing Hamas — but why is he massacring children and women?"

Baraka pointed at mass graves all around him, the biggest of which he said held 137 bodies, including 67 children and 40 women.

"Look at this massacre," he said. "They call us terrorists, but look at what they are doing. Isn't that terrorism? Where are the Arab nations? They see this and keep silent. Our only weapon is prayer. We have no weapons."

And you quote a gravedigger with an interest in exaggerating his numbers. You take him at his word? How many dead are Hamas? How many dead were directly due to Hamas’ faulty missiles, like the one that hit the hospital?

Every death in Gaza is on Hamas. Every one.
And you quote a gravedigger with an interest in exaggerating this numbers. You take him at his word? How many dead are Hamas? How many dead were directly due to Hamas’ faulty missiles, like the one that hit the hospital?

Every death in Gaza is on Hamas. Every one.
"U.S. officials say the civilian toll is undoubtedly in the thousands." Are the US officials liars? Are the women and children Hamas fighters? Did Israel drop rainbows instead of bombs on a densely populated area?

Every death is on the person that killed that person: this is how we do things in America.
"U.S. officials say the civilian toll is undoubtedly in the thousands." Are the US officials liars?

Every death is on the person that killed that person: this is how we do things in America.
It’s a guess and that official should be reprimanded for that guess. They may have killed a few thousand Hamas terrorists and a few hundred “innocent” civilians. We don’t know what the accurate numbers are. We do know that Hamas’ numbers cannot be trusted. It would be illogical and stupid to trust them.
They’re guessing. They may have killed a few thousand Hamas terrorists and a few hundred “innocent” civilians. We don’t know what the accurate numbers are. We do know that Hamas’ numbers cannot be trusted. It would be illogical and stupid to trust them.
If the Hamas 10K figure is to be believed. And the IDF 3-4K figure is to be believed. That would mean Israel is killing 1.5 civilians or so for every terrorist/ combatant.

That would be unheard of in the history of urban warfare in terms of precision and protection of civilians. This isn't to excuse civilians deaths or pretend they aren't tragic. But it should quickly dispel any idea of this being "ethnic cleansing" or a "genocide".

Does it strike anyone as odd that it took Israel weeks to get an accurate death count from the October 7th massacre but Hamas is able to offer an accurate death count within minutes of a rocket hitting a building?
I think they are both morally wrong: I'm not going to engage in moral gymnastics. Killing civilians is not ok. If you think Israel cares if they kill civilians or not and aren't on a revenge tour, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

How many civilians did the US kill during the Bin Laden raid? There are ways other than bombing to acquire or kill a wanted person. You are assuming that bombing has to occur or it is impossible to take the high ground.

Ok, so what would you do?

Hamas has indicated that there will be future 10/7's and that they will continue to fire rockets at Israel. You are in charge of Israel and it is your responsibility to protect your people. You won't allow for any civilian casualties so what is your solution?
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It is religion. We shouldn't kid ourselves that the middle east dyanmics are fundamentally a religious dispute as it exists NOW. Several clients of mine who are engineers and lebanese. Older gentlemen that come over from Lebanon after the war in 1977. One is Christian, one is Muslim. Both tell the same story of growing up in school having Jews, Chrisitans and Muslims in the same classes and it never bothered any of them. What changed?

Islam changed because we had goofy dopes issuing fatwa after fatwa and raising the stakes of Islamic fundamenetalism; Palestine dispute is a part cause; meddling outsiders like the invasion in Afghanistan didn't help; The U.S. successful efforts to reinstall the Shaw of Iran into power brought to power the Ayatollahs, where it is now a complete theocracy, which we know from history has been nothing more than a lightening rod for attrocities. Sunni/Shia disputes don't help either.

If you read the Qur'an, and I have, your first take is "well this is just a pastiche of Judiasm and Christianty." And you'd be right. Jesus is mentioned 30 plus times, and Mary is mentioned some 70 plus times, including the acceptance of the virgin birth. The Qur'an repeatedly acknowledges the old testatment stories in general, but describes the message now as being one that is corrupted. The problem now begins with the interpretation of the passages, which can be shaped various ways--not unlike Christian new testament passages. What makes Islam fundamentally different is that it makes the claim that is the final revelation and the only true law. That also makes it dangerous. Making it more dangerous is that it was written 100 years after Mohammed, an illiterate merchant, was to have received his revelation. Christianity suffers from the same issue. Mark was written somewhere around 70 AD (roughly 40 years after Jesus died); Matthew was written somewhere around 80 AD; Luke somewhere around 90 AD and John likely around 100 AD. The closest in time are 7 of Paul's letters, written sometime around 50 AD, but Paul didn't know Jesus and never references what Jesus said while he was alive. Interpretation of the New Testament has always been problematic.

The background is important, because it shapes the dynamics of today's world EVERYWHERE. Christianity has 2.4 bil followers (appx); and Islam has somewhere around 2.1 or 2.2 bil. That accounts for just over half of the world's population, and as usual, the funadmenetalists have the loudest and most impactful voices.

This background plays a signficant role the middle east. It played a role in the capture of United States sailors by the Barbary pirates out of Tripoli in the 1780s (referring to any non-muslim as "infidels"). It played a role in the Crusades and on and on.

Then there is the poverbial map redrawing that the major powers also engage. Post WW1 was a disaster; Post WW2 was a disaster--just leading to further conflicts. No different here. Both sides (Palestinians and Jews) can be simultaneously right, and both can be simulataneously wrong. Hamas actions were chickenspit. I have no troubles about Israel defending itself and being proactive in its defense. I don't want to hear the words "genocide" uttered from 35 year old women who haven't read a lick of history and somehow end up in congress. I also don't want to hear the old white guys babble on about

For me, I'm tired of the killing. Tired of watching young kids killed. Tired of the death and destruction and endless cycle of Ragnarock in middle east. There was a chance under Clinton to cut a deal--until there wasn't. Both Palestine and Israel deserve their own state.

I'm not trying to ruffle feathers, sine this is a place of discourse, hopefully all thoughts are welcome
Great information. Thanks!
Ok, so what would you do?

Hamas has indicated that there will be future 10/7's and that they will continue to fire rockets at Israel. You are in charge of Israel and it is your responsibility to protect your people. You won't allow for any civilian casualties so what is your solution?
I wouldn't go on a revenge tour. I would gather intelligence on who is most responsible and go get them via raids. Focus on leadership. Do everything you can to avoid killing civilians.

I would also work as hard as I could on making peace happen and implementing the 2 state solution.
So, if you insert the words "war casualties" in front of a stack of bodies, it makes it moral? It is moral to napalm children during a war? War always justifies killing and harming people: soldiers, civilians, both?

The pilot that dropped that canister was a South Vietnamese pilot just so you are aware of the history of that picture.
How much napalm did our boys drop on women and children, and what US businesses made the napalm?
Napalm was invented in 1942 by a chemist at Harvard. We naped Japan and Korea. The Dow chemical company manufactured it. Monsanto was who produced agent orange and they knew it caused health issues back then. We probably both hate Monsanto.

As far as your question, less than you think. In Vietnam they had free fire zones and it was clear where those were. Also, Diem started a hamlet program that was a total failure to clear areas out but people knew where not to go. Do you have any idea what the VC did to the civilian population in South Vietnam? The ROKs Tiger Division is responsible for so many atrocities. They would rape, murder, and pillage. Then help the survivors rebuild.

If you really want to know about the origins of the Vietnam War and the complicated history of Vietnam you should read Stanley Karnows book Vietnam: A History.

I've read extensively on the subject because my grandpa was an advisor there in 1964 and I just wanted to know about it.
Napalm was invented in 1942 by a chemist at Harvard. We naped Japan and Korea. The Dow chemical company manufactured it. Monsanto was who produced agent orange and they knew it caused health issues back then. We probably both hate Monsanto.

As far as your question, less than you think. In Vietnam they had free fire zones and it was clear where those were. Also, Diem started a hamlet program that was a total failure to clear areas out but people knew where not to go. Do you have any idea what the VC did to the civilian population in South Vietnam? The ROKs Tiger Division is responsible for so many atrocities. They would rape, murder, and pillage. Then help the survivors rebuild.

If you really want to know about the origins of the Vietnam War and the complicated history of Vietnam you should read Stanley Karnows book Vietnam: A History.

I've read extensively on the subject because my grandpa was an advisor there in 1964 and I just wanted to know about it.
You watch the Ken Burns PBS series on Vietnam? I thought it was really good. Tough period of American history. I'm sure the communists did their fair share of mistreating the Vietnamese.

I think there are still kids with born with deformities in Vietnam because of the chemicals.
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You watch the Ken Burns PBS series on Vietnam? I thought it was really good. Tough period of American history. I'm sure the communists did their fair share of mistreating the Vietnamese.

I think there are still kids with born with deformities in Vietnam because of the chemicals.
Yes I have. I've also watched the History Channel Vietnam in HD. When it first came out I would watch 30 mins of it while eating breakfast.

Vietnam War is a stain on this country. I know all the reasons people say we got in to it. It was a myriad of things. But once we were totally committed I think it became a battleground to test new weapons and tactics.

Another good read would be David Halberstams book The Coldest Winter about the first couple years of Korea. My grandpa was there too. Actually had two, one navy, one army.

Both of those books talk about how our US government was new to foreign policy because we'd never really been on the big stage. So after WW2 we became the world's superpower and still struggling to figure it out.
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You watch the Ken Burns PBS series on Vietnam? I thought it was really good. Tough period of American history. I'm sure the communists did their fair share of mistreating the Vietnamese.

I think there are still kids with born with deformities in Vietnam because of the chemicals.
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You watch the Ken Burns PBS series on Vietnam? I thought it was really good. Tough period of American history. I'm sure the communists did their fair share of mistreating the Vietnamese.

I think there are still kids with born with deformities in Vietnam because of the chemicals.
Seeing pictures of agent orange Vietnamese babies crushes my heart. You have Vietnam veterans with cancer because of Agent orange.

My Uncle Brad is dying from cancer. He was in the gulf War in 1991. Was awarded a silver star. He was 5th group Special Forces
Seeing pictures of agent orange Vietnamese babies crushes my heart. You have Vietnam veterans with cancer because of Agent orange.

My Uncle Brad is dying from cancer. He was in the gulf War in 1991. Was awarded a silver star. He was 5th group Special Forces
Oh forget to add he's suffering from Gulf War syndrome because of his exposure to sarin gas.
Yes I have. I've also watched the History Channel Vietnam in HD. When it first came out I would watch 30 mins of it while eating breakfast.

Vietnam War is a stain on this country. I know all the reasons people say we got in to it. It was a myaid of things. But once we were totally committed I think it became a battleground to test new weapons and tactics.

Another good read would be David Halberstams book The Coldest Winter about the first couple years of Korea. My grandpa was there too. Actually had two, one navy, one army.

Both of those books talk about how our US government was new to foreign policy because we'd never really been on the big stage. So after WW2 we became the world's superpower and still struggling to figure it out.
Ken Burns taught me about the Civil War and the Vietnam War. I need to read more about American history and wars.

Once the American leaders figured out the war was a quagmire and unwinnable, they couldn't accept defeat and failure or be the first Americans to do so. So, they lied to the public and equated a large body count as success. The crazy part is Vietnam was a lot like the US at its founding: colony trying to be independent. The whole thing makes me want to cry. Watching vets like Musgrave go through hell and figure out they had been lied to and fought an unwinnable war is heartbreaking. America really lost its innocence in Vietnam. War really is hell in a million different ways, and it is normally the average and poor people that suffer the most. Vietnam is still hurting people to this day.

Guerilla warfare on somebody else's turf. Not being able to tell who the enemy actually is. Fighting causes and ideas. Bad leadership using people. There are some similarities.
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Ken Burns taught me about the Civil War and the Vietnam War. I need to read more about American history and wars.

Once the American leaders figured out the war was a quagmire and unwinnable, they couldn't accept defeat and failure or be the first Americans to do so. So, they lied to the public and equated a large body count as success. The crazy part is Vietnam was a lot like the US at its founding: colony trying to be independent. The whole thing makes me want to cry. Watching vets like Musgrave go through hell and figure out they had been lied to and fought an unwinnable was is heartbreaking. America really lost its innocence in Vietnam. War really is hell in a million different ways, and it is normally the average and poor people that suffer the most. Vietnam is still hurting people to this day.

Guerilla warfare on somebody else's turf. Not being able to tell who the enemy actually is. Fighting causes and ideas. Bad leadership using people. There are some similarities.
My Grandpa was in Korea and proud of what he did there and the outcome. He was also proud of his service in Vietnam but told me one night when we were catfishing that we should have never been there.

The US government was new to being world leaders after WW2 and to this day haven't figured out foreign policy. George F Kennan worked as an advisor in the state Department under Truman and Kennedy and told them to stay out of Asian conflicts. They didn't listen and Dean Acheson and Dulles got him dismissed.
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I think they are both morally wrong: I'm not going to engage in moral gymnastics.
You just did.

But you can’t see it. You’ve been brainwashed. Your brain won’t brain anymore. Propaganda got you. Be careful, or in another five years or so, you too might be willing to chop off some baby heads. You know, justifiably, to keep Israel from killing more innocents than you think is fair and to stop the moral gymnastics.

Hamas must go, and you can’t accept that. Morally, of course.
Lack of education, developed economy, and functioning democracy? I'd start with the 1A. Plenty of Muslims in America aren't a problem.
Of course Muslims aren’t a problem here. They’re a minority and are living in a Christian nation that has capitalism and strong human rights.
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