How do you deal with Islam?

Let’s hope they’re incinerating at a higher rate. How are you supposed to win a war if you lose more people than the enemy you’re fighting?
You are saying the goal is to kill as many people as possible, including women, children, and civilians? That doesn't sound very nice. But, I guess as long as we are being honest..........
You are saying the goal is to kill as many people as possible? That doesn't sound very nice.
If the goal was to kill as many people as possible, this war would’ve been over after week 1. IAF would’ve just leveled Gaza and they wouldn’t have to worry about sending troops in.

As it stands a lot of IDF are now going to have to die in this ground invasion because the Israelis care enough to be discriminant in a way the Palestinians don’t.
If the goal was to kill as many people as possible, this war would’ve been over after week 1. IAF would’ve just leveled Gaza and they wouldn’t have to worry about sending troops in.

As it stands a lot of IDF are now going to have to die in this ground invasion because the Israelis care enough to be discriminated in a way the Palestinians don’t.
Have to die? War and violence don't have to happen. Have they tried not being assholes: they just skipped that part?
Have to die? War and violence don't have to happen. Have they tried not being assholes: they just skipped that part?
Wow. Not sure how to respond to that brilliant point.

The first responsibility of the Israeli government is the safety of their people. A terrorist organization like Hamas on their border is no longer tolerable. So yes. This war does have to happen. The Arab states that surround Israel and the Palestinians have kicked off every major conflict since the partition plan.

So if you’re looking to identify the “assholes” you might try not looking at the people being forced to defend themselves.

Your idealism is admirable though. It’s like listening to a five year old offer their view on Geopolitics. Really darn cute.
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Wow. Not sure how to respond to that brilliant point.

The first responsibility of the Israeli government is the safety of their people. A terrorist organization like Hamas on their border is no longer tolerable. So yes. This war does have to happen. The Arab states that surround Israel and the Palestinians have kicked off every major conflict since the partition plan.

So if you’re looking to identify the “assholes” you might try not looking at the people being forced to defend themselves.

Your idealism is admirable though. It’s like listening to a five year old offer their view on Geopolitics. Really darn cute.

Yes, Israel has to defend itself against the descendants of the people it displaced and the people it continues to displace. Maddening.
Wow. Not sure how to respond to that brilliant point.

The first responsibility of the Israeli government is the safety of their people. A terrorist organization like Hamas on their border is no longer tolerable. So yes. This war does have to happen. The Arab states that surround Israel and the Palestinians have kicked off every major conflict since the partition plan.

So if you’re looking to identify the “assholes” you might try not looking at the people being forced to defend themselves.

Your idealism is admirable though. It’s like listening to a five year old offer their view on Geopolitics. Really darn cute.
You feel like the violence cycles have solved something and that Israel is totally innocent in this conflict? You believe Israel can defeat the cause that Hamas stands for? I'm the 5 year old?

The Arab states surrounding Israel have made peace with Israel for the most part. If they can make peace, then it isn't impossible, right?
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This is a pretty amazing post in light of recent events.

Can’t remember the US denying first aid and movement to the citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq during the gulf wars, after 9/11. Im sure we did in some localized instances but can’t remember that being a strategy. Also amazing some Americans are now suddenly supporting that .
Can’t remember the US denying first aid and movement to the citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq during the gulf wars, after 9/11. Im sure we did in some localized instances but can’t remember that being a strategy. Also amazing some Americans are now suddenly supporting that .
It took 20 years, but we finally beat those rascally Taliban in Afghanistan, right?
It took 20 years, but we finally beat those rascally Taliban in Afghanistan, right?
You’re getting killed here and attacked on multiple fronts. I’ve watched a lot on this and read a fair amount as well. I get your position and mostly agree with you. But the timing is bad. It’s something that needs to be addressed/broached during quieter times not on the tail of this butchery. Hopefully after Hamas is wiped a reset can transpire and changes made. Naive I know given the history but let’s hope against hope
Palestinian was shown with firm boundaries published in National Geographic Magazine pre-Israel.
Most of the 'West Bank' labeled as ' Canaan'.
Why do you separate Judea and Galilee from Israel?
What issue of National Geographic was that?
Have to die? War and violence don't have to happen. Have they tried not being assholes: they just skipped that part?
Sure, Israel doesn't have to go to war. They could just their citizens be slaughtered and do nothing about it. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Can’t remember the US denying first aid and movement to the citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq during the gulf wars, after 9/11. Im sure we did in some localized instances but can’t remember that being a strategy. Also amazing some Americans are now suddenly supporting that .
Can't remember Israel not warning the Palestinians what was coming and not allowing humanitarian aid, either.

But I sure as hell can remember Hamas slaughtering Israelis and other nationalities without mercy.

Spare me your bullshit.
Agree to disagree. Israel already has a lot in common with the Nazis, and they will officially be Nazis if they commit genocide: I don't think I need to explain the irony. Maybe they start WWIII in the process. If we are getting technical, then Israel has violated countless UN and global rules for war crimes, occupation of territories, human rights abuses, apartheid, etc. Israel is far from innocent, and they know how to stack dead civilian bodies as well as anybody. While nobody deserves what happened by Hamas, Israel has created much of their situation and trouble.

Bottom line: the American way of doing business is different from the Israeli way of doing business. If the US wants to make an official statement showing the distinctions, they can do that as well.

Not much you can say to this post except

Can’t remember the US denying first aid and movement to the citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq during the gulf wars, after 9/11. Im sure we did in some localized instances but can’t remember that being a strategy. Also amazing some Americans are now suddenly supporting that .

We were fighting a conventional force in Iraq, no? Afghanistan was mostly battles outside of urban areas.

Pretty stupid comparison if you are going to ignore important context.
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The Arab states surrounding Israel have made peace with Israel for the most part. If they can make peace, then it isn't impossible, right?

Did they also kill 1,000 plus civilians in a direct, non-military attack? Do the Palestinians actually give a shit about peace?

Apples and oranges aren’t the same.
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Yes, Israel has to defend itself against the descendants of the people it displaced and the people it continues to displace. Maddening.

You mean like the Jews that were persecuted and killed through Muslim majority areas over the past thousands of years?
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I can’t teach you numbers. Someone else dropped the ball on that one.

Yes. Hamas butchered, raped, kidnapped and now the IDF incinerates at a higher rate while it denies basic first aid to non-combatants

Here we go round the prickly pear

Video released by Hamas, notice something about ALL of their combatants? No uniforms. And when these dudes inevitably get blow to bits, how do you think they'll be counted on the casualty list by the Hamas people who run the Gaza Health Ministry that shares supposed Palestinian death figures?
You mean like the Jews that were persecuted and killed through Muslim majority areas over the past thousands of years?

ah, so Israel can use thousands of years of history to justify burning babies alive, while others die of simple infections, but Arabs can’t? Israel is a major regional power, fully integrated with and supported by the west, complete with a modern economy and institutions. Israel hasn’t been a backwater nation scrapping to survive amongst aggressive neighbors for more than a generation but still wants to be seen as such anytime it goes on a revenge tour.

You can’t have it both ways and the leaders of the free world are saying as much.
Palestinian was shown with firm boundaries published in National Geographic Magazine pre-Israel.
Most of the 'West Bank' labeled as ' Canaan'.
Why do you separate Judea and Galilee from Israel?

I see that National Geographic map all the time. Go look it up and look at the paragraph in the upper left hand corner that explains why that map is shaded in two different colors.

For those with bad eyesight or who are too lazy to go look, I will quote it for you:

"Majority Report of United Nations Special Committee on Palestine recommended that Palestine be divided into an Arab state (shown in dark gray) and a Jewish state (shown in light gray). The area of Jerusalem would be administered by an International Trusteeship."

That map already showed the state of Israel. All that happened in 1948 is that Israel declared their statehood (per the UN recommendation) and gave their state a name. Instead of doing the same, the Arabs declared war and were beat. This caused them to lose territory and Egypt and Jordan took over the rest of the area that was to be a Palestinian state. They declared war again less than 20 years later and got their butts kicked again and lost even more territory. When you start a war and lose, sorry about ya.
We were fighting a conventional force in Iraq, no? Afghanistan was mostly battles outside of urban areas.

Pretty stupid comparison if you are going to ignore important context.

You’re saying that the US, in the context of world PR, could skate free on trapping non-combatants in a ghetto and then bombing them? Pshaw
You’re saying that the US, in the context of world PR, could skate free on trapping non-combatants in a ghetto and then bombing them? Pshaw

Can you explain why they are locked in an Israeli ghetto when they share a border with Egypt and have access to the Mediterranean Sea. Also explain how they are able to smuggle weapons in but have trouble with the things a people needs to survive. Furthermore, compare and contrast their behavior and treatment to those individuals living on the West Bank.

10/7 is EXACTLY why Israel wants little to nothing to do with them. They wanted a separate state and Israel pit up a border between them. Israel withdrew from Gaza almost 20 years ago. They don't owe those people anything.
You’re saying that the US, in the context of world PR, could skate free on trapping non-combatants in a ghetto and then bombing them? Pshaw
Since the US is supporting Israel with billions of tax dollars each year, we basically are doing this. It is okay when Israel does this: if you say otherwise, you're an anti-semite.
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ah, so Israel can use thousands of years of history to justify burning babies alive, while others die of simple infections, but Arabs can’t? Israel is a major regional power, fully integrated with and supported by the west, complete with a modern economy and institutions. Israel hasn’t been a backwater nation scrapping to survive amongst aggressive neighbors for more than a generation but still wants to be seen as such anytime it goes on a revenge tour.

You can’t have it both ways and the leaders of the free world are saying as much.

Israel isn't using any history to do anything. You and jimbo are the ones that keep trying to bring history into this recent conflict - as a means to justify the actions of Palestinian terrorists. That's what it says about you.

Also, your points about Israeli progress seem favorable. Israelis (20% of which are Arabs) have decided to modernize and align with Western progress while the other shithole countries and regions in the MIddle East, including Gaza and the West Bank, continue to live in ancient times - treating women like shit, rejecting modern medicine, obsessing over religion...

You seem to forget the fact that Palestinians are rejected by their own "brothers" in Jordan, Egypt, Syria and beyond. Nobody wants them - why do you think that is?
You’re saying that the US, in the context of world PR, could skate free on trapping non-combatants in a ghetto and then bombing them? Pshaw

Why are you not pointing your finger at Egypt or Jordan, who are literally using military force to ensure Palestinians don't cross into their country? The borders aren't just with Israel. Yet, you have no contempt for either of those Muslim countries.
I can’t teach you numbers. Someone else dropped the ball on that one.

Yes. Hamas butchered, raped, kidnapped and now the IDF incinerates at a higher rate while it denies basic first aid to non-combatants

Here we go round the prickly pear

Once war gets unleashed, the combatants don’t stop to debate the moral niceties that were abandoned in favor of war to begin with.

Japan killed 2403 at Pearl Harbor. And yes, it is a perfect analogy. Japan started some shit, and they reaped more than the full measure of what they sowed. Was the US was supposed to stop the Pacific World War II once we killed 2404, ‘cause that’s how war works? Gotta be fair and equivalent? Moral equivalence too? Was the US supposed to stop just because, in the grand scheme of it all, and once the academics thought through it all, Japan had needed natural resources and went out and took them through military means because that was the only means the world left to them, or that they thought they had available? Forget about the rape of Nanking, and all of that bad stuff they did because they were justifiably angry over their teeny-weeny little country not being able to get fuel and metals? and blah blah blah Justify blah blah Rationalize blah blah?

War doesn’t end when the guy who fired the first shot cries “uncle.”

There is a time to talk it all out, and give it all a deep think. And there is a time for war. This is the time for war, because Hamas made it a time for war. They have unleashed mankind at his worst, and they are getting what they “deserve” according to mankind rules. They chose to toss aside the principles of morality. The Palestinian People they are supposed to be taking care of? They are instead using them as pawns and human shields. Their only chance was/is to pack up and refugee south and get the hell out of the way, just Scarlett and Atlanta. Sherman doesn’t care. The only humane way to fight a war is to win it as quickly as possible and make it stop. It always sucks. War always produces refugees. That’s just the way it is. And until Jesus returns, that’s the way it’s going to stay.

Anybody that gave a single damn about the Palestinian people would’ve gotten rid of Hamas years ago. Didn’t hear a peep. The only violations of human rights we heard about were those allegedly committed by Israel, not Hamas. And Hamas’ slaughter of Jews was a dog whistle for the folks who use the Palestinians to hit the street and argue for moral equivalence. Spare me the hypocrisy.

Do they want to return all property seized in all wars to somebody’s great great grandkids? OK. Let’s start with your house. Which tribe are you going to give it back to? Cherokees? Apache? Are you looking to give Arizona, New Mexico and California back to Mexico? Who gets the Louisiana Purchase?

“The right of revolution is an inherent one. When people are oppressed by their government, it is a natural right they enjoy to relieve themselves of the oppression, if they are strong enough, either by withdrawal from it, or by overthrowing it, and substituting a government more acceptable. But any part of the people who resort to this remedy stake their lives, their property, and every claim for protection given by citizenship – on the issue. Victory, or the conditions imposed by the conqueror, must be the result. “

Now, we can parse that out and talk about the differences between the Palestinians, and whether they are citizens anywhere, or chose this Hamas bunch and do/don’t support their slaughters through the entirety of their existence. Or we can take the statement for its meaning. When you start some shit, you accept the consequences. In advance. You bet your life on this. And now that the Israelis are about to take that life, Hamas wants to call time out. That ain’t how that works. Give back your hostages, and give up your terrorists, so they can be put on trial and dealt with like human beings deal with terrorists. Then we can talk.

There are no answers that work throughout all time. Everybody is right until the clock ticks again, then everything changes. The only thing that has remained true is that so long as a Jew owns a single acre, Arab and Islamic peoples want them dead. There is no amount of land that the Israelis can give back, which will make this stop forever.

Too many words. Nothing I say here will even cause a mosquito bite-sized dent in anyone’s thoughts. Grant and Sherman and Lincoln were right. The only way to stop more war is to make people want to live more than fight. “Make em howl.” The Secesh have been quiet about wanting slavery and a Confederacy for 150 years. That desire was abolished by death and hunger and violence and want.

Sigh. I’m going back to bed. I didn’t solve anything.
Oh look... the peaceful people are at it again

Looks like they hit an officer with that chair too. I expect a full investigation into this video so we can identify all involved and have an FBI swat team show up to flashbang their house and take them into custody stat.
Oh look... the peaceful people are at it again

Now now. Keep it in perspective. Violence is OK when you decide you are right.