How do you deal with Islam?

The rules just seem to be different for some groups....

It will be interesting to compare and contrast this to Charlottesville. This administration is already tone deaf, talking about Islamophobia, but now we have a dead Jewish guy at a protest after weeks of mostly the left (with a smattering of the lunatic right) chanting clearly anti-semitic things at the White House and at cities across the country and it has been mostly crickets.

This issue has much more potential to go hot than the Charlottesville one IMO. Somebody better step in before it does.
Craze, do you believe all Muslims are terrorists and don't adhere to a religion of peace ?

Aren't there renegades and those who follow different paths within all the major religions ?

No all Muslims aren't terrorists, I believe the renegades in Islam are the people who remain peaceful when they are a large group or a majority in the country. I think far too many of those same people are far more permissive of the not-so-radical radicals in their midst because at its heart Islam is a political system wrapped in a religion that was completely made up by a guy who wanted to conquer people around him.

The fact that there are good Muslims doesn't change my opinion that Islam=bad. Good Muslims are good in spite of the rantings of Muhammad.
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No all Muslims aren't terrorists, I believe the renegades in Islam are the people who remain peaceful when they are a large group or a majority in the country. I think far too many of those same people are far more permissive of the not-so-radical radicals in their midst because at its heart Islam is a political system wrapped in a religion that was completely made up by a guy who wanted to conquer people around him.

The fact that there are good Muslims doesn't change my opinion that Islam=bad. Good Muslims are good in spite of the rantings of Muhammad.
All while you are coming to grips finally with the Nazi wing of your own party.

Maybe the problem isn't Islam as much as it's antisemitism.
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No all Muslims aren't terrorists, I believe the renegades in Islam are the people who remain peaceful when they are a large group or a majority in the country. I think far too many of those same people are far more permissive of the not-so-radical radicals in their midst because at its heart Islam is a political system wrapped in a religion that was completely made up by a guy who wanted to conquer people around him.

The fact that there are good Muslims doesn't change my opinion that Islam=bad. Good Muslims are good in spite of the rantings of Muhammad.

Craze, agree with you about Middle East Muslims not being prone to democratic values and lean in the direction of authoritarian regimes which favor Islam and even support terrorist groups.

However, only 20% of Muslims live in the Middle East with Asia having 60% of the world's Muslim population. These Asian Muslims share a different perspective on democracy as it relates to religion.

As for me, can hope some day more ME Muslims can emulate the United States which upholds the values of democracy and freedom of all religions. Unfortunately, today all too many ME Muslims see us as the enemy.
All while you are coming to grips finally with the Nazi wing of your own party.

Maybe the problem isn't Islam as much as it's antisemitism.

Nah, it is Islam. I know it kills you guys to do the whole judgey thing but I don't care all that much. There is nothing inherently wrong with the multiple nationalities and races that practice Islam. They are people like you and I. The problem is with the belief system. Same as a Communist.
How many people died from the Vietnam War because they had a different belief system? How many people have died or suffered from (insert belief system)? Why are "us vs. them" and violence such important parts of humanity? The mirror is a good place to start.
Did the NVA not invade Laos and South Vietnam, prompting the war?
Aren't there renegades and those who follow different paths within all the major religions ?

Sure hoot, but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of Islam followers that fall into your "renegade" category. The amount of terrorist attacks against civilians is entirely different between Islam and other causes, not just religion, over the past 50 years.

Not only that, attacks are increasing based on Islam.

• 1979-2000: 2,194 attacks and 6,817 deaths.
• 2001-2012: 8,265 attacks and 38,186 deaths.
• 2013-May 2021: 37,576 attacks and 165,135 deaths.
Craze, agree with you about Middle East Muslims not being prone to democratic values and lean in the direction of authoritarian regimes which favor Islam and even support terrorist groups.

However, only 20% of Muslims live in the Middle East with Asia having 60% of the world's Muslim population. These Asian Muslims share a different perspective on democracy as it relates to religion.

As for me, can hope some day more ME Muslims can emulate the United States which upholds the values of democracy and freedom of all religions. Unfortunately, today all too many ME Muslims see us as the enemy.

I think that is the thing we try and tell ourselves to be above the fray. There are terrorist cells in the Phillipines (Abu Sayyaf) and Jemaah Islamiya in Indonesia. Both of them have carried out terrorist attacks against their own "kafir" populace and also the Western interests in their own countries.

Islam is a violent religion. If Christian groups were running around hacking off people's heads in even a smidgen of the numbers that Muslims do on a yearly basis, there are people in the West that would be falling over themselves to denounce it. No, I don't believe that I have to acknowledge things that are clearly not equal or not good as equal and good because to do otherwise may offend someone not seen as of "the west". Islam sucks. The fact that some or even a majority of people who are adherents aren't all bloodthirsty savages doesn't make it suck any less. They are good in spite of what Islam tells them to do.

Find a mainstream source from any other religion that is telling you today that it is OK to rape female prisoners of war. Find one that actively seeks out and murders "infidels" and can find active support in its houses of worship and tacit support in its streets. I think Islam sucks but I don't think the answer is for me to murder as many of them as it takes for them to convert. I can find not insignificant groups in every single majority Muslim country that does believe that though.

So I am not walking back that opinion. I have no use for Muhammad's rules for subjugating your neighbor.
Sure hoot, but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of Islam followers that fall into your "renegade" category. The amount of terrorist attacks against civilians is entirely different between Islam and other causes, not just religion, over the past 50 years.

Not only that, attacks are increasing based on Islam.

• 1979-2000: 2,194 attacks and 6,817 deaths.
• 2001-2012: 8,265 attacks and 38,186 deaths.
• 2013-May 2021: 37,576 attacks and 165,135 deaths.
JDB, here is a link supporting your data and conclusion about Islam with gobs of interesting detail about the global events and various Islamic terrorist groups. The link goes into considerable detail in just defining what constitutes terrorism and how to identify terrorists.

One interesting fact not mentioned in you post is that the majority of the victims of Islamist terrorism from 1979 to 2021 are Muslims (91.2%).
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JDB, here is a link supporting your data and conclusion about Islam with gobs of interesting detail about the global events and various Islamic terrorist groups. The link goes into considerable detail in just defining what constitutes terrorism and how to identify terrorists.

One interesting fact not mentioned in you post is that the majority of the victims of Islamist terrorism from 1979 to 2021 are Muslims (91.2%).

I linked that study a few pages back. It's incredible how many events have happened and how many people killed.

It's not that surprising how violent Muslims are against other Muslims because of the various factions. But, it certainly reiterates the idea that the religion is not one of peace, doens't it?
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I linked that study a few pages back. It's incredible how many events have happened and how many people killed.

It's not that surprising how violent Muslims are against other Muslims because of the various factions. But, it certainly reiterates the idea that the religion is not one of peace, doens't it?

Bet all those Muslims killed by the Islamic terrorists would say their fellow Muslims were not following a religion of peace.
Nah, it is Islam. I know it kills you guys to do the whole judgey thing but I don't care all that much. There is nothing inherently wrong with the multiple nationalities and races that practice Islam. They are people like you and I. The problem is with the belief system. Same as a Communist.
We've already been over this. I think you are putting too much into the ideology, which, in my opinion, is no more than a tool or excuse to realize goals both good and evil that people already naturally have. So, we'll have to agree to disagree on this.

That said: does it matter that we don't agree? We don't need to agree about Islam to agree that Hamas needs to be defeated. However, I worry that your opinion on Islam necessarily leads to long-term strategic goals that I can't sign onto.
I linked that study a few pages back. It's incredible how many events have happened and how many people killed.

It's not that surprising how violent Muslims are against other Muslims because of the various factions. But, it certainly reiterates the idea that the religion is not one of peace, doens't it?
Obama and other apologists always site the Quran 2.256 which states that "There is no compulsion in religion". What they don't tell you is that that verse is from Mo's early days in Medina, when he was trying to convert by peaceful persuasion. That didn't work so well, so he became a thief distributing booty and occasional murderer. Mo said on several occasions that he had been victorious through terror. In 4.89 it says "If they turn away (from Islam) then seize them and kill them wherever you find them..." There are also "hadiths" where Mo was quoted as saying apostates should be killed. So there has been a never-ending debate about whether the "no compulsion in religion" language was 'abrogated' by the later instructions.

There are numerous Muslim countries that still have the DP available for apostates and atheists. Ideology matters. bin Laden and his ilk were Islamic scholars.
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We've already been over this. I think you are putting too much into the ideology, which, in my opinion, is no more than a tool or excuse to realize goals both good and evil that people already naturally have. So, we'll have to agree to disagree on this.

That said: does it matter that we don't agree? We don't need to agree about Islam to agree that Hamas needs to be defeated. However, I worry that your opinion on Islam necessarily leads to long-term strategic goals that I can't sign onto.

Would you say it's a cultural problem more than a religious one then?
Seriously, though, I think all religious problems are ultimately cultural problems, because I think religion reflects culture.

But why are some religions much more prone to have or cause problems? Hindus aren’t perfect, but they are materially less violent and more productive members of global society.

Jews certainly aren’t perfect either, but they also seem to cause a disproportionate lack of violence, etc.

So I’m not sure if culture informs religion as much as religion informs culture
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But why are some religions much more prone to have or cause problems? Hindus aren’t perfect, but they are materially less violent and more productive members of global society.

Jews certainly aren’t perfect either, but they also seem to cause a disproportionate lack of violence, etc.

So I’m not sure if culture informs religion as much as religion informs culture

I think geography and the British empire have more to do with it.

The Levant has periodically been a violent place, whether it be muslims, jews, or christians, for lots of reasons.

Places where the BE drew arbitrary national boundaries still also tend to be hot spots, and that includes muslim vs jew, muslim vs hindu, muslim vs muslim, christian vs muslim, christian vs christian...

now does geography that provokes violence inform culture? sure, but I don't think the main driver is actually in the scripture of the various religions
But why are some religions much more prone to have or cause problems? Hindus aren’t perfect, but they are materially less violent and more productive members of global society.

Jews certainly aren’t perfect either, but they also seem to cause a disproportionate lack of violence, etc.

So I’m not sure if culture informs religion as much as religion informs culture
I think that whole region is just royally f*cked up, and it doesn't really matter who is in charge or what god they pray to.

I will say you probably have a point about religion informing culture. I made it sound like it was a one way relationship, like religion was passive. But sometimes religion actively carries cultural values and pushes culture in different ways. I mean, I can understand why the Palestinians are, ahem, unhappy with the Jews. And strategically speaking, it makes sense for Iran to view them as an adversary. But there are other Muslim countries that harbor a lot of antisemitism that can't really be explained by anything other than religion.
Would you say it's a cultural problem more than a religious one then?
Partly...the violent cultural society seems to have a pervasive 'macho' undercurrent, notwithstanding race, language, or environment.
From so-called rebels in the Africa's, of course Muslim culture considers non-believers as be enslaved, exploited and destroyed. Women are chattel in this extreme Macho culture. The Cartels operate on the border of two ostensibly Christian countries
'Macho' is the driver.
I will recognize how the US has treated the Native Americans and how Israel has utterly failed to do the same. I'm for peace, not a double standard of murder. You are literally justifying murder of civilians. I will not excuse poor behavior on either side.

“Don’t START none, won’t be none”

“On October 7th, 2023 - a date which will live in infamy -- the nation of Israel was suddenly and deliberately attacked by forces of the terrorist nation of Hamas.

Israel was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of virtually the whole world, was still in conversations with even that terrorist nation looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Middle East.

It will be recorded that the results of this attack makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many months or even years ago. During the intervening time, Hamas has deliberately sought to deceive the world by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The October 7 attack caused severe damage not to Israeli naval and military forces, but targeted innocent civilians. I regret to tell you that Hamas’ utter disdain for human life led to their joy, their CELEBRATED JOY, in the murder and beheading of children and infants.

This celebration of joy at the murder of infants nearly immediately spread to Hamas supporters around the world, even in our own nation, where the same statements and assurances of future peace now ring false.

No matter how long it may take Israel to overcome this premeditated invasion, the Israeli people - in their righteous might - will win through to absolute victory.

I believe that I interpret the will of the American people and of the peace-loving people around the world when I assert that we will not only defend Israel and ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Never. Again.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are also in grave danger by the same threat. Even in their streets of joy over their attack on Israeli children, they cast blame, hate and threats at our nation, and call for their people to fill OUR streets with their hate.

With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023, a state of war has existed between the United States and Hamas and their murderous Allie’s.”

Hamas bombed Pearl Harbor. They can now reap what they have sown. Israel is on its way to their Hiroshima.

Never again.
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“Don’t START none, won’t be none”

“On October 7th, 2023 - a date which will live in infamy -- the nation of Israel was suddenly and deliberately attacked by forces of the terrorist nation of Hamas.

Israel was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of virtually the whole world, was still in conversations with even that terrorist nation looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Middle East.

It will be recorded that the results of this attack makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many months or even years ago. During the intervening time, Hamas has deliberately sought to deceive the world by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The October 7 attack caused severe damage not to Israeli naval and military forces, but targeted innocent civilians. I regret to tell you that Hamas’ utter disdain for human life led to their joy, their CELEBRATED JOY, in the murder and beheading of children and infants.

This celebration of joy at the murder of infants nearly immediately spread to Hamas supporters around the world, even in our own nation, where the same statements and assurances of future peace now ring false.

No matter how long it may take Israel to overcome this premeditated invasion, the Israeli people - in their righteous might - will win through to absolute victory.

I believe that I interpret the will of the American people and of the peace-loving people around the world when I assert that we will not only defend Israel and ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Never. Again.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are also in grave danger by the same threat. Even in their streets of joy over their attack on Israeli children, they cast blame, hate and threats at our nation, and call for their people to fill OUR streets with their hate.

With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023, a state of war has existed between the United States and Hamas and their murderous Allie’s.”

Hamas bombed Pearl Harbor. They can now reap what they have sown. Israel is on its way to their Hiroshima.

Never again.
Never again? This conflict has been going on forever, and violence has solved nothing: this is just the most recent cycle of violence. Palestinians are not Japan in WW2, and the US and Israel are separate entities. Israel can perform genocide on its own without US taxpayer support: that is what Nazis do.
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Never again? This conflict has been going on forever, and violence has solved nothing: this is just the most recent cycle of violence. Palestinians are not Japan in WW2, and the US and Israel are separate entities. Israel can perform genocide on its own without US taxpayer support: that is what Nazis do.
Palestinians are worse than Japan in WW2.

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