How do you deal with Islam?

If you would link a longer clip, I'd gladly watch. Otherwise, I guess we should just take your word for it.
Sorry, I guess it wasn't a question directed at him as much as it was a discussion about the topic. Anyway, this has been fact-checked multiple times, and taking that short clip out of context in an attempt to portray it as something other than it is is blatantly dishonest.

Here's the whole speech:

In a perfect world no one would need a military and we could all get along.

That ain't happening.

The military is an unfortunate necessity. Of course, our nukes would likely provide enough deterrent by themselves to keep us from being attacked directly but getting rid of our military would limit our ability to protect our interests abroad, including protecting vital shipping lanes that bring us our goods. It would also embolden our enemies and likely invite repeats of 9/11 and/or lead China to take Taiwan etc if they had no worry of the US intervening. Other countries would test where we draw the line because fortunately every country is actually reluctant to fire nukes. If any other country crosses that line then having to send a nuke instead of having a military option available would cost more innocent lives then you thought you were saving by getting rid of the military.

A much more reasonable argument is saying that we spend too much money on the military and don't focus enough on reducing operational costs. Not saying that is my argument per se but just more reasonable than trying to claim we should get rid of it, which is just a bad idea.

As for Israel vs Hamas/Palastine, nothing is black and white. People need to back off from accusing people of being antisemites just because they don't want civilians to be killed in the crossfire or because they comment that not everyone in Palestine is evil. Of course the people involved in the attack on Israel should be brought to justice and anyone that aided and abetted. But this is a lot messier and more complex than simplifying it just good vs evil.
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Muslims only value Muslim life if it is being taken by Jews. Otherwise. Wgaf?

The Quran was meant to offer gods last revelation. Usurping all the others. Yet almost every Arab state is a failed state.

Let’s be clear about what this is. Bitterness. Jealousy.

Here the Jews have this small tract of land. Ironically one of the only tracts in the ME without any oil. And they build flourishing, high functioning society in a sea of failed Muslim states.

It’s a direct rebuke that hits at the heart of the lie that is Islam. That’s why they hate the Jews. That’s why they tokenize the Palestinians. No more. No less.

All the "progressives" out marching for these folks are nothing but useful idiots.
So...I know you (IUC) said something this morning, but this board goes silent when something is seriously wrong on the dem side. This hamas march last night with thousands descending on DC is wrong on the highest of levels. Sorry this should not be dismissed. This is a problem. Not just here they are all over London, Canada, France....BUT HERE???? In our capitol, climbing the white house fence, destroying monuments...This is our enemy and they are here marching waving flags in our faces? Nobody says a f*cking word? WTF is wrong with this board. You all think this is okay? 8 million over the border since this admin took over. We all saw the organized BS after George Floyd now 8 million new peeps are here. I'm sure all of them are here seeking a new life??? My ASS.
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“Burning Jewish flags and praising Hamas are criminal offenses here in Germany”

Yikes. Don’t ever let someone tell you that other Western countries have free speech.
The UK also prohibits certain speech.

Germany has a special history that makes this understandable.
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So...I know you (IUC) said something this morning, but this board goes silent when something is seriously wrong on the dem side. This hamas march last night with thousands descending on DC is wrong on the highest of levels. Sorry this should not be dismissed. This is a problem. Not just here they are all over London, Canada, France....BUT HERE???? In our capitol, climbing the white house fence, destroying monuments...This is our enemy and they are here marching waving flags in our faces? Nobody says a f*cking word? WTF is wrong with this board. You all think this is okay? 8 million over the border since this admin took over. We all saw the organized BS after George Floyd now 8 million new peeps are here. I'm sure all of them are here seeking a new life??? My ASS.
But you can bet Goat, and others, will be on here in 6 months saying "I never said I agreed with any of that".
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"Migrant" (read Muslim) parents have a difficulty explaining Anne Frank's significance so we need to change thr name of the preschool (in Germany).

I would assert that Islam is incompatible with "Westernism". The question is "What do we do with Islam?" Uninvite them.

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