How do you deal with Islam?

No. I think “apartheid” as it applies to Israel is a product of Iran/Hamas/Palestinian misinformation and propaganda. . It’s a useful pejorative and is nothing like real apartheid. If anything, it’s the Palestinians, spurred on by Iran who practice apartheid, and they practice it in a heinous fashion as we learned on October 7.
Then you are unwilling to be fully informed about the conflict, willfully ignoring one side of the conflict, admittedly biased, and admittedly have a double standard of morality. You are not capable of having an informed, educated opinion about the matter.
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You think the military isn't a threat to democracy?
Any military is a threat to democracy: it can take over the government through force.
What is your view of the moral use of military in the civil war? Both sides had democracies.

How about the use of military to fight Hitler?

Military is not inherently moral or immoral. It all depends on who is in control

October 7 is an eye-opener. You should open yours. The Iran/Hamas/ Palestinian immorality was on full display. Worse, the barbarians were proud of their atrocities as they congratulated themselves; worst of all, people right here in the US also congratulated them.
I understand their are two clauses. I responded directly to Jimbo's claim that Christianity would ruin Democracy and calling all religions equal. Where was Mr. Pedantic when I needed him?

Also, @HoosierJimbo89 the founders weren't scared that "Christianity was going to ruin Democracy". They were scared of the government's power and wanted to limit the government from using religion. One is not the other.
Religion is illogical and irrational. You can't have a rational, logical government if religion is part of it. Some people flew planes into buildings because their God said it was ok.
Then you are unwilling to be fully informed about the conflict, willfully ignoring one side of the conflict, admittedly biased, and admittedly have a double standard of morality. You are not capable of having an informed, educated opinion about the matter.
I’m not the one with willful ignorance. It’s now plain that Iran/Hamas/Palestine have not only created this conflict, they perpetuate it. The hate Jews. Acting as if there is two sides to ongoing barbaric terrorism is in and of itself ignorant.
October 7 is an eye-opener. You should open yours.
No, this is just the most recent cycle of violence, and Israel will end up killing more Palestinians like they always do. You should open your eyes to the entire conflict and try to understand how we got here. There is about 80 years of history that you are ignoring. If you refuse to educate yourself, then your opinion is inherently flawed.
I’m not the one with willful ignorance. It’s now plain that Iran/Hamas/Palestine have not only created this conflict, they perpetuate it. The hate Jews. Acting as if there is two sides to ongoing barbaric terrorism is in and of itself ignorant.
That is simply not true. You like Israel, you don't like Palestine or Iran, and do you refuse to educate yourself about the entire conflict got. Got it. As stated before, the core of this conflict is a land dispute between two ethnicities and political entities.
I’m assuming you hare an atheist or at least have no religion. Yet you posted illogical and irrational messages in this thread. The point is that religion isn’t irrational and illogical, people are. Religion is faith.
Educate yourself. You are willfully ignorant. I have educated myself about the conflict. I have read about it instead of refusing to read about it.

A belief/faith is different from science and fact, and nobody knows for a fact what happens after death.
Religion is illogical and irrational. You can't have a rational, logical government if religion is part of it. Some people flew planes into buildings because their God said it was ok.
Wrong again. Some humans and religions (to a lesser degree) aren’t rational. Lol…on your logical government comments. Governments have done far worse.
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As stated before, the core of this conflict is a land dispute between two ethnicities and political entities.
An example of illigical and irrational thought. Those who think this is only a land dispute are ignoring the fundamental and long standing cause. Palestinians hate Jews. That’s it. There have been opportunities to resolve the land dispute over the last decades. Each time the Palestinians and Iran walked away. They hate Jews and they don’t want Israel to exist. Slogans to that effect are shouted on the streets and college campuses around the world as I write this.
Wrong again. Some humans and religions (to a lesser degree) aren’t rational. Lol…on your logical government comments. Governments have done far worse.
Do you think the 1A shouldn't exist and government should be intertwined with religion?
Do you think the 1A shouldn't exist and government should be intertwined with religion?
No, I’m glad it exists and would write it the same way. I want to be able to freely worship and I don’t want the government perverting a religion (or vice versa) to limit citizens free will, rights, and etc.
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Religion is illogical and irrational. You can't have a rational, logical government if religion is part of it. Some people flew planes into buildings because their God said it was ok.

Logical and rational secularists murdered millions in China. Cambodia, and the USSR (among other places). Apparently "secular logic" precludes you from having rational, logical government as well.

People were starved and murdered because their leaders said it was ok.
That is simply not true. You like Israel, you don't like Palestine or Iran, and do you refuse to educate yourself about the entire conflict got. Got it. As stated before, the core of this conflict is a land dispute between two ethnicities and political entities.
What makes Israel an apartheid regime?
No, this is just the most recent cycle of violence, and Israel will end up killing more Palestinians like they always do. You should open your eyes to the entire conflict and try to understand how we got here. There is about 80 years of history that you are ignoring. If you refuse to educate yourself, then your opinion is inherently flawed.
I’d say it would help if Hamas didn’t order the Palestinians to stay in their homes after Israel warned them to evacuate. But that’s part of Hamas’s plan.

They truly are the epitome of evil. Lives mean nothing to them. The destruction of Israel is the ONLY thing they care about.
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What have you read?
Let's start with the articles you refused to read. Here is one. CO Hoosier refused to even read this one.

Whoever New Mark is is right. The 1A covers religion with two clauses, free exercise and establishment. You are interpreting them to mean the same thing. This is a gross violation of basic constitutional interpretation, which requires us to assume no words are redundant. The establishment clause cannot be and is not merely a restatement of the free exercise clause. At it's minimum, it means the state cannot favor one religion over another, regardless of how free everyone is to practice their beliefs.

Mark Milton has been around since before I ventured around in 2003. We used to talk about coach hep
How do you run the ball 3 straight times and settle for a field goal in the 4 after the int? Some of the worse play calling I’ve seen.
I guess Allen got scared we'd turn it over there and went for the sure 3. Maybe Sorsby had a sore shoulder and they didI

We did tie it up and could have got the ball back with enough time if we don't go to sleep on the deep pass.

I would have thrown at least one pass in that situation.

On a good note, I think Carey has been great for out offense and Sorsby looks like he could turn into a good one. Our receivers stepped up today, for once.

Yeah, I'm disappointed we didn't go in for the kill, but the team showed some tremendous improvement today. Call it a moral victory or whatever, but after what I've seen this year, that was a damn near miraculous performance today.
Maybe not politically correct but….. The Palestinians are stupid, violent Assholes.

There’s a reason Egypt and Jordan won’t even consider a refugee camp, much less taking them in as citizens.

Enough coddling these lowlifes.
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It's taken wildly out of context. He was answering a question, and he gave a reasonable direct answer to what he was asked (about the diversity of the Scottish government). It didn't even ruffle any feathers until a right wing troll posted the clip online and said it was proof he hates white people.

Why would you go on such a diatribe to state the obvious for a country that is 95% white?

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