Once again, endorsements of HRC from anyone over Trump is really not newsworthy. Trump has openly spoken of ordering the military to commit war crimes. It's hardly worth jumping up and down that a number of officers would rather HRC be President over Trump. Hell, I would rather she be President over Trump, I just won't vote for her and I'll hope that she's a one term President. However, you ask any officer if they'd suffer significant consequences for doing exactly what HRC did and nearly 100% would say that they would. I know dozens and dozens of officers of many ranks, all the way to 3 stars and this topic comes up from time to time. 100% of those that have expressed an opinion believe there isn't the slightest chance of keeping a clearance at a minimum, and that means 100% would be out of the military in short order. It really isn't a close question. Being butt hurt has zero to do with it. These are the consequences Comey said a person in government would face for being recklessly negligent, as she indisputably was, in handling classified information.
Also, a Lieutenant isn't an enlisted person.
Finally, HRC actually did lie, or was more ignorant than a boot Sailor about classified markings, by claiming not to recognize that "(C)" in front of a paragraph indicates that paragraph is classified Confidential. Those really are the only two possibilities. I think she lied. Given that she publicly lied about the email situation many times, from the beginning, why give her the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to simple ignorance?