I don't know about Zeke, but you do me an injustice to include me in this post. My criticism of your (i.e., some conservatives') lunacy about Clinton has nothing to do with you posting negatives, and everything to do with you passing over very real and obvious negatives to post absolute rubbish just because it's sexier and darker. To repeat the phrase I've already used: you imagine her as a Bond villain, and that makes discussion of her genuine faults almost impossible.
What's rubbish Goat is the lefts defense of her indefensible behavior as SOS. Name one false statement I made regarding her activities regarding the emails etc. You can't. Instead you post this type of personal insult. This doesn't include my personal negatives about her. That's fair game but the facts aren't.
Was this rubbish:
They are lies Goat and she has proven herself extremely careless and reckless in her handling of security matters.
Is this a lie and rubbish:
Her foundation is....well you know the facts there about all the donations from nations who treat women like shit and persecute gays via murder or prison and on and on. Go to her foundation website and see the donations for yourself.
Is this a lie and rubbish:
She can't recall signing documents and receiving training. She couldn't recall 35 times in the FBI interview
Hell they can't even find many of the devices she used and there were many as opposed to her one device comments
Was this more rubbish:
What about the thorough wipe of her server and destruction of devices?? I know, it's obvious Hillary never ordered the wipe
. She will blame it on her lawyers, on her aides, or anybody else she can think of instead of taking personal responsibility for anything.
Is this not factual:
How do you explain her forgetting all the stuff ask her by the FBI? Or perhaps you think the whole report was ginned up in some back room by her enemies. What about not remembering some very key and elementary items required of her and her position
I guess she could have been nervous and flustered in her FBI interview as some have pathetically suggested but then the left always brags about her sterling performance under pressure at her 12+ hour meeting during her Congressional hearing.
You apparently dislike answering this:
Are you saying Hillary has been truthful and competent in her handling of classified material and government emails?
She has lied in front of cameras on numerous occasions to the people and Congress. This is simply a fact.
The left keeps using Comeys findings that she can't be prosecuted while at the same time turning a blind eye to what all he reported was uncovered and diplomatically called her a repeated liar on several occasions. You ignore the FBI released interview about her not recalling details some 35 times. Her not recalling signing documents about her responsibility and the consequences. She didn't recall any security training. On and on and on. This is what I described in my sexier and darker rubbish post as you call it. You won't address her carelessness, what the FBI has reported and......................Instead its more words, little fact, rubbish and par for the course.
Your right it is impossible to discuss her genuine faults.......
with facts to a supporter. The general defense is liar, liar, liar pants on fire and it's dark, sexy and rubbish or simply "prove it". You mentioned excellent points before about what you felt were negatives. I agree and as Zeke pointed out later she is to hawkish, careless, close to Wall Street.......................but everything I have pointed out are very real and genuine negatives sir. Add your points to these facts and it simply points to her being as bad or worse than Trump.
Hell I didn't even mention the sleazy relationship between the foundation, her, and the State Dept. It certainly doesn't look favorable for her and many Democrats are saying so and encouraging her to shut it down etc. Tit for Tat can't be proven but it looks like it anyway.
I'm perfectly willing to discuss any real negatives you perceive. What's amazing to me and about 2/3 of the American people is why you don't consider all the emails, carelessness regarding security, her foundation,..................as genuine negatives. By the way, she is not intelligent enough or capable enough to be a Bond villain. In general a Bond villain requires some technical expertise and very high regard for security and intelligence work. That's my personal dark, sexy negative.
Let me beat you to it sir, vbg, "
lots of words with no substance"......saving you the time.