Grand jury votes to indict Trump

Well, it appears that Marjorie Taylor Greene's effort to lead a pro-Trump protest in NYC has hit a snag. She made a five minute public appearance and then quickly fled.

The good people of New York had encouraged counter-protestors to show up with whistles, pots and pans, anything to make noise, in order to drown out the venom expected to be spewed by the windbag.

MTG is now claiming that these counter protesters / Trump indictment day revelers intend to assault her by making so much noise that her sensitive ears will be permanently wrecked.

Oh, the horrors!

If the SoL is expired, then they'll throw out the case today. Any bets?
There won't be any automatic ruling on a SOL at any time. I'm fairly sure the SOL is just a defense and can be waived by a defendant if he doesn't raise it. The court won't rule on it until Trump brings it up.

Trump of course will not waive it. In fact, as litigious as Trump is, he may even raise defenses that don't even exist.
Well, it appears that Marjorie Taylor Greene's effort to lead a pro-Trump protest in NYC has hit a snag. She made a five minute public appearance and then quickly fled.

The good people of New York had encouraged counter-protestors to show up with whistles, pots and pans, anything to make noise, in order to drown out the venom expected to be spewed by the windbag.

MTG is now claiming that these counter protesters / Trump indictment day revelers intend to assault her by making so much noise that her sensitive ears will be permanently wrecked.

Oh, the horrors!

That bullhorn is redundant.
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No one’s talking about it? Indictment unsealed and it is what the majority of the speculation said it would be and what they generally said would be a weak case. Wrong case, wrong time, and it helps Trump politically with his followers. Next hearing in December, I guess.
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No one’s talking about it? Indictment unsealed and it is what the majority of the speculation said it would be and what they generally said would be a weak case. Wrong case, wrong time, and it helps Trump politically with his followers. Next hearing in December, I guess.

People who still support Trump would support him regardless of this case.

How many people do you see changing their mind?

And this wouldn't help him with independents.
No one’s talking about it? Indictment unsealed and it is what the majority of the speculation said it would be and what they generally said would be a weak case. Wrong case, wrong time, and it helps Trump politically with his followers. Next hearing in December, I guess.

No additional charges beyond the false business records that I can tell. Looks like they're pulling the National Enquirer into it as well as the Cohen payments and the reimbursement from Trump. They also seem to be throwing in some tax violations with the reimbursement. Its going to take a while for any of us to get a good handle on all that's being charged.
Class E felony. Keeps him in the news and he’ll parlay it into a new bake sale
No one’s talking about it? Indictment unsealed and it is what the majority of the speculation said it would be and what they generally said would be a weak case. Wrong case, wrong time, and it helps Trump politically with his followers. Next hearing in December, I guess.
No additional charges beyond the false business records that I can tell. Looks like they're pulling the National Enquirer into it as well as the Cohen payments and the reimbursement from Trump. They also seem to be throwing in some tax violations with the reimbursement. Its going to take a while for any of us to get a good handle on all that's being charged.
Convenient that any actual trial will be in the middle of the next election season, don't you think?
No additional charges beyond the false business records that I can tell. Looks like they're pulling the National Enquirer into it as well as the Cohen payments and the reimbursement from Trump. They also seem to be throwing in some tax violations with the reimbursement. Its going to take a while for any of us to get a good handle on all that's being charged.
You called it - a nothingburger.
No one’s talking about it? Indictment unsealed and it is what the majority of the speculation said it would be and what they generally said would be a weak case. Wrong case, wrong time, and it helps Trump politically with his followers. Next hearing in December, I guess.
While Trump may have committed crimes in connection with hush money payments, and although the case may not be time-barred, I believe this prosecution is ill-advised. First, it pertains to alleged criminal conduct that occurred no more recently than 2016. That's already seven years ago. With respect to Stormy Daniels specifically, the payment to buy her silence was made in 2016 for conduct that occurred in 2006, 17 years ago.

What's new in this indictment? Nothing that I'm aware of. It looks like a feeble attempt to dig up old dirt that, frankly, pales in comparison to the other stuff Trump's pulled.

I recognize that you can't indict a sitting president, that after Cohen's prosecution Barr shut down the Southern District's investigation into Trump's involvement, and the New York SOL was probably tolled while Trump was living out of state, but if this case was going to be prosecuted, it should have happened shortly after Trump left office. The former Manhattan DA punted. The current DA should have let it lie.

It'll be big news for a while but will quickly fade into the background after Fulton County Georgia indicts him for blatant and egregious election interference, along with RICO charges. I think that'll happen prior to June 1.
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On the way to get the dog from daycare, it sure sounds like almost no one believes this to be a strong case. It is the upcharge they all seemed very shaky with.

To quote a philosopher here, IANAL.
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While Trump may have committed crimes in connection with hush money payments, and although the case may not be time-barred, I believe this prosecution is ill-advised. First, it pertains to alleged criminal conduct that occurred no more recently than 2016. That's already seven years ago. With respect to Stormy Daniels specifically, the payment to buy her silence was made in 2016 for conduct that occurred in 2006, 17 years ago.

What's new in this indictment? Nothing that I'm aware of. It looks like a feeble attempt to dig up old dirt that, frankly, pales in comparison to the other stuff Trump's pulled.

I recognize that you can't indict a sitting president, that after Cohen's prosecution Barr shut down the Southern District's investigation into Trump's involvement, and the New York SOL was probably tolled while Trump was living out of state, but if this case was going to be prosecuted, it should have happened shortly after Trump left office. The former Manhattan DA punted. The current DA should have let it lie.

It'll be big news for a while but will quickly fade into the background after Fulton County Georgia indicts him for blatant and egregious election interference, along with RICO charges. I think that'll happen prior to June 1.
Good stuff. Rico is far more complex. The election violations easier and cleaner but less bite. What else is out there? After as many years as his organization has been under audits and investigations I’m surprised this is all that has surfaced. Jan 6 incitement. Blah. Classified docs. Seems everyone has done that. Obstruction but that still loses teeth given the foregoing. How this ny case shakes out may influence the collective appetite for other stuff. Again. All recent things. Surprising nothing related to the trump organization
People who still support Trump would support him regardless of this case.

How many people do you see changing their mind?

And this wouldn't help him with independents.
Wrong case, man. And if Trump wins the case, it's the very wrong case.
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Convenient that any actual trial will be in the middle of the next election season, don't you think?
That's before the primaries and probably helps Trump. I bet he won't try to get it to be moved up.
Convenient that any actual trial will be in the middle of the next election season, don't you think?
Three of every four years are election years in the U.S. with two elections each of those three years.
Good stuff. Rico is far more complex. The election violations easier and cleaner but less bite. What else is out there? After as many years as his organization has been under audits and investigations I’m surprised this is all that has surfaced. Jan 6 incitement. Blah. Classified docs. Seems everyone has done that. Obstruction but that still loses teeth given the foregoing. How this ny case shakes out may influence the collective appetite for other stuff. Again. All recent things. Surprising nothing related to the trump organization
I agree with much of that. I wouldn't characterize the DC case as Jan 6 incitement, but rather much more focused on the scheme to overturn the 2020 election that was hatched even prior to election day and continued well into January. A ton of witnesses, including high-level people, testified in connection with that investigation, and I don't think we (the public) know the half of it. It's far from a nothingburger.

Same, too, with Willis' case in Georgia. "Find me 11,780 votes." And apparently it wasn't just the call to Raffensperger. There was another call to a Georgia official that was recorded. Kemp has testified before the grand jury in that case, so have Lindsey Graham and others. Again, there are likely a ton of facts we're not yet privy to. I think the Wilis and Jack Smith cases are likely explosive.

Finally, and as you know, prosecutors detest obstruction activities for obvious reasons. Trump will probably be vulnerable to obstruction charges for the rest of his life. And the guy can never take the stand in his own defense or for any reason. He's perjury personified.

As Bill Barr said on Fox News Sunday this past weekend, the guy has "no self-control." As I'm saying now, he's his own worst enemy and has no one to blame for his plethora of legal entanglements but himself.
While Trump may have committed crimes in connection with hush money payments, and although the case may not be time-barred, I believe this prosecution is ill-advised. First, it pertains to alleged criminal conduct that occurred no more recently than 2016. That's already seven years ago. With respect to Stormy Daniels specifically, the payment to buy her silence was made in 2016 for conduct that occurred in 2006, 17 years ago.

What's new in this indictment? Nothing that I'm aware of. It looks like a feeble attempt to dig up old dirt that, frankly, pales in comparison to the other stuff Trump's pulled.

I recognize that you can't indict a sitting president, that after Cohen's prosecution Barr shut down the Southern District's investigation into Trump's involvement, and the New York SOL was probably tolled while Trump was living out of state, but if this case was going to be prosecuted, it should have happened shortly after Trump left office. The former Manhattan DA punted. The current DA should have let it lie.

It'll be big news for a while but will quickly fade into the background after Fulton County Georgia indicts him for blatant and egregious election interference, along with RICO charges. I think that'll happen prior to June 1.
That is one of the most reasonable posts you've made. ;)
I’ve GOT to stop reading Twitter.
Yes you do. I've said it a dozen times, Twitter is full of twits who overestimate the importance and veracity of their silly opinions. In other words, most of them are stupid and don't know they're stupid.
I’m seeing rumors online that the judge is a Democratic strategist who worked on the Schiff campaign. 😂

If true, that would surprise literally no one.

Reports are his daughter worked for Kamala a number of years ago.

Trump will continue spewing shit until he's told not to in no uncertain terms. Evidently the judge warned him against "inciting violence" or something of that nature, said he wasn't of a mind to issue a gag order but that his mind could change if circumstances warrant.
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Three of every four years are election years in the U.S. with two elections each of those three years.
MY God! I am so glad you posted this otherwise the rest of us would just be lost. How much did you spend to aquire this wisdom none of the rest of us ever even thought of!
Reports are his daughter worked for Kamala a number of years ago.

Trump will continue spewing shit until he's told not to in no uncertain terms. Evidently the judge warned him against "inciting violence" or something of that nature, said he wasn't of a mind to issue a gag order but that his mind could change if circumstances warrant.
And you don't care and have made it obvious. This whole thing is just sheer stupidity from the amount of $$ being spent vs the issue and we all know what it really is. This is why I laugh at so many dumb liberal's posts.
It looks like a feeble attempt to dig up old dirt that, frankly, pales in comparison to the other stuff Trump's pulled.
There isn't some puppeteer controlling how quickly the numerous crimes committed by this slimeball are processed. The weak cases and the stong cases will both progress at their own pace.

This is indeed somewhat weak-sauce. But if Cohen could go to jail for following orders, the person giving the orders ought not get a free pass.
Reports are his daughter worked for Kamala a number of years ago.

Trump will continue spewing shit until he's told not to in no uncertain terms. Evidently the judge warned him against "inciting violence" or something of that nature, said he wasn't of a mind to issue a gag order but that his mind could change if circumstances warrant.
And Jr, Eric and MTG have all posted pictures of the judge’s daughter on social media today.
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