Food Shortages

I don’t mind the Flying Dog IPAs which are heavy Belgian influence. But yeah mostly I don’t like em. Can drink em. Don’t like em.

New Belguim Trippel is pretty good. Hard to find though. Has that front end spice. For me it must be paired ususally with sharp chedder/horseraddishy something or other.
Cuomo just said there is a farm/vegetable processor in upstate NY that is a hot spot. He made it clear density is the issue.

Surprising to me is that places are still struggling to social distance the workspace. Every food plant, factory, school, business, and church should be thinking this through. Honestly, the should have already thought it through by now.
Surprising to me is that places are still struggling to social distance the workspace. Every food plant, factory, school, business, and church should be thinking this through. Honestly, the should have already thought it through by now.
At this point, all we're doing is delaying the inevitable (IMO). Which is worthwhile, of course, but until there's a vaccine (pipe dream for the near term) the best we can do is do the best we can individually and hope they come up with better therapeutics and treatment protocols to reduce the morbidity.
At this point, all we're doing is delaying the inevitable (IMO). Which is worthwhile, of course, but until there's a vaccine (pipe dream for the near term) the best we can do is do the best we can individually and hope they come up with better therapeutics and treatment protocols to reduce the morbidity.
I agree, notice I left social distance space between your post above and my reply. Any factory or retail business should already have social distancing built in to their plans.

Did you see today's HT on Cook? They are, how to be polite, not an extravagant company. If they have spent the resources to think through this sort of thing, no one has an excuse.

I worry about the vaccine. The more I think about our success with an HIV vaccine the more I think we will need treatments.
That’s enough to make you never want to eat out again. Lol.

I am naive. Most of my life it never dawned on me that restaurant employees might desecrate your food. I think the first time I ever thought about it was after a round of golf with a buddy. An asshole (imagine that, we call him a 4th generation tit sucker born with silver spoon in his mouth) lol. We went past a nice little steak house. He said “we can’t stop here, I’ve pissed them off”. I won’t repeat what he said the cook might do to his steak and baked potato. That’s when I learned. Lol.

I’ve dealt with the public a long time and experienced all kinds of assholishness. When I go out to eat I never complain and always leave a good tip no matter the food or service. Hopefully that’s keeps my food safe on most occasions. Lol.
Don't EVER read Kitchen Confidential. If you do, you will never think of restaurants the same way again.
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Did you see today's HT on Cook? They are, how to be polite, not an extravagant company. If they have spent the resources to think through this sort of thing, no one has an excuse.
They've got a leg up on most places. They're used to operating in a clean/sterile/controlled environment. Factories and meat plants and distribution centers need to rethink and rebuild their operations and physical plants from the ground up. I know at my workplace we're doing our level best, but there's no question there are some circumstances and interactions that probably aren't the absolute best.
They've got a leg up on most places. They're used to operating in a clean/sterile/controlled environment. Factories and meat plants and distribution centers need to rethink and rebuild their operations and physical plants from the ground up. I know at my workplace we're doing our level best, but there's no question there are some circumstances and interactions that probably aren't the absolute best.

They do own a hotel/casino, so they do have some messy business to worry about.
They do own a hotel/casino, so they do have some messy business to worry about.
Good point. Close friend of mine was a big mucky muck at headquarters for a number of years. Got burnt out and is now running a small subsidiary lab of theirs in Laffy. He said when this shit all started coming down in February, the financial and budgeting repercussions were felt throughout the total organization.
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Good point. Close friend of mine was a big mucky muck at headquarters for a number of years. Got burnt out and is now running a small subsidiary lab of theirs in Laffy. He said when this shit all started coming down in February, the financial and budgeting repercussions were felt throughout the total organization.
I'm so glad I got out of there last year before all this hit. I was a financial analyst doing contract review there at corporate. I'm sure doing that job is a shit show right now. Plus I'd probably be only working 4 days a week and absorbing a 20% pay cut.
I'm so glad I got out of there last year before all this hit. I was a financial analyst doing contract review there at corporate. I'm sure doing that job is a shit show right now. Plus I'd probably be only working 4 days a week and absorbing a 20% pay cut.
My buddy was a VP there. Said the old guard treated him very very well. Then Yonkman took over. My buddy is the most mild mannered, easy going guy you'd ever hoped to know, extremely competent (multiple PhDs and internationally known), and had been recruited to come there -- they created the VP position he held just for him. Yonkman immediately started making life miserable for everybody. Total douchbag, the way my friend described it. My understanding is that a lot of high level people have "retired" or otherwise gotten out.