First independent poll in Indiana

Is Evan Bayh a resident of Indiana? How many days per year is he in the state?
That question has long since been answered. A bit of advertising is out o the subject, but a LOT more is yet to come.
since all the candidates changed. Monmouth University - decent reputation - and its reported in the Indianapolis Business Journal which , it seems, I cannot copy or link.

In any event, though at 408??? responses its a bit small for a statewide here, it shows Trump up 47-36, Bayh up 48-41 and Holcomb up 42-41. I saw only the report, not the polling instrument itself. I always want at least 600 responses for a statewide here, but lets us that for a start with the caveat that a larger number of responses might reveal a pull one way or another that isn't found in 408. I have a doubt that Senate and Governor are mature numbers yet. Bayh has name ID, Gregg should have, Holcomb and Young don't yet. Only 1/3 approve of Trump but only 28% approve of Clinton.

Goat, oh GOAT!! Go ahead and vote for the Greenie.
MOre information. Got a note from an analyst, no data, just a note that says this poll is the first one to include Gary Johnson in its head to head and the cross tabs show Johnson is taking more than twice as many votes from Clinton as from Trump. That's all I got from that person, but they have their hands on all the details.
Mormons are very conservative, but they hate Donald Trump. In fact, their conservatism is one of the reasons why. Remember when Cruz refused to endorse Trump at the convention? A lot of boos in the audience, but I guarantee there were smiles and cheers from the Utah delegation.

Now that there is a Mormon independent candidate on the ballot there, Mormon voters have a legitimate option, if they can't stand either Hillary or Trump. That may be enough to swing the state to Hillary.

Mormons may very well hate Trump, but it has nothing to do with his views on Muslim immigration and only to do with the fact that many Mormons believe trump to be a phony conservative and morally lost person. At the end of the day as much as they may hate Trump they hate Hillary even more and most will still pull the lever for Trump as an Anti-Hillary vote.

If anyone wants to setup a Hillary Utah wager I'll gladly take your action.
Mormons may very well hate Trump, but it has nothing to do with his views on Muslim immigration and only to do with the fact that many Mormons believe trump to be a phony conservative and morally lost person. At the end of the day as much as they may hate Trump they hate Hillary even more and most will still pull the lever for Trump as an Anti-Hillary vote.

If anyone wants to setup a Hillary Utah wager I'll gladly take your action.
There hasn't been a Utah poll since the beginning of June, and Trump was up 7. But McMullin getting on the ballot throws a wrench into everything. He'll get very little traction in most states, but he'll be very popular in both Utah and Arizona.

If Hillary ends up winning in a landslide - which looks quite likely at this point in time - it will not be a surprise at all for Utah to go blue. In fact, I bet Utah goes blue before Indiana does.
There hasn't been a Utah poll since the beginning of June, and Trump was up 7. But McMullin getting on the ballot throws a wrench into everything. He'll get very little traction in most states, but he'll be very popular in both Utah and Arizona.

If Hillary ends up winning in a landslide - which looks quite likely at this point in time - it will not be a surprise at all for Utah to go blue. In fact, I bet Utah goes blue before Indiana does.

I'm not that familiar with McMullin, but I guess he would take a lot of Johnson.

Edit: Apparently few Republicans are going toward Johnson. Not familiar enough with McMullin to speculate on his support. Anyhow I think it will be very hard for Hillary to win with 25℅. If indies are going toward Johnson that's not good for her chances.
That question has long since been answered. A bit of advertising is out o the subject, but a LOT more is yet to come.
Evan Bayh's voting status in IN is inactive. It just goes to show you how shameless establishment types want government by the ruling class, for the ruling class and of the ruling class. He's a pure fraud.
Evan Bayh's voting status in IN is inactive. It just goes to show you how shameless establishment types want government by the ruling class, for the ruling class and of the ruling class. He's a pure fraud.
Do you know why his voter status is "inactive," or what that means?
Do you know why his voter status is "inactive," or what that means?
Yes it means he lists his two primary residences outside of Indiana and cares so much about the state, is so in touch with the residents, and is such a regular citizen that he votes by absentee ballot from Wahington DC. He lives in a $53,000 condo in Indy he just doesn't check his PO box.

Great Hoosier who really wants what's best for those "back home in Indiana."
Yes it means he lists his two primary residences outside of Indiana and cares so much about the state, is so in touch with the residents, and is such a regular citizen that he votes by absentee ballot from Wahington DC. He lives in a $53,000 condo in Indy he just doesn't check his PO box.

Great Hoosier who really wants what's best for those "back home in Indiana."
Nope. Not even close. Try again.
You have a thing about "older white men". You certainly use that phrase a lot. I am and older white male and I can assure you I am far from a Trump supporter. :eek:
Long time Daddy issues can generate that mindset.
Yes it means he lists his two primary residences outside of Indiana and cares so much about the state, is so in touch with the residents, and is such a regular citizen that he votes by absentee ballot from Wahington DC. He lives in a $53,000 condo in Indy he just doesn't check his PO box.

Great Hoosier who really wants what's best for those "back home in Indiana."
Only part of the story...more to come....lots more!
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Saw Evan McMullen on Fox a few nights ago. Very impressive individual. He sat and took policy questions from all over the spectrum from the entire panel for some time....his responses were detailed and coherent. I'd probably vote for him if he made the ballot in Indiana, which is doubtful.
Saw Evan McMullen on Fox a few nights ago. Very impressive individual. He sat and took policy questions from all over the spectrum from the entire panel for some time....his responses were detailed and coherent. I'd probably vote for him if he made the ballot in Indiana, which is doubtful.
We don't yet know how many states' ballots McMullen can be on but we do know that he will not make the ballot in 36 states and will not win any state. What, than, could his purpose for running even be?
We don't yet know how many states' ballots McMullen can be on but we do know that he will not make the ballot in 36 states and will not win any state. What, than, could his purpose for running even be?

To give sane people a sane person to vote for?

My voting preferences are currently this order

Lucifer - write in
It would be a difficult decision for a Clinton campaign to commit the money and resources designed to come back from 11 down - starting at 36, when only 28% of likely voters believe you and your name ID is 100%. How much effort would it take to have even a chance? They have 11 or 12 other states to do battle in. It just doesn't make sense to load up on the chance that you can get more than half the undecided - she'd have to go after 15% of the voters - nearly ALL the undecideds - to get them when she's only getting 36 out of 83 now . But then, if you have George Soros' money and all those Wall Street and Chinese millionaires coughing it up, what's a $30 million roll of the dice in Indiana. Not her money anyway.
Chinese millionaires, eh? Where did you get that? You know it's illegal to accept money from foreign entities, don't you? It's not like her staff is on the take from Putin's henchmen or anything.
Chinese millionaires, eh? Where did you get that? You know it's illegal to accept money from foreign entities, don't you? It's not like her staff is on the take from Putin's henchmen or anything.

(1) Where the heck have you been for all these months?

(2) How did you get your post count down to 3 while keeping your joining date in 2001?

Hope all is well with you, ebrann . . . don't be such a stranger.
Chinese millionaires, eh? Where did you get that? You know it's illegal to accept money from foreign entities, don't you? It's not like her staff is on the take from Putin's henchmen or anything.

There is a history of Chinese money with Democrat and particularly the Clintons. Here's some reading for your weekend.

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia, the free ...
  1. Cached
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The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy was an alleged effort by the People's ... While questions regarding the U.S. Democratic Party's fund-raising activities first ... of China sought to direct contributions from foreign sources to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) before the 1996 presidential campaign. Campaign Finance Special Report
  1. Similar
The Washington Post

Former Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung told a congressional committee that he ..... The Fund-Raising Continues ... On Fund-Raising Issue, Clinton Has It Both Ways .... Overview: Did China try to buy influence in the 1996 elections?
Findings Link Clinton Allies to Chinese Intelligence - Washington Post
  1. Similar

The Washington Post

Feb 10, 1998 - GOP Hits Gore on Temple Fund-Raiser (Washington Post, Feb. ... and longtime Democratic fund-raiser Maria Hsia, as "an agent of the Chinese ...
Chinese company pledged $2 million to Clinton Foundation in 2013 ...

CBS News

Mar 16, 2015 - CBS News investigation finds company with close ties to Chinese ... at a time when the Clintons were aggressively raising money and when it was no ... GOP to Hillary Clinton: Hand over your email server · Top Democrat says ...
Chinese Army Funds Went to Democrats, Donor Says - latimes

was previously reported that Liu attended a $25,000-per-couple Democratic fund-raiser in Los Angeles in 1996 at Chung's invitation. And it ...
Clinton and Democrats Get Communist Chinese Money!
  1. Cached
  2. Similar
Sources: Chung Says He Funneled Chinese Funds To Democrats. White House ... WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, May 15) -- Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung

FBI Arrests Chinese Millionaire Once Tied to Clinton $$ Scandal - ABC ...
  1. Similar
Sep 24, 2015 - FBI Arrests Chinese Millionaire Once Tied to Clinton $$ Scandal. ... None, Depressed, Left Drop Shadow, Raised, Right Drop Shadow, Uniform ... Chinese millionaire, the alleged secret source of foreign money in a ... There is no indication of any current ties to the Clintons or the Democratic Party, and a ...
Hillary Clinton campaign received funds from Jeffrey Thompson ...
  1. Cached
The Washington Times

Mar 10, 2014 - The revelations are raising untimely, for Mrs. Clinton, reminders of ... considered the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, she took ... Chung admitted that he accepted some of the money from Chinese military officials.
Overseas Fundraising Legal? -
  1. Cached
  2. Similar

Mar 25, 2008 - Q: Is it legal for candidates to raise funds overseas for a presidential race? ... Many readers also will recall the "Chinese money" scandal that erupted ... The Democratic National Committee returned $3 million in illegal or ...
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(1) Where the heck have you been for all these months?

(2) How did you get your post count down to 3 while keeping your joining date in 2001?

Hope all is well with you, ebrann . . . don't be such a stranger.
(1) Long story. I'll save it for later.
(2) I have no idea, but how did you get to 34 thousand and still have time to eat and sleep?
I'll stop by from time to time until the Republican Party is given a proper burial.

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