Democrat Sweep?

Good luck. Inflation has dropped to below 3% - best since early 2021. Fed will likely start dropping interest rates next month. Economy looking better and better. There goes Trump’s edge.

The economy has been dog shit the last 3 years.
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Some were fired. Most resigned. He had record turnover in the Cabinet and among his staff. You can't spin that into something to be awarded for.
Only those who refused to resign were fired. Trump doesn’t string along the numbskulls who don’t get with the program, the misfits. It demonstrates a stronger chain of command when the weakest links are taken out. Trump is a strong leader. I like my leaders strong.
Only those who refused to resign were fired. Trump doesn’t string along the numbskulls who don’t get with the program, the misfits. It demonstrates a stronger chain of command when the weakest links are taken out. Trump is a strong leader. I like my leaders strong.
That's only your assertion and doesn't match what many of them said. These guys were people that Trump claimed were the best. Many of them were among the best (Matis, McMaster, etc.). They discovered who Trump was and resigned. This record (and it is a record) turnover is not a sign of a strong leader. In fact, Trump is one of the worst leaders ever elected President. The number one trait of a good leader is loyalty up and down the chain. Trump is at the top of the chain and had zero loyalty to his subordinates but demanded 100 percent loyalty to him. He would fail Leadership 101 anywhere.
You have more faith in the American public than myself. I think it’s unlikely, but the transformation of Harris has been impressive. She’s literally done nothing and is now beloved by her minions.
I don't understand how you can say she is the same old Harris. She is no longer Defund the police. She is no longer taxing tips. She is now in favor of cracking down on Illegal immigration. She is no longer anti fracking. She is no longer anti fossil fuels. That is amazing transformation and her staff now absolutely love her.
Fall beer is out and the grocery store was putting out Halloween candy!! So early
It's the shortest seasonal window in beer but the 2nd largest in terms of sales. Breweries have to start Oktoberfest season early or risk excess inventory that won't sell. Once November 1st hits all Oktoberfest beer is all of a sudden bad and undrinkable to the common consumer.
It's the shortest seasonal window in beer but the 2nd largest in terms of sales. Breweries have to start Oktoberfest season early or risk excess inventory that won't sell. Once November 1st hits all Oktoberfest beer is all of a sudden bad and undrinkable to the common consumer.
Very interesting
I don't understand how you can say she is the same old Harris. She is no longer Defund the police. She is no longer taxing tips. She is now in favor of cracking down on Illegal immigration. She is no longer anti fracking. She is no longer anti fossil fuels. That is amazing transformation and her staff now absolutely love her.
Don’t forget she no longer supports a public option or M4A, that came out yesterday.

If I believed her on all her 180’s I might just vote for her.
I don't understand how you can say she is the same old Harris. She is no longer Defund the police. She is no longer taxing tips. She is now in favor of cracking down on Illegal immigration. She is no longer anti fracking. She is no longer anti fossil fuels. That is amazing transformation and her staff now absolutely love her.
People actually believe this sh!t

Of course, there's some here on this board. And they're public about it.


Whatever this nonsense is.

The murse is all the rage now.
I take it you're from Michigan? What's your favorite up there? Two Hearted is one of my favs. And what about breweries?
I’m partial to the brown ales and Oktoberfests. I like Bells take on both…although they seem to have retired their brown ale. Three Floyd’s Robert the Bruce is one of my favs

Edit: I’m a southern Indiana hillbilly…not from Michigan
I don't understand how you can say she is the same old Harris. She is no longer Defund the police. She is no longer taxing tips. She is now in favor of cracking down on Illegal immigration. She is no longer anti fracking. She is no longer anti fossil fuels. That is amazing transformation and her staff now absolutely love her.
As the election draws nearer, it’s called “tell the independents what it is they want to hear” so their votes are secured. I wouldn’t trust a word she says. Most telling to me is her VP choice. Minnesota is one of the most liberal states and Walz enables his minions. I know looks aren’t everything, but to me, he doesn’t fulfill the eye test. I couldn’t believe she was dumb enough to pick an old White guy. Now they can’t mock Trump’s age. Hell, Trump looks healthier than Walz. Can you imagine if she would get elected and then assassinated? Walz would be our nation’s leader. That’s almost as scary as Biden stroking out and Harris ascending to the throne.

At a recent convention of chefs, rumblings of weak sauce were overheard in the same sentence as “East Indian/Black wannabe”. When citizens from Jamaica become US citizens, they don’t celebrate themselves as Black, but Jamaican-Americans. Same deal while in Jamaica…they don’t identity as Black or African. They say, “I be Jamaican! Gotta find me ganja for my reggae.”
I’m partial to the brown ales and Oktoberfests. I like Bells take on both…although they seem to have retired their brown ale. Three Floyd’s Robert the Bruce is one of my favs

Edit: I’m a southern Indiana hillbilly…not from Michigan
Ahhhh okay the Spartans had me thinking Michigan.
The more appropriate word would be socialist not democrat. How does Bitcoin do under socialism?
Bitcoin will do well under both parties. Democrats will probably speed up adoption because their policies are dog shit and Harris is dumb.
Very interesting
Obviously the beer is not all of sudden bad on November 1st. But thats the overwhelming consumer perception.

Same goes for Christmas ales. I advise breweries to release 10/1 at the latest and goal to be OOS at distributors by mid December. Give time clear the retailers shelf. On 12/26 no one will buy a Christmas beer anymore at full retail.
I’m partial to the brown ales and Oktoberfests. I like Bells take on both…although they seem to have retired their brown ale. Three Floyd’s Robert the Bruce is one of my favs

Edit: I’m a southern Indiana hillbilly…not from Michigan
The Sierra Nevada collaboration Oktoberfest beers they have been doing with a German brewery have been awesome. Some great authentic Oktoberfests.

Of course you can’t beat Spaten and the real Germans. Especially if you can find one on tap.
The Sierra Nevada collaboration Oktoberfest beers they have been doing with a German brewery have been awesome. Some great authentic Oktoberfests.

Of course you can’t beat Spaten and the real Germans. Especially if you can find one on tap.
Spot on…I haven’t seen any SN yet down here
The Sierra Nevada collaboration Oktoberfest beers they have been doing with a German brewery have been awesome. Some great authentic Oktoberfests.

Of course you can’t beat Spaten and the real Germans. Especially if you can find one on tap.
Still no tumblr in six packs.
Thoughts on bitcoin ETF’s? Just as well? Or do you need to purchase the genuine article?
They’re great for exposure to Bitcoin. The companies have to buy Bitcoin to equal the amount of shares they have sold. If Bitcoin goes up a 100% your ETF shares will do the same.

The only issue is you have counterparty risk of the Government making a law and seizing them. I’m personally not worried about that happening (less than 1% chance). I think it’s clear the Federal government has figured out they can’t kill it so they’re going to have to embrace it.
They’re great for exposure to Bitcoin. The companies have to buy Bitcoin to equal the amount of shares they have sold. If Bitcoin goes up a 100% your ETF shares will do the same.

The only issue is you have counterparty risk of the Government making a law and seizing them. I’m personally not worried about that happening (less than 1% chance). I think it’s clear the Federal government has figured out they can’t kill it so they’re going to have to embrace it.
Alright I’m taking the leap.
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In my opinion, she’s a weak candidate. However, I think it’s completely possible that a lot of people who were sitting out the old man fight might show up to cast a vote for Harris. I’m not sure Harris needs to be JFK. I think she only needs to be someone who is not Trump or Biden. That’s more than enough for a lot of folks, and I honestly can’t blame them, even if I won’t vote for her.
I think this is spot on. In normal years - or as we saw in the 2020 primary - she's hasn't proven to be a standout candidate. This isn't a normal year by any stretch. People weren't excited about Biden - some people were justifiably nervous after the debate - and a lot of people on this board way underestimate how much a lot of the electorate hate Trump.
The MSM will hide how completely bonkers Harris's policies are.
Why would that matter to you or anybody? Nobody can hide anything like that any more.

She's certain to post any agenda, platform or policy on her own web site to control its initial release. After that, it'll be right-clicked and copied by the other mainstream outlets like FoxNews, Beast, NewsMax, X, Wash Times, Truth Social etc. where it will be interpreted, explained, contradicted, ridiculed as much as possible.

It won't be hidden.
92 percent of Trump’s staff and 60+ percent of his call cabinet resigned or otherwise departed. I didn’t get the methodology, but a guy on POTUS said over half of his cabinet and staff will not be voting for him. Interesting that both may be less than loved by so much of their closest advisors.
It's not your fault, of course, but it's a stretch to call them "advisors" when Trump doesn't listen to them. You know, like the cliche question asking if there is any sound when a Presidential aide topples to the ground in an empty forest.
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I think this is spot on. In normal years - or as we saw in the 2020 primary - she's hasn't proven to be a standout candidate. This isn't a normal year by any stretch. People weren't excited about Biden - some people were justifiably nervous after the debate - and a lot of people on this board way underestimate how much a lot of the electorate hate Trump.
Those “a lot of the electorate hating Trump”…how do they feel about his policies? Is it one of those Bob Knight deals where they recognize the command he has over the game of basketball, but hate him just for his overbearing, bullying personality? I knew a lot of people who didn’t care one iota about basketball, let alone college ball, yet knew enough to know they hated Knight only because of what they believed to be true as written by journalists on the lookout for sensationalism. Sadly for Republicans, gladly for the Democrats, this appears to be the same problem Trump faces…the low knowledge/low interest voters, of which Bill O’Reilly estimates as 50% of the voters.
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Your “otherwise departed” were the losers Trump fired, yet not a single person in the Biden administration has been fired. The incompetence remains, festering within their ranks like an infected boil coming to head on the chin of a precocious middle schooler.
Aw, that's overly simple and politically biased of course.

Who did Trump promise to hire? Do you remember? Would you admit it if you did?

Here's a hint:

Trump promised to hire "only the best people" but now it seems he is embarrassingly incapable of judging who the "best people" are, because he fired so many of them. That's both a judgment failure and a policy failure by Trump,

Vote Trump 2024 !! (Forget what he's really like 2024!!)
Ha. I can’t take 4 years of Harris endless race baiting redistribution and progressive bs. I’ll go back to reading or maybe follow cbb and cfb again in addition to soccer. I used to love both
Messi won't play at his best long enough for you to ignore politics.
Aw, that's overly simple and politically biased of course.

Who did Trump promise to hire? Do you remember? Would you admit it if you did?

Here's a hint:

Trump promised to hire "only the best people" but now it seems he is embarrassingly incapable of judging who the "best people" are, because he fired so many of them. That's both a judgment failure and a policy failure by Trump,

Vote Trump 2024 !! (Forget what he's really like 2024!!)
Trump and every other POTUS hires people based on the advice of others more familiar in the various areas of government. He can’t possibly be familiar with them all. He says the people he hires are actors and he judges how they act. One guy resigned after allegations of long past spousal abuse came to light. Another did over questionable plane usage on the government’s dime. An Obama holdover resigned at no one’s surprise. Some of those resigning positions were because of promotions and some changes were for lateral moves. Some were nearing the end of their terms, but left early because other job opportunities were available at that particular time. Never underestimate the power of biased journalists to disparage the political opposition. Don’t you think the perception might have something to do with Trump’s hit TV reality series, “You’re Fired!”?

Smart fishermen, like smart politicians, know when it’s time to cut bait. Weak are the ones who keep losers hanging on, afraid to hurt feelings. I want my politicians to be decisive.
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