Consumer sentiment more negative today than in 2008 financial crisis

He's transparently trying to buy votes at this point. We'll pay your student loans, we'll empty the petroleum reserves, we'll give you a $400 tax credit on a first time home purchase, we'll send a 300 million dollar pier to Gaza that falls apart and has pieces wash up on the beach miles down shore, while 100% of the aid from said pier is commandeered by Hamas.

It's some of the most craven politicking I've ever seen. Fwiw, Trump did the same thing in 2020, he was desperate to get another round of Trump pandemic checks in the hands of every American before the election.

But it was not nearly on this scale. It's really quite shameful what they're doing.
It’s signs of a declining government and why separation of state and money is so important. It’s only going to get worse and more obvious.
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Thanks for the think what Trump would likely do starting next January would help more than what Biden will likely continue to do? One thing I'm worried about is Trump has really never shown himself adequate at fixing problems. He's grown things. He's expanded things. He's obviously put his own stamp on things. But his business track record isn't all that great in actually "turning failing things around". He inherited a country and economy on a fairly steep incline in most ways, last time...and in many ways, he made that incline more steep prior to the end when Covid hit. But I'm not sure I trust him, at all, with turning around what's quickly becoming a dumpster fire. In fact, it scares the hell out of me. Because I think Trump's most likely reaction will be to "bankrupt" the whole thing and blame it on Biden...then build from a clean slate for his own legacy. He isn't going to have the patience, skill, or diplomacy to actually work through the problems and try to improve people lives while solving the problems that are on his grade card.

To be clear, I don't trust Trump or Biden. I have no faith in either one of these diaper-wearing fools. I don't believe that either was great for the country. But, for as divisive and reckless as Trump is, BIden's foreign policy has been an utter disaster and his continued adoption of far left policies makes him unacceptable. Not to mention, he's done nothing to try and unite the country, which is something for which his predecessor also deserved plenty of blame.
To be clear, I don't trust Trump or Biden. I have no faith in either one of these diaper-wearing fools. I don't believe that either was great for the country. But, for as divisive and reckless as Trump is, BIden's foreign policy has been an utter disaster and his continued adoption of far left policies makes him unacceptable. Not to mention, he's done nothing to try and unite the country, which is something for which his predecessor also deserved plenty of blame.


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