Consumer sentiment more negative today than in 2008 financial crisis

I know prices have gone up a lot but my feeling today sure isn't more negative than in 2008. I think part of that is social media. I am a lot more negative today about our government than I was in 2008 whether it be Biden or Trump as president.

The American people are awake. Biden is the worst President ever.

Listen. Don’t sleep on hoopsdoc. Sure. Chocolate milk at the gas station for breakfast makes it sound like he’s dead. But he’s got one more run in him. Doubtless
THIS is why you’re our coach. I feel so INSPIRED.

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I think these day to day things being more expensive, and the higher interest rates...are probably going to be what elects Trump for his 2nd term this fall. The cause for these issues really won't end up being debated enough...Biden is the one that's presided over the increases...he'll take the biggest brunt of the blame. He deserves plenty of the blame...but who's actually the better candidate to reverse the trends?

What is Trump likely to do, to fix these issues? Most of what we've heard thus far is lower taxes and higher tariffs. Conventional wisdom would say those things would likely be like throwing gasoline on the inflation fire.

What about a Trump presidency is likely to ease the rates, and/or lower gas and grocery costs? Outside him doing the above things, and it risking the arrival of a worldwide deep recession.
I think these day to day things being more expensive, and the higher interest rates...are probably going to be what elects Trump for his 2nd term this fall. The cause for these issues really won't end up being debated enough...Biden is the one that's presided over the increases...he'll take the biggest brunt of the blame. He deserves plenty of the blame...but who's actually the better candidate to reverse the trends?

What is Trump likely to do, to fix these issues? Most of what we've heard thus far is lower taxes and higher tariffs. Conventional wisdom would say those things would likely be like throwing gasoline on the inflation fire.

What about a Trump presidency is likely to ease the rates, and/or lower gas and grocery costs? Outside him doing the above things, and it risking the arrival of a worldwide deep recession.
Trump will stop the bleeding and return sanity to the office. Secure the border, halt endless funding to countries that hate us, stop reckless spending, stop the wars, common sense trade policies, etc.

Things will get better. But no, you're not going to go to Subway the day after the Inauguration and find that the $5 footlongs are back. That will take time.
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...who's actually the better candidate to reverse the trends?

What is Trump likely to do, to fix these issues?
We have 4 years of experience and so we know. He will whine, complain, and then tout a big beautiful plan that he is going to unveil in "about two weeks"

Then the "about two weeks" never, EVER happens.

But his cult won't mind a bit.
Walk up in there like you own it and just manhandle that Jack and Coke Icee machine

That’s it!!! Even at my indoor games if my daughter leaves one of those stupid Stanley cups in the car I’ll grab it so they can put my icee in there. Little humbling as the boys are filling buckets with beers but whatever
We have 4 years of experience and so we know. He will whine, complain, and then tout a big beautiful plan that he is going to unveil in "about two weeks"

Then the "about two weeks" never, EVER happens.

But his cult won't mind a bit.
If he does nothing it’ll be a monumental improvement over Biden’s free cheese and pandering to the cult. My guess is we’ll start hearing about reparations
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Trump will stop the bleeding and return sanity to the office. Secure the border, halt endless funding to countries that hate us, stop reckless spending, stop the wars, common sense trade policies, etc.

Things will get better. But no, you're not going to go to Subway the day after the Inauguration and find that the $5 footlongs are back. That will take time.
He will fight a new impeachment trial on week one, and then #2 in 6 weeks, and then #3 in 12 weeks... Lather Rinse Repeat.
Somewhere in there, I would not be surprised that there will be attempt(s) of assassination. Swamp donkeys (that also have trunks) will not stop until we are in a full out civil war.
If he does nothing it’ll be a monumental improvement over Biden’s free cheese and pandering to the cult. My guess is we’ll start hearing about reparations
How will it be an improvement?

How does doing "nothing" lower the cost of gas and groceries, and lower interest rates?

I'm not one to solve problems by creating other problems, that could end up being bigger problems, is why I'm asking.
I think these day to day things being more expensive, and the higher interest rates...are probably going to be what elects Trump for his 2nd term this fall. The cause for these issues really won't end up being debated enough...Biden is the one that's presided over the increases...he'll take the biggest brunt of the blame. He deserves plenty of the blame...but who's actually the better candidate to reverse the trends?

What is Trump likely to do, to fix these issues? Most of what we've heard thus far is lower taxes and higher tariffs. Conventional wisdom would say those things would likely be like throwing gasoline on the inflation fire.

What about a Trump presidency is likely to ease the rates, and/or lower gas and grocery costs? Outside him doing the above things, and it risking the arrival of a worldwide deep recession.

Let's be clear, neither one of these guys is as responsible for the economy as many like to pretend. It's certainly not entirely Biden's fault where things have ended up or why sentiment is so poor, but he hasn't really helped himself either.

And dbm's tweet that was linked was spot on. This chart says it all...

Though inflation is falling now, it has been higher on average under Biden than Trump. Adjusted for inflation, net worth was up just 0.7% through Biden’s first three years, compared with 16% through Trump’s first three years.


Trump hasn't done much to suggest that this will change under him - tariffs are inflationary, tax cuts, etc. to your point. But, Biden's had several years and done nothing but stimulate inflation through excess fiscal policy and his new tariffs, which are even steeper and more impactful than Trump's, particularly on industries like medical supplies and equipment (hello - we already have enough of a cost problem in healthcare!).

The fact that Joe went from criticizing a trade war to amplifying one shows just what type of scumbag politician he is. Neither of these guys deserves a vote, for many reasons, but nobody can look at us with a straight face and say Joe has been doing things in the best interest of this country.
How will it be an improvement?

How does doing "nothing" lower the cost of gas and groceries, and lower interest rates?

I'm not one to solve problems by creating other problems, that could end up being bigger problems, is why I'm asking.
and i will just echo jdb above. he is more informed on this topic than i. i do know what biden did to exacerbate inflation with the endless free cheese and stays. spending outpaced production.

what gov can do is the usual shit of price caps (or floors), wage controls, increase rates (reduce money supply), etc. what works best etc i'm not informed enough to opine. virtue signaling never seems a smart strategy and that seems to be biden's default move
Trump will stop the bleeding and return sanity to the office. Secure the border, halt endless funding to countries that hate us, stop reckless spending, stop the wars, common sense trade policies, etc.

Things will get better. But no, you're not going to go to Subway the day after the Inauguration and find that the $5 footlongs are back. That will take time.
Parsing though this...

1st sentence is BS rhetoric...and Sanity in the Office is probably the last thing I think Trump would bring.

Securing the border would have some positive impacts, I'm sure. And while Trump whiffed on many of his campaign promises in that area, I do think he'd be stronger on immigration in most ways.

Halt endless funding to countries that hate us...who is this exactly? Iran? Don't mind this as an overall goal, but eroding world alliances is probably one of the single biggest risks with another Trump term. We need the world, the world needs us. You think gas and groceries are expensive now, wait until we cut our active ally and trade network in half. Not sure this one ends up penciling out to help inflation and rates.

Stop reckless spending...if he were to do that, it would have long lasting positive impacts. And I think its hard to judge what he did his first term on this subject, because Covid hit. This could happen no matter what though, if he doesn't have a GOP congress.

Stop the wars...not sure Trump has the ability to do this. Obviously any time a war stops though, that's a good thing. It might not help inflationary pressures...if billions of dollars stop being spent on War efforts, and start flowing more out in to the economy...that won't help inflation...I wouldn't think?

Common sense trade far, Trump's defacto move on trade is to impose tariffs on those that don't do what he wants. That has had some benefits longer term, but its another thing that could stoke inflation in the short term, I would think. At a time when we really can't afford any more inflation stoking measures.

Things will eventually get better no matter who wins. We live in a cyclical world and the economy is no different. I'm trying to figure out which guy turns the current problems around the quickest.
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Parsing though this...

1st sentence is BS rhetoric...and Sanity in the Office is probably the last thing I think Trump would bring.

Securing the border would have some positive impacts, I'm sure. And while Trump whiffed on many of his campaign promises in that area, I do think he'd be stronger on immigration in most ways.

Halt endless funding to countries that hate us...who is this exactly? Iran? Don't mind this as an overall goal, but eroding world alliances is probably one of the single biggest risks with another Trump term. We need the world, the world needs us. You think gas and groceries are expensive now, wait until we cut our active ally and trade network in half. Not sure this one ends up penciling out to help inflation and rates.

Stop reckless spending...if he were to do that, it would have long lasting positive impacts. And I think its hard to judge what he did his first term on this subject, because Covid hit. This could happen no matter what though, if he doesn't have a GOP congress.

Stop the wars...not sure Trump has the ability to do this. Obviously any time a war stops though, that's a good thing. It might not help inflationary pressures...if billions of dollars stop being spent on War efforts, and start flowing more out in to the economy...that won't help inflation...I wouldn't think?

Common sense trade far, Trump's defacto move on trade is to impose tariffs on those that don't do what he wants. That has had some benefits longer term, but its another thing that could stoke inflation in the short term, I would think. At a time when we really can't afford any more inflation stoking measures.

Things will eventually get better no matter who wins. We live in a cyclical world and the economy is no different. I'm trying to figure out which guy turns the current problems around the quickest.
Common sense would say not the guy who made them worse. And I’ll add Dem insanity with Covid factors into all of this financial duress (housing etc)
Let's be clear, neither one of these guys is as responsible for the economy as many like to pretend. It's certainly not entirely Biden's fault where things have ended up or why sentiment is so poor, but he hasn't really helped himself either.

And dbm's tweet that was linked was spot on. This chart says it all...

Though inflation is falling now, it has been higher on average under Biden than Trump. Adjusted for inflation, net worth was up just 0.7% through Biden’s first three years, compared with 16% through Trump’s first three years.


Trump hasn't done much to suggest that this will change under him - tariffs are inflationary, tax cuts, etc. to your point. But, Biden's had several years and done nothing but stimulate inflation through excess fiscal policy and his new tariffs, which are even steeper and more impactful than Trump's, particularly on industries like medical supplies and equipment (hello - we already have enough of a cost problem in healthcare!).

The fact that Joe went from criticizing a trade war to amplifying one shows just what type of scumbag politician he is. Neither of these guys deserves a vote, for many reasons, but nobody can look at us with a straight face and say Joe has been doing things in the best interest of this country.
Thanks for the think what Trump would likely do starting next January would help more than what Biden will likely continue to do? One thing I'm worried about is Trump has really never shown himself adequate at fixing problems. He's grown things. He's expanded things. He's obviously put his own stamp on things. But his business track record isn't all that great in actually "turning failing things around". He inherited a country and economy on a fairly steep incline in most ways, last time...and in many ways, he made that incline more steep prior to the end when Covid hit. But I'm not sure I trust him, at all, with turning around what's quickly becoming a dumpster fire. In fact, it scares the hell out of me. Because I think Trump's most likely reaction will be to "bankrupt" the whole thing and blame it on Biden...then build from a clean slate for his own legacy. He isn't going to have the patience, skill, or diplomacy to actually work through the problems and try to improve people lives while solving the problems that are on his grade card.
Thanks for the think what Trump would likely do starting next January would help more than what Biden will likely continue to do? One thing I'm worried about is Trump has really never shown himself adequate at fixing problems. He's grown things. He's expanded things. He's obviously put his own stamp on things. But his business track record isn't all that great in actually "turning failing things around". He inherited a country and economy on a fairly steep incline in most ways, last time...and in many ways, he made that incline more steep prior to the end when Covid hit. But I'm not sure I trust him, at all, with turning around what's quickly becoming a dumpster fire. In fact, it scares the hell out of me. Because I think Trump's most likely reaction will be to "bankrupt" the whole thing and blame it on Biden...then build from a clean slate for his own legacy. He isn't going to have the patience, skill, or diplomacy to actually work through the problems and try to improve people lives while solving the problems that are on his grade card.
He will put Kudlow back on the team and Larry will fix a lot of things. Larry is a winner !
Common sense would say not the guy who made them worse. And I’ll add Dem insanity with Covid factors into all of this financial duress (housing etc)
The response to Covid was horrid. This is an honest much power did Trump have to "stand up" to the left on all this stuff? DeSantis set the tone in Florida on their response. Couldn't Trump have done the same? Wouldn't an actual strong leader, that had strong convictions that aligned with his constituents, have acted similarly? Why does Trump get a pass for how absent he was in the Covid response? Actually worse than absent with his mind numbingly stupid "suggestions" from time to time.
The response to Covid was horrid. This is an honest much power did Trump have to "stand up" to the left on all this stuff? DeSantis set the tone in Florida on their response. Couldn't Trump have done the same? Wouldn't an actual strong leader, that had strong convictions that aligned with his constituents, have acted similarly? Why does Trump get a pass for how absent he was in the Covid response? Actually worse than absent with his mind numbingly stupid "suggestions" from time to time.
Trump gets an F for Covid. Covid exposed his piss poor leadership. I hate Biden but for me it’s choosing between a D and an F in trump and Biden. Two terrible presidents
The response to Covid was horrid. This is an honest much power did Trump have to "stand up" to the left on all this stuff? DeSantis set the tone in Florida on their response. Couldn't Trump have done the same? Wouldn't an actual strong leader, that had strong convictions that aligned with his constituents, have acted similarly? Why does Trump get a pass for how absent he was in the Covid response? Actually worse than absent with his mind numbingly stupid "suggestions" from time to time.
Maybe you don't read the board, I don't recall any of us conservatives giving Trump a pass on Covid. The closest I have personally defended him on it, totally aligns with your question "how much power did Trump have to "stand up" to the left on all this stuff?" .
But even with that, the one time he could have rightfully been a total ass, did he act like DFT? no. he caved.
I give him a D, only because he did try to be transparent buy putting fauxi "the lead expert bioterrorist" in front of the cameras to pander to the squid sheep left. he failed using fauxi.

NOW, much too late, putting the bioterrorist, in the lime light, allowed sunlight to shine on him. Viral terrorist hate sunlight, eventually. What has ended up, with what we have learned after the fact about fauxi, ended up being a win and an education of "what" we all have working for us, as swamp donkeys, but it's way to late, and it was unintended. The swamp underworld creatures all need ran through UV light, like a barber shop comb disinfection device (oh remember the "he said eat light bulbs BS?", we now have UV light air handling systems....).

Just a couple thoughts off of the top of my head. But yea, he failed on Covid.
I know prices have gone up a lot but my feeling today sure isn't more negative than in 2008. I think part of that is social media. I am a lot more negative today about our government than I was in 2008 whether it be Biden or Trump as president.

It may not be as bad as everyone seems to think. Two reports here:

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people who got 2 percent and cheap houses right before the pandemic made out like bandits
Yes, and 2 or 3 percent mortgages drove housing prices through the roof. I don't blame anyone who bought - we did, but we paid cash after downsizing from our Indiana house. Looking back, I was an idiot for not taking out a huge 3% mortgage and invested the cash. But I wanted zero debt. My wife has made sure that will never happen....
Mine was 15%. With a VA loan.

F'n Carter. I could really work up a good hate for him if he wasn't such a great person.
Yeah, I know the folks had at least one operating loan above 18% in there. Maybe more than 1.
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Yes, and 2 or 3 percent mortgages drove housing prices through the roof. I don't blame anyone who bought - we did, but we paid cash after downsizing from our Indiana house. Looking back, I was an idiot for not taking out a huge 3% mortgage and invested the cash. But I wanted zero debt. My wife has made sure that will never happen....
ummmm housing prices were very stable for a long time under 2-3% rates, weren't they? Prices only sky rocketed once the free cheese and the plandemic was thrust upon us. Or is my timeline skewed? I know when I first started looking for an "the other coast" house, prices and rates were still low, but in 6-8 months, prices and inventory went crazy.
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Knew a woman in law school who always drank beer in a cup full of ice. Watered it down and made it ice cold. Wasn’t too bad, actually.

She was also known affectionately along with her friend as the Package Deal. Both were married women as 1Ls who were divorced by the end of law school.

Did your package get a deal?
Yeah, I know the folks had at least one operating loan above 18% in there. Maybe more than 1.
Lotta farms went under back then
ummmm housing prices were very stable for a long time under 2-3% rates, weren't they? Prices only sky rocketed once the free cheese and the plandemic was thrust upon us. Or is my timeline skewed? I know when I first started looking for an "the other coast" house, prices and rates were still low, but in 6-8 months, prices and inventory went crazy.
ummmm housing prices were very stable for a long time under 2-3% rates, weren't they? Prices only sky rocketed once the free cheese and the plandemic was thrust upon us. Or is my timeline skewed? I know when I first started looking for an "the other coast" house, prices and rates were still low, but in 6-8 months, prices and inventory went crazy.
Nah, we sold our house in 2019 and I couldn't believe I got my asking price the first day. My neighbors who sold made out, too.

My son-in-law bought a few houses and turned the into AirBnBs. Prices just shot up.
Nah, we sold our house in 2019 and I couldn't believe I got my asking price the first day. My neighbors who sold made out, too.

My son-in-law bought a few houses and turned the into AirBnBs. Prices just shot up.
Ok, it must not have hit My "other coast" Bama area until mid to late 21'.... wait, come to think of it, in 20' the appraisal on my Indiana house was insane, all of a sudden. $$$ in the bank baby !