Consumer sentiment more negative today than in 2008 financial crisis

Nah, we sold our house in 2019 and I couldn't believe I got my asking price the first day. My neighbors who sold made out, too.

My son-in-law bought a few houses and turned the into AirBnBs. Prices just shot up.
ummmm housing prices were very stable for a long time under 2-3% rates, weren't they? Prices only sky rocketed once the free cheese and the plandemic was thrust upon us. Or is my timeline skewed? I know when I first started looking for an "the other coast" house, prices and rates were still low, but in 6-8 months, prices and inventory went crazy.
You can check DANC joe is right. It was mid and post pandemic and after the free cheese. We were actively looking in boca/Delray even Wellington in 2019 and prices were cheap then 2021 they skyrocketed. Great job bidenomics

You can check DANC joe is right. It was mid and post pandemic. We were actively looking in boca/Delray even Wellington in 2019 and prices were cheap then after the lockdowns they skyrocketed
As I recall, it was like a very sharp and small window of when it happened, just from memory. Like threading a needle tight. RE agents were suddenly in OMFG territory.
And then it all went to shit for the RE quick burn.
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ummmm housing prices were very stable for a long time under 2-3% rates, weren't they? Prices only sky rocketed once the free cheese and the plandemic was thrust upon us. Or is my timeline skewed? I know when I first started looking for an "the other coast" house, prices and rates were still low, but in 6-8 months, prices and inventory went crazy.

Rates were in the roughly 4% range for several years prior to Covid. They bottomed out in fall of 2020 at close to 2.5%...I refi'd at that rate in Sept 20. They stayed in the 3% range for most of '21

We never saw rates lower than the high 3s prior to Covid

Attempting to buy a house in 2021 was peak insanity. And probably required paying way over asking price in a bidding war. The real winners were those that owned prior to Covid and could refi
Rates were in the roughly 4% range for several years prior to Covid. They bottomed out in fall of 2020 at close to 2.5%...I refi'd at that rate in Sept 20. They stayed in the 3% range for most of '21

We never saw rates lower than the high 3s prior to Covid

Attempting to buy a house in 2021 was peak insanity. And probably required paying way over asking price in a bidding war. The real winners were those that owned prior to Covid and could refi
F cking finance guys shit. Always the right moves. @larsIU tell your daughter no law bullshit. Just study money
Rates were in the roughly 4% range for several years prior to Covid. They bottomed out in fall of 2020 at close to 2.5%...I refi'd at that rate in Sept 20. They stayed in the 3% range for most of '21

We never saw rates lower than the high 3s prior to Covid

Attempting to buy a house in 2021 was peak insanity. And probably required paying way over asking price in a bidding war. The real winners were those that owned prior to Covid and could refi
i will add to this @larsIU @BradStevens i like fing with the lefties on here but i'm doing a million things and really am just playing. twenty's posts honestly irritate me. why would it be so bad if we told our kids this is a list of majors i will pay for: money, money, money, or engineering, or computer science. some adjacent majors but you get the drift. shit is crazy expensive. the luxury of studying for fun, for your edification, is over save for a choice percentage with FU money.

my daughter has really had a wonderful year. she's loved her theatre program at school (first thing that she has really taken to), and said that she thinks she'd be interested in studying drama in college. why? F it. if college is $200k skip it and move to LA and use that money for an apartment and start going and trying. why wait. but the lib arts shit at these crazy colleges i'm not feeling it.
i will add to this @larsIU @BradStevens i like fing with the lefties on here but i'm doing a million things and really am just playing. twenty's posts honestly irritate me. why would it be so bad if we told our kids this is a list of majors i will pay for: money, money, money, or engineering, or computer science. some adjacent majors but you get the drift. shit is crazy expensive. the luxury of studying for fun, for your edification, is over save for a choice percentage with FU money.

my daughter has really had a wonderful year. she's loved her theatre program at school (first thing that she has really taken to), and said that she thinks she'd be interested in studying drama in college. why? F it. if college is $200k skip it and move to LA and use that money for an apartment and start going and trying. why wait. but the lib arts shit at these crazy colleges i'm not feeling it.
Comparing a theater degree to the majority of liberal arts majors is wrong. Good programs in the sciences, philosophy, history, economics, poly sci, or the classics will teach a person how to think critically. Hopefully, you can get exposure to all of those areas. That skill will be even more important in an age of AI.

But you also don’t have to pay a dime of your kid’s college. This isn’t Russia, Danny.
Comparing a theater degree to the majority of liberal arts majors is wrong. Good programs in the sciences, philosophy, history, economics, poly sci, or the classics will teach a person how to think critically. Hopefully, you can get exposure to all of those areas. That skill will be even more important in an age of AI.

But you also don’t have to pay a dime of your kid’s college. This isn’t Russia, Danny.
i don't know. i'm not sure critical thinking is all that it's cracked up to be. i majored in poly sci, minored in history, got a master's in the same bs. i think today you need a more regimented path. it's too easy to find yourself adrift otherwise. i know we've talked about this stuff in other threads
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F cking finance guys shit. Always the right moves. @larsIU tell your daughter no law bullshit. Just study money
We visited IU today. Again, math is EASY for her but she could care less. Walked past Kelly and advised she could get rich with a degree in finance. She likes math. Richest people in the world are in finance which requires, you know, math.

Still wants to be a lawyer. I told her to get the degree in finance first. Then if you still want to be a lawyer, get a loan and go for it.

We shall see. She can always sue banks and other finance orgs.
i don't know. i'm not sure critical thinking is all that it's cracked up to be. i majored in poly sci, minored in history, got a master's in the same bs. i think today you need a more regimented path. it's too easy to find yourself adrift otherwise. i know we've talked about this stuff in other threads
I’m actually going the other way. All we’ve done is provide a bunch of grads they can’t think and can only produce more sophisticated and ridiculous financial products. The majority of jobs in America would be better off with a liberal arts grad in them. Outside of those that simply demand a stem degree.
i don't know. i'm not sure critical thinking is all that it's cracked up to be. i majored in poly sci, minored in history, got a master's in the same bs. i think today you need a more regimented path. it's too easy to find yourself adrift otherwise. i know we've talked about this stuff in other threads
Nothing screams "hire me" on a resume like "I learned how to think" and "I can act".

Lets narrow it down a bit kid. You can act and learn the truth, while making $80k and thinking you love that prick you met at starbux. Present company excluded of course.
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We visited IU today. Again, math is EASY for her but she could care less. Walked past Kelly and advised she could get rich with a degree in finance. She likes math. Richest people in the world are in finance which requires, you know, math.

Still wants to be a lawyer. I told her to get the degree in finance first. Then if you still want to be a lawyer, get a loan and go for it.

We shall see. She can always sue banks and other finance orgs.
Double major, bruh.
The majority of jobs in America would be better off with a liberal arts grad in them.
honestly i haven't had a boss in over 20 years and don't really know. but it seems to me that while america may be better off with a lib arts grad filling these jobs that's not the rules and the game that is being played. when i was at iu my good buddy's older brother came to campus to interview for grant thornton. he wasn't interviewing in spea. when farva goes back for interviews neither will he. now when state agencies do, or the feds, they will. but it seems everything is regimented and you don't want to be pigeonholed without the same opportunities. and again with this state of affairs you have to focus on money - sadly
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Nothing screams "hire me" on a resume like "I learned how to think" and "I can act".

Lets narrow it down a bit kid. You can act and learn the truth, while making $80k and thinking you love that prick you met at starbux. Present company excluded of course.
i think you're right. when the hiring bot is culling through 600 resumes that won't fly.
Comparing a theater degree to the majority of liberal arts majors is wrong. Good programs in the sciences, philosophy, history, economics, poly sci, or the classics will teach a person how to think critically. Hopefully, you can get exposure to all of those areas. That skill will be even more important in an age of AI.

But you also don’t have to pay a dime of your kid’s college. This isn’t Russia, Danny.
I think criticallly and the only two things I have to show for it are Bitcoin and saggy balls. Not sure which one will let me down first 🤷🏻‍♂️ My advice? Get the engineering degree.
My rec: double major in math and whatever humanity she truly enjoys. Then do a Joint JD/MBA program. Lots of good ones out there. Some you can finish in three years. At most 4. She’ll be set at that point. Then you can give me a good rec and I’ll go work for her.
yeah that's spot on. i was jogging one time and saw a classmate come out of i guess where kelley was and i go "what are you doing in there?" and he said he was doing the joint program and had class. i said oh wow. what are those students like: and he goes.
movers and shakers. movers and shakers.

he said it twice. and walked away. i'll never forget it
You can check DANC joe is right. It was mid and post pandemic and after the free cheese. We were actively looking in boca/Delray even Wellington in 2019 and prices were cheap then 2021 they skyrocketed. Great job bidenomics

All I know is my experience. I'm not saying they didn't go up after Covid - of course they did. But the trend was going up before then - at least from my experience.
Looking at car prices, they have dropped substantially in the last year. Also Memorial Day set a record for air travel. Seems fishy if no one has any money.
Looking at car prices, they have dropped substantially in the last year. Also Memorial Day set a record for air travel. Seems fishy if no one has any money.
You mean the price of EVs has dropped - because no one wants them.

People don't have cash - they have credit cards. Record credit card debt.

Or traveling on the money they saved from Biden's studen loan forgiveness.
Yes, and 2 or 3 percent mortgages drove housing prices through the roof. I don't blame anyone who bought - we did, but we paid cash after downsizing from our Indiana house. Looking back, I was an idiot for not taking out a huge 3% mortgage and invested the cash. But I wanted zero debt. My wife has made sure that will never happen....
Yeah I know what you mean. I had some student loans at one time at real low interest but eventually just paid them off even though it was a bad financial move. Same thing with our house. It just feels good to not owe anyone anything. Now I have financed a couple cars at 0% interest... I can be bought. 🤣
My rec: double major in math and whatever humanity she truly enjoys. Then do a Joint JD/MBA program. Lots of good ones out there. Some you can finish in three years. At most 4. She’ll be set at that point. Then you can give me a good rec and I’ll go work for her.

Yep was going to say joint JD//MBA program but you beat me to it.
yeah that's spot on. i was jogging one time and saw a classmate come out of i guess where kelley was and i go "what are you doing in there?" and he said he was doing the joint program and had class. i said oh wow. what are those students like: and he goes.
movers and shakers. movers and shakers.

he said it twice. and walked away. i'll never forget it

My niece is interning at Sidley Austin in DC this summer. Interested to hear her thoughts after going through that. First years make $250k inc bonus. About $500k after 5 years... Assuming you still have a soul and are still alive.
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My niece is interning at Sidley Austin in DC this summer. Interested to hear her thoughts after going through that. First years make $250k inc bonus. About $500k after 5 years... Assuming you still have a soul and are still alive.
So we had a friend who worked at Sidley in the tower in ny. The plane hit the tower in the morning on 911 and by afternoon he was set up at a table in a makeshift office and went right on billing.
No doubt he billed the time it took to get out and over to the other office: Travel to doc retention areas—.7 hrs.
Our building was getting bomb threats and the head of our firm sent everyone to lunch and said to prepare to come back after we get more info. Well we went to lunch and I got super super drunk. Then about 2:30 he said to come back as they were getting ready to go back in.

So we are in the parking lot and I didn’t realize it but I was standing just in front of the managing partner and I said Please Fcking Blow Up

Well I wasn’t really aware and that caused a real loud laugh but the managing partner didn’t like that one bit.
We visited IU today. Again, math is EASY for her but she could care less. Walked past Kelly and advised she could get rich with a degree in finance. She likes math. Richest people in the world are in finance which requires, you know, math.

Still wants to be a lawyer. I told her to get the degree in finance first. Then if you still want to be a lawyer, get a loan and go for it.

We shall see. She can always sue banks and other finance orgs.
You’re advice to her is perfect.
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I quit smoking and I’ve never been a gambler. I won 20 bucks on a scratch off 20 years ago and haven’t bought one since.

There’s nothing more pathetic than seeing people buy scratch offs and sit in the parking lot playing them, then going back in and buying more.
I've waited while they scratched them off at the damn counter.
lots of people have money. stock market, boomers, etc. biden F'D the people he panders to most. growing divide between rich and poor
He's transparently trying to buy votes at this point. We'll pay your student loans, we'll empty the petroleum reserves, we'll give you a $400 tax credit on a first time home purchase, we'll send a 300 million dollar pier to Gaza that falls apart and has pieces wash up on the beach miles down shore, while 100% of the aid from said pier is commandeered by Hamas.

It's some of the most craven politicking I've ever seen. Fwiw, Trump did the same thing in 2020, he was desperate to get another round of Trump pandemic checks in the hands of every American before the election.

But it was not nearly on this scale. It's really quite shameful what they're doing.

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