cities bracing for black unrest this weekend.

Yes, you did call them out in the post after the one I responded to.

And Babbitt was a veteran, so her service to her country was honorable

It all depends on what side you're on if she's 'honorable' or not. Sam Adams and the Sons of Liberty were not honorable to the British.
To me her actions on 1/6 were as dishonorable as the actions of Antifa in the CHAZ zone or whatever that stupidity was.
And trashy people deserve to be shot, right?

Bingo. You framing the issue around “conservatives “ proves my point that the issue is political. As a matter of pure police conduct, I think Babbitt was a bad shoot. But as you note, I’m a conservative so objectiveness is out the window.

Here is a video of the shooting, they are trying to break out the window. You can see she is shot as she is trying to climb through. On the other side is the officer, gun plainly visible. In fact, the protestors start yelling, "There's a gun" several seconds before she tries to go through. There are reports there were still members of congress in the balcony at that time, if these doors are breached there is a pretty simple trip to that balcony. At a minimum, they members are isolated from help. The officer probably heard the "hang Mike Pence, hang Nancy Pelosi" chants. He would have known the main line was overrun or the protestors wouldn't be in this location. And he knows they are attempting to destroy the doors blocking them from getting to where the congresspeople are. I am not sure what part of reasonableness this all fails. Was the officer supposed to give any remaining congresspeople his thoughts and prayers and let everyone past?

Again chanting, other police lines overrun, destruction of property, it seems very reasonable to conclude his lives and other lives were in danger. The test is how a reasonable person would respond, and I can see why a reasonable person would conclude that a life-threatening danger is imminent if those doors are breached. We have had this exact same debate with shop owners in rioting. A crowd bursts into your shop after beating through a police line, do you have reason to believe your life could be in danger? Of course.

Totally agree. And a massive public education campaign on how to engage police. Too many avoidable situations
Agreed. But you know, POLITICS! Within months, Pelosi called federal law enforcement stormtroopers and others hero’s, for essentially the same conduct in similar circumstances.

We went through years of the Obama administration where the DOJ conspicuously challenged policing in minority neighborhoods, giving traction to resisting cops. Now crime and violence in minority neighborhoods is out of control. Elections have consequences.
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Fair enough. But have you ever traveled 2500 miles for anything other than family or vacation?

She did it for an idea that was false. Why did that happen. I don't think she started out as unhinged but she ended up that way and, ultimately, it cost her her life. We really should try to understant what about our society and culture is causing this.

We talk about her b/c she died. But there were thousands of others there. I'll admit many of the left are quick to just call them whack jobs and trash but they are people like the rest of us but somehow they have been radicalized (I feel that is appropriate and not flame bait) just like the Antifa folks on the left.
I think you have to have a certain mindset to protest generally. For whatever reason, the "right" doesn't usually have that mindset and I think it is because we tend to somewhat live our politics. I don't like drawing attention to myself and I don't like feeling like I did something "wrong". My wife will go shopping at like the grocery and when the kids were little would knock open one of the snacks and let them eat it and then pay for it when she paid for everything else. If it were me, I would pay before I let them have it.

So I think you have to have a bit of the personality to go and do that thing to begin with. A certain lack of respect for authority or order...and that isn't me, even over small things like snacks at the grocery. So I am just kind of talking out my ass from here forward.

That being said, there obviously exists people on each side who are willing to engage in that behavior. For the right, I think that our people most likely to react in that manner have a higher bar than those most likely to react on the left. That means for those people on the left, they have more opportunities to blow off steam. Many of the people arrested in Atlanta over the new police facility were from out of town.

With the right, I think the agitation built up over a longer period of time so the acting out was much greater. It was also more pointed at the government...which to me, from a logical standpoint, makes more sense than burning down your neighborhood Village Pantry.

Why the rioting though? I think it is as simple as a wide swath of the country on both sides believing, and having valid reason to believe, that the game is rigged. When you see things that very clearly are rigged (like insider trading in Congress) it makes it easier to believe bigger things are being rigged. Take this recent dust up over classified documents. You know nothing is going to happen to Biden, Trump, or Pence, or any other person in government over this stuff. They are above the law.

That is the fuel IMO.
Here is a video of the shooting, they are trying to break out the window. You can see she is shot as she is trying to climb through. On the other side is the officer, gun plainly visible. In fact, the protestors start yelling, "There's a gun" several seconds before she tries to go through. There are reports there were still members of congress in the balcony at that time, if these doors are breached there is a pretty simple trip to that balcony. At a minimum, they members are isolated from help. The officer probably heard the "hang Mike Pence, hang Nancy Pelosi" chants. He would have known the main line was overrun or the protestors wouldn't be in this location. And he knows they are attempting to destroy the doors blocking them from getting to where the congresspeople are. I am not sure what part of reasonableness this all fails. Was the officer supposed to give any remaining congresspeople his thoughts and prayers and let everyone past?

Again chanting, other police lines overrun, destruction of property, it seems very reasonable to conclude his lives and other lives were in danger. The test is how a reasonable person would respond, and I can see why a reasonable person would conclude that a life-threatening danger is imminent if those doors are breached. We have had this exact same debate with shop owners in rioting. A crowd bursts into your shop after beating through a police line, do you have reason to believe your life could be in danger? Of course.

Here name was Ashli.

Also this:

Wow. I wasn't aware of her history of aggression and violence.
Here name was Ashli.

Also this:

A Maryland personal injury lawyer representing Babbitt’s husband, Aaron Babbitt, has raised $375,000 through a Christian crowdfunding site and has threatened to file a lawsuit against the Capitol Police.

Key to that wrongful death claim is the contention that Babbitt, a former military police officer who was 5-foot-2 and weighed 115 pounds, would have peacefully surrendered had Capitol officers attempted to arrest her.

There are going to be varying levels of dumbass behavior that you are going to be able to dig out of anyone's past. Anyone.

She's trash because she was a Trump supporter. That is about as deep as it goes w.r.t. what happened with her. I think there are justifiable and rational arguments to be made on each side of her shooting, but you can't have rational arguments around anything even tangentially related to Trump.

If we want to rehash her situation though, we probably should do it in its own thread.
I'm sorry, I've never held an opinion on the underlying background of this woman and don't care about her politics. But she cheated on her husband, got called out on it by the girl whose (essentially married) dude she was cheating with, and then she rams her SUV into HER car three times and threatens her to a fight? Here's a description from the other woman:

"Norris was waiting at a stop sign in Prince Frederick, about an hour southeast of Washington D.C., when she says a white Ford Explorer passed her going the other direction.

Norris saw the SUV pulling a U-turn before speeding up behind her. She recounts that the SUV’s driver began swerving erratically, laying on the horn and attempting to pass a Chevrolet Suburban that was in between them on the narrow two-lane road.

When the driver of the Chevy pulled over, Norris said the white Ford SUV accelerated and rammed into her rear bumper. She said the SUV rammed her a second time and then a third, all while the vehicles continued to roll down the road.

After Norris dialed 911, an emergency dispatcher advised her to pull over to the shoulder and stop. As she waited for help, Babbitt got out of her vehicle and came up to Norris’ driver’s-side window, banging on the glass."

Yeah, that's trash. And you can only dig that level of behavior out of the pasts of a precious, precious few.

Does that mean she deserved to die? No. But again, that was a mob scene and the police officer was doing what he was trained to do. That's why no charges were filed.
I'm sorry, I've never held an opinion on the underlying background of this woman and don't care about her politics. But she cheated on her husband, got called out on it by the girl whose (essentially married) dude she was cheating with, and then she rams her SUV into HER car three times and threatens her to a fight? Here's a description from the other woman:

"Norris was waiting at a stop sign in Prince Frederick, about an hour southeast of Washington D.C., when she says a white Ford Explorer passed her going the other direction.

Norris saw the SUV pulling a U-turn before speeding up behind her. She recounts that the SUV’s driver began swerving erratically, laying on the horn and attempting to pass a Chevrolet Suburban that was in between them on the narrow two-lane road.

When the driver of the Chevy pulled over, Norris said the white Ford SUV accelerated and rammed into her rear bumper. She said the SUV rammed her a second time and then a third, all while the vehicles continued to roll down the road.

After Norris dialed 911, an emergency dispatcher advised her to pull over to the shoulder and stop. As she waited for help, Babbitt got out of her vehicle and came up to Norris’ driver’s-side window, banging on the glass."

Yeah, that's trash. And you can only dig that level of behavior out of the pasts of a precious, precious few.

Does that mean she deserved to die? No. But again, that was a mob scene and the police officer was doing what he was trained to do. That's why no charges were filed.

It's like Crazy didn't even bother to read and just jumped to assumptions
I'm sorry, I've never held an opinion on the underlying background of this woman and don't care about her politics. But she cheated on her husband, got called out on it by the girl whose (essentially married) dude she was cheating with, and then she rams her SUV into HER car three times and threatens her to a fight? Here's a description from the other woman:

"Norris was waiting at a stop sign in Prince Frederick, about an hour southeast of Washington D.C., when she says a white Ford Explorer passed her going the other direction.

Norris saw the SUV pulling a U-turn before speeding up behind her. She recounts that the SUV’s driver began swerving erratically, laying on the horn and attempting to pass a Chevrolet Suburban that was in between them on the narrow two-lane road.

When the driver of the Chevy pulled over, Norris said the white Ford SUV accelerated and rammed into her rear bumper. She said the SUV rammed her a second time and then a third, all while the vehicles continued to roll down the road.

After Norris dialed 911, an emergency dispatcher advised her to pull over to the shoulder and stop. As she waited for help, Babbitt got out of her vehicle and came up to Norris’ driver’s-side window, banging on the glass."

Yeah, that's trash. And you can only dig that level of behavior out of the pasts of a precious, precious few.

Does that mean she deserved to die? No. But again, that was a mob scene and the police officer was doing what he was trained to do. That's why no charges were filed.
140 cops were injured that day, some seriously. Some were severely beaten. Frankly, I think law enforcement exercised incredible restraint. The fact that she was the only one shot speaks to their training, professionalism and courage.
140 cops were injured that day, some seriously. Some were severely beaten. Frankly, I think law enforcement exercised incredible restraint. The fact that she was the only one shot speaks to their training, professionalism and courage.

yup, the police response could have been a lot more forceful.

Posters that pretend to back the blue though seem oddly silent about the 140 cops that were injured....only seem focused on Babbitt.
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I expected the cop to act like a professional in the use of deadly force. I don’t think he did. I used BLM as an example because the identical circumstances in a different political situation and the cop goes to jail, IMO. This cop getting a pass is all about politics, not about whether his decision to kill the rioter at that time and place was justified.

Im old enough to remember when left wing rioters barricaded the exit doors to a federal courthouse with concrete and then tried to burn the building. When the feds took some rioters into custody without trying to kill them, Nancy Pelosi called the cops “stormtroopers.“. Politics is everything and it’s sickening.
Pelosi shouldn't have done that. It was very wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right though.

You're politicizing this shooting and you keep leaving out the context for what was going on. Forget about the politics--there was an active riot and effective (if chaotic and unorchestrated) invasion of the Capitol building when they were trying to certify an election. That shot wasn't just to stop the woman; it was a shot to stop the whole crowd trying to get in through that doorway, and it worked to stop them all.

Weren't there also known threats about hanging Pence if he didn't certify the results? We can downplay them as the ravings of idiots on Twitter, but they existed and its likely entered into the thought process of the cop (I'm just speculating here, though).
The cop intended to kill an intruder from a concealed position, without warning, and his chosen target had no visible weapon. There was no friendly whose life was at risk. The cop may have been afraid, but his fear must be reasonably held. If he was given an order to kill the rioters, we should know that. That’s not an unreasonable order, all rioters in all public buildings should know that. But he was a high ranking officer and should be giving orders, not receiving them. Instead he was hiding and decided to ambush a rioter. Then he continued his anonymity for weeks.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven. The whole review was politics as usual. I think the word was delivered by a political operative that this was to be a good shoot regardless of the facts.

If rioters in public buildings intend to disrupt government operations are to be killed (not a bad idea) let’s send that message to every corner of the country.

Yea, no one's life was threatened via hanging. Not a single person with zip ties or nooses at all.

That door being barricaded and gun drawn was not at all a message to those peaceful tourists that maybe they should stop being so touristy ;)

Must be nice to live in make believe world ;)
The cop intended to kill an intruder from a concealed position, without warning, and his chosen target had no visible weapon. There was no friendly whose life was at risk. The cop may have been afraid, but his fear must be reasonably held. If he was given an order to kill the rioters, we should know that. That’s not an unreasonable order, all rioters in all public buildings should know that. But he was a high ranking officer and should be giving orders, not receiving them. Instead he was hiding and decided to ambush a rioter. Then he continued his anonymity for weeks.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven. The whole review was politics as usual. I think the word was delivered by a political operative that this was to be a good shoot regardless of the facts.

If rioters in public buildings intend to disrupt government operations are to be killed (not a bad idea) let’s send that message to every corner of the countr
The officer was not concealed, he was not hiding, and he did not conduct an ambush. Those are false statements. You can see it in the video Marv posted.
I need to binge-watch that. I've heard it's excellent. I first need to finish Ted Lasso.
It's great. Binged it over Christmas break and have been recommending it to everyone I know. NoHo Hank is a revelation and Hader is not a good, he is a GREAT director.
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So, Law enforcement is not supposed to stop members of a violent mob that are in the act of committing multiple felonies and are an established threat to the lives of multiple innocent civilians? Is that the position for which (amazingly) I am seeing some support?
So, Law enforcement is not supposed to stop members of a violent mob that are in the act of committing multiple felonies and are an established threat to the lives of multiple innocent civilians? Is that the position for which (amazingly) I am seeing some support?

yup...but as you know they back the blue so it's all good.
So, Law enforcement is not supposed to stop members of a violent mob that are in the act of committing multiple felonies and are an established threat to the lives of multiple innocent civilians? Is that the position for which (amazingly) I am seeing some support?
Kill not stop is the argument. We don’t need far left partisans incapable of objective thought chiming in….
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Kill not stop is the argument. We don’t need far left partisans incapable of objective thought chiming in….

My uncle is a cop.

He has always explained to me that they are trained to shoot for center mass, which is what the cop did.

Cops aren't going to shoot a foot or arm, they are going to shoot you in the chest, because that is where the most coverage is on a person.

If they draw there gun, they intend to use it.
My uncle is a cop.

He has always explained to me that they are trained to shoot for center mass, which is what the cop did.

Cops aren't going to shoot a foot or arm, they are going to shoot you in the chest, because that is where the most coverage is on a person.

If they draw there gun, they intend to use it.
It's like Crazy didn't even bother to read and just jumped to assumptions
No, I read enough to get the jist. I am just not going to put a "trash" label on her. Particularly in the context of the conversation of whether the officer was justified in shooting her. And again, I think many people with a very strong opinion that kind of runs along the line of, "the officer took the trash out" has quite a bit to do with their feelings on Trump.

No, not everyone has that level of aggression in their past. Ever drink and drive? Ever been in a fist fight for any reason? Ever said something in anger you aren't proud of? We get that woman's POV on Babbitt. We don't get to hear her explanation for any of that because she is dead. Now imagine something happens to you and the person who probably dislikes you the most out of everyone you have had contact with gets to be your character witness and you get no rebuttal. How are you going to come off looking? I look back into my early 20's and there are things that happened that I wouldn't want to be completely judged on.
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DANC keeps making the point that the cop gave no warning before shooting. Do we know that to be true? I mean, COH has already claimed he “ambushed” her.
It doesn't matter. It's better to understand Danc. Danc is like a gatling gun. he doesn't see liberal, conservative, independent. he takes on all comers. what's more he can take on as many as a dozen posters at one time in multiple threads. and the counter shots just ricochet right off him, as he seamlessly bounces to the next poster/thread. the only hope is to get in your shots early, while he's sleeping, and hope he doesn't see them
It doesn't matter. It's better to understand Danc. Danc is like a gatling gun. he doesn't see liberal, conservative, independent. he takes on all comers. what's more he can take on as many as a dozen posters at one time in multiple threads. and the counter shots just ricochet right off him, as he seamlessly bounces to the next poster/thread. the only hope is to get in your shots early, while he's sleeping, and hope he doesn't see them
Dude, you are so full of shit.
And I mean that as a positive. 😃
So, Law enforcement is not supposed to stop members of a violent mob that are in the act of committing multiple felonies and are an established threat to the lives of multiple innocent civilians? Is that the position for which (amazingly) I am seeing some support?
This dude would have flipped out if police had shot BLM rioters doing the exact same things bolded above.

Anybody denying politics is a part of this is kidding yourselves.
No, I read enough to get the jist. I am just not going to put a "trash" label on her. Particularly in the context of the conversation of whether the officer was justified in shooting her. And again, I think many people with a very strong opinion that kind of runs along the line of, "the officer took the trash out" has quite a bit to do with their feelings on Trump.

No, not everyone has that level of aggression in their past. Ever drink and drive? Ever been in a fist fight for any reason? Ever said something in anger you aren't proud of? We get that woman's POV on Babbitt. We don't get to hear her explanation for any of that because she is dead. Now imagine something happens to you and the person who probably dislikes you the most out of everyone you have had contact with gets to be your character witness and you get no rebuttal. How are you going to come off looking? I look back into my early 20's and there are things that happened that I wouldn't want to be completely judged on.
I agree, there is no reason to call her trash. I have no idea anything about her life, and she isn't around to defend/explain what is in the article. People shouldn't go there. It is irrelevant to the discussion anyway. The people hijacking the thread want a debate on the validity of the shooting. Whatever she did before she tried to climb through the broken glass in that door is mostly irrelevant (her choosing to enter the Capitol is a little relevant).
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I agree, there is no reason to call her trash. I have no idea anything about her life, and she isn't around to defend/explain what is in the article. People shouldn't go there. It is irrelevant to the discussion anyway. The people hijacking the thread want a debate on the validity of the shooting. Whatever she did before she tried to climb through the broken glass in that door is mostly irrelevant (her choosing to enter the Capitol is a little relevant).

True but it could be used towards the argument that any REASONABLE person would see a barricade and an officer with their gun drawn and realize that continuing through is a bad idea.

That would probably be why no one else wanted to be first to make the attempt.

The officer wouldn't have known her history and so it couldn't be used to defend the shooting but it does go to whether or not she was a reasonable person.
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