Capitol in lockdown

But they were ready for "something". No one was ready today. Why would authorities fear BLM enough to look like Meuse-Argonne offensive set to go and today it was Barney Fife.
It's not about race. It's about the different ways Trump adversaries vs Trump advocates were characterized. The military presence facing BLM was all part of the tableau.
I wasn't searching for it, but a video of the woman who was shot came across my Twitter feed. Maybe it's just the lighting, but it sure looks like in a sea of angry white men, the cops somehow found a black woman to shoot. If that's the case, it's....well, not very good optics, to say the least.

I hope she's okay, but the reports do not sound good.
I wasn't searching for it, but a video of the woman who was shot came across my Twitter feed. Maybe it's just the lighting, but it sure looks like in a sea of angry white men, the cops somehow found a black woman to shoot. If that's the case, it's....well, not very good optics, to say the least.

I hope she's okay, but the reports do not sound good.
I heard an interview from a rioter that was supposedly right beside her and evidently had blood on him. He said she was the first one through and it would have been him if he would have been in front of her.
I've seen photos of people walking off with and breaking/destroying Capitol property.

I'm sure Trump is just scrolling through his twitter history to retweet the tweet about when the looting starts, the shooting starts.
It’s Americans finally standing up!
What I said is correct.
I responded to your Post 72. It is not correct. It's laughable to tell me that somewhere else on the internet you said something that was correct.

Trump's "rally" was to be held near the White House which is one mile away from the Capitol.. Trump told them to go to the Capitol and "fight." Security for the Capitol was not needed for a rally held at the White House.
Why are you making this about race? Most people at BLM riots are white anyways.
I don't know if it's specifically a race issue but there is a reason the LEOs reacted differently to the BLM protests as opposed to this shitshow today. I can't imagine why they didn't think today's crowd was going to form a drum circle and chant.
Hindsight is 20-20 and all that, but I doubt they originally anticipated the MAGAs would actually storm the Capital, but when Trump exhorted them to do just that it was too late to plan for it.
When the leader of Proud Boys was arrested , I think that might be a clue there were going to be issues. I figured there would be problems, but maybe not until tonight though. The disgusting thing is these guys think THEY are the patriots.
I don't know if it's specifically a race issue but there is a reason the LEOs reacted different to the BLM protests as opposed to this shitshow today. I can't imagine why they didn't think today's crowd was going to form a drum circle and chant.
Probably because everybody knew they would happen and this wasn’t as anticipated? It’s hard to have foreseen that Trump would have poured that much gasoline on this.

It’s also highly possible that there are just crappy planners and leaders in the DC police.

But it gets pretty tough to have everything always come down to race, and awfully exhausting.
I keep asking what are these guys even protesting?

A bad conspiracy theory that's been debunked.

Not for civil rights or for a bad foreign policy decision....its for a lie.

That's the definition of a gullible dumbass.

And the instigator isn't even there, he's watching it from afar.

Words matter.

Rhetoric matters.
Why are you making this about race? Most people at BLM riots are white anyways.

So why the difference in reaction by the police. One group faces the 101st, the other Barney Fife? Why?

I watched a documentary on the I Have a Dream speech and march. In it some of the organizers discussed how the rumor was spread among law enforcement that the Blacks were only going to riot because that was all Blacks could do. I would love to think that attitude has changed, but images show otherwise. These groups today haven't hidden that they were capable of far more than a simple protest. Why was that disregarded?
Probably because everybody knew they would happen and this wasn’t as anticipated? It’s hard to have foreseen that Trump would have poured that much gasoline on this.

It’s also highly possible that there are just crappy planners and leaders in the DC police.

But it gets pretty tough to have everything always come down to race, and awfully exhausting.
I don't disagree. I suspect racial issues resulting in protest differ from political protest only in how far the fuse is from having been lit. However, this political protest has been brewing for a while. Agree DC/Capitol police should have been better prepared for it.