Capitol in lockdown

So why the difference in reaction by the police. One group faces the 101st, the other Barney Fife? Why?

I watched a documentary on the I Have a Dream speech and march. In it some of the organizers discussed how the rumor was spread among law enforcement that the Blacks were only going to riot because that was all Blacks could do. I would love to think that attitude has changed, but images show otherwise. These groups today haven't hidden that they were capable of far more than a simple protest. Why was that disregarded?
I’m not going to change your mind so I won’t even try. I’m just saying AGAIN that blaming racism for EVERYTHING means that racism is responsible for NOTHING.

Let the situation develop. Let investigations happen and report. Don’t play identity politics. Christ.
But they were ready for "something". No one was ready today. Why would authorities fear BLM enough to look like Meuse-Argonne offensive set to go and today it was Barney Fife.

Could it be that law enforcement has learned the Barney Fife approach works better in some, if not most. confrontations with protesters (i.e., potential rioters) ?

WTF? Is that dude armed? Even if he's not I'd have to think that illegally occupying a Congressperson's office would be some sort of relatively serious federal offense. How the hell does this happen? Is there no security at all in this place. Can they not shoot white people?

Take 'em all away like that scene in The Great Escape, let them out to stretch their legs and set up that 50 cal.
Could it be that law enforcement has learned the Barney Fife approach works better in some, if not most. confrontations with protesters (i.e., potential rioters) ?

Yeah, but the US Capitol/White House/Supreme Court while in business ought to be different considering protestors could have been armed and out to hurt those people.
I wasn't searching for it, but a video of the woman who was shot came across my Twitter feed. Maybe it's just the lighting, but it sure looks like in a sea of angry white men, the cops somehow found a black woman to shoot. If that's the case, it's....well, not very good optics, to say the least.

I hope she's okay, but the reports do not sound good.
Fox is showing her on video now. She’s white...and likely a protestor.

Again, at some point, I implore my friends on the Left to stop believing everything heard at first blush when it comes to race.
And what for not ever seeing racism?
Well those people are probably hopeless. Are you hopeless in that race will be the only lens or the first lens through which you view events?

Did you forward reports about a “black woman” being shot?

She’s white. She’s likely one of the protesting dirtbags.
Could it be that law enforcement has learned the Barney Fife approach works better in some, if not most. confrontations with protesters (i.e., potential rioters) ?

It might buy that, but. I agree open confrontation should be avoided if possible but the authorities need strength to respond if something as happens, like IEDs brought into congress as CNN is reporting. Having only Barney is no more the answer.
Fox is showing her on video now. She’s white...and likely a protestor.

Again, at some point, I implore my friends on the Left to stop believing everything heard at first blush when it comes to race.
Slow your roll, Ranger. My comments were extremely finely-tuned. I said she looked like a black woman on the video (I assume the protestors, while mostly white, have at least some diversity), and if that's the case, it's a really bad look that she's the one that gets shot. That's all. I'm not claiming racism. Just saying it's not really good optics if that happened.
Slow your roll, Ranger. My comments were extremely finely-tuned. I said she looked like a black woman on the video (I assume the protestors, while mostly white, have at least some diversity), and if that's the case, it's a really bad look that she's the one that gets shot. That's all. I'm not claiming racism. Just saying it's not really good optics if that happened.
Fair enough. I just couldn’t be more tired of race baiting - and I’m not accusing you of it. Race baiting is one of the things destroying our society.
“I see no reason to vote for a Republican ever again.”

Of course you don’t, that would require thought...
So, you're claiming it was the government's fault for not being "prepared" for a "rally." That is not only misleading but it also doesn't show any respect for a peaceful transfer of power. Here's a major part of the problem -- Trump increased security at the White House recently with a non-scaleable fence but not at the Capitol.

Trump gave a long inflammatory speech near the White House this morning in which he told his supporters to "fight" and that they were all going to march to the Capitol. It was on Foxnews and I heard a large part of it. I heard Trump say in this speech that "I'll be right there with you." But he wasn't. He incited the crowd to march in the Capitol and then scampered home behind his new fence.

I think I'd be willing to shoot low into that crowd at this point. I also don't see many four-foot riot sticks in the videos. Just a little love tap on the top of the clavicle (not the MAGA helmet) would disable anyone, and then the cops could empty their backpacks and start reviewing credit card and internet records to prove who these people really are. Prosecute all for major felonies.

Make no mistake -- Trump incited his supporters to put Pence, McConnell, Jordan, Gohmert etc. and a lot of low level Congressional employees in danger (while cowering behind his fence in the Dick Cheney Memorial Bunker).

I see no reason to vote for a Republican ever again.
Well those people are probably hopeless. Are you hopeless in that race will be the only lens or the first lens through which you view events?

Did you forward reports about a “black woman” being shot?

She’s white. She’s likely one of the protesting dirtbags.

There is a reason the police had absolutely no contingency for today. Not just meeting them in force like BLM, but even having a reserve force to respond immediately if needed. Excuses will be given in an investigation. Do you think a single person in charge will admit racism IF that is the reason? So how could it be discovered? In this day and age no one is going to admit racism, so we will never, ever find it even if it happened. It needs to be at least considered.
There is a reason the police had absolutely no contingency for today. Not just meeting them in force like BLM, but even having a reserve force to respond immediately if needed. Excuses will be given in an investigation. Do you think a single person in charge will admit racism IF that is the reason? So how could it be discovered? In this day and age no one is going to admit racism, so we will never, ever find it even if it happened. It needs to be at least considered.
So it’s racism then. Not bad Intel or bad planning or incompetence.

ask yourself what benefit the cops get by being incompetent in their planning to benefit white protestors.... that’s where your position falls apart.
So no one but me thinks the police thought these protesters are white so nothing will happen, where the BLM protests looked like a military battle was about to happen?
No, the other people that flippantly throw claims of racism around will join you...
You're right:

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Fox is showing her on video now. She’s white...and likely a protestor.

Again, at some point, I implore my friends on the Left to stop believing everything heard at first blush when it comes to race.
Wait, Maybe follow your own advice. Calling her a protester, for shame.

You don't know if she's a "protestor", could as easily be a terrorist, or rioter.

No, the other people that flippantly throw claims of racism around will join you...

It may not be, but someone needs to ask the question. Some do not want the question asked because they are happy to believe absolutely no racism happens in America.

A decision was made to meet the summer protests with maximum force and today's protest without any sort of force, not even in reserve. Was it just a belief liberals are more likely to riot? Blacks? Or what?
There was no rumor. Some reporter shared the video on Twitter, I saw it, said, "Hmm, her skin looks dark," and mentioned it in this thread because the topic of race had been brought up. That's it. No rumor. Just my questionable eyesight.
I would call it questionable judgment more so than questionable eyesight.
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I responded to your Post 72. It is not correct. It's laughable to tell me that somewhere else on the internet you said something that was correct.

Trump's "rally" was to be held near the White House which is one mile away from the Capitol.. Trump told them to go to the Capitol and "fight." Security for the Capitol was not needed for a rally held at the White House.

huh? Post #72 is indeed correct. They were not prepared despite knowing the protesters were coming.
From the looks of her condition, I doubt she has any future title.
Makes you wonder if she went all "Crazy Drunk Girl" at the bar. You can't tell me what to do! Your not man enough to shoot me!!! I pay your salary, I can go where I want to, I.. Bang!
It may not be, but someone needs to ask the question. Some do not want the question asked because they are happy to believe absolutely no racism happens in America.

A decision was made to meet the summer protests with maximum force and today's protest without any sort of force, not even in reserve. Was it just a belief liberals are more likely to riot? Blacks? Or what?
Some of that was day one vs day 100 and shootings and tens of millions in destruction
From the looks of her condition, I doubt she has any future title.
You’d be surprised how good trauma surgeons are as long as they can get her to one. If she was shot by a pistol round and if it didn’t hit a major organ she might be fine.

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