Capitol in lockdown

Like I said before, I oppose all riots. This riot, like those in 2020, are being perpetrated by radicals for reasons with which I disagree. I am flippant in reacting to the lefties here wringing hands because now the other side has taken to the streets. I reckon media will say that even these protesters are "mostly peaceful", dont you?
You’re a gd idiot. This ain’t a Walmart riot you fool.
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Like I said before, I oppose all riots. This riot, like those in 2020, are being perpetrated by radicals for reasons with which I disagree. I am flippant in reacting to the lefties here wringing hands because now the other side has taken to the streets. I reckon media will say that even these protesters are "mostly peaceful", dont you?

You should take 30 seconds and think through why this little episode might be a little different.
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Why was Pence evacuated? These are his buddies. He should go out and talk to them.
Like I said before, I oppose all riots. This riot, like those in 2020, are being perpetrated by radicals for reasons with which I disagree. I am flippant in reacting to the lefties here wringing hands because now the other side has taken to the streets. I reckon media will say that even these protesters are "mostly peaceful", dont you?

I hadn't commented on this protest at all because these people have a right to protest. So I know some have made fun of the protest, but these people have the same right as the people in the summer.

Even now, they have a right to protest, somewhere else. But anyone that is caught inside needs to see the law from the inside of a DC jail.

The peaceful protesters can just go back to where they were before and do their thing as far as I am concerned.

Now tell me how that is a different opinion than I had in the summer.
Pictures of a standoff with at least one rioter in the chamber. Hope that one took some lead.
You should take 30 seconds and think through why this little episode might be a little different.
You should have been more specific back then about what kinds of riots are ok and which ones aren't. The ones violating our Capitol should go to federal prison along with the gang on the left coast who were throwing firebombs at the Federal courthouse. Do you agree?
I hadn't commented on this protest at all because these people have a right to protest. So I know some have made fun of the protest, but these people have the same right as the people in the summer.

Even now, they have a right to protest, somewhere else. But anyone that is caught inside needs to see the law from the inside of a DC jail.

The peaceful protesters can just go back to where they were before and do their thing as far as I am concerned.

Now tell me how that is a different opinion than I had in the summer.
You're the one flying into this thread making assumptions about me.
You should have been more specific back then about what kinds of riots are ok and which ones aren't. The ones violating our Capitol should go to federal prison along with the gang on the left coast who were throwing firebombs at the Federal courthouse. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree. Or just shoot them all.
Vid is gonna Vid. Not very bright.
You can start the parade of dumb hillbillies claiming they didn’t vote for Trump. Your chance to be #1 for the first time in your life. I’ll tell your mom the news later. She will be proud. ESAD
This is more of a hunch than a prediction, but I'm guessing this little shit show at the Capitol is going to push public perception and palatability toward throwing the book at Trump over the edge. Before, I would have assumed that even as batshit crazy as he is, the powers that be would have largely left him alone. They may have even issued a pardon for him as a way of national healing or some BS like that.

I think today -and Trump's complicit inaction - changes all that. I think the appetite for seeing him answer for everything from 2016 on got A LOT bigger once those idiots waving Trump flags stepped foot in the Capitol and he didn't do a damned thing about it.
You should have been more specific back then about what kinds of riots are ok and which ones aren't. The ones violating our Capitol should go to federal prison along with the gang on the left coast who were throwing firebombs at the Federal courthouse. Do you agree?

Yes, anyone that caused property damage or physical harm should be getting charged with whatever the punishment is for the crime.
This is more of a hunch than a prediction, but I'm guessing this little shit show at the Capitol is going to push public perception and palatability toward throwing the book at Trump over the edge. Before, I would have assumed that even as batshit crazy as he is, the powers that be would have largely left him alone. They may have even issued a pardon for him as a way of national healing or some BS like that.

I think today -and Trump's complicit inaction - changes all that. I think the appetite for seeing him answer for everything from 2016 on got A LOT bigger once those idiots waving Trump flags stepped foot in the Capitol and he didn't do a damned thing about it.
He should be arrested immediately. This is a f-ing disgrace.
This is more of a hunch than a prediction, but I'm guessing this little shit show at the Capitol is going to push public perception and palatability toward throwing the book at Trump over the edge. Before, I would have assumed that even as batshit crazy as he is, the powers that be would have largely left him alone. They may have even issued a pardon for him as a way of national healing or some BS like that.

I think today -and Trump's complicit inaction - changes all that. I think the appetite for seeing him answer for everything from 2016 on got A LOT bigger once those idiots waving Trump flags stepped foot in the Capitol and he didn't do a damned thing about it.

Hopefully this will put the end to any speculation that the Trump cancer has any political future in this country.
This is more of a hunch than a prediction, but I'm guessing this little shit show at the Capitol is going to push public perception and palatability toward throwing the book at Trump over the edge. Before, I would have assumed that even as batshit crazy as he is, the powers that be would have largely left him alone. They may have even issued a pardon for him as a way of national healing or some BS like that.

I think today -and Trump's complicit inaction - changes all that. I think the appetite for seeing him answer for everything from 2016 on got A LOT bigger once those idiots waving Trump flags stepped foot in the Capitol and he didn't do a damned thing about it.

Is there a suggestion box for punishment?

I would go with tar and feathering on national tv and then a 1 way ticket to guantanamo bay.
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Republicans are calling for Trump to do something, including Ivanka, supposedly. These naïve fools don’t realize that Trump is glorying in this. He loves this. This is what he dreamed of for today. He wants this. He does not want this to end.
Completely shocked.

This was a planned rally and everyone knew it could escalate. After all we saw this summer...they weren't prepared.

Un ****ing Real
So, you're claiming it was the government's fault for not being "prepared" for a "rally." That is not only misleading but it also doesn't show any respect for a peaceful transfer of power. Here's a major part of the problem -- Trump increased security at the White House recently with a non-scaleable fence but not at the Capitol.

Trump gave a long inflammatory speech near the White House this morning in which he told his supporters to "fight" and that they were all going to march to the Capitol. It was on Foxnews and I heard a large part of it. I heard Trump say in this speech that "I'll be right there with you." But he wasn't. He incited the crowd to march in the Capitol and then scampered home behind his new fence.

I think I'd be willing to shoot low into that crowd at this point. I also don't see many four-foot riot sticks in the videos. Just a little love tap on the top of the clavicle (not the MAGA helmet) would disable anyone, and then the cops could empty their backpacks and start reviewing credit card and internet records to prove who these people really are. Prosecute all for major felonies.

Make no mistake -- Trump incited his supporters to put Pence, McConnell, Jordan, Gohmert etc. and a lot of low level Congressional employees in danger (while cowering behind his fence in the Dick Cheney Memorial Bunker).

I see no reason to vote for a Republican ever again.
Watched the protest on CNN, OAN, and Fox..

All pretty much in agreement. Pulling for police and hoping all members of the crowd remain peaceful.

This event seems to have brought the politically biased media into agreement. Wow.
Don't see any fires yet so that is good.

Clouds thick so perhaps a hard rain can help out

Looks like lots of people streaming out. The dumbest of the dumb will remain and shit may get real on their asses.

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