British Ambassador Hangs Trump Out To Dry


Jul 6, 2015
Leaked messages show extreme disrespect and contempt for Trump:

  • Describes bitter conflicts within Trump's White House – verified by his own sources – as 'knife fights';
  • Warns that Trump could have been indebted to 'dodgy Russians';
  • Claims the President's economic policies could wreck the world trade system;
  • Says the scandal-hit Presidency could 'crash and burn' and that 'we could be at the beginning of a downward spiral... that leads to disgrace and downfall';
  • Voices fears that Trump could still attack Iran.
In one of the most sensitive documents, Sir Kim writes: 'We don't really believe this Administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept.'

He also says that he doesn't think Trump's White House will 'ever look competent'.

In reference to Trump's ability to shrug off controversies in a life which has been 'mired in scandal', he says that the President may nonetheless 'emerge from the flames, battered but intact, like [Arnold] Schwarzenegger in the final scenes of The Terminator'.
Of course this is nothing surprising. The whole world knows Trump is a buffoon, including all Republicans and even his supporters. People only vote for him to be contrary.
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The whole world knows Trump is a buffoon, including all Republicans and even his supporters. People only vote for him to be contrary.

You really do live in a bubble don't you?
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The whole world knows Trump is a buffoon, including all Republicans and even his supporters. People only vote for him to be contrary.

You really do live in a bubble don't you?
Maybe they are just buffoons too? But your first part is absolutely correct . The whole world does know Trump is an inept , corrupt laughingstock. This is just more confirmation.
Of course this is nothing surprising. The whole world knows Trump is a buffoon, including all Republicans and even his supporters. People only vote for him to be contrary.
The irony in his latest Twitter tirade is off the charts:

“I don’t know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool. Tell him the USA now has the best Economy & Military anywhere in the World, by far and they are both only getting bigger, better and stronger.....Thank you, Mr. President!”​
The irony in his latest Twitter tirade is off the charts:

“I don’t know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool. Tell him the USA now has the best Economy & Military anywhere in the World, by far and they are both only getting bigger, better and stronger.....Thank you, Mr. President!”​
Nah, that had to be written by a pompous rascal. Our humble president would never say such obnoxious statement!
I think there is a serious question here on the role of an ambassador. If the ambassador believes a foreign leader is inept, I believe they have a duty to report such. Yet obviously that can carry severe repercussions if leaked. So the ambassador needs to be very diplomatic in how they report such ineptness, couch it in diplomatic speak.

Meanwhile, it strikes me that the leaker knew this would cause a strain in US-UK relations at a time the UK is in crisis over Brexit. I wonder if the leaker has ties to Vlad.
I think the London Times was being a little disrespectful to our President:

I think there is a serious question here on the role of an ambassador. If the ambassador believes a foreign leader is inept, I believe they have a duty to report such. Yet obviously that can carry severe repercussions if leaked. So the ambassador needs to be very diplomatic in how they report such ineptness, couch it in diplomatic speak.

Meanwhile, it strikes me that the leaker knew this would cause a strain in US-UK relations at a time the UK is in crisis over Brexit. I wonder if the leaker has ties to Vlad.
The leaker is probably the person next in line to be the ambassador.
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The leaker is probably the person next in line to be the ambassador.

That could be, but it is about to become a much harder job. After Brexit the UK will desperately need a deal with the US. The US position was already strong in those negotiations. Now the US position can easily be "take this or leave it".
He had to. Even though I believe it is an ambassador's job to report back something like incompetence, no way can they do the job once that gets out.
Unless I missed it the British government apologized for the leaking of the memos but not the content. I guess common knowledge isn't common until it's in print.
Meanwhile, it strikes me that the leaker knew this would cause a strain in US-UK relations at a time the UK is in crisis over Brexit. I wonder if the leaker has ties to Vlad.
The leak was politically motivated. Johnson's supporters inside the government are doing everything they can to ensure he's the next PM. Darroch was in the May camp. This opens the door for Johnson to appoint one of his followers.
The leak was politically motivated. Johnson's supporters inside the government are doing everything they can to ensure he's the next PM. Darroch was in the May camp. This opens the door for Johnson to appoint one of his followers.

That may be it, but it is like steering the Titanic into an iceberg so you can take over as captain. Brexit is going badly. The UK will desperately need a trade agreement with the US unless something breaks with Brexit (and I don't think the EU is going to change from the deal they offered May). Trump's negotiating style already is "I must win AND you must lose" and now to top it off, he is angry with the UK. So, do you want the job bad enough to walk into that? Someone might.

I'd almost go the other way, a never Brexiter trying to make sure the UK can't fall back on a deal with the US. A hard Brexit with no US trade deal in place would be a huge problem for the UK.
The leak was politically motivated. Johnson's supporters inside the government are doing everything they can to ensure he's the next PM. Darroch was in the May camp. This opens the door for Johnson to appoint one of his followers.
Resigning now allows May to replace him.
How many times do you need to ask and how many times do I need to answer? There is no end to my utter disdain and repulsion for the vile , inept man in the WH. You can call that bias. I call it having morals, integrity, and character.
Trump just defunded long-time, standard, ongoing research on helping bees survive. Trump is worse than language can describe. He's trying to destroy life as we know it.
Solidarity against the Orange Phlegm Splat:

"The important thing to say is that Ambassador Darroch was not reporting his personal views, he was reporting what people were saying in Washington," said a European official familiar with Washington. "He was reporting things that were being said fairly openly by many Americans in Washington, including on both sides of the political divide."

"I don't know that Trump realizes this, but Darroch didn't just invent this stuff," the person said. "It's based on actual conversations with people."

The European official familiar with Washington said that "every ambassador in the modern era knows that there is a risk that what you write, however confidential you intended it to be, there's always a risk there will be a leak. You write things in the way you have to write them."

Normally, the official noted, the host country would express its dissatisfaction privately and publicly play the issue down -- as many countries did after the 2010 leak of US diplomatic cables by the organization WikiLeaks.
Trump's not normal because he's not civilized. He leeches off the civilization others have created, taking it for granted without the slightest remorse if he ruins it.
Solidarity against the Orange Phlegm Splat:

"The important thing to say is that Ambassador Darroch was not reporting his personal views, he was reporting what people were saying in Washington," said a European official familiar with Washington. "He was reporting things that were being said fairly openly by many Americans in Washington, including on both sides of the political divide."

"I don't know that Trump realizes this, but Darroch didn't just invent this stuff," the person said. "It's based on actual conversations with people."

The European official familiar with Washington said that "every ambassador in the modern era knows that there is a risk that what you write, however confidential you intended it to be, there's always a risk there will be a leak. You write things in the way you have to write them."

Normally, the official noted, the host country would express its dissatisfaction privately and publicly play the issue down -- as many countries did after the 2010 leak of US diplomatic cables by the organization WikiLeaks.
Trump's not normal because he's not civilized. He leeches off the civilization others have created, taking it for granted without the slightest remorse if he ruins it.
Another CNN hit piece! More fake news!
How many times do you need to ask and how many times do I need to answer? There is no end to my utter disdain and repulsion for the vile , inept man in the WH. You can call that bias. I call it having morals, integrity, and character.
I call it selective blindness, but do carry on . You are amusing if nothing else.
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Solidarity against the Orange Phlegm Splat:

"The important thing to say is that Ambassador Darroch was not reporting his personal views, he was reporting what people were saying in Washington," said a European official familiar with Washington. "He was reporting things that were being said fairly openly by many Americans in Washington, including on both sides of the political divide."

"I don't know that Trump realizes this, but Darroch didn't just invent this stuff," the person said. "It's based on actual conversations with people."

The European official familiar with Washington said that "every ambassador in the modern era knows that there is a risk that what you write, however confidential you intended it to be, there's always a risk there will be a leak. You write things in the way you have to write them."

Normally, the official noted, the host country would express its dissatisfaction privately and publicly play the issue down -- as many countries did after the 2010 leak of US diplomatic cables by the organization WikiLeaks.
Trump's not normal because he's not civilized. He leeches off the civilization others have created, taking it for granted without the slightest remorse if he ruins it.
You are just out of control, do you ever step back and look what you have written?
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It gets me a lot of privileges.
The only privilege I got once I got a paid subscription on here was a certain moderator calling me an idiot and deleting my post for me.

In return, they got the privilege of me canceling my subscription :)
The only privilege I got once I got a paid subscription on here was a certain moderator on here calling me an idiot and deleting my post for me.

In return, they got the privilege of me canceling my subscription :)
That mod is still here;)
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