Biden options

Which Democratic option would you prefer?

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VPs aren’t necessarily the heirs apparent anymore. For a recent example, see Obama/Biden in 2016.

If it’s “fantasy land” to move past Harris, then the Dems deserve the fate that will await them in November. She’s as unpopular as Biden and would lose to Trump.

The Dems, though, may not have the stomach for a truly brokered convention, or simply may cave to losing, identity politics.
If they skip her, wow it sure makes the Democratic party look weak. The white elephant in the room is she is also a woman of color how would that play to the voters who are women and especially women of color? Trump is a wet dream for those who would market against him, if they passed on Harris it would become the biggest marketing target of all time.
Look up her lockdown record and the stupidity of her rules. She was dragged and sued. You’re doing your usual of not bothering to look first before you write. Stores open. No golf. Nurseries. Progressive agenda.

I tried to find something similar to the top link for Missouri but couldn't.

Michigan's covid emergency order lifted in August 2021 which MO stayed in place til end of 2021.

All this to say, your thoery of Whitmer's authoritaian nature is going to be difficult to pull off based on the confusing state level responses and their inherenet vagary/inconsistency. I don't see Whitmer as on the front lines of wokeism by any real measure other than some probadbly regretable sound bites during the summer of Floyd.

I tried to find something similar to the top link for Missouri but couldn't.

Michigan's covid emergency order lifted in August 2021 which MO stayed in place til end of 2021.

All this to say, your thoery of Whitmer's authoritaian nature is going to be difficult to pull off based on the confusing state level responses and their inherenet vagary/inconsistency. I don't see Whitmer as on the front lines of wokeism by any real measure other than some probadbly regretable sound bites during the summer of Floyd.



I tried to find something similar to the top link for Missouri but couldn't.

Michigan's covid emergency order lifted in August 2021 which MO stayed in place til end of 2021.

All this to say, your thoery of Whitmer's authoritaian nature is going to be difficult to pull off based on the confusing state level responses and their inherenet vagary/inconsistency. I don't see Whitmer as on the front lines of wokeism by any real measure other than some probadbly regretable sound bites during the summer of Floyd.
It wasn’t duration as much as overreach. The extent of lockdowns and closings and absurdity of same. Nurseries golf etc. I’ve read that Michigan had the highest percentage of businesses forced closed in the country. Sue was also sued for her overreaching executive actions. There’s a reason her name is associated with lockdowns.

And no she set a progressive agenda to lure young voters.

Look up her lockdown record and the stupidity of her rules. She was dragged and sued. You’re doing your usual of not bothering to look first before you write. Stores open. No golf. Nurseries. Progressive agenda.
I have. Michigan was in the middle. Wasn't Florida but wasn't California either. About the same timeline as Ohio. Schools were same timeline as Indiana. Shut down for remainder of spring 2020 then opened back up fall 2020.
It wasn’t duration as much as overreach. The extent of lockdowns and closings and absurdity of same. Nurseries golf etc. I’ve read that Michigan had the highest percentage of businesses forced closed in the country. Sue was also sued for her overreaching executive actions. There’s a reason her name is associated with lockdowns.

And no she set a progressive agenda to lure young voters.
She was sued because she is a Democrat. Did Dewine get sued in Ohio? Maybe he did.
I have. Michigan was in the middle. Wasn't Florida but wasn't California either. About the same timeline as Ohio. Schools were same timeline as Indiana. Shut down for remainder of spring 2020 then opened back up fall 2020.
See my response to Lars. Not duration extent
If two year olds are in schools, there's a larger problem. Just sayin. And a regulation is never perfect.

It wasn’t duration as much as overreach. The extent of lockdowns and closings and absurdity of same. Nurseries golf etc. I’ve read that Michigan had the highest percentage of businesses forced closed in the country. Sue was also sued for her overreaching executive actions. There’s a reason her name is associated with lockdowns.

And no she set a progressive agenda to lure young voters.

Maybe MI's economy sucked or had a high number of businesses vulnerable to short term interruption. I have no clue.

Agree with Mrhighlife, MI's response overall was middle of the road.

And that she lured young voters. I mean, yeah. She's a politician. They are, in my best MTIOTF, vote whores.

I tried to find something similar to the top link for Missouri but couldn't.

Michigan's covid emergency order lifted in August 2021 which MO stayed in place til end of 2021.

All this to say, your thoery of Whitmer's authoritaian nature is going to be difficult to pull off based on the confusing state level responses and their inherenet vagary/inconsistency. I don't see Whitmer as on the front lines of wokeism by any real measure other than some probadbly regretable sound bites during the summer of Floyd.
Whitner will have some 'splainin'
to do regarding the False Flag alleged kidnapping conspiracy.
As in 'what do you know and when did you know it?
It will drag her into a sordid mess of sketchy fed prosecutions.
Whitner will have some 'splainin'
to do regarding the False Flag alleged kidnapping conspiracy.
As in 'what do you know and when did you know it?
It will drag her into a sordid mess of sketchy fed prosecutions.
Why would she have to explain that? If anything people need to explain some shit to her. I'd be livid at both sides I were her.
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If two year olds are in schools, there's a larger problem. Just sayin. And a regulation is never perfect.

Maybe MI's economy sucked or had a high number of businesses vulnerable to short term interruption. I have no clue.

Agree with Mrhighlife, MI's response overall was middle of the road.

And that she lured young voters. I mean, yeah. She's a politician. They are, in my best MTIOTF, vote whores.

Again there is a reason she’s associated with bad Covid policy. Unilateral action. Overreach. Did grave damage. And of course didn’t follow her own rules. @mrhighlife
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Why would she have to explain that? If anything people need to explain some shit to her. I'd be livid at both sides I were her.
Perhaps you could reread the post..?
'What did you know and when?'

Are you claiming Whitner played no part in the kidnapping plot?
There is no practical way that they could just skip over Harris. None. She's basically the only alternative available. The rest is just fantasy land.
I go back and forth on this.

On the one hand, skipping over her just because they feel she can’t win would be pretty sketchy. It would beg the question why she’s there in the first place. There’s also the identity politics angle, which would be ammo for a lot of people.

On the other hand, if they could manage to get her completely on board with being skipped over somehow, a lot of the impact of the above would be negated.

Who knows what will happen. I tend to think in the end you’re right.
There is no practical way that they could just skip over Harris. None. She's basically the only alternative available. The rest is just fantasy land.
I think you're right, and that finally answers the question for me. Biden should drop out and endorse Harris. I'm confident the Dems are losing the white house no matter what, so this way gets past Biden and Harris both and truly opens up the party to move in a new direction for 2028.
I think you're right, and that finally answers the question for me. Biden should drop out and endorse Harris. I'm confident the Dems are losing the white house no matter what, so this way gets past Biden and Harris both and truly opens up the party to move in a new direction for 2028.
Unless Harris doesn't want'll be either Biden or Harris. Either way, Harris is about to become quite a lot more active in campaigning and politics in general.

I don't agree with quite a lot of what she's done, and her VP performance and overall absence is unsettling. But my goodness, the bar the other two fellas are setting is so incredibly low. I honestly just want someone that can come across as a normal human being. Her being a woman, and/or a minority doesn't zap a nerve for I know it does a lot of people (on both sides of the aisle truthfully). So I'm open to actually evaluating her based on her words and deeds.

Not perfect. Not ideal. I wouldn't likely choose her anywhere near a top choice from either side. But is she better than the likely choices, at this point? Without question. With honestly the only reason being, she's marginally normal, and most likely doesn't have to wear a diaper.
What these fools don't realize is this ruling is going to keep Biden from being prosecuted for his dereliction of office after he is voted out.

He could still be prosecuted for at least some of the Ukrainian bribes given that he was only VP at the time. Just sayin'.
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But you could riot in Detroit and pack Walmart
Shitlibs in Bloomington would stop their cars, get out, and yell "You're ****ing killing people, assholes" when I'd be playing 9, as my daughter played "soccer golf" from the 150 yd marker. 😄

They snuck in and vandalized the pro shop, and even painted over the starters clock we have (no, not a Rolex). 😄 No shame.

Just a cult.

Many of us saw what Fonda said out loud as soon as Pelosi reversed course from her "come down to Chinatown" speech in Spring 2020.

When the BLM riots were given "covid leeway" (which they should have, no 80 year old nursing home patients were rioting), it was obvious they knew Covid was largely meaningless to anyone under 50...

but you can't rig mail-in voting without amp'd up, "danger" in voting in-person.
There is no practical way that they could just skip over Harris. None. She's basically the only alternative available. The rest is just fantasy land.

Michelle could could get away with it, if she was willing to knee-cap Kamala.

Otherwise, the Dems will have to consider bribery. I don't think a SC position will cut it. Perhaps some private citizen could advance her $20M on a book deal if she steps aside.
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No.....those actions had 0 to do with Trump as President.....
Wrong. And many legal analysts disagree. He made the payment to Stormy while President and the prosecution essentially argued, although we don't really know, is that the entire purpose of it was to win the Presidency. Much of the evidence introduced such as his conversations with Hope Hicks, again while President, has to be excluded. At minimum they have to do a hearing on the matters before any trial can be held. It was not held and will be thrown out. Maybe Bragg is crazy enough to try him again.
Shitlibs in Bloomington would stop their cars, get out, and yell "You're ****ing killing people, assholes" when I'd be playing 9, as my daughter played "soccer golf" from the 150 yd marker. 😄

They snuck in and vandalized the pro shop, and even painted over the starters clock we have (no, not a Rolex). 😄 No shame.

Just a cult.

Many of us saw what Fonda said out loud as soon as Pelosi reversed course from her "come down to Chinatown" speech in Spring 2020.

When the BLM riots were given "covid leeway" (which they should have, no 80 year old nursing home patients were rioting), it was obvious they knew Covid was largely meaningless to anyone under 50...

but you can't rig mail-in voting without amp'd up, "danger" in voting in-person.

Won’t vote for Covid crazies
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He could have just not done it, especially if she's as bad as Palin, which you claim.

Makes you think he's a bad judge of character.
MAGA-Nuts are very easy to understand. They’re slavishly devoted sycophants and when all those people were on the good side of Trump, they unanimously thought those people are good or great. Soon as they move to the bad side of Trump they’re all horrible. Happens every single time. Dbm is the poster child.
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Wrong. And many legal analysts disagree. He made the payment to Stormy while President and the prosecution essentially argued, although we don't really know, is that the entire purpose of it was to win the Presidency. Much of the evidence introduced such as his conversations with Hope Hicks, again while President, has to be excluded. At minimum they have to do a hearing on the matters before any trial can be held. It was not held and will be thrown out. Maybe Bragg is crazy enough to try him again.

It has to do with him running for President.....has nothing to do with his official duties.
Whitner will have some 'splainin'
to do regarding the False Flag alleged kidnapping conspiracy.
As in 'what do you know and when did you know it?
It will drag her into a sordid mess of sketchy fed prosecutions.
Are there any obviously false Conspiracy Theories that you don’t believe in? Are you a Truther too? I need accurate answers for my file.
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VPs aren’t necessarily the heirs apparent anymore. For a recent example, see Obama/Biden in 2016.

If it’s “fantasy land” to move past Harris, then the Dems deserve the fate that will await them in November. She’s as unpopular as Biden and would lose to Trump.

The Dems, though, may not have the stomach for a truly brokered convention, or simply may cave to losing, identity politics.

They had their chance a year ago to change course but instead went along with status quo. It's my understanding that all Biden funds raised would default to Harris if he stepped aside. There is no capability for anyone else to setup any real campaign in this short of a period.

It's either Biden or Harris. I fully expect Biden to continue on.

If he isn't going to run he should just resign from office in full now, and let Harris take over the POTUS chair.
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VPs aren’t necessarily the heirs apparent anymore. For a recent example, see Obama/Biden in 2016.
Not the same situation. Biden wasn't on the incumbent ticket. Harris is running on the incumbent ticket. Then there's the obvious identity politics issue of an old white guy vs. a younger woman of color.
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They claimed the entire purpose was to help his Presidential campaign. The Hope Hicks testimony must be struck per the decision. New trial.

'Helping his campaign' has nothing to do with his official duties as President. They are entirely separate matters, unlike the speeches he made prior to to 1/6 riot, wherein he was addressing the public on public matters.
She was sued bc of overreach. Outdoor activities. Rules that made zero sense. Target open golf closed

You might want to check your facts. Pretty sure Michigan golf was back open by May 2020. I played up there late that summer. Our courses were also closed for the month of April 2020 here so not really any difference.