Debate fallout

Ok, show me the proof. You either support the cabal “we” hate, or you are the enemy.
There’s a massive transformation happening and “you all” refuse to admit it because it’s your team using the slow roll social engineering bullshit to make it perfect.
I’ll extend a hand, admit it and let’s fight together. I don’t hate “you” brother, unless “you” continue to deny what’s happening.
Has the swamp controlled media presented biden corrected, to you, for the last several years, or did they get caught with their dicks in their hands two nights ago? Answer… they’ve been lying to you. We…. Don’t….. hate…. You. But you are being duped and when you fall for it, WEEEEE suffer.
Fight on our side and have freedom!!!

So, that's a big fat no, then.
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You know what would be nice? If you started thinking of us simply as Americans you happen to disagree with, instead of as a cabal of nefarious lunatics who genuinely desire to destroy the nation.
Ohhh , you are not part of the “cabal”, but you all are falling for the cabal bullshit, exactly as they’ve spent Billions to operational plan.
We don’t want anyone hungry, but you all are selling your souls to get on a cattle car. It’s so damn obvious!
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Ok, show me the proof. You either support the cabal “we” hate, or you are the enemy.
There’s a massive transformation happening and “you all” refuse to admit it because it’s your team using the slow roll social engineering bullshit to make it perfect.
I’ll extend a hand, admit it and let’s fight together. I don’t hate “you” brother, unless “you” continue to deny what’s happening.
Has the swamp controlled media presented biden corrected, to you, for the last several years, or did they get caught with their dicks in their hands two nights ago? Answer… they’ve been lying to you. We…. Don’t….. hate…. You. But you are being duped and when you fall for it, WEEEEE suffer.
Fight on our side and have freedom!!!

Bruh, it's not a you're with me or against me world. Someone can be "with" you on a lot, but unsure about other things, and maybe firmly against you on still others. And the degree to which someone is with you, against you, or unsure can be on a spectrum.

None of us can control the outcome of this (or any) election or our history. We are all like Mongo:

Bruh, it's not a you're with me or against me world. Someone can be "with" you on a lot, but unsure about other things, and maybe firmly against you on still others. And the degree to which someone is with you, against you, or unsure can be on a spectrum.

None of us can control the outcome of this (or any) election or our history. We are all like Mongo:

And most importantly, simply disagreeing with each other doesn't mean that either one of us is actively trying to damage the nation.
Chuck Schumer's debate tweet lmao. These people can't be real. He must have celebrated with a raw burger

Chuck Schumer
Tonight's debate made the choice clear:

Four more years of progress, or four more years of attacks on our fundamental rights and our democracy.

We’ve got to get out the vote for
, and a Democratic Senate and House!
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Chuck Schumer's debate tweet lmao. These people can't be real. He must have celebrated with a raw burger

Chuck Schumer
Tonight's debate made the choice clear:

Four more years of progress, or four more years of attacks on our fundamental rights and our democracy.

We’ve got to get out the vote for
, and a Democratic Senate and House!
They have to say this shit publicly. But if something doesn’t happen over the next two weeks…..
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Ok, show me the proof. You either support the cabal “we” hate, or you are the enemy.
There’s a massive transformation happening and “you all” refuse to admit it because it’s your team using the slow roll social engineering bullshit to make it perfect.
I’ll extend a hand, admit it and let’s fight together. I don’t hate “you” brother, unless “you” continue to deny what’s happening.
Has the swamp controlled media presented biden correctly, to you, for the last several years, or did they get caught with their dicks in their hands two nights ago? Answer… they’ve been lying to you. We…. Don’t….. hate…. You. But you are being duped and when you fall for it, WEEEEE suffer.
Fight on our side and have freedom!!!

This dude just can't abide the incoherent rantings of MAGA-Nuts.
They have to say this shit publicly. But if something doesn’t happen over the next two weeks…..
Nah, they don't. You don't have to lie and dissemble etc. Admit it up front, like Obama did, and then move on with your argument.
I get it but you just sound fake. You erode credibility. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool….
Nah, they don't. You don't have to lie and dissemble etc. Admit it up front, like Obama did, and then move on with your argument.

Assuming I side with Dems more than Reliblicans, which I do, I want the party to be a legitimate and responsible organization. I’ve said on here many times that the Democratic and Republican parties in the US, like their counterpart(s) in places like China and Russia, are just two of the most powerful entities involved in running the world.

For that reason alone, regardless of politics, they must be well run. They must be competent and accountable. The Dems have had this hole card since Trump came on the scene of “at least we didn’t basically do the political equivalent of saying ‘Beetlejuice’ three times.”

I might even go as far as being pissed off the Dems have actively concealed the entirety of his decline over the past year. I might believe that’s a bit ****ing irresponsible.

So now what? I can’t vote for Trump and the Dems have shit the bed.
Assuming I side with Dems more than Reliblicans, which I do, I want the party to be a legitimate and responsible organization. I’ve said on here many times that the Democratic and Republican parties in the US, like their counterpart(s) in places like China and Russia, are just two of the most powerful entities involved in running the world.

For that reason alone, regardless of politics, they must be well run. They must be competent and accountable. The Dems have had this hole card since Trump came on the scene of “at least we didn’t basically do the political equivalent of saying ‘Beetlejuice’ three times.”

I might even go as far as being pissed off the Dems have actively concealed the entirety of his decline over the past year. I might believe that’s a bit ****ing irresponsible.

So now what? I can’t vote for Trump and the Dems have shit the bed.
Don’t vote. Write in and vote the rest
It could all prove not worth it, anyway. Biden by all accounts was quite with it today. Could be the debate was an aberration, and he will never look that bad again. Maybe he has a great second debate. People forget and move on.

If that's what's in the cards, then dumping him and effectively conceding the election might not be too smart.
Can’t have days like that as Pres, & they will only get more frequent. 4+ yrs is a looooong time for someone declining like he is.
This dude just can't abide the incoherent rantings of MAGA-Nuts.
If you’re making movie & tv comps for yourself you’re more like Rain Man, or maybe Hodor saying the same shit over & over & over again. You have 0 in common with the dude unless you drink caucasians…
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Don’t vote. Write in and vote the rest
I’m writing in the best guy I can think of to occupy that office. I’m not hopeful about his prospects, though.

I’m curious of how dumping Biden means we’d lose. I’m not necessarily arguing against your opinion, which I value highly. I think a fresh face, any competent fresh face, would energize a whole swath of voters the don’t want either Trump or Biden.

If I was a wizard I'd wave my wand and put up a Newsom/Whitmer ticket. And I'd have Newsom go scorched earth on Trump, reversing the usual roles. Let Whitmer talk policy and stay above the fray while Newsom screeches FELON!!! and HITLER!!! every time he's close to a microphone.
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If you’re making movie & tv comps for yourself you’re more like Rain Man, or maybe Hodor saying the same shit over & over & over again. You have 0 in common with the dude unless you drink caucasians…
You speak MAGA-Nut?
Can’t have days like that as Pres, & they will only get more frequent. 4+ yrs is a looooong time for someone declining like he is.
I'm talking about the election, not the administration. Honestly, none of us should want either of these two men anywhere near the Oval Office, but it doesn't look like we have much choice, so we have to deal with reality.
If I was a wizard I'd wave my wand and put up a Newsom/Whitmer ticket. And I'd have Newsom go scorched earth on Trump, reversing the usual roles. Let Whitmer talk policy and stay above the fray while Newsom screeches FELON!!! and HITLER!!! every time he's close to a microphone.
Reverse it and do Whitmer/Newsom, and I might get excited.
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Honestly, none of us should want either of these two
Don't even attempt to tell me what I want, or should want.
I've succeeded more before 22, merely on my gut than ...... I'll leave it there.

The only reason Trump would be terrible, comparatively, is because he won't be allowed the runway to do the job. He could have an admin that cured cancer for everyone, and he would be impeached for using beagles for testing (which happens under EVERY admin).
STOP the effing obstruction.

( !!!! Attention, this is not to say that he is great at all, he isn't. Simply stop the fascist obstruction, Nancy, chuck and pencil neck). We lived through a president that is Joe_matose for 3+ yrs, exactly like MAGA has been telling you... and the Left Media now got caught in their big lie hiding it !! Dem Fascist eventually end one way... Just like 541,000 russian soldiers that will never leave Ukraine. Just give him a chance.
Don't even attempt to tell me what I want, or should want.
I've succeeded more before 22, merely on my gut than ...... I'll leave it there.

The only reason Trump would be terrible, comparatively, is because he won't be allowed the runway to do the job. He could have an admin that cured cancer for everyone, and he would be impeached for using beagles for testing (which happens under EVERY admin).
STOP the effing obstruction.

( !!!! Attention, this is not to say that he is great at all, he isn't. Simply stop the fascist obstruction, Nancy, chuck and pencil neck). We lived through a president that is Joe_matose for 3+ yrs, exactly like MAGA has been telling you... and the Left Media now got caught in their big lie hiding it !! Dem Fascist eventually end one way... Just like 541,000 russian soldiers that will never leave Ukraine. Just give him a chance.
Like I said already, you're hopeless.
Like I said already, you're hopeless.
hopeless is those who are total obstructionist. Total obstruction is a true sign that you all are in favor of total fascism to ruin and end this country as designed. That, in fact does make you an enemy and totally un-American. I really didn't want to think of you that way. But you are removing all doubt.
Let him do his job.
I went looking for some of Reagan's later public speeches and debates. He announced his Alzheimer's diagnosis in 1994 but one of his sons said he had it while in the White House (I'm not sure it has been verified).

Here's his humor from 81-89:

Interviews from 4 broadcast anchors at the same time:

A long interview with Tom Brokaw from '89:

Biden has never been the communicator that Reagan was. I'm not sure any President ever was (like or dislike his policies). But compare Biden's demeanor the last few years and in the debate to this guy, who was at the time, the oldest President in history (left office at 77). Wow, we've lowered the bar.

And relevant to some other discussions, here's Reagan in 1975 talking about the size and power of the administrative state (something the 2025 Project it seems wants to control or take aim at and the recent Chevron decision will change a bit):

Bruh, it's not a you're with me or against me world. Someone can be "with" you on a lot, but unsure about other things, and maybe firmly against you on still others. And the degree to which someone is with you, against you, or unsure can be on a spectrum.

None of us can control the outcome of this (or any) election or our history. We are all like Mongo:

When it should be so obvious that smashing your hand in a car door, hurts. I don't expect to have arguments that, "WELL if they designed car doors to not hurt when I am stupid and smash my hand in them because I simply couldn't see the obvious", I don't see that as someone agreeing with "me" but has a different twist.
The massive power play that this current 50 year cabal of dem's have been conducting it so obvious. Astronomically exaggerated when Trump got into office, and now yrs after.
This now, isn't an agreement that we need to put our elected into CHECK together. It's simply "we team D" are ok trying to take all of team R ideas away. Anyway we can. There are no tactics off the table. We have allegiance with the swamp and any way to obtain a successful coupe is totally acceptable.
So yea, it is kinda a you verses me thing.
One caveat to you vrs me. Most (by far) Dems and OG pubs, don't realize how they are being duped and are not an active, informed participant of this coupe. But they are so stupidly devout that they can not see how their devout alliegence to anti Trump (which is a very short term issue, Trump is only the current tumor) won't allow them to see how the swamp is using biden as a meat sock. WE AMERICANS are being totally controlled China style.
Hate MAGA all you all want, we didn't say 4 yrs ago that Joe was assisted liveing level capable because we hated him. We said it because even the Got damn DNC new it and put him in a basement. Yes used the Plandemic (cough cough) as the excuse, but we saw through that bullspit. Joe is there as a bannana in a monkey cage.
When it should be so obvious that smashing your hand in a car door, hurts. I don't expect to have arguments that, "WELL if they designed car doors to not hurt when I am stupid and smash my hand in them because I simply couldn't see the obvious", I don't see that as someone agreeing with "me" but has a different twist.
The massive power play that this current 50 year cabal of dem's have been conducting it so obvious. Astronomically exaggerated when Trump got into office, and now yrs after.
This now, isn't an agreement that we need to put our elected into CHECK together. It's simply "we team D" are ok trying to take all of team R ideas away. Anyway we can. There are no tactics off the table. We have allegiance with the swamp and any way to obtain a successful coupe is totally acceptable.
So yea, it is kinda a you verses me thing.
One caveat to you vrs me. Most (by far) Dems and OG pubs, don't realize how they are being duped and are not an active, informed participant of this coupe. But they are so stupidly devout that they can not see how their devout alliegence to anti Trump (which is a very short term issue, Trump is only the current tumor) won't allow them to see how the swamp is using biden as a meat sock. WE AMERICANS are being totally controlled China style.
Hate MAGA all you all want, we didn't say 4 yrs ago that Joe was assisted liveing level capable because we hated him. We said it because even the Got damn DNC new it and put him in a basement. Yes used the Plandemic (cough cough) as the excuse, but we saw through that bullspit. Joe is there as a bannana in a monkey cage.
Kinda got off on some tangents, didn't I?
Will aderall level me out ? Maybe coke calms me down a bit? I really don't know now? I need help.
But, in my defense. I successfully complete a break job on a Ranger today, with 2 "stuck" lugnuts (I literally twisted the lug wrench 60 degrees before I brought out the fire).
Most I've accomplished in 2 yrs, as I recall.
Coke me please !!!
No doubt the Bidens were already planning to go to Camp David this weekend, as Biden spends almost every weekend either there or at the Delaware beach house. But “discussing the future of the campaign” with family is a major siren
Sure sounds like he's getting out. What do they do with Harris? I'm sure she's being promised the Governorship of CA to go quietly.
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I’ll repeat my earlier comment: none of this means Biden is going to drop out…but *if* an organized Operation Dignified Exit were in the works, this is pretty much exactly what it would look like. An NYT op-ed, a Saturday evening alert from NBC that a “family meeting” is being held, and public but milquetoast support from major party leaders are the types of things we’d expect to see. We would probably get an announcement via a televised speech from the Oval Office on Monday evening if this is indeed a plan being carried out.

If Biden returns to D.C. on Monday without an announcement that he is ending his campaign, the road will branch in one of two directions: either the replacement talk will fizzle out over the holiday weekend, on the one-name celebrities (Bill, Barack, Hillary, Nancy, etc.) will start making statements urging Biden to hang it up for the good of the party.
Sure sounds like he's getting out. What do they do with Harris? I'm sure she's being promised the Governorship of CA to go quietly.
If Harris is going to be the nominee, why wouldn’t you give her the enormous visibility boost of being the president, and the ability to take credit for potential successes? Biden quitting the race but staying in office seems like an avenue for bypassing Harris.

But, of course, the delegates bound to Biden will need to vote for whoever it is party leadership wants to nominate. If it’s President Harris, that’s automatic. If it’s Vice President Harris, it’s borderline automatic. If it’s anyone else, it will be a lot harder and a major test of Dem institutional organization.
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Kinda got off on some tangents, didn't I?
Will aderall level me out ? Maybe coke calms me down a bit? I really don't know now? I need help.
But, in my defense. I successfully complete a break job on a Ranger today, with 2 "stuck" lugnuts (I literally twisted the lug wrench 60 degrees before I brought out the fire).
Most I've accomplished in 2 yrs, as I recall.
Coke me please !!!
Good job.
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If Harris is going to be the nominee, why wouldn’t you give her the enormous visibility boost of being the president, and the ability to take credit for potential successes? Biden quitting the race but staying in office seems like an avenue for bypassing Harris.

But, of course, the delegates bound to Biden will need to vote for whoever it is party leadership wants to nominate. If it’s President Harris, that’s automatic. If it’s Vice President Harris, it’s borderline automatic. If it’s anyone else, it will be a lot harder and a major test of Dem institutional organization.
My bet is he announces he’s decided not to accept the nomination. Harris can throw her hat in the ring, as can other Democrats. They can campaign, but the nominee will have to be determined at the convention. I don’t think he’ll resign. That just adds more humiliation to the humiliation. I doubt the Democrats are good with replacing him with Harris she’s more unpopular than Biden.
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If Biden doesn’t step down I hope he loses in an embarrassing landslide

MM66, Trump beating Biden in a landslide after seeing Biden in this debate isn't the same as winning an election against a viable candidate for a good many Americans.

Trump would be better off and have more respect when retaking the Oval Office by having met the challenge of a competent opponent IMO.
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MM66, Trump beating Biden in a landslide after seeing Biden in this debate isn't the same as winning an election against a viable candidate for a good many Americans.

Trump would be better off and have more respect when retaking the Oval Office by having met the challenge of a competent opponent IMO.
I think that Jill must be pretty awful. Selfish people running Biden in his state

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