Debate fallout

They would seem to have three options (or one, if Biden simply can’t be pushed out)-the first, obviously, is to stick with Biden-Harris

The second is a Biden resignation and a Harris-somebody ticket that bets on Harris exceeding very low expectations for her as president and getting a honeymoon period that reaches its zenith in November.

The third is doing what a smart and organized party would have done 9 months ago and pushed them out for Whitmer-Shapiro or vice versa. That may be politically and procedurally impossible to pull off at this point, and it would still be a gamble, but it would be their sincerest effort to respond to what the public is telling them and try to win
I think the best play the Dems could engineer if Biden stepped down would be a Cory Booker-Gretchen Whitmer ticket. Booker’s charisma and intelligence would quickly eliminate Kamala’s rancor at being passed over and keep the AA vote not only in tow, but excited. Trump would have zero chance in the general. So it won’t happen.
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Please! Trumpsters believe everything that Trump asshole and Trumpsters say. The 2020 election was stolen, the greatest economy in history, the largest tax cut in history, building a wall and the Mexicans will pay for it, balancing the budget, getting rid of Obama care - and more. Maybe now you’ll get your head out of Trump's ass and how he and Trumpsters lie and will do anything to win including destroying this great country.
We hear a lot of “Biden has good/better advisors”

In 2016, Trump’s pitch was…”The best people”

The case for Trump has always been accepting broad incompetence and trusting him to appoint people who know what they’re doing.

No doubt that Trump is much, much more in command of his mental faculties than Biden, but Trump supporters are the last people who can criticize the “let the staffers actually run the country” model
I think the best play the Dems could engineer if Biden stepped down would be a Cory Booker-Gretchen Whitmer ticket. Booker’s charisma and intelligence would quickly eliminate Kamala’s rancor at being passed over and keep the AA vote not only in tow, but excited. Trump would have zero chance in the general. So it won’t happen.
Yeah, the Harris decision is basically whether to jump out of a third-story window of a burning building or wait for the fire department to come. Jumping may not work out better, but it’s doing something instead of leaving it up to fate.
I would ask this person exactly what rights they would be losing and how they would lose them? Also what is their disability and how did they get it? There is a ton in this post which is either nonsensical or blatant fearmongering. It's also a little racist pointing out the race of the candidates.
Goat, you live in the Fort right? My son and his buddy were there last night going to the movies and went to Giordanos. I assume they went to the Mutliplex theater off of Jefferson. Anyways, to your post. I was amazed how fast they turned on President Biden. What was it 30 minutes after the debate?
I think the best play the Dems could engineer if Biden stepped down would be a Cory Booker-Gretchen Whitmer ticket. Booker’s charisma and intelligence would quickly eliminate Kamala’s rancor at being passed over and keep the AA vote not only in tow, but excited. Trump would have zero chance in the general. So it won’t happen.

I heard a suggestion of Bernie, who of course is 82. But that is the one possible candidate that most Americans have heard of. The rest could walk through any major airport (outside their home state) and never be recognized.
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They cannot, there is no mechanism to replace him unless he steps down (or dies). Both parties have feared delegate revolts and have locked things down.
I’m beginning to think there will be a path to all that. I could definitely see Biden saying that he won’t seek reelection, but I think they have to figure out a dignified off ramp fir him.
I’m beginning to think there will be a path to all that. I could definitely see Biden saying that he won’t seek reelection, but I think they have to figure out a dignified off ramp fir him.
LBJ announced he was out March 31. Others had been running. The opponent was someone feared by the left. The left could not unify to defeat the Trump of his era. Today such a move will have a candidate with three months less time to build an organization, and not a single vote from a single voter in a primary. They will not have been tested in debates nor vetted by the press. A fair number of Democrats will demand they step back from Israel.

Winning the lottery is possible, it happens. This might work out. But let's not kid ourselves, it is an 80 yard Hail Mary at best
The fallout is that the corporate press has be clowned themselves once again. All these nonsense stories about how behind closed doors Biden is as sharp as ever, an elephants brain, sharp questioner.

The man we saw last night has not been running the country for 3.5 years. Which begs the question, who is?

Jeff Zients
Please! Demorats believe everything the leftist assholes say. The Russian collusion, the Hunter laptop not being real, Trump saying white supremacists are good people and Trump is racist. Maybe now you’ll get your head out of Biden’s ass and how the left lies and will do anything to win including destroying this great country.
LBJ announced he was out March 31. Others had been running. The opponent was someone feared by the left. The left could not unify to defeat the Trump of his era. Today such a move will have a candidate with three months less time to build an organization, and not a single vote from a single voter in a primary. They will not have been tested in debates nor vetted by the press. A fair number of Democrats will demand they step back from Israel.

Winning the lottery is possible, it happens. This might work out. But let's not kid ourselves, it is an 80 yard Hail Mary at best
It could all prove not worth it, anyway. Biden by all accounts was quite with it today. Could be the debate was an aberration, and he will never look that bad again. Maybe he has a great second debate. People forget and move on.

If that's what's in the cards, then dumping him and effectively conceding the election might not be too smart.
It could all prove not worth it, anyway. Biden by all accounts was quite with it today. Could be the debate was an aberration, and he will never look that bad again. Maybe he has a great second debate. People forget and move on.

If that's what's in the cards, then dumping him and effectively conceding the election might not be too smart.

Someone was discussing Reagan's 1st debate with Mondale, the RNC head was in a panic. Then of course debate 2. They said that in debate 1 he was too filled with facts and figures, in debate 2 they let Reagan be Reagan.

The thing is, unless Trump gaffes big time, no way he debates again. Biden can only do better.
It could all prove not worth it, anyway. Biden by all accounts was quite with it today. Could be the debate was an aberration, and he will never look that bad again. Maybe he has a great second debate. People forget and move on.

If that's what's in the cards, then dumping him and effectively conceding the election might not be too smart.
Don’t be fooled. He’s gone. That’s just spin. I was watching instagram with his wife talking to him like a toddler. You got all the facts!! He was standing there with a blank grin - long gone. It’s pathetic they are perpetuating this nonsense and a disservice to him.
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Someone was discussing Reagan's 1st debate with Mondale, the RNC head was in a panic. Then of course debate 2. They said that in debate 1 he was too filled with facts and figures, in debate 2 they let Reagan be Reagan.

The thing is, unless Trump gaffes big time, no way he debates again. Biden can only do better.
My guess is with every month that passes Biden can only do worse. I don’t think he’ll be alive in 5 years much less competent. We got the warning with the special prosecutor. Dems hid him and kept him on teleprompters but if you had instagram you knew.
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Don’t be fooled. He’s gone. That’s just spin. I was watching instagram with his wife talking to him like a toddler. You got all the facts!! He was standing there with a blank grin - long gone. It’s pathetic they are perpetuating this nonsense and a disservice to him.

I can’t man. I just can’t, in good conscience, vote for this.

I can’t man. I just can’t, in good conscience, vote for this.

Yes. And if the Dems want to be the adult party they better cut this shit out. I’m tired man.
He couldn’t even get off the stage. I don’t know what’s wrong with that woman. Get him some sweats and some oysters and a pina colada and let him watch the euros or that dirty copa tonight. She’s something else. She’s becoming a totem. They start out HAWK TUAH!!! Super fun. Then in a blink of an eye you’re infirm and they’re still dragging you to work. HAWK TUAH a memory so distant you question if it was even real

I can’t man. I just can’t, in good conscience, vote for this.
I'm with you. I'm also with you about how living in a state that doesn't matter has benefits. I'm just saying dropping Biden probably means losing. So let's be sure we are losing anyway before doing it.

(I said long before the debate I thought Biden would lose, anyway, so I already support dumping him.)
I’m curious of how dumping Biden means we’d lose. I’m not necessarily arguing against your opinion, which I value highly. I think a fresh face, any competent fresh face, would energize a whole swath of voters the don’t want either Trump or Biden.
Let’s not forget, in 2022 dems elected a dead guy in Pennsylvania , if I recall.
Step one of fascism is exhibit power, step 2 is gain supreme control..
The dems only need to gain two more steps and the USA is dead.

Thanks to the loyal Romnie legacy republicans. They have successfully negotiated us to half way to total fascism . Tooot toooot

It’s been a 50+ yr coupe, supported by the softest defense, so soft one would think they are actually supporters, the world has ever known. MAGA people are the last bastion. Otherwise, Americans are third world despots.
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Let’s not forget, in 2022 dems elected a dead guy in Pennsylvania , if I recall.
Step one of fascism is exhibit power, step 2 is gain supreme control..
The dems only need to gain two more steps and the USA is dead.

Thanks to the loyal Romnie legacy republicans. They have successfully negotiated us to half way to total fascism . Tooot toooot
You know what would be nice? If you started thinking of us simply as Americans you happen to disagree with, instead of as a cabal of nefarious lunatics who genuinely desire to destroy the nation.
Be realistic. The Democratic Party is not going to dump Harris. She will fight for it, if it came to that. I don't think it's coming to that, though. I think Biden is sticking around.
Oh, I agree, and I’m just spitballing. I’d be perfectly fine with Kamala if Joe dropped out. But I also don’t think Joe will drop out, but if he did and Kamala was nominated, she’d shock people with how well she’s do in a matchup with Trump.
Oh, I agree, and I’m just spitballing. I’d be perfectly fine with Kamala if Joe dropped out. But I also don’t think Joe will drop out, but if he did and Kamala was nominated, she’d shock people with how well she’s do in a matchup with Trump.
What can be, unburdened by what has been.
You know what would be nice? If you started thinking of us simply as Americans you happen to disagree with, instead of as a cabal of nefarious lunatics who genuinely desire to destroy the nation.
Ok, show me the proof. You either support the cabal “we” hate, or you are the enemy.
There’s a massive transformation happening and “you all” refuse to admit it because it’s your team using the slow roll social engineering bullshit to make it perfect.
I’ll extend a hand, admit it and let’s fight together. I don’t hate “you” brother, unless “you” continue to deny what’s happening.
Has the swamp controlled media presented biden correctly, to you, for the last several years, or did they get caught with their dicks in their hands two nights ago? Answer… they’ve been lying to you. We…. Don’t….. hate…. You. But you are being duped and when you fall for it, WEEEEE suffer.
Fight on our side and have freedom!!!

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Oh, I agree, and I’m just spitballing. I’d be perfectly fine with Kamala if Joe dropped out. But I also don’t think Joe will drop out, but if he did and Kamala was nominated, she’d shock people with how well she’s do in a matchup with Trump.
She'd do better than current polling, I think.

It's going to be close, no matter what. This war will still be fought in the swing states over, in total, a hundred or two hundred thousand swing voters? I think the debate just created more swing voters, though, a vast majority from the Biden camp.
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