Biden options

Which Democratic option would you prefer?

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So it’s ok to despise a majority of the Republican Party, but not Democrats? That’s where you draw the line? How bold of you Aloha. You can have the last word. Liberals always have to have it.
I said I despise Trump and elected MAGAs. The MTGs, Goetz, Boeberts, etc. and don’t despise the rank and file. I don’t even despise the formerly traditional honorable Republicans bending the knee toward Trump for reelection purposes. They’re just very disappointing. So I actually despise a small faction of so called Republicans who are deeply damaging the brand and the GOP by extension.

I despise certain Democrats as well. I’m well known here for my animus towards both Clintons, Warren, AOC, Pelosi, and on and on, but despising all Democrats like MAGAs do is stupid and unproductive. We can’t get anything we want done without compromise. It’s childish MAGA thinking to believe otherwise.

Stop with the liberal BS. I’m as conservative as anyone here. That includes you. There’s a reason I argue with the MAGAs and liberals here. I stick with my conservative principles because I believe in them.
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Being a Republican generally also includes disagreeing with the policies of the Democrats, which I do. The idea that requires despising all Democrats is a stupid MAGA thing.
Despising all democrats is a stupid Democrat Democrat MAGA talking point.

Yeah some GOP can’t stand democrats, same for some democrats. But I think it’s a mistake for one who is a Republican to isolate MAGA into a discrete group and then unload on them. You are talking about a lot of good and reasonable people with that.
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Translation = they haven't offered Lady Macbeth a large enough money bag yet.

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It didn’t get rid of me and what would be good about it? Trump is creating a party that isn’t just disagreed with, it’s despised. He’s created a party that can’t get much of anything done because it refuses to compromise and ends up getting nothing at all. It’s a party that only divides, not unites. It’s not a law and order party. It’s not a pro-military, strong defense party. It’s not at all fiscally conservative. Trump is good with abortion on demand for the entire pregnancy, if that’s what a state decides. Trump’s part of the party immoral and dishonest party that elects immoral, lying assholes. Really, what’s good about it?

Trump has created an entire generation who will never consider supporting any Republican, regardless of what that potential future candidate might be about. He's been that damaging. Should he win again this year it'll only be worse.
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Trump has created an entire generation who will never consider supporting any Republican, regardless of what that potential future candidate might be about. He's been that damaging. Should he win again this year it'll only be worse.
Vivek, Tucker, Vance and Lake would all get massive support in 2028.
Vivek, Tucker, Vance and Lake would all get massive support in 2028.
Not one of them is acceptable. Your “massive” is maybe 30 percent of the country. Lake can’t even win election in AZ. Tucker?!? That’s a joke. Grievance MAGA politics is not something that can last.
Trump has created an entire generation who will never consider supporting any Republican, regardless of what that potential future candidate might be about. He's been that damaging. Should he win again this year it'll only be worse.
There is a smattering of truth here. But it’s not about Trump. Both parties are in the midst of fundamental changes as I write this. Trump has nothing to do with the unholy alliance of big education, big media, big tech and big government.

Populism is the counter weight. That is where Trump is.
You are trying too hard to twist this into Aloha being a liberal. Not everything in life is a binary decision.
Aloha is an independent. I enjoy calling him out on his bullshit sometimes and referring to him as a liberal.
You can be a Republican/conservative and still find Trump not worthy of being near the highest office in the land. You twist this. This country needs more Alohas so we wouldn't be in the current position of choosing between these two dolts.

This ain't complex. Sheesh.
I haven’t voted for Trump. Unlike Aloha, I also didn’t vote for Biden and will not in 2024. I also would never advocate for a Democrat to vote for. I’m a conservative and absolutely despise Democrat policies. They are much worse than Trump’s policies.
There is a smattering of truth here. But it’s not about Trump. Both parties are in the midst of fundamental changes as I write this. Trump has nothing to do with the unholy alliance of big education, big media, big tech and big government.

Populism is the counter weight. That is where Trump is.
It's not just the US. Everyone is tired of the globalist warmongers.

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Trump has created an entire generation who will never consider supporting any Republican, regardless of what that potential future candidate might be about. He's been that damaging. Should he win again this year it'll only be worse.
Blaming Trump for gutting the
republican party is disingenuous.
Five years prior to Trump stepping up, the Tea Party coalesced around a number of actual(not fake message board losers)conservatives, organized at grass roots level(not astroturfed bullshit), and started the work which is paying off today.
Rather than take principled positions and use leverage to move those positions forward, today's sorry republican' leadership' has ceded power in the House.
Critical thinking people have been pointing this out for years.
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No it isn't. I don't see any maga saying Trump should drop because of lies or other faults that make him unfit. We're not a cult like the ultra maga are...

There's a huge difference. Like an Everest sized mountain of dog shit vs Taylor Swift's mons venus..
Whatever you need to tell yourself, Chief. But I’ll give you a tip: it’s the same.

Yes Trump is full of horsecrap. But BLM, the War on Women!, the tyrannical minority of the LGBTQIAHDHDYEHDBDB (minus the LGB) are also all predicated on horsecrap.
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But, it’s not a student council debate or election. We’re all not just voting for a President; we’re voting for a group of policies and ideas and the huge group of people advising the administration and forming and implementing plans,I policies and procedures. I don’t want the Center for American Progress anywhere near the government. But that’s what you get with a Dem president. You get the ACLU and SPLC.

And this is why I doubt we’ll see that much of a shift in voting after Biden’s performance. We’re all voting, in effect, for our Weekend at Bernie’s candidate.
I know it's popular to equate Biden and Trump as both old and senile, but the debate showed Trump is nowhere near Biden in terms of mental decline and is, in fact, very 'with it' and has not declined mentally at all.
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A moderate Dem. I have zero faith they’d choose one. It’d be a loony left lockdown Whitmer Pritzker Newsom. so none of it matters to conservatives or centrists
Can you name a moderate Democrat? Manchin, maybe?

No chance of Dems nominating what we would consider a moderate.
My post that you responded to was about an alternate to Trump, dummy. It’s a continuation of the conversation.

Once again, **** you. I’ve been a Republican for a long time and I haven’t given up on repairing it yet. If this goes for Trump, I’ll go Inndependent. Can’t be a Democrat or a MAGA party member.
Wow. Looks like Goat is the only one you get a long with here.

Read the room, LBJ.
I might be interested in Vivek, but the others are just more of the same.
Vivek was on Mark Levin's show last night. Man, that guy is articulate and smart. Even Levin is impressed with him.

He would be a great VP, although he wouldn't be my choice. Trump could kick back and let V run things.
As I've been saying Whitmer. The only one who could maybe keep it close.

Whitmer would mean a blowout victory for Trump.

She's virtually unknown outside Michigan and those who know her, know her only because of her dictatorial governing style. She has no chance.
this 'candidate' is going to appear out of the mist somehow, somewhere,
making the American people magically forget the domestic and foreign policy disasters
Yeah, pretty much. The American electorate has the attention span and inteliigence of a goldfish.

Beshear and Kelly were my next two. Beshear is definitely running in 28.

I wonder who wants it. Losing in 24 pretty much ends one's career. Would it be worth the risk for a Beshear?
Mark Kelly.

Could he be the consensus candidate at the convention. He probably doesn't even want it (which might make him the best choice).
Whitmer would mean a blowout victory for Trump.

She's virtually unknown outside Michigan and those who know her, know her only because of her dictatorial governing style. She has no chance.
She's running.

Didn't she just win reelection in Michigan by a large margin less than 2 years ago?
This was the Emerson poll from February. The thinking is she would win Michigan. But where else does she win is the question? I can't see her having a prayer in GA, AZ, or NV and Trump wouldn't need any of the upper Midwest if he wins NE-02 which he would have a great shot at against her.

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Didn't she just win reelection in Michigan by a large margin less than 2 years ago?
She won, but I don't know the margin or who was running against her. EDIT: Tudor Dixon

Were Michigan election laws changed like other states?

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