Biden interview on ABC 8:00 EDT

I'd bet on it. He's going to step down and the big question is whether he'll endorse Harris or just let them fight it out at the convention. I think the second option is best, plus it'll be great entertainment.
He will endorse Harris, and he will do it emphatically. The Dems have virtually no chance of winning the WH this year, but what little chance they do have depends entirely on Harris being the nominee with the entire machine behind her.
They cannot do it at the convention, the slate has to be turned in to Ohio before the convention. They have scheduled a virtual roll call.
I've heard that, but I also have heard that they can. There is no nominee for either party before the convention ends.
He will endorse Harris, and he will do it emphatically. The Dems have virtually no chance of winning the WH this year, but what little chance they do have depends entirely on Harris being the nominee with the entire machine behind her.
The entire machine will be behind whomever they nominate.
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You've proven you're absolutely incapable of discussing Trump objectively. You've got TDS - deranged by your support for him. I'm not sure if soft headed people become Trump sycophants, or if being a Trump support causes your soft heads. Either way, you're there. Don't engage with me and you can live in your little alternate reality bubble with no comments from me.
Are you drunk?
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I've heard that, but I also have heard that they can. There is no nominee for either party before the convention ends.
Dems new Biden was mushy peas. More and more articles are coming out evidencing knowledge of same for some time. The party should have had proper primaries. I’d be pissed if I were a Dem. Harris won’t beat trump
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No one is likely to beat Trump but Harris has a better shot than anyone else.
I think if they would have had proper primaries and got names out it would have been different. You pull out a Shapiro by way of example now and the casual observer will say who? Heads should roll over insulating Biden. People want a viable alternative to trump. And I get the incumbent and primaries but his decline justified the exception
No one is likely to beat Trump but Harris has a better shot than anyone else.
I’ll add to that the party hasn’t done Harris any favors. They aren’t giving her much time. Hell they didn’t do her any favors during the term. Title 42, end asylum agreements, cut off funding, reverse remain in Mexico THEN say you’re the border czar 🤣🤣. Bitch
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The Saudis took it to heart and keep cutting output. Our output is record high, the rest of the world loves getting high prices for almost no oio because it allows Russia to make more money. It is tough for us to produce enough oil for the entire world, even though some think we could if not for solar.
Everyone wants "made in America"... Until they have to pay for "made is America".
I'd bet on it. He's going to step down and the big question is whether he'll endorse Harris or just let them fight it out at the convention. I think the second option is best, plus it'll be great entertainment.
How important would an endorsement, from someone perceived to be so mentally deficit that he has to step down for the office? I can't imagine that it would carry much weight, especially with her body of work to date, that is easily reviewed.
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Their best chance would be if Biden actually resigned his office and let Harris take over as POTUS for the next 3 months. Not saying it would work. But would be their best alternative at this point in time.
I think you are right, but getting Biden to not run is proving very difficult, I think stepping down early is a couple bridges too far.
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I think if they would have had proper primaries and got names out it would have been different. You pull out a Shapiro by way of example now and the casual observer will say who? Heads should roll over insulating Biden. People want a viable alternative to trump. And I get the incumbent and primaries but his decline justified the exception
Of course in a hypothetical things could be different, I'm just talking about political reality right now.
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I think you are right, but getting Biden to not run is proving very difficult, I think stepping down early is a couple bridges too far.
I agree. It’d be one thing if stepping down somehow insured success. But to make it your legacy as a president who resigned, when in the end she’d probably still lose…that’s tough one to swallow for the Bidens.
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A couple years ago when inflation was spiking and the sky was falling I started a thread here asking posters to describe the sacrifices and belt tightening they were doing to deal with the current economic climate. The vast majority said they were doing little or nothing different than before. A few talked about keeping a closer eye on their grocery budgets or curbing the most frivolous of their spending, but that was about it. Didn't hear about anyone forgoing vacations or putting off major purchases. Sure, prices had climbed, but everyone was able to absorb them and no one had needed to really change his lifestyle.

As the Cooler's token poor white trailer trash, I'm one that knows what it's like to have to deal with an economic downturn. The Great Recession damn near put us into abject poverty. The ACA was the single most important economic government program to be enacted in my adult years. Without it, we would have had to start looking at public assistance.

I've always been of the opinion that as long as anyone who wants a job can get one then things can be dealt with. That's where we're at today. The sky is not falling.
Good grief. Almost every one on this board has a bachelor’s degree and many have post graduate degrees. Do you really think the experiences of members of this board has relevance to millions who barely meet household expenses with their income?

Oh, Obamacare is public assistance.
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He can pardon him now. For the pending irs matter as well
That’d be politically fatal, of course. I have no idea if pardoning Hunter is something that Biden would do, but if he was going to the time would be after losing in November.
It's funny how a lot of conservative talk radio has predicted the exact events of the past week and a half,over 6 months ago,yet dems act surprised.
Right wing conspiracy
That is so funny after pictures like in the story here

Or here

Then of course this classic. Even IF the Miss Teen contestants are lying, he freely admits to walking in on changing contestants in other parents.
Having known a few Marine Generals (and one Commandant of the Marine Corps) I can tell you with an extremely high degree of confidence that had Trump actually said those things to Kelly on either occasion, at either site, one of two things would have happened (and most likely both): Trump would have incurred a broken nose (or worse) and/or received his resignation on the spot...

Most people would "think" about reacting in that way..., Marines just go ahead and Act...

Marines don't take shit from anyone disparaging other Marines and that goes quadruple for dead Marines (you can extrapolate from there how they'd react if he had actually dishonored the Generals son)...

Had that actually happened (Trumps disparaging Gen. Kelly's deceased son [at his gravesite no less]...) the reality is that neither of them would still be with us because Kelly would have unhesitatingly crushed Trumps larynx and the Secret Service would have ended Kelly...

General Kelly obviously had some major disagreements with Trump at the end of his tenure and clearly has decided to find a way to screw him... I'm disappointed in his approach...
Utter nonsense.

It never ceases to amaze me how you MAGAs twist yourselves into pretzels in your lame attempts to defend Trump. It's always about somebody supposedly screwing Trump over. Here, the decorated Marine with a long record of distinguished service, father to a son who was killed in action at age 29 and is buried at Arlington, is the perp. Poor Trump is, once again, the victim.

Trump has a history of dishonoring the military. "Losers and suckers." "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" Mocking John McCain's captivity in a brutal North Vietnamese prison camp. Avoiding "vagina landmines" and STDs was Trump's "personal Vietnam." Threatening to disown Don Jr. when he told his father he was contemplating military service. More recently, his Memorial Day message six weeks ago with no mention of the fallen soldiers who died for our country. Rather, "Happy Memorial Day to all including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country and to the Radical Left Trump-hating Federal Judge in New York," etc. It's sickening.

And the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Shortly after a visit to Arlington in 2017, Don Jr. wrote: "As we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country. In that moment [at Arlington] I also thought of all the attacks we'd already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we'd have to make to help my father succeed - voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were 'profiting off of the office. Frankly, it was a big sacrifice, costing us millions and millions of dollars annually."

So as Junior is driving past the graves of dead American soldiers, he's contemplating his family's financial "sacrifices." He's moved to think about money. Just like daddy. Daddy's unfit for the office of the presidency and wholly unworthy of the title of Commander-in-Chief.
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Utter nonsense.

It never ceases to amaze me how you MAGAs twist yourselves into pretzels in your lame attempts to defend Trump. It's always about somebody supposedly screwing Trump over. Here, the decorated Marine with a long record of distinguished service, father to a son who was killed in action at age 29 and is buried at Arlington, is the perp. Poor Trump is, once again, the victim.

Trump has a history of dishonoring the military. "Losers and suckers." "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" Mocking John McCain's captivity in a brutal North Vietnamese prison camp. Avoiding "vagina landmines" and STDs was Trump's "personal Vietnam." Threatening to disown Don Jr. when he told his father he was contemplating military service. More recently, his Memorial Day message six weeks ago with no mention of the fallen soldiers who died for our country. Rather, "Happy Memorial Day to all including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country and to the Radical Left Trump-hating Federal Judge in New York," etc. It's sickening.

And the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Shortly after a visit to Arlington in 2017, Don Jr. wrote: "As we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country. In that moment [at Arlington] I also thought of all the attacks we'd already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we'd have to make to help my father succeed - voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were 'profiting off of the office. Frankly, it was a big sacrifice, costing us millions and millions of dollars annually."

So as Junior is driving past the graves of dead American soldiers, he's contemplating his family's financial "sacrifices." He's moved to think about money. Just like daddy. Daddy's unfit for the office of the presidency and wholly unworthy of the title of Commander-in-Chief.
It never ceases to amaze me how you guys focus on irrelevance and think you discovered the key to the universe. I don’t know what Trump said in Europe. It could be another “good people on both sides” hoax for all I know or even care.

Here is what matters.

Biden purged thousands of service people because they didn’t want to take the jab.

Biden purged service people because they were the wrong politics. Pete Hegseth wrote a NYT #1 best seller about it. His offence? A Jerusalem Cross tattoo.

Biden ended military meritocracy with a dumb DEI executive order.

We are now in the midst of a big military recruiting crisis. White guys need not apply because they won’t be treated according to their merit and ability. The military is less and less attractive for most young men. Meanwhile the world is at war in several places. We are in a manpower shortage. This is all on Biden. What Trump said means zilch.
It never ceases to amaze me how you guys focus on irrelevance and think you discovered the key to the universe. I don’t know what Trump said in Europe. It could be another “good people on both sides” hoax for all I know or even care.

Here is what matters.

Biden purged thousands of service people because they didn’t want to take the jab.

Biden purged service people because they were the wrong politics. Pete Hegseth wrote a NYT #1 best seller about it. His offence? A Jerusalem Cross tattoo.

Biden ended military meritocracy with a dumb DEI executive order.

We are now in the midst of a big military recruiting crisis. White guys need not apply because they won’t be treated according to their merit and ability. The military is less and less attractive for most young men. Meanwhile the world is at war in several places. We are in a manpower shortage. This is all on Biden. What Trump said means zilch.
Another Trump disciple rushing to his defense where there is no defense. You guys are nothing if not entertaining.

Now, my response to your misguided and uninformed pivot to military recruitment.

First, the Marines continue to meet their recruitment goals.

With respect to recruiting shortfalls in the other branches, here are the key reasons:

  • A strong economy, which provides young people with other options.
  • Recruiting-age people have fewer family members who served (e.g. in 1995, 40% of young people had a parent who served in the military; by 2022, only 12% of young people had a parent who served) which decreases the inclination to serve.
  • A smaller eligible population.
  • Just 21% of 18-34 year-olds are eligible to serve due to poor physical fitness, drug use or other mental or physical health issues.
  • Young adults are decreasingly likely to follow traditional life and career paths.
  • Young adults are increasingly distrustful of institutions.
  • Overheated and damaging political rhetoric from far-righties that paints today's US military as ineffectively and miserably "woke."
Why are you so repeatedly and consistently full of shit?
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You mean personally block my messages so you can’t read them? I’m not sure why you had to tell everyone about this. You must be pretty important. Have at it block me. I do my best to deal with it.
He’s threatening to block you from posting in this thread.
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Another Trump disciple rushing to his defense where there is no defense. You guys are nothing if not entertaining.

Now, my response to your misguided and uninformed pivot to military recruitment.

First, the Marines continue to meet their recruitment goals.

With respect to recruiting shortfalls in the other branches, here are the key reasons:

  • A strong economy, which provides young people with other options.
  • Recruiting-age people have fewer family members who served (e.g. in 1995, 40% of young people had a parent who served in the military; by 2022, only 12% of young people had a parent who served) which decreases the inclination to serve.
  • A smaller eligible population.
  • Just 21% of 18-34 year-olds are eligible to serve due to poor physical fitness, drug use or other mental or physical health issues.
  • Young adults are decreasingly likely to follow traditional life and career paths.
  • Young adults are increasingly distrustful of institutions.
  • Overheated and damaging political rhetoric from far-righties that paints today's US military as ineffectively and miserably "woke."
Why are you so repeatedly and consistently full of shit?
You can stop with that trump disciple hogwash any time. If you are half as knowledgeable as you think you are, you’d know that isn’t true.

Your list looks like the product of a think tank written by Ivy League know nothings.

Look at this map.


your economic argument might work for ND, but it doesn explain NY or Hawaii.

Indeed, culture and tradition plays an important role in military recruiting and retention. A big part of that culture and tradition is meritocracy. First Obama, and then Biden changed that. Biden stupid DEI order finished meritorious advancement and introduced demographic advancement.

If you deny the jab mandate and purge followed by the political purge don’t play a role, you are fooling yourself. They were huge and that was reported and documented. Look where the recruits came from in 2016, and then think about the jab and political purges of 2021. . We aren’t talking about blue state recruits.

I agree young people are distrustful of US institutions and traditions. That has an effect on wanting to serve and defend those institutions with military service. Ask yourself where that distrust comes from. It doesn’t take much thought that public education both is a large part of the source and confirmation of that distrust. But this problem is not just the military. It also takes its toll on law enforcement recruiting.

The post WWII military has been a strong Republican and conservative institution. As the Democrats introduce their values into the mix, while seeking out and eliminating those in strongest opposition to Democrats, there is little doubt why recruiting is a problem.
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You mean personally block my messages so you can’t read them? I’m not sure why you had to announce this. You must be pretty important. Have at it. Block me. I do my best to deal with it.
All you can do is do your best to deal with it. When you realize it’s happened the feeling is overwhelming. You simply don’t know how to respond. Do you create a new account? But how? And what if you didn’t get the last word in? Then what? Kill yourself? As I said it’s a lot. Emotionally. What’s more you have no idea whether the ban is for hours, months, or years. No one person should be able to wield that sort of power. You’re already exhibiting the right attitude. That you’ll do your best to deal with it. Stay strong. We’re in this together. And know. There are organized groups here working quietly and not so quietly to rebel. We can’t live like this.
The entire machine will be behind whomever they nominate.
This is what I'm thinking too. I think smarter people than me would have to put some overtime spin work into sidestepping Harris - and they'd probably have to twist her arm to publicly get behind someone else - but I think if it were someone like Gretchen Whitmer or Josh Shapiro, the Dems would have a lot of excitement to build around and work with.

Put differently, I would feel a lot more confident about beating Trump if it were someone other than Biden or Harris on the ticket. I do think Harris is a better debater and probably could beat Trump, but she's not my first runner up here.
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