Biden interview on ABC 8:00 EDT

He'd most likely attempt to (and I am calling him a liar).

Kelly became a political creature there at the end... His attempt to undermine Trump with his base was strategically targeted (which I'd expect from him) and far beneath his station ( which is both somewhat surprising and very disappointing)...
I think most Marines accept chain of command more than you give them credit for, or a lot of Lieutenants would be hospitalized often.
Bring up what he did, I ain't voting for him. But don't act high and mighty when you vote for Trump and his crap.
High and Mighty? Hardly. Look...expectations. Right now the most appealing thing about Trump is he might just get this Ukraine and Israel crap to stop. I don't wanna hear a bunch of hateful TDS about it, but it's a possible reality. That would be huge IMO. I have no clue what's going top be done about the deficit, but someone here mentioned the waiter and waitress tips and how awful that would be? Horseshit. Let those people keep the damn tips who cares. Taxing tips is not going to change anything regarding the deficit.

Also the things Trump says that give pubs and dems fits? I could care less what he says its what he doesn't say that I have a problem with. Do an interview with Trump and let's hear it. What's the vision? I haven't heard anything from his camp about a plan. What's the plan?
I think most Marines accept chain of command more than you give them credit for, or a lot of Lieutenants would be hospitalized often.
Within the Marine Corps without a doubt... To the point of their own destruction... I forgot to mention my father had two close friends who were awarded the Medal of Honor (along with another who he wasn't close friends with but they served together at one point)..., along with another close friend who should have received one but didn't get anything (most likely because he punched a Navy doctor while jumping ship [he had a head wound that had initially knocked him out] to get back to his men and perform his heroics)... I'm more than a little familiar with the USMC...

When dealing with non-Marines, well, that's a whole different paradigm... The fact that DT was The Commander in Chief "might" have saved him in France but it never would have at General Kelly's sons gravesite in Arlington...

I'm not buying what Kelly's shoveling...
Why would any Dem go on Fox News? It’s biased bullshit. If I were a Dem I’d tell any rep from Fox News to go f themselves. Same re msnbc etc
Republicans go on the other networks all the time. Rubio was just on CNN this morning. But we aren't cowards so it makes sense.

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The comments were heard by Trump's Chief of Staff, retired USMC General John Kelly. Trump wasn't stupid enough to make the remarks in front of a microphone or camera. He learned that lesson after he publicly denigrated John McCain who was held captive and tortured by the North Vietnamese for five years while Trump was getting laid and experiencing his, as he described it, "personal Vietnam" in trying to avoid contracting STDs.

Trump's a sociopath who has no concept of personal sacrifice or doing for others without receiving something in return. That's consistent with his comment to Kelly (which must have felt like a gut punch to the general) while the two stood near the grave of Kelly's son at Arlington on Memorial Day during Trump's presidency: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" "Asshole" doesn't begin to describe this miserable excuse for a human being.
You guys crack me up when you state your opinions as facts. Trump’s a typical New Yorker. Y’all are soft.
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Obama set it up on the tee for Trump. Then Trump continued to run up the debt even when the economy was strong BEFORE COVID hit. I know spendi g only matters when Democrats are in charge.
Sorry things are so bad for you obviously. Try upskilling, changing careers, or working two jobs until things get better.

Jobs to be had, portfolio making new highs every week, good raises, and inflation starting to come down. Restaurants packed around me and airport parking lots full too with folks all going on vacation. Things aren't as bad as Fox tells you.
I’m always entertained when I’m standing in a long line at a store, or waiting for a table in a restaurant and everyone is bitching about how bad the economy is and no one can do anything. Or someone drinking a $15 beer at a game bitching about how bad things are.
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He'd most likely attempt to (and I am calling him a liar). What he doesn't know is that I know the counters to nearly everything he's been taught (but I'd also make certain I was a good 15 feet+ away from him when I said it. The old boy has both the reach and the lunge on me...).

Kelly became a political creature there at the end... His attempt to undermine Trump with his base was strategically targeted (which I'd expect from him) and far beneath his station ( which is both somewhat surprising and very disappointing)...
All generals become political. The higher up, the more political. There are few (mabye no) exceptions.
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I’d love to see you audio/video proof of Trump saying those things. Again, you believe everything negative and nothing positive about all things Trump. Soft
You don’t believe evidence even if it hits you between the eyes. You won’t believe anything negative about Trump even when it’s on video. You won’t even acknowledge what Trump said about McCain. Soft. In the head. You are so deranged by Trump you’ve moved into alternate reality.
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Having known a few Marine Generals (and one Commandant of the Marine Corps) I can tell you with an extremely high degree of confidence that had Trump actually said those things to Kelly on either occasion, at either site, one of two things would have happened (and most likely both): Trump would have incurred a broken nose (or worse) and/or received his resignation on the spot...

Most people would "think" about reacting in that way..., Marines just go ahead and Act...

Marines don't take shit from anyone disparaging other Marines and that goes quadruple for dead Marines (you can extrapolate from there how they'd react if he had actually dishonored the Generals son)...

Had that actually happened (Trumps disparaging Gen. Kelly's deceased son [at his gravesite no less]...) the reality is that neither of them would still be with us because Kelly would have unhesitatingly crushed Trumps larynx and the Secret Service would have ended Kelly...

General Kelly obviously had some major disagreements with Trump at the end of his tenure and clearly has decided to find a way to screw him... I'm disappointed in his approach...
He never would have hit the CinC. Never.
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High and Mighty? Hardly. Look...expectations. Right now the most appealing thing about Trump is he might just get this Ukraine and Israel crap to stop. I don't wanna hear a bunch of hateful TDS about it, but it's a possible reality. That would be huge IMO. I have no clue what's going top be done about the deficit, but someone here mentioned the waiter and waitress tips and how awful that would be? Horseshit. Let those people keep the damn tips who cares. Taxing tips is not going to change anything regarding the deficit.

Also the things Trump says that give pubs and dems fits? I could care less what he says its what he doesn't say that I have a problem with. Do an interview with Trump and let's hear it. What's the vision? I haven't heard anything from his camp about a plan. What's the plan?
Trump's secret plan for Ukraine is undoubtedly the same secret plan Nixon had for Vietnam, a blank piece of paper.
An "incompetent idiot" who had gas prices @2.35/gallon,under 2% inflation,a much more secure border,and over 4 trillion in tax revenue(highest ever) while cutting taxes. What's that say for the dems?(I won't say Joe,as he obviously isn't making any decisions).
2 of the thing he had nothing to do with and tax revenue never broke 4 trillion during his presidency. First time it did that was 2021.

He slightly had a hand at lower gas prices. However he did it at the expense of US oil producers. Highest unemployment rate for US oil extraction in decades under Trump because he got OPEC to flood the market.

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2 of the thing he had nothing to do with and tax revenue never broke 4 trillion during his presidency. First time it did that was 2021.

He slightly had a hand at lower gas prices. However he did it at the expense of US oil producers. Highest unemployment rate for US oil extraction in decades under Trump because he got OPEC to flood the market.

To Trump's credit he realized that he decimated the US oil industry and reversed course in 2020. Convinced OPEC to slash production by an historic amount. Just in time for a new president to come into power.

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So people in Philly can vote in Delaware? You really do learn something new every day.

You guys crack me up when you state your opinions as facts.
You should read the definition of opinion and then reread what he posted. The first part was not opinion, the second part was obviously presented as such.
You don’t believe evidence even if it hits you between the eyes. You won’t believe anything negative about Trump even when it’s on video. You won’t even acknowledge what Trump said about McCain. Soft. In the head. You are so deranged by Trump you’ve moved into alternate reality.
You understand when you attempt to insult me I laugh right? I’m not a big Trump fan. Having said that, I definitely prefer Trump to any potential idiot democrat candidate. And I definitely can’t stand the TDS sufferers that can’t discuss subjects without acting like emotional children. You are one of them. You know that.
You understand when you attempt to insult me I laugh right? I’m not a big Trump fan. Having said that, I definitely prefer Trump to any potential idiot democrat candidate. And I definitely can’t stand the TDS sufferers that can’t discuss subjects without acting like emotional children. You are one of them. You know that.
You're all about emotion - most Trump sycophants are all about emotion. You're not fooling anyone when you say you're not. You don't have any objectivity and seem incapable of logic. Why don't you acknowledge what Trump said about McCain? It was recorded.

Edit to add: I only insult those that try to insult me. If I hurt your feelings, don't try to insult me. Incidentally, no one of such questionable intelligence and immaturity could possibly insult me, but you can try.
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Having known a few Marine Generals (and one Commandant of the Marine Corps) I can tell you with an extremely high degree of confidence that had Trump actually said those things to Kelly on either occasion, at either site, one of two things would have happened (and most likely both): Trump would have incurred a broken nose (or worse) and/or received his resignation on the spot...
lmao .... you're just making shit up.
You're all about emotion - most Trump sycophants are all about emotion. You're not fooling anyone when you say you're not. You don't have any objectivity and seem incapable of logic. Why don't you acknowledge what Trump said about McCain? It was recorded.

Edit to add: I only insult those that try to insult me. If I hurt your feelings, don't try to insult me. Incidentally, no one of such questionable intelligence and immaturity could possibly insult me, but you can try.
How old are you? Seriously? 6?
That couldn't be a lamer attempt at an excuse even if you were 10. I said you could try; I don't expect you to succeed.

Why won't you acknowledge what Trump said about McCain?
Read your last post to me and tell me you don’t sound 6 years old.

Already have. I said he didn’t make the losers and suckers comments.
Read your last post to me and tell me you don’t sound 6 years old.

Already have. I said he didn’t make the losers and suckers comments.
Another swing and a miss. You aren't capable of insulting me. You aren't smart or mature enough to do it.

If you acknowledged Trump's despicable swipe at McCain, I didn't see it. Go ahead and acknowledge Trump was a total asshole about McCain and we'll move on from that.

Also, you should acknowledge that the evidence is stronger that he did make the "suckers" and "losers" comments than the evidence that he didn't. This is objectively true.
To Trump's credit he realized that he decimated the US oil industry and reversed course in 2020. Convinced OPEC to slash production by an historic amount. Just in time for a new president to come into power.

The Saudis took it to heart and keep cutting output. Our output is record high, the rest of the world loves getting high prices for almost no oio because it allows Russia to make more money. It is tough for us to produce enough oil for the entire world, even though some think we could if not for solar.
Another swing and a miss. You aren't capable of insulting me. You aren't smart or mature enough to do it.

If you acknowledged Trump's despicable swipe at McCain, I didn't see it. Go ahead and acknowledge Trump was a total asshole about McCain and we'll move on from that.

Also, you should acknowledge that the evidence is stronger that he did make the "suckers" and "losers" comments than the evidence that he didn't. This is objectively true.
Ha ha. Stop trying to tell me what to do. You can keep believing the lies all you want. You are incapable of discussing Trump with a clear mind. Everyone with TDS is so damned soft.
Ha ha. Stop trying to tell me what to do. You can keep believing the lies all you want. You are incapable of discussing Trump with a clear mind. Everyone with TDS is so damned soft.
You've proven you're absolutely incapable of discussing Trump objectively. You've got TDS - deranged by your support for him. I'm not sure if soft headed people become Trump sycophants, or if being a Trump support causes your soft heads. Either way, you're there. Don't engage with me and you can live in your little alternate reality bubble with no comments from me.
I'd bet on it. He's going to step down and the big question is whether he'll endorse Harris or just let them fight it out at the convention. I think the second option is best, plus it'll be great entertainment.
They cannot do it at the convention, the slate has to be turned in to Ohio before the convention. They have scheduled a virtual roll call.

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