Argentina elects "far-right" libertarian--will they turn it around?

He's also strongly anti-abortion. Not sure if that's a policy goal or even a firmly held belief as a libertarian. Might just be a political position that a lot of the Argentinians support.
An incumbent president trounced by a political novice by 10 points will break the existing system
His goals:
1. Free Markets
2. Limited Government
3. Individual Liberty
4. Property Rights

Nothing earth shattering for most people living in the U.S. , outside of the Northeast and West Coast. But extremely ambitious for Argentina.

I think he will fail to achieve the goals he has set, but I don’t think he will be forgotten

I think he will definitely have success. The only question is how much in my opinion. The current leftist/socialist policies are that bad.
He has a plan. The question is, will it work? He wants to replace the peso with the US dollar, shut down the central bank, and make huge budget cuts. Sounds like he's already made enemies of all the socialist/communist China-aligned countries in S America.

This sounds somewhat crazy to me. I can't say for certain it won't work, but the entire point of having your own central bank is specifically to adapt and respond to domestic policy needs based on how your country is performing, economically-speaking. Using the Dollar doesn't seem much different than pegging to the dollar, which has long caused issues for countries that needed a more free-flowing currency.

I'm on board with the U.S. trying to make ties to South American nations, starting with Argentina.

A lot of people rightfully view the U.S. suspiciously, though, after our Chilean involvement.

I actually disagree a bit. I think if the U.S. would have stopped putzing around with the clowns in Europe who were headed off the deep end regardless of our efforts and focusing on impossible Russo-Sino efforts, it would likely have built a much more favorable sphere of influence in LatAm.

China is spending considerable time and energy building relationships in LatAm, while the U.S. went years without caring about negotiating trade agreements with friendly countries like Uruguay.
im calling it like i see it. Trump said "live like vermin"

Cmon Brad don't sink to bowl, hick, zeke levels. Those are exactly what melei describes when he goes off. Those types can gtfo. They defend these blue cities. You know like how you have to drive away from your area to get gas because there's a good chance of shit happening. Like the Chicago firefighter who lives down the street from me and commutes coz it wasn't safe for his daughter in the burbs of chicago. People defending that shit can gtfo. They do not need to live or be voting in this country. I never thought there would be areas in major downtown nice spots that have become unsafe. Who wants that? The people on this board who stupidly defend that need to go. Like now!
Politicians and people in the public eye who shape opinion, etc. shouldn't use certain terms and words to demonize their political opponents. We have a documented history of those words being used in the lead up to genocide or tribal violence.

To be clear, I'm not saying that would be the end result here in the US at this time. But legitimizing it or normalizing it here is a bad idea for the U.S. in the future and for the rest of the world now.
im calling it like i see it. Trump said "live like vermin"

Cmon Brad don't sink to bowl, hick, zeke levels. Those are exactly what melei describes when he goes off. Those types can gtfo. They defend these blue cities. You know like how you have to drive away from your area to get gas because there's a good chance of shit happening. Like the Chicago firefighter who lives down the street from me and commutes coz it wasn't safe for his daughter in the burbs of chicago. People defending that shit can gtfo. They do not need to live or be voting in this country. I never thought there would be areas in major downtown nice spots that have become unsafe. Who wants that? The people on this board who stupidly defend that need to go. Like now!
Back to your bunker, Milque Toast!
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This sounds somewhat crazy to me. I can't say for certain it won't work, but the entire point of having your own central bank is specifically to adapt and respond to domestic policy needs based on how your country is performing, economically-speaking. Using the Dollar doesn't seem much different than pegging to the dollar, which has long caused issues for countries that needed a more free-flowing currency.

I actually disagree a bit. I think if the U.S. would have stopped putzing around with the clowns in Europe who were headed off the deep end regardless of our efforts and focusing on impossible Russo-Sino efforts, it would likely have built a much more favorable sphere of influence in LatAm.

China is spending considerable time and energy building relationships in LatAm, while the U.S. went years without caring about negotiating trade agreements with friendly countries like Uruguay.
What in particular do you disagree with? I agree with what you wrote after the bolded sentence.
Now I know who he reminds me of:
do i make you horny austin powers GIF
People who’s main objective is to tear things down with no plan of how to improve or rebuild are unserious people. They are just bomb throwers.
I would say there is a time for Chisel and there is a time for a Chainsaw.
and a hint of.... oh man now he's saying they have non-negotiable sovereignty over the falkland islands. let's never forget the hatred between the brits and the argies that carried over into 1986 and diego armando maradona's hand of god
ohhhh, I hadn't heard that. I have a Scots fishing buddy who was in the Falklands when he was in 2 Para. He'll be fired up! I'll get some new cuss words out of him from this.

Milei is promising some major reforms such as privatization of government programs, a new currency, loosen gun laws, abolish abortion, cutting welfare payments, and replacing the country's public broadcasters.

Such radical changes are definitely possible as the checks and balances on authoritarianism in Argentina have been slowly disappearing in recent years. These changes have come about as the checks and balances, as can seen in the United States system of governing, produced a dysfunctional stalemate in the minds of the Argentinians.

Could our way of governing with the checks and balances between the three branches of the federal government face a movement toward authoritarianism as is currently being seen in Argentina ?
Milei is promising some major reforms such as privatization of government programs, a new currency, loosen gun laws, abolish abortion, cutting welfare payments, and replacing the country's public broadcasters.

Such radical changes are definitely possible as the checks and balances on authoritarianism in Argentina have been slowly disappearing in recent years. These changes have come about as the checks and balances, as can seen in the United States system of governing, produced a dysfunctional stalemate in the minds of the Argentinians.

Could our way of governing with the checks and balances between the three branches of the federal government face a movement toward authoritarianism as is currently being seen in Argentina ?
It already has in the form of Executive Orders (by both parties).
Milei is promising some major reforms such as privatization of government programs, a new currency, loosen gun laws, abolish abortion, cutting welfare payments, and replacing the country's public broadcasters.

Such radical changes are definitely possible as the checks and balances on authoritarianism in Argentina have been slowly disappearing in recent years. These changes have come about as the checks and balances, as can seen in the United States system of governing, produced a dysfunctional stalemate in the minds of the Argentinians.

Could our way of governing with the checks and balances between the three branches of the federal government face a movement toward authoritarianism as is currently being seen in Argentina ?
Who is claiming Milei is authoritarian? I’m not sure you should be posting such things as fact.
Who is claiming Milei is authoritarian? I’m not sure you should be posting such things as fact.
I don't think he did. I think Hoot is saying (1) Mileil might need to use authoritarian tactics to enact his agenda since it will be such a big change but (2) that might be available to him given what has happened previously.
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Milei is promising some major reforms such as privatization of government programs, a new currency, loosen gun laws, abolish abortion, cutting welfare payments, and replacing the country's public broadcasters.

Such radical changes are definitely possible as the checks and balances on authoritarianism in Argentina have been slowly disappearing in recent years. These changes have come about as the checks and balances, as can seen in the United States system of governing, produced a dysfunctional stalemate in the minds of the Argentinians.

Could our way of governing with the checks and balances between the three branches of the federal government face a movement toward authoritarianism as is currently being seen in Argentina ?

It's an interesting point hoot. You probably know more than me about Argentine politics, but has it really been that unauthoritarian? A Kirchner has been in a position of power for quite some time, despite legal corruption charges, etc. (sounds familiar). In other words, it may be better than the 70s or 80s, but is it by much?

Secondly, to your broader parallel with the U.S., I find that it often is something that is appealing and attractive in the near-term - increased authoritarianism, despite our knowing that it is detrimental long-term for Democracy. The recent political environment has made it much more easy to focus on trying to solve for the short-term, given the governmental dysfunction of our two party system.
This sounds somewhat crazy to me. I can't say for certain it would won't work, but the entire point of having your own central bank is specifically to adapt and respond to domestic policy needs based on how your country is performing, economically-speaking. Using the Dollar doesn't seem much different than pegging to the dollar, which has long caused issues for countries that needed a more free-flowing currency.
I assume he identifies the root issue of government spending stems from the Central Banks. As long as it exists they can print all they want and he wants to convert to the dollar to take that option away is my best guess.
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Who is claiming Milei is authoritarian? I’m not sure you should be posting such things as fact.

GG, you are perfectly correct in challenging my claim Milei is going to take Argentina down the path of a authoritarian government.

My main point is with a weak checks and balance system as now exists in Argentina an authoritarian system could occur.

Also wanted to point out that our system of checks and balances can stifle major changes being implemented as Milei has promised.
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A century ago, Argentina had a top 10 economy in the world and was looked at as a next potential superpower. Now they default regularly.

They need some libertarian spark. So does the U.S. for that matter.

As if it were that easy.

Argentina needed to kick the Spanish out earlier. Easier said than done. When those dudes stayed too long, you’re kinda screwed forever. You end up with fascists and communists. We got lucky.
That was kind of a special circumstance then. But yeah, their run away inflation has been killing the country for decades.
Yes, the runaway inflation was caused by the runaway printing of money to pay for the runaway debt.

The US is inching closer and closer to the same cliff.

After WW II, the US had the only intact industrial economy… the US could afford to pay for the Marshall plan.

Don’t have the same advantage this century.
Pretty incredible chart if you are trying to convince someone of why socialism is a terrible choice.
The only way to refute that graph for liberals, is to "Promise" college loan debit relief while you are in office.

Every 6th grade farm kid knows when the chickens come home to roost that it ain't gonna be good if you fall for the impossible as a plan for your future. But double swear and a dem pinky swear!!!!! nope it still won't work.

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