Administration has illegally defied a judge’s order…

Good that there are literally thousands of human beings who were invited here by our government with promise of short term financial assistance followed by 5 years of non financial assistance only to be told F you by the same government? That’s how we want to be known. These are actual real human beings we are talking about.
Anything like Homeless veterans who served this country? I am soooo damn seriously pissed off now, for sure! Especially that you, like all Libs shit on the American's that severed with a promise, but rub up like a kentucky leg hound on midgets from Uganda. There is a saying about having intercourse with yourself. You should go do that.
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Anything like Homeless veterans how served this country? I am soooo damn seriously pissed off now, for sure! Especially that you, like all Libs shit on the American's that severed with a promise, but rub up like a kentucky leg hound on midgets from Uganda. There is a saying about having intercourse with yourself. You should go do that.
Go **** yourself Joe. This liberal has more respect for veterans than you can possibly fathom, asshole.
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Go **** yourself Joe. This liberal has more respect for veterans than you can possibly fathom, asshole.
It wasn't even a post or statement that you made, as god's sent Mod over lord.
And I enjoy that with myself. I save hundreds of thousands of dollars that way, so thank you for the suggestion, but you are 48 yrs late to the game.
Oh, but back to the real content, ya know that is an actual thing. Why whine about unkept promises for other people, while shitting on our own? With your super respect for vet's, is that ok? Maybe you respect them but they still come 2nd?
Anything like Homeless veterans who served this country? I am soooo damn seriously pissed off now, for sure! Especially that you, like all Libs shit on the American's that severed with a promise, but rub up like a kentucky leg hound on midgets from Uganda. There is a saying about having intercourse with yourself. You should go do that.
Midgets from Uganda…. You’re a real swell person I guess
Midgets from Uganda…. You’re a real swell person I guess
So what have you done for Homeless Americans? I'd honestly love to give you credit where it is due.
And if you have done ANYTHING to help... Even something small like posting your love and appreciation for them on a message board, that still counts. ANYTHING? Round up your bill at the gas station for vets?
Good. The government largesse shoveled to NGO’s, many of which are staffed with committed leftists, including highly paid failed Democrat candidates and spouses of Democrats officials, needs to stop. An NGO that can’t exist without government money is a high-order oxymoron. If these private organizations are so vital, raise money the old fashioned way, ask the public for contributions. See how they compete with starving and freezing dogs. Maybe even give donors a T shirt.

Oh, a court has no authority to tell a president how to exercise Article II authority.
🔥 coh per usual. As a long time united way volunteer starving and freezing dogs ain’t bad but sick kids is always best. Drunks and addicts are the worst god love em. Legal aid is even easier to raise money for than drunks.
So what have you done for Homeless Americans? I'd honestly love to give you credit where it is due.
And if you have done ANYTHING to help... Even something small like posting your love and appreciation for them on a message board, that still counts. ANYTHING? Round up your bill at the gas station for vets?
Do you know what’s going to create a lot more homeless vets? Multibillionaire Elon cutting thousands and thousands of federal jobs. Who is the biggest employer of vets? I’ll let you guess on that one
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Do you know what’s going to create a lot more homeless vets? Multibillionaire Elon cutting thousands and thousands of federal jobs. Who is the biggest employer of vets? I’ll let you guess on that one
Oh sweet Jesus, this is gonna be fun!
Give me a minute to finish up a few critical chain issues I have going on, then prioritize you, my garden row scheme, how old the bag in my vacuum sweeper is and when I last cleaned the cables from my computer to my printer. Then, I will work to correct you obviously faulterd thinking. While I do those things, Please set, quietly and stare at the SCOREBOARD.
Oh sweet Jesus, this is gonna be fun!
Give me a minute to finish up a few critical chain issues I have going on, then prioritize you, my garden row scheme, how old the bag in my vacuum sweeper is and when I last cleaned the cables from my computer to my printer. Then, I will work to correct you obviously faulterd thinking. While I do those things, Please set, quietly and stare at the SCOREBOARD.
Have fun. Anyone who is Neanderthal enough to use term “Ugandan midgets” isn’t worth my time. I have added you to my ignore list because I lose IQ points every time I read one of your posts
Have fun. Anyone who is Neanderthal enough to use term “Ugandan midgets” isn’t worth my time. I have added you to my ignore list because I lose IQ points every time I read one of your posts
Just remember, you gave up not me!
The best part, OK 2 best parts. 1) You will never see this and 2) I didn't have to give you a house! But you still piss setting down. Keep those cheeks dry, ya don't want an infection !
Have fun. Anyone who is Neanderthal enough to use term “Ugandan midgets” isn’t worth my time. I have added you to my ignore list because I lose IQ points every time I read one of your posts
The man of god now calling others neanderthals. I go to church but I don't proclaim to be holier than thou and then trash others. Comical. Hopefully he puts us all on ignore since he will just trash others anyway.
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Have fun. Anyone who is Neanderthal enough to use term “Ugandan midgets” isn’t worth my time. I have added you to my ignore list because I lose IQ points every time I read one of your posts
Troublesome for sure.

You didn't have that many to start with.
The man of god now calling others neanderthals. I go to church but I don't proclaim to be holier than thou and then trash others. Comical. Hopefully he puts us all on ignore since he will just trash others anyway.
If I have made a bigger deal of being a Christian on here than I realize then I apologize for that. I will admit that I have an unhealthy dislike for Trump and that has skewed my opinions on a lot of things. I had already decided I wasn’t going to vote for him a 3rd time but the Trump Bible was the last straw. And since his policies have hit home now it’s made my unhealthy disdain even more unmanageable. My daughter is fine. She’s getting her masters now and will be financially better off ( I belly laughed when some poster mentioned that she was making 100K for Lutheran services)… but she is devastated for the clients she loves and cares about. I have been ridiculed for standing up for Ugandan midgets and not US veterans…. Ridiculous. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. We are called to love our neighbor and especially those who are oppressed. Take this for what it’s worth but I have somehow offended you for mentioning Christianity as part of my story and I am sorry for that
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I have been ridiculed for standing up for Ugandan midgets
FYI, The Ugandan midgets was a play off of an old Larry the Cable guy skit. But putting others, over our own was a serious comment. Having explained that now, you took to much more of a defensive stance than the offense that I was intending. Usually when someone does that, they personally feel that their stance isn't really a core belief but are holding their belief due to appeasing some other external pressure placed upon themselves. Maybe a daughters chosen social justice project and having a huge, expected, desire for a daughters success and happiness.
Obviously you took it way more personal, than the amount of time I spend thinking about it. Again, that is consistent with someone who has some internal conflict about feeling forced into having a certain stance.
My comment was in no way meant to mean that I think about it even .0001% of the day, yet I would love for all Americans to put our vets 1st, and once we have lived up to our commitments (financially, contractually and ethically), then go help others. We, my stolen tax dollars, have made zero commitments to put others above those that have served to make my family safe, by possibly sacrificing their own kids.
I wasn't and will never slam your daughters (or yours) convictions, but won't agree to putting others on front of our own boys and girls who we routinely shit on.

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