64% of Americans claim to be Christian per recent polling.

Most everyone i know still goes to church but i am in a suburb with strong two parent households. And guess what we all get along even though some i dont agree with at all on politics. The guy across the steet is the biggest dem I ever met. Yet he willl do whatever in terms or yardwork etc, to help me out and he knows i am a huge conservative. Amazing what happens when you dont have non believers around who use politics to hate each other.
Cool story. Make no mistake, though. It's hardly just "non-believers" who hate due to politics. You're a prime example. You clearly hate my guts.

Cool story about the guy across the street from you. My neighbor is almost as far up Trump's ass as you are but she's 68, her husband has Alzheimer's, and I've been helping out with drives to her chemo appointments and spending some time with the old man on weekends when I'm not working so she can get a break. I'd do it for you, too, even though you strike me as a bit of a dick.
Your God is a real asshole.
I don't get this guy's (and others') approach to Christianity and I never will. The obsession with the violent imagery in the Old Testament and the fire and brimstone focus is wacky.

You may not believe this but, assume for the sake of my argument that one God created this amazing, resource-laden planet and all the creatures that inhabit it. The creatures at the top of the food chain, humans, are self-aware and capable of reasoned thought and love. Why would God be champing at the bit to destroy his masterful creation? How could God's message to us be anything other than take care of the earth and take care of each other? Yet I seldom, if ever, hear that theme from people like the guy you responded to. They don't seem to give a shit about Jesus' greatest command - - to love one another.
Read Post #6
Yeah, and I'll say it again. Hate is the antithesis of Christianity. Anyone who carries around the traits mentioned in the earlier post is not a real Christian.

There are plenty of "believers" who hate. We've seen it throughout history. They commit atrocities in the name of their God - - disasters like war, genocide and flying planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Yeah, and I'll say it again. Hate is the antithesis of Christianity. Anyone who carries around the traits mentioned in the earlier post is not a real Christian.

There are plenty of "believers" who hate. We've seen it throughout history. They commit atrocities in the name of their God - - disasters like war, genocide and flying planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Literally, two posts prior your being a condescending douchebag and now this post. You lack self awareness.
What now mark. Jeez. Someone always has to get upset. Who hit the report button now and did someone get offended by scripture I put forth?

No one reported you and if anyone has been offended they're free to take it up with you. I was just making an observation about the diety you claim to know so much about. Doesn't seem to be much about it that's praiseworthy.
Literally, two posts prior your being a condescending douchebag and now this post. You lack self awareness.
Condescending because I said he strikes me as a bit of a dick? Did you read his posts in the weeks leading up to the election, his constant taunting and personal attacks? He's a lot more than "a bit of dick." I'm being kind. You're clueless.
What does being 68 have to do with anything?

I don’t think we need a lecture about Christian love from somebody who says a neighbor is up Trump’s ass.
Why didn't you quote the entire sentence? You love taking things out of context and advancing fallacies.

She's elderly. She's got cancer. She's a Trump devotee. That last fact should be irrelevant with respect to anyone's willingness to help. That was the point. The other poster, who felt compelled to throw in some extraneous political talking points, was arguing essentially the same thing, I think.

What's your view? How should Christian love be manifested?
Why didn't you quote the entire sentence? You love taking things out of context and advancing fallacies.

She's elderly. She's got cancer. She's a Trump devotee. That last fact should be irrelevant with respect to anyone's willingness to help. That was the point. The other poster, who felt compelled to throw in some extraneous political talking points, was arguing essentially the same thing, I think.

What's your view? How should Christian love be manifested?
What you do for your neighbors is admirable and you have my respect for that. But describing that neighbor as having her head up Trumps ass says more about you than it says about your neighbor or Trump. In your view, can anybody be a Trump voter without having their head up his ass? If so, how would you describe such a person?

As for manifesting Christian love I’d simply say that the concept of love knows no faith. I don’t think a loving person is different according to what they might otherwise believe.
As for manifesting Christian love I’d simply say that the concept of love knows no faith. I don’t think a loving person is different according to what they might otherwise believe.

define "loving person".

problem is, far too often those who love thee and thine, hate they and them.
Most everyone i know still goes to church but i am in a suburb with strong two parent households. And guess what we all get along even though some i dont agree with at all on politics. The guy across the steet is the biggest dem I ever met. Yet he willl do whatever in terms or yardwork etc, to help me out and he knows i am a huge conservative. Amazing what happens when you dont have non believers around who use politics to hate each other.
Wait. It was all good until you got to the non believers part. You really think it’s only the nonbelievers who use politics to hate each other?
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Wait. It was all good until you got to the non believers part. You really think it’s only the nonbelievers who use politics to hate each other?
Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply. Bailey drops little bombs and then runs away. He went into hiding for months after his election predictions were all wrong. Poor little guy.

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