2024 thoughts

Pete only got the gig because Dems wanted to rig the primary to keep Bernie from getting the nomination. It's why he and Kamala and Klobuchar dropped out but Warren stayed in. He was never remotely qualified.
What are the required qualifications for Secretary of Transportation? I'm not being facetious. What did the resumes of the past 6 sec. of transpo look like?
If you're against him (Mayor Pete) you're a homophobe (or worse adjectives)... Anyone who disagrees with your politics is automatically a Nazi Racist Homophobe.
Social media (and even to a lesser extent right-leaning MSM) featured homophobic putdowns, memes, and "jokes" about Pete during the 2020 primaries, so it seems that sometimes (but certainy not always) the shoe indeed fits. if you don't think it's an obstacle Pete has to overcome, I'd like to sell your some Florida bottomland, sight unseen.
What are the required qualifications for Secretary of Transportation? I'm not being facetious. What did the resumes of the past 6 sec. of transpo look like?
Depends. If you are a Republican, a record of administrative competence and knowledge of the major transportation issues and infrastructure. If you are a Democrat, demonstrable competence in telling the public what to do and member of a protected class (Bonus points if you are also a victim).
None of which qualified him for the role he is in. Do you think he'd have that spot if he wasn't gay? Zero chance. But it's representative government. You get what you pay for I guess

He is extremely popular. That is what got him the job. I agree that he is a little green. But just perusing the past secretary of transportations and it seems that he not that far off. Some for sure. He is not married to a senate leader at least.
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Depends. If you are a Republican, a record of administrative competence and knowledge of the major transportation issues and infrastructure. If you are a Democrat, demonstrable competence in telling the public what to do and member of a protected class (Bonus points if you are also a victim).
Elizabeth Dole says hello.
He is extremely popular. That is what got him the job. I agree that he is a little green. But just perusing the past secretary of transportations and it seems that he not that far off. Some for sure. He is not married to a senate leader at least.
He is extremely popular. That is what got him the job. I agree that he is a little green. But just perusing the past secretary of transportations and it seems that he not that far off. Some for sure. He is not married to a senate leader at least.
Extremely popular to whom? No one I know. He's just another far left virtue-signaling part of this admin. I have a hard time believing many independents will have much use for any of them.

And I had hopes for him. I liked him. Thus far it's all racist infrastructure and stay at home pay....

He had an opportunity to win people over. He failed miserably by pandering to votes he already had
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Haley does not stand a chance in you know what. She is hated by most republicans except the d.c. establishment crowd and they are not many of them left.
I'd vote for her.

I don't see Desantis as wanting to be VP. Who else would you want Trump to run with who could actually help the ticket?
Extremely popular to whom? No one I know. He's just another far left virtue-signaling part of this admin. I have a hard time believing many independents will have much use for any of them.

And I had hopes for him. I liked him. Thus far it's all racist infrastructure and stay at home pay....

He had an opportunity to win people over. He failed miserably by pandering to votes he already had
People not eligible for AARP.
It is going to very interesting to watch. Once the mid terms are done I think we will see the initial strategies forming.

I said in November 2020 that I give Biden a 50/50 chance of serving out his term and stand by that. Trump is in better shape physically but I don't see him winning the nomination...there are a lot of hearings, charges and court room dates between now and then. Desantis keeps stepping on his own dick so that will be interesting to watch.

I can't come up with two competent candidates at this point. I would vote for Cuban though...has the good concepts that Trump had plus the smarts and integrity trump lacks.
You keep hoping. Wasn't Trump supposed to be in prison by now?

How has Desantis stepped on his own dick? HIs popularity is growing daily.
The tendency for government to control is not based on ideology, it’s just government. When I represented local government, my most frequent advice to officials of any political persuasion was “you have no authority to do that”. Government always wants to do more.

The problem with government at the federal level is that lack of authority is no longer an impediment. They just do what they want and which might gain votes.
The Babylong Bee had an story about how some ancient document was found that made mandates illegal - it was the Declaration of Independence.

People in government should be required to read and understand it.
He is extremely popular. That is what got him the job. I agree that he is a little green. But just perusing the past secretary of transportations and it seems that he not that far off. Some for sure. He is not married to a senate leader at least.

Are you joking? If he was so darn popular how come he did so horrible in the dem primary? I mean he checked a woke box and he still polled terribly and was in like fourth or fifth place.
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If Trump doesn’t run a Desantis/Pompeo ticket would be nearly impossible to beat. Desantis has domestic policy down pat and Pompeo knows as much about foreign policy as anyone. But can you run 2 white men?
Are you saying that ticket would be hard to beat in the GOP Primary, because I'll give you that. But if you think Desantis/Pompeo would be "impossible to beat" in the general, I think you're sniffing glue. They could win (anybody COULD win) but you're really overestimating the appeal of folks who are no where near the Youngkin model when it comes to appealing to crossover voters in swing states...Not to mention that none of these polls reflect how many pro-GOP voters have died from covid in some of these pro-Trump counties in purple states...

Take PA for example... I previously linked #s which reflected the diminishment of Trump votes from 2016-2020 in some of the areas where Trump got the heaviest amount of votes. By any measure the darkest areas which reflect the highest proportion of covid deaths are in counties that voted Red in 2020...Coincidentally, many of these counties also have the lowest vax rate. You can see the interactive map reflected here...

Map shows how Pennsylvania counties voted in the 2020 presidential election

Cases per capita thumbnail

Deaths per capita thumbnail
Deaths per capita

Deaths per capita​


1 IN 400 ( gold and yellow) So Philly has had 4400 deaths, but that's only 1-347...

1 IN 240

1 IN 180 (red to purple)

These maps are stark, and clearly show that there is a marked correlation between counties who voted Blue, as far as higher vax rate and lower death rates...That's true even in urban counties like Allegheny (Pittsburgh),Dauphin (Harrisburg) and Philadelphia which are all either yellow or light gold...

And here's the kicker. The deaths per capita map is from Dec 2021, and encompasses the entire pandemic. The same map in Dec 2020 would likely have looked far different. In the 1st year (pre-vaccine) covid was largely a disease of crowded urban centers, but all that changed with both the advent of the vax as well as Delta when covid became a pandemic of the unvaxed.

That's true in state statistics as well, when states like AL,MS,LA etc which were relatively untouched in 2020, became Top 10 death locales in the wake of Delta. Washington state was the site of the first reported outbreak at the nursing home near Seattle, and was a pre-vax hotspot. But at the beginning of 2021, Washington state put strict protocols in place and really pushed vaccination rates...

So why is Washington state on the lower end of covid deaths by state at #22,compared with Arizona at #12? That's a question several people in Arizona are curious about as well...

Washington has a population of 7,767,000 people compared to Arizona's 7.2 million. Yet Washington has had only 1.11 million cases compared to 1.67 million in Arizona. And the difference in deaths is really stark, with Wash having 10,332 to Arizona's more than double of that at 25,416. Washington's vax rate is a full 10 pts higher than Arizona, at 68.8 to just 58%.

Got a little off topic, but it's hard for a sane person to argue against the fact that at both the county and state level lower vax rates have a negative effect on covid fatality rates. At some point these extra deaths in red areas are going to adversely effect GOP vote totals. That, and the preponderance of pro-Trump nominees emerging in GOP primaries in purple states, are just a couple of reasons I suspect 2022 is going to be less of a beatdown than you're counting on...


Are you joking? If he was so darn popular how come he did so horrible in the dem primary? I mean he checked a woke box and he still polled terribly and was in like fourth or fifth place.
Because it was rigged I thought? Also he was in a close 3rd when he dropped out.

I'd say best answer is his appeal is with a younger crowd. Millennials and Gen Z. A group that maybe doesn't turn out to vote enough.
The Babylong Bee had an story about how some ancient document was found that made mandates illegal - it was the Declaration of Independence.

People in government should be required to read and understand it.
I believe the DOI discussed authoritarian measures instituted WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, meaning the colonists no longer felt they had to be loyal to an English Govt that did not allow them to have a say or vote in. If you want to use the Babylon Bee's views on "mandates" you might at least link to the "story", which I'm guessing is more of an editorial than a detailing of facts...

Obviously mandates aren't illegal, they've been part of American history since Washington first mandated that all of his soldiers at Valley Forge get the smallpox vaccine. That was in the 1777-78 timeframe, so obviously the July 1776 DOI did not preclude Washington from issuing that mandate.

Serious question, would you use The Onion as a reputable source? Of course not, it is center-left leaning satire, not intended as a harbinger of FACT. Well the same is true of BB, which is regraded as the conservative version of The Onion. They even call themselves "fake news" in their Twitter bio...

I don't recall anyone on the "left" here citing The Onion as FACT. So why in the world would you cite the BB as anything other than the satire it is intended to be? It's really not a good look...
I believe the DOI discussed authoritarian measures instituted WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, meaning the colonists no longer felt they had to be loyal to an English Govt that did not allow them to have a say or vote in. If you want to use the Babylon Bee's views on "mandates" you might at least link to the "story", which I'm guessing is more of an editorial than a detailing of facts...

Obviously mandates aren't illegal, they've been part of American history since Washington first mandated that all of his soldiers at Valley Forge get the smallpox vaccine. That was in the 1777-78 timeframe, so obviously the July 1776 DOI did not preclude Washington from issuing that mandate.

Serious question, would you use The Onion as a reputable source? Of course not, it is center-left leaning satire, not intended as a harbinger of FACT. Well the same is true of BB, which is regraded as the conservative version of The Onion. They even call themselves "fake news" in their Twitter bio...

I don't recall anyone on the "left" here citing The Onion as FACT. So why in the world would you cite the BB as anything other than the satire it is intended to be? It's really not a good look...
You're hopeless.
Social media (and even to a lesser extent right-leaning MSM) featured homophobic putdowns, memes, and "jokes" about Pete during the 2020 primaries, so it seems that sometimes (but certainy not always) the shoe indeed fits. if you don't think it's an obstacle Pete has to overcome, I'd like to sell your some Florida bottomland, sight unseen.
Spare me. He hasn't been shy about playing the gay card to his advantage in Democratic political circles. It's worked to his advantage.
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I believe the DOI discussed authoritarian measures instituted WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, meaning the colonists no longer felt they had to be loyal to an English Govt that did not allow them to have a say or vote in. If you want to use the Babylon Bee's views on "mandates" you might at least link to the "story", which I'm guessing is more of an editorial than a detailing of facts...

Obviously mandates aren't illegal, they've been part of American history since Washington first mandated that all of his soldiers at Valley Forge get the smallpox vaccine. That was in the 1777-78 timeframe, so obviously the July 1776 DOI did not preclude Washington from issuing that mandate.

Serious question, would you use The Onion as a reputable source? Of course not, it is center-left leaning satire, not intended as a harbinger of FACT. Well the same is true of BB, which is regraded as the conservative version of The Onion. They even call themselves "fake news" in their Twitter bio...

I don't recall anyone on the "left" here citing The Onion as FACT. So why in the world would you cite the BB as anything other than the satire it is intended to be? It's really not a good look...
We've been "without representation" for quite some time.
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The ones who don't stand in line. The far left's referendum will come in Nov
I imagine they will make an app for voting at some point. Swipe right to vote GOP. Swipe left to vote DEM. Until then, yes the old shriv boomers will continue their amazing reign. You guys have done such a bang up job. Gods damn, I'm so glad that you have all that experience. ;)
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I imagine they will make an app for voting at some point. Swipe right to vote GOP. Swipe left to vote DEM. Until then, yes the old shriv boomers will continue their amazing reign. You guys have done such a bang up job. Gods damn, I'm so glad that you have all that experience. ;)
I'm not a boomer
Both with the accomplishments Biden is touting he should be a shoe in to win in 2024 by 20% points. I mean when they say D.C. is a bubble they are not kidding. LOL!!!!

REPORTER: Inflation is up, your legislation is reform is going to fail, COVID-19 is still taking lives...and the nation’s divisions are still as raw as over a year ago. Did you over-promise? BIDEN: "I didn't over promise but I have probably outperformed..."
NOW - Biden on Russia invading Ukraine: "It depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion..."

Lol so russia now knows he will not do a thing
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LOL that would be funny. Considering dems need to win by like 3 to carry the electoral college if this poll is accurate it would be a landslide. I still hope then run Harris she would get destroyed.

2024 National General Election Poll:

Donald Trump 49% (+5)
Joe Biden 44%
Donald Trump 51% (+10)
Hillary Clinton 41%
Donald Trump 51% (+11)
Kamala Harris 40%

McLaughlin & Associates ~ 1,000 LV ~ 1/13-1/18
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I read that Biden honestly thought he was going to be both FDR (BBB) and LBJ (election takeover). I mean this guy honestly lives in the world’s biggest bubble he was not elected because he is popular or people like him. They simply voted against Trump. Biden has no base like Trump, Bernie, or Obama had. There is no connection to his voters at all. There is a reason those guys could pack an arena with 18,000 people and Biden can barely get 50 people. The man is delusional and why he is failing big time.

There is no chance Biden runs in 2024 if he even finishes his term which I highly doubt.
2022 Senate
Katie Britt (AL)
Dave McCormick (PA)
Jane Timken (OH)
Adam Laxalt (NV)
Herschel Walker (GA)
Tim Scott (SC)
Mark Brnovich (AZ)
There’s a huge market on the right for a polished, well spoken leader who’s not incendiary like Trump but does aggressively hold Biden to account.
There is not a huge market at all for a Nikki Haley and why she is polling at like 2%. The only people who support her are rino's and war mongers. You can look at the polls yourself she isn't even in the ballgame.
There is not a huge market at all for a Nikki Haley and why she is polling at like 2%. The only people who support her are rino's and war mongers. You can look at the polls yourself she isn't even in the ballgame.
My bad she gets a whopping 4%. So basially the three rino's get a combined 10% max so not sure where this huge support for them is.

2024 GOP Primary Polls
2024 GOP Primary Polls (With Trump)
PollTrumpDeSantisPenceHaleyCruzRomneyCheneyCarlsonOwensRubioT. ScottChristieHawleyPompeoHoganAbbottBoltonYoungkinR. ScottCottonNoemKasichStefanikSasse

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