Covid restrictions are on the way back

Again, I didn't vote for the man. I also hope the Republican nomination is someone other than Trump. Your hyperbolic statements don't aide the case you are attempting to make.

I know Christie ended up in the hospital. That's the whole point. If he wasn't such a fatass, he likely wouldn't have had to go to the hospital. He would have shaken it off like most healthy people did. Fitness matters when it comes to Covid. Don't feign outrage I called Christie a fatass. He knows he's a fatass.

You have TDS. I wish you luck.
And what do you call your boy Trump? Or let me guess… he weighs 215 pounds and that’s a FACT!! In your upside down world. PS He’s your boy as long as you continue to make excuses for his truly vile behavior.
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It didn’t work on the ones that died after vaccines were available. Think it says on their graves I am not a sheeple? Hope that brings comfort to their families.
It's bull shit zeke. It ain't gonna make me feel bad either. The vents did not help at all, BUT once you went on one chances were you were not coming back. The last place I would have been would have been a hospital.
And what do you call your boy Trump? Or let me guess… he weighs 215 pounds and that’s a FACT!! In your upside down world. PS He’s your boy as long as you continue to make excuses for his truly vile behavior.
Let's test the sheeple meter. What vile behavior?
And what do you call your boy Trump? Or let me guess… he weighs 215 pounds and that’s a FACT!! In your upside down world. PS He’s your boy as long as you continue to make excuses for his truly vile behavior.
If Trump would have ended up in the ICU for X days, I would have said the same thing. But there are degrees to fatness and here Christie "takes the cake". ;););)
Fitness matters when it comes to most respiratory diseases, at least in terms how serious the symptoms are. Most aren't as lethal and as contagious as COVID was in the early strains.

The astonishing aspect of COVID, aside from its lethality, was how callous some people toward the notion of spreading it to others. I wore a mask out of respect for others. I social distanced out of respect for others. I did so because I don't know who is more vulnerable and who isn't. And parents griping about their kids having to wear a mask, basically telling teachers to F-off, utterly ridiculous.

People acting like they were being repressed was high comedy.
I'm not sure what happened to you, but you are so soft it's unreal. I don't remember you this way back in the early days. You've gone from pompous asshole to soft pompous asshole. You're moving in the wrong direction.
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Someone would really have to be a total pussy to not be able to tolerate a mask for a few hours if a situation called for that.
I hear that you can go to total pussy rallies. Here's a pic. A real whine-fest for "us poor neglected whities"

I'm not sure what happened to you, but you are so soft it's unreal. I don't remember you this way back in the early days. You've gone from pompous asshole to soft pompous asshole. You're moving in the wrong direction.
Soft? So you morons consider having a brain soft these days? That sure explains a lot.
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If Trump would have ended up in the ICU for X days, I would have said the same thing. But there are degrees to fatness and here Christie "takes the cake". ;););)
Hey do you remember your buddy actually ended up in the hospital for several days? Allegedly crying because he thought he was going to die? Your 215 pound hero….
Hey do you remember your buddy actually ended up in the hospital for several days? Allegedly crying because he thought he was going to die? Your 215 pound hero….
Oh Zeke, I'm so much more against all the idiocy your team spews than for Trump. If you guys could see yourselves from an outsider's perspective, I'm sure you'd feel the same. TDS will never allow you all to properly self-reflect.
Someone would really have to be a total pussy to not be able to tolerate a mask for a few hours if a situation called for that.
Or understand that masks don't work. You know, a pool or a pond...a pond would probably be good for you.
Oh Zeke, I'm so much more against all the idiocy your team spews than for Trump. If you guys could see yourselves from an outsider's perspective, I'm sure you'd feel the same. TDS will never allow you all to properly self-reflect.
Oh trust me I see outsider perspectives all the time. The fact that Trump is an international laughing stock and has made our country such. Travel anywhere in the world and that’s what people want to talk about. I know you may feel it’s idiotic to allow women to make their own choices, kids to read books, teachers to teach what they’ve studied, and LGBTQ people to live their own lives, but actually, that’s what most people believe.
Oh trust me I see outsider perspectives all the time. The fact that Trump is an international laughing stock and has made our country such. Travel anywhere in the world and that’s what people want to talk about. I know you may feel it’s idiotic to allow women to make their own choices, kids to read books, teachers to teach what they’ve studied, and LGBTQ people to live their own lives, but actually, that’s what most people believe.
It's funny that that's what you think is happening. Have a good one Zeke.
Or understand that masks don't work. You know, a pool or a pond...a pond would probably be good for you.
I’m not arguing whether or not they work, I’m saying only a total pussy wouldn’t be able to tolerate wearing one for an extended time.
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I’m not arguing whether or not they work, I’m saying only a total pussy wouldn’t be able to tolerate wearing one for an extended time.
But why wear something for an extended time if it doesn't work? That would just be stupid.
This will fire up the anti-vax, anti-mask, COVID is a hoax crowd.

On the other hand, if they actually read it they may see some information they like.
As long as your fellow Democrats don’t force people to wear masks or take the vax, who cares? You can wear your hazmat suit and N95. Enjoy. I’ll show off my beautiful face and smile 😊
As long as your fellow Democrats don’t force people to wear masks or take the vax, who cares? You can wear your hazmat suit and N95. Enjoy. I’ll show off my beautiful face and smile 😊
I have no fellow Democrats and I don't give a crap whether you wear a mask or get vaccinated or not, but if you're not a good looking dude, give it a go for the sake of others.

I'm on the record as saying we overreacted. On the other hand, I'm not stupid so I know the vaccines (the Trump vaccine, incidentally) helped tremendously. I know it helped military readiness when nearly all the Airman, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines were vaccinated. You haven't heard of a ship that had to stay in port and basically quarantine because COVID was running rampant through the ship since vaccinations started, have you?
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