Wow - Joe Scarborough is reading my mind and the minds of millions of other Americans

That's also what I thought about the Capitol police when this all went down. On a normal day if you get too close to the Capitol they'll give you a warning, even if no legislators are in town. I've mentioned this before, but a deranged woman who had her 1 year old daughter in the back seat of her car drove up on a Capitol security checkpoint in 2013 and when she wouldn't stop or turn around, they shot her to death. While I'm not sure how I feel about what was probably excessive force, I've always assumed that anyone refusing to stand down while trying to trespass in places like the Pentagon, White House or the US Capitol would meet a similar fate.

It's amazing that they just let this f*ckers in the building yesterday.
That's also what I thought about the Capitol police when this all went down. On a normal day if you get too close to the Capitol they'll give you a warning, even if no legislators are in town. I've mentioned this before, but a deranged woman who had her 1 year old daughter in the back seat of her car drove up on a Capitol security checkpoint in 2013 and when she wouldn't stop or turn around, they shot her to death. While I'm not sure how I feel about what was probably excessive force, I've always assumed that anyone refusing to stand down while trying to trespass in places like the Pentagon, White House or the US Capitol would meet a similar fate.

It's amazing that they just let this f*ckers in the building yesterday.
One of the (many) questions I have is when was the decision made to stand back and let them in? It seems unlikely that the decision was made in real time. Alternatively, it could be that law enforcement felt so outmanned and unprepared that they felt there was no choice but to step aside. However, that leads to the question of who made the decision not to be better prepared, and why?

Of course most infuriating of all is the irrefutable fact that Dickhead Trump literally and directly instigated the violent overtaking of the Capitol Building, while both houses of Congress were inside. He told an angry mob of thousands to march to the Capitol. He knew exactly what would happen. Then he retreated to the White House and sat idly while it all unfolded. No one, no American, can plausibly deny any of this. It is undoubtedly the most heinous thing a sitting President has ever done against our country and our democracy.
One of the (many) questions I have is when was the decision made to stand back and let them in? It seems unlikely that the decision was made in real time. Alternatively, it could be that law enforcement felt so outmanned and unprepared that they felt there was no choice but to step aside. However, that leads to the question of who made the decision not to be better prepared, and why?

Of course most infuriating of all is the irrefutable fact that Dickhead Trump literally and directly instigated the violent overtaking of the Capitol Building, while both houses of Congress were inside. He told an angry mob of thousands to march to the Capitol. He knew exactly what would happen. Then he retreated to the White House and sat idly while it all unfolded. No one, no American, can plausibly deny any of this. It is undoubtedly the most heinous thing a sitting President has ever done against our country and our democracy.
Another question: There isn't a series of doors that can be locked between the exterior of the building and the inner chamber? You'd think they'd have large, ornate, THICK, METAL doors that would require an hour or two with a cutting torch or jackhammer to get through or around to buy security some time if things went sideways, you know like if the president was fomenting insurrection.
One of the (many) questions I have is when was the decision made to stand back and let them in? It seems unlikely that the decision was made in real time. Alternatively, it could be that law enforcement felt so outmanned and unprepared that they felt there was no choice but to step aside. However, that leads to the question of who made the decision not to be better prepared, and why?

Of course most infuriating of all is the irrefutable fact that Dickhead Trump literally and directly instigated the violent overtaking of the Capitol Building, while both houses of Congress were inside. He told an angry mob of thousands to march to the Capitol. He knew exactly what would happen. Then he retreated to the White House and sat idly while it all unfolded. No one, no American, can plausibly deny any of this. It is undoubtedly the most heinous thing a sitting President has ever done against our country and our democracy.

Congress should move to remove Trump from office today. They won't. I hold those in congress that participated in the objections yesterday responsible. The only thing they respond to is the threat of losing their next election, so that should be our response. I will be doubling my efforts to elect the opposition to my congressman in 2022. Andy Biggs was a leading Trumper the past four years. He has to go. I hope we all do the same in our respective districts. Any of you who live in Missouri (McMurtry), should be active in an effort to defeat your scumbag Senator. This shouldn't be an issue of party, it is an issue of punishing those who stood against our country.
From today's WaPo:

"Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), who chairs a committee that oversees the Capitol Police budget, said Wednesday night that he expected officials to be fired.

“There was not supposed to be anyone near the Capitol. You would be reasonably close, to be able to protest and express your view, but nobody belongs on the Capitol plaza, nobody ever goes on the Capitol steps, that is an illegal act. . . . Those were illegal acts, and those people should have been immediately arrested,” Ryan told reporters via Zoom."

“I think it’s pretty clear that there are going to be a number of people who are going to be without employment very, very soon,” he said."
One of the (many) questions I have is when was the decision made to stand back and let them in? It seems unlikely that the decision was made in real time. Alternatively, it could be that law enforcement felt so outmanned and unprepared that they felt there was no choice but to step aside. However, that leads to the question of who made the decision not to be better prepared, and why?

Of course most infuriating of all is the irrefutable fact that Dickhead Trump literally and directly instigated the violent overtaking of the Capitol Building, while both houses of Congress were inside. He told an angry mob of thousands to march to the Capitol. He knew exactly what would happen. Then he retreated to the White House and sat idly while it all unfolded. No one, no American, can plausibly deny any of this. It is undoubtedly the most heinous thing a sitting President has ever done against our country and our democracy.
I agree with all of this.
Another question: There isn't a series of doors that can be locked between the exterior of the building and the inner chamber? You'd think they'd have large, ornate, THICK, METAL doors that would require an hour or two with a cutting torch or jackhammer to get through or around to buy security some time if things went sideways, you know like if the president was fomenting insurrection.
It’s remarkable how unprepared many structures are for something like this. It’ll get fixed now.

Every time I go into my kids’ elementary school I’m shocked that the entrance doors are all glass. They do rehearsals for reacting to active shooters and lockdowns etc and yet the freaking entrances are the most easily breached material in existence.
It’s remarkable how unprepared many structures are for something like this. It’ll get fixed now.

Every time I go into my kids’ elementary school I’m shocked that the entrance doors are all glass. They do rehearsals for reacting to active shooters and lockdowns etc and yet the freaking entrances are the most easily breached material in existence.

In a way, it's like 9/11. How on earth can any airliner crash into the Pentagon? Now we know a few hillbillies can break into the Capitol and lounge around in Congressmen's desks? My lord, The Prada store in downtown Chicago has more secure windows than what I watched in the videos from yesterday.

The more I think of it, the angrier I get. It's absolutely unacceptable.
In a way, it's like 9/11. How on earth can any airliner crash into the Pentagon? Now we know a few hillbillies can break into the Capitol and lounge around in Congressmen's desks? My lord, The Prada store in downtown Chicago has more secure windows than what I watched in the videos from yesterday.

The more I think of it, the angrier I get. It's absolutely unacceptable.
Like all things in life, weaknesses aren’t exposed until they’re exploited. People have this pedigreed esteem for top government agencies and agents like they are superhuman. They’re just people, man. People that make mistakes like you and I do.

Nothing is safe. All we can do is make targets more difficult to attack.
Like all things in life, weaknesses aren’t exposed until they’re exploited. People have this pedigreed esteem for top government agencies and agents like they are superhuman. They’re just people, man. People that make mistakes like you and I do.

Nothing is safe. All we can do is make targets more difficult to attack.

That's right.

It's almost like when we used to be able to go greet people at their arrival gate in the airport. Now the Capitol, which is supposed to be the "people's house", is going to have to be a fortress. And these idiots are waving American flags around as they vandalize the building. Someone was shot dead! And they like to call themselves patriots?

I've never been a "flag waver" type of guy, but this is beyond belief. I don't want to see America destroyed from the inside because a wannabe dictator can't handle defeat. I love this country, but I am ashamed right now.
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Like all things in life, weaknesses aren’t exposed until they’re exploited. People have this pedigreed esteem for top government agencies and agents like they are superhuman. They’re just people, man. People that make mistakes like you and I do.

Nothing is safe. All we can do is make targets more difficult to attack.
It's going to be hard to defend yesterday's lack of readiness, though. Hell, I was looking at news reports Monday evening and realizing there was likely going to be trouble.

By the way, thank you for your service, Ranger. Days like yesterday should reinforce to all of us not to take our security for granted.
In a way, it's like 9/11. How on earth can any airliner crash into the Pentagon? Now we know a few hillbillies can break into the Capitol and lounge around in Congressmen's desks? My lord, The Prada store in downtown Chicago has more secure windows than what I watched in the videos from yesterday.

The more I think of it, the angrier I get. It's absolutely unacceptable.
I have come around to that view as well. Didn't think so yesterday. It needs to happen immediately.
Call me naive, but I think Pence might be willing to sign on if the Cabinet support was there. They need eight. Who you got?

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller
Secretary of Education Elisabeth Prince DeVos
Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette
Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie
Call me naive, but I think Pence might be willing to sign on if the Cabinet support was there. They need eight. Who you got?

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller
Secretary of Education Elisabeth Prince DeVos
Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette
Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie
Agree. I think he might just be mad enough to do it. By way, anyone seen Stoll? Hope he wasn't in DC.
Agree. I think he might just be mad enough to do it. By way, anyone seen Stoll? Hope he wasn't in DC.
stoll wouldn't be in DC for that shit. He might be on the golf course, or prepping for tax season.

stoll can be an arse, but when he wants to be he can also be a good guy. He wouldn't be in DC with a mob . . .

. . . Mas, on the other hand, thinks that the mob works for him. *snicker*
Call me naive, but I think Pence might be willing to sign on if the Cabinet support was there. They need eight. Who you got?

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller
Secretary of Education Elisabeth Prince DeVos
Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette
Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt
Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie

There's some open question about whether the acting secretaries can participate, and if they cannot whether the number required for a majority remains the same.
There's some open question about whether the acting secretaries can participate, and if they cannot whether the number required for a majority remains the same.
That would be for the House to take up when presented with the letter. Regardless, it would neuter Trump through the Inauguration.
That would be for the House to take up when presented with the letter. Regardless, it would neuter Trump through the Inauguration.

Elaine Chau resigning and others indicating the same is going to make for some interesting precedent-setting if we use section 4 of the 25th for the first time in our history now.
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Elaine Chau resigning and others indicating the same is going to make for some interesting precedent-setting if we use section 4 of the 25th for the first time in our history now.
I think the quote from last night about these resignations is spot on: rats leaving a sinking ship at the 11th hour are still rats.

A patriot in any of those positions would stick out the last 14 days to ensure that the government doesn't collapse.
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That's also what I thought about the Capitol police when this all went down. On a normal day if you get too close to the Capitol they'll give you a warning, even if no legislators are in town. I've mentioned this before, but a deranged woman who had her 1 year old daughter in the back seat of her car drove up on a Capitol security checkpoint in 2013 and when she wouldn't stop or turn around, they shot her to death. While I'm not sure how I feel about what was probably excessive force, I've always assumed that anyone refusing to stand down while trying to trespass in places like the Pentagon, White House or the US Capitol would meet a similar fate.

It's amazing that they just let this f*ckers in the building yesterday.

I NEVER imagined that as a senior sitting in a high school classroom in 1967, I would ever witness such a demoralizing terrifying act as what occurred yesterday. Well, casting blame where it lie, I also never foreseen such a corrupt power drunk spineless and enept administration led by an insane "wanna be" dictator becoming a reality, either. I'm embarrassed for my race. I'm "more" afraid of my own race!😢
I think the quote from last night about these resignations is spot on: rats leaving a sinking ship at the 11th hour are still rats.

A patriot in any of those positions would stick out the last 14 days to ensure that the government doesn't collapse.
Along those lines, I appreciated this Andy Borowitz quote posted yesterday:

Lindsey Graham’s rejection of Trump tonight has all the integrity of a drug dealer flushing meth down the toilet.
I NEVER imagined that as a senior sitting in a high school classroom in 1967, I would ever witness such a demoralizing terrifying act as what occurred yesterday. Well, casting blame where it lie, I also never foreseen such a corrupt power drunk spineless and enept administration led by an insane "wanna be" dictator becoming a reality, either. I'm embarrassed for my race. I'm "more" afraid of my own race!😢
Man, I'm old . . . and you're older than I am by a good bit! Geezer . . . .
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