Who ratted out P'nut the squirrel?


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017
I'm surprised there's been no discourse regarding this travesty of justice yet by this august body of deep thinkers...

This case should, by itself, stand as a flaming warning as to what will happen if the jackbooted zealots of the DNC are allowed to gain near complete power throughout the land...

R.I.P. P'nut

What's next?!?

Do they come for your parrot just because your wife uses it as a background set piece for her Only Fans site?!?

Will Fido be targeted because you found him wandering in the wild and he happens to meanderthru her shoot unannounced???!!!

What about your pet goat??? On second thought, I imagine most would agree we can make an exception when it comes to allowing the state to euthanize those obnoxious, filthy animals at their leisure...😉...

This sort of thing needs to be stopped at the source!

Vote Republican (especially if you live in NY)...!


One guys fringe issue is another man's scathing polemic against injustice as he sees it...
I'm surprised there's been no discourse regarding this travesty of justice yet by this august body of deep thinkers...

This case should, by itself, stand as a flaming warning as to what will happen if the jackbooted zealots of the DNC are allowed to gain near complete power throughout the land...

R.I.P. P'nut

What's next?!?

Do they come for your parrot just because your wife uses it as a background set piece for her Only Fans site?!?

Will Fido be targeted because you found him wandering in the wild and he happens to meanderthru her shoot unannounced???!!!

What about your pet goat??? On second thought, I imagine most would agree we can make an exception when it comes to allowing the state to euthanize those obnoxious, filthy animals at their leisure...😉...

This sort of thing needs to be stopped at the source!

Vote Republican (especially if you live in NY)...!


One guys fringe issue is another man's scathing polemic against injustice as he sees it...
Damn NY libs! They got Fred the Raccoon too! A pissed off Tic Toc Bitch in Texas was jealous Peanut had more views and called in fake bite.

Freaking Hitler democrats.

Edit: they cut off Peanuts head.
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I’m assuming squirrels are illegal to own as a pet in New York?

Send in the jackboots. Kill the thing. More government.
I'm surprised there's been no discourse regarding this travesty of justice yet by this august body of deep thinkers...

This case should, by itself, stand as a flaming warning as to what will happen if the jackbooted zealots of the DNC are allowed to gain near complete power throughout the land...

R.I.P. P'nut

What's next?!?

Do they come for your parrot just because your wife uses it as a background set piece for her Only Fans site?!?

Will Fido be targeted because you found him wandering in the wild and he happens to meanderthru her shoot unannounced???!!!

What about your pet goat??? On second thought, I imagine most would agree we can make an exception when it comes to allowing the state to euthanize those obnoxious, filthy animals at their leisure...😉...

This sort of thing needs to be stopped at the source!

Vote Republican (especially if you live in NY)...!


One guys fringe issue is another man's scathing polemic against injustice as he sees it...
Several points.

1. Heard about this Saturday from The Kid Down the Hall when we were in Indy to pick up his pup while he’s going to be traveling. I thought he was kidding until he showed us all the stuff on X, which was pretty damn funny.

2. I hate squirrels. They do a lot of damage. They’re just big rats, with big tails. They get in attics. In Georgia, they chew on porch/deck furniture and cushions. KILL ‘EM ALL.

3. Do this with deer, too. They destroy landscaping and kill drivers by running out on roads. They’re just even bigger rats.

4. Now, all that said, what in the world is a government doing wasting time on this? Too many people doing things that don’t need to be done. A complete waste of taxpayer money. Assuming this “department” has some legitimate purpose, get rid of the portion that is “tasked” with such important responsibilities.
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First they came for the pet deer, but I did not speak out - because I was not a deer.
Then they came for the pet racoon, but again I did not speak out - because I was not a racoon.
Then they came for the pet squirrel, still yet I did not speak out - because I was not a squirrel.
Then they for me - but there was no one left to speak for me.
A world where one cannot use the tragic murder of a pet to drive traffic to their Only Fans page is not a world I want to live in...
Why even rescue a baby squirrel if you can't use his execution to gain more paid subscribers to the site where you bang your wife on camera for strangers to jerk to?
Looks like the "Win it for P'nut & Fred" battle cry has put T over the top... 🇺🇸

Their sacrifice should not be forgotten...

Perhaps two small statues on the south lawn of the White House might be appropriate (where other squirrels and raccoons might be able to visit and reflect)...

You might take away our illegal furry pets but you'll Never Take Our FREEDOM !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸