What happens after the election?

And I’d suppose you cultists believe Orange Jesus is going to? He’ll save himself and that’s it. That’s why he’s running. To stay out of jail.
Jan 6 was a town hall meeting. Do you have a bunker? Jan 60th "the reunion tour", is going to be so much fun. Music, fireworks, wrestling. Gonna be epic. 4th of July and Jan60th will be in the history books for ever. You will eventually come around to the idea. Have you ever been on a wake board? If not, they can be exhausting. :)
To be certain, there will be protests, no matter who loses.


It stands to reason that a post-election protest will be much more energized and violent if the loser of the election claims to have been cheated and therefore REFUSES TO CONCEDE DEFEAT.

Only one side has a history of that.

I don't think we'd have a civil war, but the whining Auburn gravy seal scream team and their group of morons can be expected to do damage. Likely more than Jan 6th.
You should bring your big wheel so we can laugh at you. We don’t have a comedy bit yet piss pits
Don't have a big wheel but I have a Rans racing 2 wheel recumbent that I can easily cruise at over 25 mph on the flat, 45 mph off a hill. You couldn't even HOPE to keep up with me on anything lacking a motor. You'd be just the distant fatass fading from view in my mirror.
I love how you post without replying hoping to sneak it in lol. It’s in keeping with what a pussy you are and why men make you ride on the sidewalk piss pits.
A guy who doesn't know how to inflate a tire calls other people dumb. That's rich. You're dumb enough to be barely functional. No wonder the wife told you to take a hike. Unbelievable that she ever put up with your stench.
I have ride flats dummy. I dont drive old cars with 400,000 miles. And we’ve talked about this. You’re a nerd with piss pits. Swine is all you’ll ever attract. Put out the trough and she’s not goin anywhere.
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A guy who doesn't know how to inflate a tire calls other people dumb. That's rich. You're dumb enough to be barely functional. No wonder the wife told you to take a hike. Unbelievable that she ever put up with your stench.
Shitter. Remember. That pig you married. Get her something to chew on. She’ll grow tusks. Eat ya while you’re asleep
  • Haha
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My wife? The IU PhD who graduated Summa Cum Laude from Rice University, while also being homecoming queen as well as valedictorian in HS? A women who gets asked for autographs out in public because they confuse her with a well-known actress 20 years younger than her?

Don't project, just because you could only marry a pig, and then you turned her into a lesbian.
Stop. 🤣🤣🤣. Your posts have already painted the picture of the clown. No one attractive is going with a chemistry prof at some shitty school making peanuts who men make ride his big wheel on a sidewalk 🤣🤣🤣. I know bad fiction when I read it
My wife? The IU PhD who graduated Summa Cum Laude from Rice University, while also being homecoming queen as well as valedictorian in HS? A women who gets asked for autographs out in public because they confuse her with a well-known actress 20 years younger than her?

Don't project, just because you could only marry a pig, and then you turned her into a lesbian.
Anything in a two piece?
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Bbb went belly up under bidenomics brother. It was a staple for us
BBB went all woke and discontinued all of the 'My Pillow' branded merchandise, as their contribution to corporate level virtue signaling. The resulting boycott by My Pillow brand consumers was their self-inflicted death stroke.
  • Wow
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