What’s wrong with people?

Appreciate the link to this Swedish study.

After a quick reading, the control group of comparison seems to be the general population.

The latest study's that show dramatic decreases in suicide rates compared to general trans suicide rates, not the general population.

Secondly this is considering those who have had actual sex reassignment surgery vs those going through a gender affirming care program which for most cases is supposedly just counseling (as I have ZERO experience of this while also acknowledging that this is an extremely small sample size).

Here's the conclusion:


Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.
Here’s an article that just popped up in my feed:

Again, this issue is a difficult one from many angles.
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That guy is living one of my recurring nightmares - being in public in my underwear (sans bra).

I'm sure there is a psychiatrist on the board who can interpret that dream.
You forgot the clutch...I was like, maybe its Louis V.
And that's fine. My original point (I hate to keep using that phrase) was simply that we need to be honest about this. If we think that transgender identity is inherently disordered, then let's say that. Let's not dress it up as teachers trying to infringe upon the rights of parents, because clearly that's not what the issue actually is. That's all.
We (society)have said that for decades. It’s called gender dysphoria. The left is pushing to ignore that and promote a narrative without any scientific basis other than “acceptance”.
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I’m not listening , but many if not most children exhibit very early signs. Not saying that puberty blockers should be given to very young children, but what makes you think the parents are the ones encouraging this? The strange fascination with a very small percentage of the population by the right is very curious.
yes, I agree.

If this is a factually accurate, I too think that there should be WAY MORE than just a small percentage of the population concerned by this.
Here’s one a bit more recent but just as ridiculous.

“Bearded man smashes women’s weightlifting record held by trans lifter”

Apparently she “identifies” as a woman now. And there’s nothing they can do.

I think he was actively protesting the rule that says, if a person identifies as a female, she is eligible to compete, without any other proof of transition status. That he was allowed to compete shows how poorly that rule was constructed.
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There’s no reasoning with people like that.

Soul of America indeed.

Bidens America.
This has become the most ridiculous thing imaginable. If I were to tell you even 10 yrs ago the sh*t that would be going on today. So this is really the top issue to be dealing with. It shouldn't even be an issue. If you have a penis attached to your body you are a MALE. If you keep one in a jar on your nightstand that used to be attached to you, you are still a male. There shouldnt be any kind of differentiation for competing in sports. If you want to do whatever that doesn't directly affect other people and are of legal age then fine do it. I woke up to the top 2 stories on the news this morning about transgender issues.

The entire world is laughing at us.
We (society)have said that for decades. It’s called gender dysphoria. The left is pushing to ignore that and promote a narrative without any scientific basis other than “acceptance”.
The tranny lunacy is one of the two reasons (along with their rabid environmentalism/ anti-nuclear stance) why I will never vote Democrat no matter how much I also hate Trump. I’d just abstain/write in a cartoon or book character
The tranny lunacy is one of the two reasons (along with their rabid environmentalism/ anti-nuclear stance) why I will never vote Democrat no matter how much I also hate Trump. I’d just abstain/write in a cartoon or book character
That is what the dems are doing. Calling the current president these fools voted for a cartoon is being kind
I don’t know. Now the trannies armed. It’s not going to be as easier as before. We waited too long. Now we have a massive problem on our hands
You know what...I met with a bunch of buddies today in my friends front yard which we do during spring, summer, and fall. We talked about all kinds of stuff. This Riley Gaines issue came up, and one of my good friends, a heart doctor, told me he was as liberal as they come. BUT, he also said he draws the line at this, men competing in women's sports. I told him my stance on trans (the bible) he is an admitted atheist. We like one another and had a discussion. A good discussion. When we finished he said man most people get sh!tty and start yelling. We just discussed.

I wanna hear others stances and so does he. Why do you think the way you think. We both cook and grill out as we have a neighborhood smoker event every year. We've agreed to have further discussions about our views. Thats all you can do is learn from one another, but with respect. Anyways this men competing in women's sports is whacked. It needs to end!
You know what...I met with a bunch of buddies today in my friends front yard which we do during spring, summer, and fall. We talked about all kinds of stuff. This Riley Gaines issue came up, and one of my good friends, a heart doctor, told me he was as liberal as they come. BUT, he also said he draws the line at this, men competing in women's sports. I told him my stance on trans (the bible) he is an admitted atheist. We like one another and had a discussion. A good discussion. When we finished he said man most people get sh!tty and start yelling. We just discussed.

I wanna hear others stances and so does he. Why do you think the way you think. We both cook and grill out as we have a neighborhood smoker event every year. We've agreed to have further discussions about our views. Thats all you can do is learn from one another, but with respect. Anyways this men competing in women's sports is whacked. It needs to end!
Glad you have disussions. Mine doesn't come from religion at all but it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. When it was kind of a thing that a few good girl's soccer players could kick XP in HS football? Did they have an advantage? It was for some attention and the girls weren't saying they were guys so no big deal. Hey if a girl did kickoffs and got trucked ? It comes with it. Why is it in swimming? Imagine even Priller if he said he is a woman? Was he 6-10? playing womens basketball? We have people on here defending this crap?
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Here’s one a bit more recent but just as ridiculous.

“Bearded man smashes women’s weightlifting record held by trans lifter”

Apparently she “identifies” as a woman now. And there’s nothing they can do.

And that was a dude trolling, in Canada.

I will say that after bitching about women's sports and title 9 back in the day (they don't make any money! No one gives a rats ass about women's sports! The WNBA, lmfao!!!) conservatives are defending them to the death now.

Funny thing is most people, even libs, don't disagree but feel it should be policed by the sport, not codified in the legislative branches.

You guys are waaaay too easy to tilt and fall for scams.
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And that was a dude trolling, in Canada.

I will say that after bitching about women's sports and title 9 back in the day (they don't make any money! No one gives a rats ass about women's sports! The WNBA, lmfao!!!) conservatives are defending them to the death now.

Funny thing is most people, even libs, don't disagree but feel it should be policed by the sport, not codified in the legislative branches.

You guys are waaaay to easy to tilt.
OMG , you go off on a bug in your liberal potato salad but think normal people that see men competing in women's sports is no big deal? Really this is your stance on this? First thing on yesterdays news was the federal government and Biden responding to this in various ways . But you don't care about what they should really be dealing with.

You are right in one point everyday people see this as BS but the government got involved and turns it into a circus.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to easy to tilt? Seriously that is your stance? So let them govern it. Do you really think left to their own that womens sports want people with penis's competing against biological women?
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Funny thing is most people, even libs, don't disagree but feel it should be policed by the sport, not codified in the legislative branches.
This is what I said long ago when this first started being discussed here. I'm sympathetic to the idea that cis women (that is, women born women, or genetic women, or whatever you want to call them) want to have some spaces reserved for them, and sports makes sense as one of those places. But I don't think we need a bunch of male legislators coming in to rescue them. Women's sports should be regulated by women. Put the women in charge, let them decide how to handle this, and then accept it, whatever they decide.
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This is what I said long ago when this first started being discussed here. I'm sympathetic to the idea that cis women (that is, women born women, or genetic women, or whatever you want to call them) want to have some spaces reserved for them, and sports makes sense as one of those places. But I don't think we need a bunch of male legislators coming in to rescue them. Women's sports should be regulated by women. Put the women in charge, let them decide how to handle this, and then accept it, whatever they decide.
Are you paying attention to this? That isnt what is happening the Govt is getting involved in it by their own doing. My whole point is that this is really what the Govt needs to be doing vs all of the other issues? Great pass a law that its women in charge and the Govt is out of it but there will be lawsuits like anything else someone can get money from.
They prolly read his texts and tweets
This shouldn't even be a question that could go to court. If you have a penis you are a male. at 21 or 18 if you want to cut it off fine but you are still a male in areas like competition. Remember the big controversy was E German woman on drugs in the olympics that looked like men? Now in this country we have actual men competing and its OK?
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Are you paying attention to this? That isnt what is happening the Govt is getting involved in it by their own doing. My whole point is that this is really what the Govt needs to be doing vs all of the other issues? Great pass a law that its women in charge and the Govt is out of it but there will be lawsuits like anything else someone can get money from.
As far as I can tell, the only way the government is getting involved is by passing laws restricting trans participation. I'm saying I'm fine with restricting trans participation, but I want to see that decision come from the sports' governing bodies, not from the legislatures. We basically invented women's sports as a way to give women a safe space to compete apart from men. So, since we created that safe space for the women, let's let the women decide how best to regulate it.
OMG , you go off on a bug in your liberal potato salad but think normal people that see men competing in women's sports is no big deal? Really this is your stance on this? First thing on yesterdays news was the federal government and Biden responding to this in various ways . But you don't care about what they should really be dealing with.

You are right in one point everyday people see this as BS but the government got involved and turns it into a circus.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to easy to tilt? Seriously that is your stance? So let them govern it. Do you really think left to their own that womens sports want people with penis's competing against biological women?
No I think, like Goat said above, that the sports organizations should be regulating this, not the legislative.

Because there aren't a lot of trans athletes to be honest and you guys hyperventilating and being so easily triggered by the internet (because I strongly doubt anyone here has actually delt with this, you've just seen stuff on the interwebs) are just going to increase the amount of bad actors going viral and pretending to be trans to get a this weightlifter guy in Canada (to be fair, the troll supposedly just had to say he was a trans woman which is dumb as hell to compete)

This is going to turn into the VAERS database, where it was a place for people taking drugs to honestly report side effects until the right wing narrative drivers put in a bunch of fake reports and then pointed to it as proof that the vaccine was doing it's mass destruction.

Right now I could dress up, Milton Berle style and go to a park and have my GF film me being creepy towards kids...she could post it with fake disgust and it would probably get forwarded and seen 50 million times by the end of this weekend as proof of how trans are sexual beasts that need to be eradicated!!!
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No I think, like Goat said above, that the sports organizations should be regulating this, not the legislative.

Because there aren't a lot of trans athletes to be honest and you guys hyperventilating and being so easily triggered by the internet (because I strongly doubt anyone here has actually delt with this, you've just seen stuff on the interwebs) are just going to increase the amount of bad actors going viral and pretending to be trans to get a this weightlifter guy in Canada (to be fair, the troll supposedly just had to say he was a trans woman which is dumb as hell to compete)

This is going to turn into the VAERS database, where it was a place for people taking drugs to honestly report side effects until the right wing narrative drivers put in a bunch of fake reports and then pointed to it as proof that the vaccine was doing it's mass destruction.

Right now I could dress up, Milton Berle style and go to a park and have my GF film me being creepy towards kids...she could post it with fake disgust and it would probably get forwarded and seen 50 million times by the end of this weekend as proof of how trans are sexual beasts that need to be eradicated!!!
You need serious help. No I am not being a smart ass.

How many world class athletes do you know? Ok so by your thoughts only people that have direct contact with anything in general the Govt decides to get involved with dare have an opinion? My god this is so ridiculous! What are you even trying to say? A MAN with a PENIS still attached just won an NCAA championship over a world class WOMAN who was born with a VAGINA but because he thinks he is a woman even though when he competed as a man was a nobody.

I have watched this country literally completely go off the rails and this is what people are talking about. So lets just use Uncle Milty and his comedy . I never got it but whatever it was still a totally different thing. So if a white person decided to put on black face now and say they are black you are OK with that as well? The best thing I see about this is leftist showing the world how incredibly stupid they are without even any help.

So in a sense you say you agree so why is Govt involved. Do you know the difference between a man and a woman? Have you ever even seen any pictures?
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You need serious help. No I am not being a smart ass.

How many world class athletes do you know? Ok so by your thoughts only people that have direct contact with anything in general the Govt decides to get involved with dare have an opinion? My god this is so ridiculous! What are you even trying to say? A MAN with a PENIS still attached just won an NCAA championship over a world class WOMAN who was born with a VAGINA but because he thinks he is a woman even though when he competed as a man was a nobody.

I have watched this country literally completely go off the rails and this is what people are talking about. So lets just use Uncle Milty and his comedy . I never got it but whatever it was still a totally different thing. So if a white person decided to put on black face now and say they are black you are OK with that as well? The best thing I see about this is leftist showing the world how incredibly stupid they are without even any help.

So in a sense you say you agree so why is Govt involved. Do you know the difference between a man and a woman? Have you ever even seen any pictures?
Cray literally in this thread were two examples that led the standard mean spirited rhetoric.....and both were incorrect.

You got all worked up over bullshit. Which is happening at a higher frequency because the right is soooo amped up for something the majority of them have never experienced.

Instead of going 'aw shit yeah I reacted to some bullshit, my bad' you just f it I'm plowing ahead spewing your venom.

Seriously read you and your friends posts sometime on this topic. Pay attention to the tone. It's ugly. Really ugly. Like scary ugly. There's a real hate brewing there.

This is a recent thing also. I don't remember the invective language at this level even five years ago.

I do know that Rufo, after finding success with CRT, moved on to pushing trans hate narratives so yeah, I think there is a direct opportunistic intent to play off the fire hot hatred for a group you know probably isn't going to fight back with violence, one who I never ever really considered or bothered with before but now because of you guys losing your shit and getting ugly mean about I've been forced to learn and defend these mean spirited attacks.

And f off on this 'the country is going to hell' bs. You sound like my Papa Trent who was a bible thumper and aggressively kept telling me that the rapture was coming soon in his lifetime to separate the sinners from the saints. Aids was sent by God as a sign and to get rid of the queers as the country has been taken over by Godless, evil spirits and is crumbling away in its decadence.

That was mid 80's.

He died in the mid 90's.

I guess he was wrong about the rapture wasn't he and about the country going to hell.

Too bad, he could have maybe enjoyed his life more instead of falling for bullshit.
The way I see it, a big problem with this country is people can't dial it in and focus on their own problems and fixing their shitty life. Instead of focusing on what they can try to control they have to latch on to a cause because they seek validation and want to feel good about themselves.

For example, IDGAF about trans people or their movement. I dont know any and none have bothered me. I haven't seen any of them swinging from trees or dragged behind cars so what are they bitching about anyway?
I don't care they attempt suicide at higher rates, I don't care about their perceived problems. Their problem not mine. I'm not a therapist so I cant help them. I do hope they can find help or inner peace.

I have my own shit to deal with. My own goals to focus on. As long as they leave me alone they can do what the **** they want. If someone is bothered by them, then once again, their problem not mine. Stay out of my lane and we're good.

As far as what's wrong with the world, George Carlin was right.

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