OK. I'm not sure what you are arguing. Feel free to prosecute Biden for it. I am for it. If it happens, Biden will get his day in court and he will be found innocent or guilty. I have no problem with that. What you wont see me doing is creating a narrative that somehow these documents were secretly stashed in those locations by the DOJ in order to "get" Biden.I don't really care if the ghost write admitted it or not. That's immaterial. What's material is that Biden showed it to him. The same thing Trump is accused of.
You don't know China gave money to Biden Centers at UPenn and U of Delaware, where he kept some of his classified documents? Lemme help you out.
Analysis from the Government Accountability Institute analysis found that the University of Delaware received more than $6.7 million in secret Chinese donations, including direct funding from the Chinese government, after President Biden set up a program there in his name.
Reports of Chinese donations to second Biden-linked university prompt new calls for investigation: 'Absurd'
A new analysis found that the University of Delaware and University of Pennsylvania received millions from Chinese donors after establishing centers in the president's name.www.foxnews.com
Remember when 'sources' were claiming Trump gave classified info to the Russians?
Link to sources claiming Trump gave documents from Mar-a-Lago to the Russians (I did a quick search and didn't find anything)? I remember people here saying that they thought Trump might sell them to the Russians at a later date, but nothing indicating that they believed he actually did. There was a White House meeting in 2017 between Trump and Russians where allegedly Trump related classified info in the meeting. As far as I know though, Trump has not been charged for anything related to that.
If you can find some kind of evidence that China somehow had access to the classified documents, I will more than happily review the information and give you an opinion on it.